SER To Be (Irregular Verb) : It Is Used To Imply Permanent and Inherent Condition

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SER = to be (irregular verb)

It is used to imply permanent and inherent condition.

Singular Plural
1st Yo soy – I am Nosotros, as somos – we are
2nd Tu eres – you are (familiar) Vosotros, as sois – you are (familiar)
2nd Usted es – you are (formal) Ustedes son– you are (formal)
3rd El/Ella es – he/she is Ellos/Ellas son – they are

1. Yo soy guapo. I am handsome. 5. Nosotros somos fuertes. – We are strong

2. Tu eres listo. – You are clever. 6. Vosotros sois atentos. – You are attentive
3. Usted es fiel. – You are faithful. 7. Ustedes son Buenos. – You are good.
4. El es activo. He is active. 8. Ellas son guapas. – They are pretty.
ESTAR = to be (irregular verb)
It is used to imply temporary conditions: state of health, feelings, and emotions.
Singular Plural
1st Yo estoy – I am Nosotros, as estamos – we are
2nd Tu estas – you are (familiar) Vosotros, as estais – you are (familiar)
2nd Usted esta – you are (formal) Ustedes estan– you are (formal)
3rd El/Ella esta – he/she is Ellos/Ellas estan – they are
1. Yo estoy alegre. – I am happy.
2. Tu estas joven. – You are young.
3. Usted esta triste. – You are sad.
4. Ella esta perezoso. – She is lazy.
5. Nosotros estamos bien de salud. – We are healthy.
6. Vosotros estais torcidos. – You are crooked.
7. Ustedes estan pobres. – You are poor.
8. Ellas estan enfermas. – They are sick.

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