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Old Testament Unit 8: Judges and Ruth Lesson 2: God Helped Gideon to be Courageous Hour A

Bible Story:
God’s Unfolding Story Suggested
God Helped Gideon 1. God created everything. Schedule:
to be Courageous Arrival
(Judges 6–7) 2. People disobeyed God. Centers – 25 minutes
Bible Phrase: Clean-up Time – 5 minutes
“‘Not by strength or by might, 3. God chose a special people. Bible Story Time – 15 minutes
but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord” Craft Time – 10 minutes
(Zechariah 4:6). 4. God sent Jesus to help us. Snack Time – 10 minutes
Bible Truth: God will Game Time/Dismissal
give me courage when 5. Jesus began the Church.
I am afraid.
6. Jesus is preparing heaven for us.

Unfolding God’s Story for Teachers once again was encouraged to move forward. He assumed he would march into
Our story today is an example of how God can give us courage despite our fears. battle with these troops, but God wanted to make sure Gideon recognized victory
When we acknowledge our doubts and uncertainties and submit to His Lordship, came from Him alone. God reduced Gideon’s army in order for Gideon to know
God is able to do powerful and mighty things though us. that victory comes, “‘Not by strength or by might, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD”
Judges 6:1-2 tells us that because God’s people did evil in His sight, “the LORD (Zech. 4:6). With no swords or spears—just trumpets, torches, jars, and shouts—
handed them over to Midian for seven years, and they oppressed Israel.” Here we God used a once fearful Gideon to courageously lead a tiny army to victory. The
see the cycle of sin and judgment. God did not immediately swoop down and relieve glory and honor went to God!
oppression when He heard His people’s cries. Instead He sent a prophet to remind We all face battles, yet if the cause be righteous, we are God’s “warriors.” Our
them of His past faithfulness and to underscore their defiance and its consequences. own strength and ingenuity will fail us. We must understand this without cowering
God later moved to deliver Israel through Gideon. God’s angel appeared to in fear. Instead, we go forth in the presence of God.
Gideon as he was threshing wheat. His greeting, “The LORD is with you, mighty *W. Gary Phillips, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Vol. 5: Judges, Ruth,
(Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 2004), 97.
warrior,” had little effect on Gideon. He did not see himself as God saw him
and even questioned God’s presence because of the current state of Israel. God Lesson Plan
directed Gideon to deliver Israel, but Gideon offered excuses. He saw himself as
the youngest of a weak clan, but the angel persisted and promised God’s presence.
• Greet children at eye level and express how happy
He wanted Gideon to realize that, as one commentator put it, “The effectiveness of
you are to see them.
the Lord’s deliverance does not depend upon the ability of the human deliverer.”*
Because Gideon was not there yet in his journey of faith, he needed a sign. God
• Be sure each child has a name tag and the security
sent fire from heaven to consume Gideon’s offering. Instead of assuring Gideon measures of your church are followed.
of God’s presence, however, the incident terrified him. Again in His grace, God • Label all coats and personal belongings. Strongly
communicated His peace, and finally Gideon was ready to step out in faith. encourage children who have brought items from
God told Gideon to take the hard yet necessary step of ridding his own backyard home, such as toys and books, to place them on a
of idols. Though he faced death threats from whose worship centers he destroyed, shelf while they are working with other materials.
God protected him. Gideon moved ahead and in the strength of the Holy Spirit Assure children their items will be safe and they
gathered an army. Even though he was surrounded by thousands of soldiers as can take them home at the end of the session.
well as the Lord’s presence, Gideon grew apprehensive again. Twice at Gideon’s • Help each child make a choice where he or she
request, God used a fleece to give Gideon a sign, so the reluctant military leader would like to begin his or her Center Time.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 - OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Page 1
Home Living Center:
Role Play
Center Time Art Center:
Drawing with Chalk

Supplies: • Black construction paper

• Small rocking chair, sink and stove • Colored chalk
unit and small table and chairs; plastic • Small cups for water
dishes, child pots and pans; pretend What to Do: Invite children to draw a picture
food items; doll, doll bed, and doll with the chalk. To reduce the chalk dust, you can
accessories provide small cups of water to dip the chalk in
before drawing.
What to Do: Home living items naturally
Link to the Bible Story: As preschoolers draw, talk
encourage children to act out roles and about Gideon and his army from today’s Bible
activities they observe at home. Bible Learning Center: story. Explain that God thought Gideon’s army
Link to the Bible Story: As you observe Dot to Dot was too large, so he gave the men a test. He
preschoolers working and playing together, Supplies: asked Gideon to take them to the river for
listen for opportunities to connect their • Copies of Activity Page: Dot to Dot, “A Jar, a a drink of water. God told Gideon if a man
conversations to the Bible story, Bible Torch, and a Trumpet” (Reproducible) drank by scooping up some water in his
truth, or Bible Phrase. • Washable markers or crayons hand and then lapping it from his hand
What to Do: Preschoolers should be directed to connect could be in Gideon’s army, but if a man
the dots to reveal objects from the Bible story. bent down and drank right from the
Link to the Bible Story: As children work on this activity, talk river, he could not.
about the Bible story. Express that God chose a young man
named Gideon to lead an army to fight the Israelites’ enemy. God
told Gideon He would help the Israelites win. As the objects are
Puzzle Center: revealed, talk about how they were used in the Bible story.
For instance: “God told Gideon to give each soldier a
Block Center:
Work Puzzles Build with Blocks
Supplies: jar, a torch, and a trumpet. The men were to blow the
• Offer a variety of non-fantasy trumpets, break the jars, lift up the torches, and shout.
• Wooden blocks
wooden or cardboard puzzles for God used the noise and the lights to scare the
What to Do: Provide a small carpet
children to work. enemy, making it possible for Israel to win the
if possible. Blocks are best located in a
• Small basket or box battle.”
corner of the room away from the traffic
What to Do: Empty the puzzle pieces of flow.
two different puzzles into a small basket Link to the Bible Story: As preschoolers
or box. Place the basket between the empty build with blocks, use teachable moments to
puzzle trays. Invite each of two preschoolers share the Bible Phrase, Bible truth, or a portion
to choose a puzzle piece and decide in which of the Bible story.
puzzle tray it will fit. Encourage preschoolers
to take turns. Affirm children as they work
together to complete the puzzles.
Link to the Bible Story: As children work,
look for opportunities in conversation to
say the Bible phrase or to briefly tell the
Bible story.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 - OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Page 2
Clean-up Time
Encourage “Have you ever been afraid to do something hands and drank it from their hands as a dog would
preschoolers to but did it even though you were afraid? [Allow drink water with its tongue. God told Gideon to take
for responses, but keep the dialogue on track.] only those men who drank from their hands. There
help at clean-up time.
How were you able to have the courage to were only 300! Gideon was really frightened. How
Assign specific tasks for could he win a battle with only 300 men? The enemy
preschoolers to do such as do what you needed to do? In our Bible story
had hundreds and hundreds of soldiers. God helped
today, God asked a young man named Gideon
placing all the crayons in the Gideon to not be afraid. He assured him that he would
to do something he was afraid to try. Listen to win the battle.
basket, throwing away the trash, hear how God helped Gideon have courage.” What did God have in mind? Gideon and his
gathering all the glue sticks,
men would circle the enemy camp during the night
etc. Guide children to the Bible Story carrying torches, jars, and trumpets. When Gideon
Bible Story Time area. God Helped Gideon to be Courageous gave the command, they would blow their trumpets,
(Judges 6–7) break their jars, lift their torches, and then shout as
The Israelites had disobeyed God and were being loud as they could. When they did these things, the

Bible Story ruled by another king. This was not God’s perfect noise and lights confused the men in the enemy
camp so much that that they started fighting each
plan for His people, but His people had disobeyed
Him. The country that ruled over them destroyed other! The Israelites won the battle! God gave
their crops and took their cattle and sheep. The Gideon courage, and God caused his army to win.
Supplies: Bible
people had become very poor and were living in The soldiers did not even bring a sword.
• Teaching Picture: “God
Helped Gideon to be the caves of the mountains to protect themselves.
Courageous” (Reproducible) The Israelites prayed and asked for help. Even Talk Time
• God’s Unfolding Story Cube though they had disobeyed, God loved them and 1. Show the teaching picture for today’s Bible story.
(Reproducible/Cardstock) wanted to help. Review by using these or similar questions. “Why
God’s helper would be a young man named Gideon. were God’s people in trouble? How was the king
One day Gideon was outside his home working. treating the Israelites? How did Gideon feel when
Gideon was the youngest boy in his family. An angel of the angel asked him to fight the enemy? What
the Lord came and said to Gideon, “The Lord is with was one way God gave Gideon courage? How did
you, mighty warrior.” The angel told him to go and God help His people win the battle?”
Introduction deliver Israel from the enemy, but Gideon did not feel
• Show the God’s Unfolding Story Cube. like a warrior at all. He felt afraid. He told the angel he 2. Read the Bible phrase on the teaching picture.
Express to the boys and girls that even though was the youngest of his family and he could not go. Say the phrase together, “‘Not by strength or by
we find many stories in the Bible, the Bible The angel told Gideon that God would be with him might, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord” (Zechariah
really tells one big story, and all the little stories and he would be able to defeat the enemy. 4:6). Explain to the children that in today’s Bible
are a part of the big one we can call God’s Gideon obeyed, and God helped him to gather an story, the battle was not won by Gideon’s or his
Unfolding Story. Tell children that each picture army, but the army was bigger than God thought it army’s strength or might, but by God’s power. God
represents a chapter in God’s Unfolding Story. should be. God told Gideon to send anyone home wanted Gideon to know He was his strength and
Turn the cube and talk about each part of the who might be too afraid. Lots of men went home. After power. Gideon could have courage because God
story. (Refer to page 1.) Express that every that, Gideon thought God was ready for them to go was with him.
to battle, but then God told him he still had too many
story from the Bible is from one of these main 3. Close the Bible Story Time by inviting children
soldiers. He asked Gideon to take the men to the river
chapters. Today’s story is from the third one, to get water. Some men bent down and drank water to join you in prayer. Pray, thanking God that He
God chose a special people. right from the river; others got some water in their gives strength and courage to do what is right.
• Express the following in your own words.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 - OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Page 3
Craft Time: Bible Story Puzzle Sticks
• Copies of “Bible Story Puzzle Sticks” • Wide craft sticks – (6 per child)
(Reproducible, 1 copy for every 2 • Glue sticks
children, cardstock recommended) • Something to hold puzzle sticks
• Crayons or markers, children’s such as an envelope, plastic bag, or
scissors teacher-made paper envelope
What to Do: Cut around the outside of each puzzle square but allow the Snack Time
children to cut apart their puzzle sticks. Invite children to color the picture,
Be sure to wash hands or use
then to cut along the dotted lines. Demonstrate how to glue each puzzle
piece to a craft stick. Suggest to children that they mix up their puzzle sticks hand sanitizer. Say a thank-you
and practice putting the puzzle back together. Place puzzle sticks in a bag or prayer to God for the snack.
envelope to carry home. When snack time has ended,
Link to the Bible Story: Ask children to tell their favorite part of the Bible encourage preschoolers to
story. Talk about times when we need courage. Say the Bible Phrase together help with cleaning up.
and remind children that God can give them the courage they need in times
we are afraid.

Game Time / Dismissal: Follow the Cube

Supplies: “Follow the Cube” – (Reproducible, cardstock recommended)
What to Do: Cut out the cube and fold on the lines to make a box. Secure with tape.
The pictures on the cube represent the following actions:
The trumpet—Blow your pretend trumpet The face with the open mouth—
four times. Shout “Amen” 3 times.
The Bible—Say the Bible Phrase, “‘Not by The jar—Break your pretend jar by clapping loudly.
strength or by might, but by My Spirit,’ says The footprints—March in place.
the Lord” Zechariah 4:6). The torch—Wave your pretend torch in the air.
Invite children to sit in a circle in the Game Time area. Show the pictures on the
cube to the children and explain the action that goes with each picture. Practice
the actions. Select a child to begin the game by throwing the cube. He or she
should perform the action represented in the picture. Allow each child to have a
turn to roll the cube. The faster the cube is rolled, the more fun the activity.
At the close of the game, talk about how God used the breaking of the jars, the
shouts, the trumpets, and the torches to confuse the enemies of the Israelites
and to help His people win the battle.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 - OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Page 4
Hour A

Resources and Supplies Old Testament Unit 8: Judges and Ruth

Lesson 2: God Helped Gideon to be Courageous

Standard Art Supplies Standard Equipment

(Supplies that are generally in the room) (Equipment that is generally in the room)
Washable markers Bible
Crayons Small beanbag for Bible Story Time
Child scissors Assorted wooden/cardboard puzzles
Playdough and accessories Set of wooden blocks
Drawing paper Small cars and trucks
Easel (optional) Doll bed
Glue/glue sticks Baby doll (soft plastic)
Tempera paint, 4 colors Stove/sink unit
Tape/masking tape Play dishes/pots and pans
Pencils/colored pencils Small table and chairs
Hole punch Small carpet for block area
Teacher scissors Play food items
Stapler/staples Storage shelf for blocks
Permanent markers Tables and chairs for art, puzzles,
Watercolors and Bible Learning Center
Paintbrushes CD player/Children’s Worship CDs

(Included with the lesson plan downloads)
Activity Page: Dot to Dot, “A Jar, A Torch, and a Trumpet” (1 copy per child)
“Bible Story Puzzle Sticks” (1 copy for every child, cardstock recommended)
Teaching Picture: “God Helped Gideon to be Courageous” (1 copy per class)
God’s Unfolding Story Cube (Cardstock—1 copy per class)
“Follow the Cube” – (1 copy per class, cardstock recommended)
Parent Page (1 copy per child)
Coloring Page, “God Helped Gideon to be Courageous”

Additional Puzzle Materials Additional Art Materials

Small basket or box Black construction paper
Additional Craft Materials Colored chalk – (sidewalk or regular)
Wide craft sticks – (6 per child) Small paper cups – (4 or 5)

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 - OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A
Dot to Dot

Not by strength or by
might but by my Spirit
says the Lord.
Zachariah 4:6b

Activity page: Dot to Dot, “A Jar, A Torch, and A Trumpet”

Instructions: One copy per child. Connect the dots to finish each picture. OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Bible Learning Center
God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 -
Craft Time: “Bible Story Puzzle Sticks”
Instructions: Copy 1 for every 2 children, cardstock
recommended. Cut around the outside of each puzzle square
but allow the child to cut the strips. Glue the strips to craft OT08 Lesson 2 Hour A Craft Time
sticks. Put the sticks together to form the puzzle picture. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 -


Game Time: “Follow the Cube”

Instructions: 1 copy per class,
cardstock recommended. Cut out
the cube, fold on the lines to make
a box and secure with tape. Follow
the instructions in the Teacher
OT08 Lesson 2 Hours A&B Game Time
Pages for using the cube. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 -
God’s Unfolding Story Cube
Instructions: Cut out on dotted
lines, fold on solid lines. Glue or
tape to form a cube.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2015-

“Not by strength or by might, but by My Spirit,”
says the Lord. Zechariah 4:6
Coloring Page
God Helped Gideon to be Courageous OT08 Lesson 2 Optional
God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2014 -

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