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Phasal verb

Act out = to perform a story (representar)

Ask out = to invite somebody (invitar)

Blown out = to stop a flame (soplar)

Bring up = to introduce something (sacar un tema)

Burn off = to remove by burning (quemar)

Calm down = to be calm (calmarse)

Carry on = to continue doing (continuar)

Cheer up = to stop feeling sad (animar)

Come back = to return (regresar)

Come up = to occur (subir/desplazarse)

Cut out = to cut (separar)

Do over = to so something again (rehacer)

Do up = to repair something (abrochar)

Drive off = to go away (explusar)

Drop out = to quit a course (abandonar)

Eat up = to eat all of something (comer hasta)

End up = to do something unplanned (terminar)

Fall down = to fall (caer)

Figure out = to understand (descubir)

Fill up = to make full (llenar)

Find out = to discover (averiguar / descubrir)

Focus on = to concentrate (concentrase)

Get along = to have a good relationship (llevarse bien)

Get on = to enter a bus, etc. (subirse)

Get over = to recover from something (superarlo)

Give up = to stop trying (abandoner/rendirse)

Go off = to stop being on (dejar)

Go on = to start working (seguir)

Hang on = to wait (aguantar)

Hang out = to spend time (pasar el rato)

Keep from = to remove something (ocultar)

Keep up = to do the same as somebody (mantener / seguir)

Listen up = to listen carefully (escuchar cuidadosamente)

Lock up = to lock something (encerrar/cerrar algo)

Look for = to search (buscar)

Look into = to investigate (investigar)

Make up = to compensate (comprensar)

Mix up = to get confused (confundirse)

Pass out = to became unconscious (perder el conocimiento)

Pick out = to choose something (elegir algo)

Pick up = to collect somebody (recoger a alguien)

Point out = to make somebody aware (señalar/concienciar a alguien)

Put off = to postpone (posponer)

Read on = to continue reading (seguir leyendo)

Run into = to meet by chance (encontrase por causalidad)

Run out = to have used of all (haberse acabado)

See off = to say goodbye (despedirse)

Set up = to make something ready (preparar algo)

Slip on = to put on clothes (ponerse la ropa)

Take back = to return something (devolver algo)

Take care = to look after (cuidar)

Take out = to take food away (llevar comida)

Take over = to get control (tomar el control)

Throw away = to get rid something (deshacerse de algo)

Turn down = to not accept (no aceptar)

Turn into = to become (convertirse)

Warm up = to exercise before a sport (calentamiento)

Work out = to exercise (hacer ejercicio)

Write down = to make notes (tomar notas)


Affordable = not too expensive (asequible)

Almost = nearly (casi)

Along = moving forward (a lo largo de / avanzar)

Apology = an expression of regret (disculpa)

Approach = a way of doing something (enfoque/una forma de hacer algo)

Background = past events (antecedents/acontecimientos pasados)

Be worth = to be useful to do (merecer la pena)

Believable = possible to believe (creíble)

Bother = to worry or upset (molestar)

Boycott = to not participate (boicotear/no participar)

Brag = to talk proudly about achievements (alardear)

Budget = money available to spend (presupuesto/dinero disponible para gastar)

Chipped = with a small piece broken off (con un pequeño trozo roto)

Claim = to say that something is true (decir que algo es cierto)

Clutter = being untidy (desorden)

Concern = a feeling of worry (preocupación)

Counselor = somebody who supports with problems (alguien que ayuda con los

Crack = a line where something is breaking (grieta)

Damage = harm or injury (daño)

Decline = to refuse something (declinar)

Demanding = requiring a lot of effort (exigente/demandante)

Dented = something has been pushed in (empujar algo adentro)

Deplete = to reduce something (agotar)

Egotistical = making feel confident (egoísta)

Embarrassed = feeling ashamed (averconzado)

Endless = never seeming to stop (interminable)

Entrepreneur = somebody who invest in business (emprendedor)

Expect = to think something will happen (esperar/pensar que algo sucederá)

Favor = something you do to help (favor)

Gain = to increase in something (ganar)

Greet = to say hello to someone (saludo)

Handle = to deal with something (ocuparse de algo)

Handshake = shaking hands as a greeting (apretón de manos)

Highlight = to make clear that something is important (destacar)

Homeless = having no home to live in (sin hogar)

Homesick = missing your home (nostalgia)

Hug = to put your arms around somebody (abrazo)

Inaccurate = not correct or exact (inexacto)

Internship = a position working as an intern (trabajo en prácticas)

Involve = to consist of or include (involucrar)

Jam = to become blocked and unable (quedarse bloquedo)

Keep = to hold or retain (conserver/mantener)

Lack = when there is not enough (falta)

Lead = to control a group (liderar)

Leak = to come out through a crack (fuga)

Livestock = farm animals (animales de granja)

Lose = to not able to find somebody or something (perder)

Low-income = not earning much money (no ganar mucho dinero)

Manage = to do successfully (gestionar)

Marriage = the legal relationship of two people (matrimonio)

Matter = a subject or topic (asunto o tema)

Mishap = an unlucky accident (un accidente desafortunado)

Moody = becoming sad or bad-tempered (de mal humor)

Offer = to give or provide something (ofrecer)

Outbreak = the start of something unpleasant (comenzar algo desagradable)

Outsider = somebody who is not accepted (alguien que no es aceptado)

Outspoken = expressing opinions directly (expresar opiniones directamente)

Owe = to have a duty to do (tener un deber que cumplir)

Pamphlet = a thin paper book (libro de papel fino)

Perk = an advantage because of you job (una ventaja debido a su trabajo)

Picky = very difficult t please (quisquilloso)

Picture = to imagine something (imaginar algo)

Pitcher = a container for liquids (recipiente para líquidos)

Poisonous = containing poison (que contiene veneno)

Poverty = being very poor (pobreza)

Predictable = unsurprising (previsible)

Purchase = to buy something (compra)

Pursue = to try to achieve (perseguir/intentar algo)

Puzzling = difficult to understand (enigmático)

Receive = to be give something (recibir)

Refund = money that is given back (dinero que se devuelve)

Scratch = a slight cut (rasguño)

Self-confidence = the belief that you are good (confianza en uno mismo)

Sensitive = easily worried (sensible)

Several = more than a few (varios)

Shelter = a place that protects you (refugio)

Sitcom = funny series of TV shows (situación de comedia)

Soil = the top of earth that plants grow in (suelo)

Split = to divide something (divider algo)

Stain = a dirty mark on something (mancha)

Stingy = not generous (tacaño)

Stockbroker = somebody who invests money (alguien que invierte dinero)

Straightforward = easy to understand (fácil de entender)

Sudden = happening quickly (repentino)

Surrounding = around a place (entorno)

Tenant = somebody who rents property (inquilino)

Threaten = to use threats to try somebody do something (amenazar)

Throwaway = to be destroyed after use (tirar)

Tip = to give an extra money (propina)

Train = to learn the skills you need (entrenar)

Treat = to behave somebody in a particular way (tratar a alaguien de una manera particular)

Triumph = an important success (triunfo)

Trustworthy = able to be trusted with confidence (digno de confianza)

Uncertain = not sure about something (incierto)

Understandable = easy to understand (comprensible)

Unexpected = not predicted (inesperado)

Volunteer = to offer to do something (voluntario)

While = during the time that (mientras)

Worry = to feel anxious or nervous (preocuparse)

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