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Active Cell plus 1 Reading Active Cell minus 1

Number Name Last Read Link
R-XXX Add new entry to Reading Volume Chapter
R-166 --- ---
R-001 Azarinth Healer --- 917
R-002 RE: Trailer Trash --- 53
R-003 The Oscillation 4 55
R-004 The Simulacrum 4 114
R-005 Somebody Stop Her --- (0)38
R-006 Salvos 6 520
R-007 A Bend in Time (HP FF) --- 1040
R-008 Beware Of Chicken 3 42
R-009 System Change --- 386
R-010 There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns. --- 199
R-011 Borne of Caution (Pokemon FF) 2 26
R-012 Tori Transmigrated --- 211
R-013 The 3rd Law of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2 --- 118
R-014 Double-Blind 2 241
R-015 Memoirs of Your Local Small-time Villainess --- 208
R-016 Phantasm --- 181
R-017 Aurora Scroll --- 296
R-018 In Pursuit Of Magic (HP FF) --- 127
R-019 Deathworld Commando: Reborn 5 113
R-020 An Essence of Silver and Steel (Worm FF) --- 33
R-021 Borne of Desire (Pokemon FF) --- 16
R-022 Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm FF) --- 151 (101)
R-023 Fated To Fall --- 187
R-024 Dungeons Just Want to Have Fun --- 56
R-025 Abaddon Born(e) (Worm FF) --- 210
R-026 One Who is Many (GoT/ Worm FF) --- 17
R-027 A Third Path to the Future (HP/ MCU FF) --- 29
R-028 The Level Zero [Hero] 2 98
R-029 Overleveled: Arrival in a New World --- 39
R-030 The Agartha Loop [Time Looping Magical Girls] 2 7
R-031 The Madness of Ravens (HP FF) --- 26
R-032 Odyssey of a Mage (HP FF) 3 14
R-033 Gamer Neighbour (HP FF) --- 20
R-034 Hogwarts- An Escalation (HP/ Worm FF) --- 16
R-035 Goblin Queen (Worm FF) --- 71
R-036 I Have No Idea What I Am Doing (Worm FF) --- 16
R-037 Gryffindor's Girl (HP FF) --- 14
R-038 A Cloudy Path (Worm FF) 2 4
R-039 It is better to light a candle, than to curse the d --- 61
R-040 Rose Petal Red (HP FF) --- 41
R-041 Game of Kingdoms (GoT FF) --- 25
R-042 Great Grand-Uncle Schimmelhorn's Toolbox (Wo --- 46
R-043 Broken Adventure: (Worm/ X-Overs FF) 3 12
R-044 Archer (Worm FF) --- 19(17)
R-045 Harry Potter and the Skittering Spouse (HP/ Wo --- 10
R-046 Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison --- 23
R-047 The True Endgame 1 4
R-048 Beyond Superpowered 1 14
R-049 Pride of Time (HP FF) --- 18
R-050 A Fair Life (HP FF) --- 11
R-051 Wake-up Call (Worm FF) --- 110(107)
R-052 Unlimited Isekai and Other Unfortunate Magic --- 10
R-053 Dragonlord (HP/ GoT FF) --- 91
R-054 The Young Lady is a Reborn Assassin --- 78
R-055 Nights End, Days Begun (Worm/ MHA FF) --- 27
R-056 Weapons of Mass Destruction --- 193
R-057 The Return of Magic (RWBY/ HP FF) --- 12
R-058 So I'm a Valkyrie now I guess? (Worm/ HI3 FF) --- 20
R-059 Selene (Worm/ HI3 FF) --- 39
R-060 A colorful life (Worm/ Pokemon FF) --- 31
R-061 Butchered Tech (ERO/ Crack fic) (Worm/ X-Over --- 7
R-062 Legendary Tinker (Worm/ LOL FF) --- 93
R-063 Plan? What Plan? (Worm FF) --- 53
R-064 The Wandering Gamer (Worm/ The Wandering I --- 57
R-065 Stray Cat Strut 5 19
R-066 Tower Core --- 4
R-067 Dungeon 42 --- 13
R-068 Legacy of the Enginseers (Worm/ Warhammer F --- 16
R-069 Hadrian Stark - Creating Avalon (HP/ GoT FF) --- 28
R-070 River Lily (HP/ GoT FF) --- 39
R-071 The Mountain's Range (GoT FF) --- 19
R-072 Renewal : A Daughter of Fate --- 11
R-073 Daughter of Elysium: Paint the World Pink! (Wo 2 7
R-074 Summoner (Worm/ LOL FF) --- 56
R-075 Forging a Waifu Harem (Worm/ Warhammer FF --- 26
R-076 TWNY (Worm/ RWBY FF) --- 21
R-077 The Long Way Home (Worm/ MCU FF) 1 3
R-078 Glaurung (ERO) (Worm/ X-Overs FF) --- 4
R-079 The First Great Game 2 55
R-080 Our little Dark Age --- 6
R-081 A Helping Hand (Worm FF) --- 21
R-082 Skitter, School Days (MHA/ Worm FF) --- 21
R-083 Tinker, Taylor, Builder, Nexus (Worm FF) --- 31
R-084 Save The Bay: Fixing the City with Organized C --- 63
R-085 How to raise a villainess. --- 15
R-086 Primer for the Apocalypse --- 22
R-087 A Guiding Hand (Worm FF) --- 10
R-088 Orderly (Worm FF) --- 59
R-089 Try Again Alvis --- 3
R-090 Arc --- 39
R-091 The Weaving Force (Worm FF) --- 57
R-092 From Fiction to Reality (Worm FF) --- 20
R-093 My Girlfriend Is Terrifying (Worm FF) --- 25
R-094 The Good War (HP FF) --- 3
R-095 Zenith of Sorcery --- 4
R-096 Godfather's System --- 32
R-097 Magical Girl Undergrad --- 10
R-098 A Practical Guide to Evil --- (6.) https://practicalguidetoevil.wordpr
R-099 Ashes of the Past (Pokemon FF) --- 12
R-100 Avatar Taylor (Worm/ AtlA FF) --- 53
R-101 Mom Militia (Worm/ Tokyo Ghoul FF) --- 56
R-102 Villainous Ventures (Pokemon FF) --- 1
R-103 Apprentice of The Devourer and Other Associat 1 4
R-104 Coin and Conformity (GoT FF) --- 33
R-105 Worm CYOA, Kitsu (Worm FF) --- 29
R-106 Bunny Omake: Homeless Bunny (Campione/ RW --- 20
R-107 When is a Spoon a Sword? (Pokemon FF) --- 30
R-108 Not this time, Fate (RWBY FF) --- 3
R-109 A Ruinous Gift (Worm/ Warhammer FF) --- 14
R-110 Second Chance: Not alone? Huh. --- 42
R-111 Power Initialization --- 1
R-112 A Countess' Magic --- 5
R-113 Ghost in the City (Cyberpunk FF) --- 157
R-114 Technomagica --- 69
R-115 Skitterdoc 2077 (Cyberpunk/ Worm FF) --- 63
R-116 The Boundless Expanse --- 2
R-117 Dragon of the morning (HP/ GoT FF) --- 17
R-118 Bugs In The System (Worm FF) --- 14
R-119 0800-Rent-A-Hero (HP FF) --- 21
R-120 Hydrus Black (HP FF) --- 22
R-121 Saintess Summons Skeletons --- 365
R-122 Harry Potter and the Clean Slate (HP FF) --- 12
R-123 Return of the Runebound Professor --- 143
R-124 Metaworld Chronicles --- 373
R-125 Ar'Kendrithyst --- 122
R-126 Cyber Dreams --- 25
R-127 The Fallen Gamer (MCU/ HP FF) --- 35
R-128 A Rose By Any Other Name (GoT FF) --- 3
R-129 Daeron the Worthy (GoT FF) --- 7
R-130 Library System Reset: Overdue --- 23
R-131 Newly Summoned Demoness --- 33
R-132 Reaper's Resurgence 2 62
R-133 Trials Of The Nekomancer! --- 32
R-134 Harry potter and the what the fuck is this bullsh --- 13
R-135 Harry Potter: The Witch of the Red (HP FF) --- 29
R-136 Divine and Conquer (HP FF) --- 14
R-137 Hava Potter and When Did I Ask For This Tortur --- 24
R-138 Forgive and Forget (-Me-Not) (HP FF) --- 32
R-139 Hadrianne Potter The Warp Chimera (HP FF) --- 5
R-140 Precocious Witches and Where to Find Them (HP --- 19
R-141 Soft Magic Sucks (HP FF) --- 26
R-142 Wish (Worm FF) --- 18
R-143 Rapturous Rhapsody (X-Overs FF) --- 80
R-144 Upon This Star (Worm FF) --- 20
R-145 (Un)Happy Family (Worm/ Elden Ring FF) --- 11
R-146 Hunting and Herbalism --- 42
R-147 Infrasound Berserker --- 67
R-148 My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! --- 5
R-149 Past Life Hero --- 20
R-150 After the End: Serenity --- 68
R-151 I Will Touch the Skies (Pokemon FF) --- 1
R-152 The Arcane Thief (HP FF) --- 86
R-153 God of Mischief, Master of Death (MCU/ HP FF) --- 127
R-154 Second Chances (Worm/ MCU FF) --- 31
R-155 A Tinker of Fiction Story or How I Learned to S --- 29
R-156 Kathy's Brockton Bay Adventures (Worm FF) --- 49
R-157 In Nuclear Fire (Worm FF) ---
R-158 Console (Worm FF) --- 17
R-159 The First Pillar (MHA FF) --- 15
R-160 WARMAGE (HP/ Warcraft FF) --- 1
R-161 Deus Ex Machina (High School DxD FF) --- 4
R-162 Harry Potter and The Seven Houses (HP FF) ---
R-163 Harry Hartford and the Machinations of a Madm ---
R-164 Family is what you make it! (HP/ Vampire Diarie ---
R-165 Time Again: Redux (HP FF) --- 15
R-166 Wind Shear (HP FF) ---
R-167 Honour thy Blood (HP FF) --- 1
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minus 1 Dropped
Number Name Last Read Link Reason
D-XXX Add new entry to Dropped Volume Chapter
D-302 --- ---
D-001 The epic Tale of the Forsaken Hero 2 19 --- -->
D-002 Age of Adepts --- 38 --- -->
D-003 Monster Paradise --- 10 --- -->
D-004 God and Devil World --- 83 --- -->
D-005 Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician --- 5 --- -->
D-006 Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi 1 12 --- -->
D-007 Shadow Hack --- 39 --- -->
D-008 Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss i --- 20 --- -->
D-009 The World after the Fall --- 35 --- -->
D-010 Legend --- 19 --- -->
D-011 Shiniki no Campiones 1 1 --- -->
D-012 The Villains Need to Save the World? 1 4 --- -->
D-013 The Human Emperor --- 15 --- -->
D-014 The Amber Sword --- 33 --- -->
D-015 Demon Sword Maiden --- 7 --- -->
D-016 Rise of the Wasteland --- 0 --- -->
D-017 The Legend of Sun Knight --- 3 --- -->
D-018 Kyuuketsu Hime wa Barairo no Yume o Miru 2 11 --- -->
D-019 Change: New World --- 118 --- -->
D-020 Diary of Erica Kron --- 10 --- -->
D-021 Those Who Aspired to Become Gods --- 20 --- -->
D-022 Modern Age Online --- 6 --- -->
D-023 Not All Heroes --- 1.1 --- -->
D-024 Rise of Demon King 1 4 --- -->
D-025 Library of Heaven's Path --- 88 --- -->
D-026 True Daughter of Storm --- 9 --- -->
D-027 Forging his own destiny --- 19 --- -->
D-028 The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale --- 10 --- -->
D-029 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear --- 32 --- -->
D-030 Evolution (Rewrite) --- 8 --- -->
D-031 So What If I'm a Summoner Who Only Wants Fluf 1 11 --- -->
D-032 Life Mission --- 6 --- -->
D-033 While Killing Slimes for 300 Years, I Became th --- 8 --- -->
D-034 The Deathworlders --- 9 --- -->
D-035 Don't Fear the Reaper --- 31 --- -->
D-036 Re: Survival --- 15 --- -->
D-037 My Girlfriend is a Zombie --- 3 --- -->
D-038 Revenge of the Sorcerer King --- 33 --- -->
D-039 I Can Respawn In The Apocalypse! --- 3 --- -->
D-040 Auntie toasts the VRMMORPG --- 16 --- -->
D-041 The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha --- 6 --- -->
D-042 FFF-Class Trashero --- 9 --- -->
D-043 A Dragon Gnawing Its Tail --- 32 --- -->
D-044 Derelict --- 5 --- -->
D-045 Dungeon Maker -RRNovel --- 4 --- -->
D-046 Essence of Ash --- 26 --- -->
D-047 The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter --- 2 --- -->
D-048 Doing God's Work --- 23 --- -->
D-049 I Didn't Even Want to Live, But God Forced Me t --- 8 --- -->
D-050 Fodder --- 33 --- -->
D-051 Bitter --- 18 --- -->
D-052 Carn Online: Second Chances --- 34 --- -->
D-053 Forgotten Dungeon --- 11 --- -->
D-054 Upheaval - The Gentle Apocalypse --- 12 --- -->
D-055 Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends --- 1 --- -->
D-056 Deeper Darker --- 1 --- -->
D-057 The System is accepting applications --- 35 --- -->
D-058 Champions of the Boundary --- 4 --- -->
D-059 Soulshard: Willbender --- 0 --- -->
D-060 Threadbare --- 13 --- -->
D-061 Reincarnation Paradise --- 1 --- -->
D-062 Undetermined 1 --- -->
D-063 The Hero Who Returned Remains the Strongest --- 21 --- -->
D-064 The Abyssal Dungeon --- 8 --- -->
D-065 The Misplaced Dungeon --- 3 --- -->
D-066 Atros Imperium --- 3 --- -->
D-067 Heather the Necromancer 2 10 --- -->
D-068 Don't label me! 2 14 --- -->
D-069 Heroes of Midlaris --- 13 --- -->
D-070 Immortals: The Curse of Samsara --- 10 --- -->
D-071 Second Life Ranker --- 5 --- -->
D-072 Hero? I’ve Long Stopped Being One --- 5 --- -->
D-073 My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist --- 2 --- -->
D-074 Vaudevillain --- 5 --- -->
D-075 Solomon's Crucible --- 2 --- -->
D-076 Artifice: Tools of the Gods --- 4 --- -->
D-077 Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later --- 7 --- -->
D-078 Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path --- 3 --- -->
D-079 King of the Mountain --- 9 --- -->
D-080 Ben's Damn Adventure: The Prince Has No Pants --- 11 --- -->
D-081 Blessed Time --- 30 --- -->
D-082 The Extramundane Emancipation of Geela, Evil S --- 1 --- -->
D-083 Exterminator Dungeon --- 3 --- -->
D-084 Leaves of Terranthir --- 10 --- -->
D-085 Inverted --- 0 --- -->
D-086 SSS-Class Suicide Hunter --- 8 = Novel 104) --- -->
D-087 Asleep --- 7 --- -->
D-088 Beyond Average --- 1 --- -->
D-089 Dungeon Item Shop --- 26 --- -->
D-090 Overgeared --- 160 --- -->
D-091 Dear Spellbook --- 1 --- -->
D-092 Planet-Eater Reincarnation (Star Wars FF) --- 3 --- -->
D-093 Dungeon's Path --- 25 --- -->
D-094 The Mortal Acts --- 3 --- -->
D-095 The Weirkey Chronicles 2 --- -->
D-096 Speedrunning the Multiverse --- 10 --- -->
D-097 Time.Travel() --- 45 --- -->
D-098 This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder --- 10 --- -->
D-099 Los 2 3 --- -->
D-100 My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires. --- 31 --- -->
D-101 Dimentional Chat Group of Creation and Destruc --- 21 --- -->
D-102 This Used to be About Dungeons --- 4 --- -->
D-103 Journey Towards Greatness (Pokemon FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-104 Pokemon: Master of tactics (Pokemon FF) --- 109 --- -->
D-105 Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures (Poke --- 8 --- -->
D-106 Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen (HP FF) --- 38 --- -->
D-107 Avatar: Awakened Gamer (AtlA FF) --- 26 --- -->
D-108 21st Century Archmage --- 1 --- -->
D-109 RE: SYSTEM // SUMMONER --- 26 --- -->
D-110 The Flying Emporium --- 19 --- -->
D-111 The Calamity of a Reborn Witch --- 51 --- -->
D-112 Magical Marvel (HP/ MCU FF) --- 63 --- -->
D-113 Throne of Time (Date A Live/ MHA FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-114 Stuffed into Potter (HP FF) --- 93 --- -->
D-115 There Will Be Dragons Here --- 6 --- -->
D-116 Multiverse of MCU (MCU FF) --- 23 --- -->
D-117 Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard (HP FF) --- 64 --- -->
D-118 High Human in Crossed Worlds (HP FF) --- 75 --- -->
D-119 Origins (HP FF) --- --- -->
D-120 Demesne --- 11 --- -->
D-121 Master of the Loop --- 3 --- -->
D-122 Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor --- 67 --- -->
D-123 Edge Cases --- 7 --- -->
D-124 Hive Minds Give Good Hugs --- 16 --- -->
D-125 MCU: Gamer Path (MCU FF) --- 246 --- -->
D-126 My Craft (Minecraft FF) --- 3 --- -->
D-127 The Princess and the Peasant (AtlA FF) --- 14 --- -->
D-128 Draconic Karma Dungeon --- 2 --- -->
D-129 Pokemon Reset Bloodlines (Pokemon FF) --- 8 --- -->
D-130 Depths of the Otherworldly Labyrinth --- 1 --- -->
D-131 The Rise of the Last Potter (HP FF) --- 20 --- -->
D-132 The Young Master in the Shadows --- 19 --- -->
D-133 I Just Want To Travel The World (Pokemon FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-134 Elfish Welfare (HP FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-135 The Type Specialist (Pokemon FF) --- 8 --- -->
D-136 Harry Potter: Lost Son (HP FF) --- 10 --- -->
D-137 A Strange Old World (HP FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-138 Pokémon: Storm (Pokemon FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-139 A Flight Into Games (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-140 A Sorcerer's Ambition (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-141 The Lion Cub (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-142 I'm HALPING! (Worm FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-143 Immortal Conqueror --- 44 --- -->
D-144 Seven Devils (HP FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-145 InVeder (Worm FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-146 Completely Unoriginal :: Yet Another CYOA/SI/ --- 41 --- -->
D-147 Madison (Worm FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-148 Magus of the Wizarding World (HP FF) --- 141 --- -->
D-149 A Traveler's Guide to the Multiverse: Earth-00 --- 3 --- -->
D-150 The Novel's Extra's Extra --- 7 --- -->
D-151 Unexpected Reincarnation (HP FF) --- 63 --- -->
D-152 Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter --- 18 --- -->
D-153 I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With --- 36 --- -->
D-154 Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (HP --- 17 --- -->
D-155 A Tale of Transmigration (Worm FF) --- 9 --- -->
D-156 A Twelve Step Program to Omnipotence (MCU F --- 6 --- -->
D-157 Micro - Efficient and Reliable Cultivation --- 11 --- -->
D-158 FINAL CORE --- 54 --- -->
D-159 The Long Slow Lizarding of Hermione Granger --- 11 --- -->
D-160 Empress Ascendant (Worm/ Warhammer FF) --- 14 (12) --- -->
D-161 Silencio (Worm FF) --- 25 --- -->
D-162 Harry Potter and the Natural 20 (HP FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-163 Don't Call Me a Grim Reaper! --- 9 --- -->
D-164 The Shadow of Angmar (HP/ LotR FF) --- 10 --- -->
D-165 Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Univers --- 8 --- -->
D-166 World of Whatcraft (Warcraft FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-167 Harry Potter - Three to Backstep (HP FF) --- 20 --- -->
D-168 I Woke Up As a Dungeon, Now What? (Worm FF) 4 12 --- -->
D-169 RuneMaster (HP FF) --- 14 --- -->
D-170 Pokemon: Way of Life (Pokemon FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-171 Hard Enough (Pokemon FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-172 Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu --- 11 --- -->
D-173 Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru --- 5 --- -->
D-174 Child of the Storm (HP/ MCU FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-175 Riding Acromantulas and Understanding Magica --- 4 --- -->
D-176 Spiteful Healer --- 48 --- -->
D-177 Theogony (Worm/ God of War FF) --- 37 --- -->
D-178 The Last Hero of Allerion --- 7 --- -->
D-179 The Denarian Renegade (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-180 The Order of Things (HP FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-181 The Heir of the House of Black (HP FF) --- 8 --- -->
D-182 he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine (HP/ F --- 2 --- -->
D-183 The Mudblood of Slytherin (HP FF) --- 17 --- -->
D-184 Let The Heavens Fall (HP FF) --- 23 --- -->
D-185 The Wings of a Butterfly (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-186 If You Had This Time Again (MCU FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-187 Parallax (MHA FF) --- 3 --- -->
D-188 Be careful what you wish for, you may just get i --- 17(16) --- -->
D-189 The Accidental Summoning --- 9 --- -->
D-190 Reincarnation at its Finest (HP FF) --- 54 --- -->
D-191 Lightning Dragon's Roar (HP FF) --- 27 --- -->
D-192 Nobody told Me the rules (HP FF) --- 24 --- -->
D-193 The Serpent and Her Lion (HP FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-194 Lily's Next Great Adventure (HP FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-195 The Weaver Option (Worm/ Warhammer FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-196 Easier Than Falling Asleep (HP FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-197 Bungle in the Jungle (HP FF) 1 1 --- -->
D-198 Trolling the Multiverse (Worm FF) --- 48 --- -->
D-199 Chasing Darkness (Pokemon FF) --- 60 --- -->
D-200 Wizard Runemaster (HP/ Warcraft FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-201 Dungeon Core/Realm Heart --- 6 --- -->
D-202 Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time (HP FF 1 6(5) --- -->
D-203 The Origin of Species (Pokemon FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-204 H & T Prank the Multiverse (Worm/ HP FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-205 White Lies (ERO) (Worm FF) --- 14 --- -->
D-206 The Wizard of Brockton Bay (Worm/ HP FF) --- 5 --- -->
D-207 Company Girl (Worm FF) --- 8 --- -->
D-208 Grind (Worm FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-209 Sacrificial Second Chance (HP FF) --- 17 --- -->
D-210 A Second Chance at Life (HP FF) --- 13 --- -->
D-211 The End and the Beginning (HP FF) --- 3 --- -->
D-212 Spells in Silence (HP FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-213 Patience (Worm/ Batman FF) --- 14 --- -->
D-214 The Antlered Lion (HP/ GoT FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-215 Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon (HP/ GoT FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-216 The End Is The Beginning (HP FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-217 The War Of Titans (HP/ MCU FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-218 Bhaalson Remodel (HP FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-219 Snuggles the Symbiote (Worm/ MCU FF) --- 8 --- -->
D-220 Hereafter (Worm/ Fate FF) --- 44 --- -->
D-221 Vegas Consequences (HP/ Justice League FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-222 Optimistic Game: Revised (RWBY/ X-Overs FF) --- 15 --- -->
D-223 Aspects (Worm/ HP FF) --- 28 --- -->
D-224 Absolute Trust (AtlA FF) --- 47 --- -->
D-225 Tower Climber: Reborn --- 3 --- -->
D-226 Welcome to the Wizarding Worm (Worm/ HP FF --- 6 --- -->
D-227 Magic and Mystery (HP/ Bungou Stray Dogs FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-228 cast yourself (you are the spell) (HP FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-229 A Wizard In Alexandria's Court (Worm/ D&D FF --- 4 --- -->
D-230 Collagen (Worm FF) --- 20 --- -->
D-231 My New Life - Nine Worlds (Worm/ X-Overs FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-232 Death has no Master, but Life has Servants (HP/ --- 4 --- -->
D-233 The Ink Is Dry (GoT FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-234 Harry Potter and the World that Waits (HP/ DC --- 3 --- -->
D-235 Man of Iron (Worm/ MCU FF) 1 5 --- -->
D-236 HP: Magical life (HP FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-237 Light of the Storm (Worm FF) --- 16 --- -->
D-238 Firebird (Worm/ X-Overs FF) 1 8 --- -->
D-239 Dungeon Diver --- 29 --- -->
D-240 The Second Archon War (Worm/ Genshin FF) --- 5 --- -->
D-241 Desperate Times Call for Desperate Pleasures ( --- 5 --- -->
D-242 In Another Place, In a Different Time (RWBY/ HI --- 3 --- -->
D-243 Gay-mer Taylor (Worm FF) --- 7 --- -->
D-244 Leg Day (ERO) (Worm FF) --- 22 --- -->
D-245 Of Dragons and Chickens (Of Madness and Reaso --- 14 --- -->
D-246 Ouroboros (HP FF) --- 18 --- -->
D-247 I Hope This Works (Worm FF) --- 13 --- -->
D-248 Harry Potter and the Lust Genie (ERO) (HP/ Da --- 5 --- -->
D-249 Headpats (Worm FF) --- 32 --- -->
D-250 Flesh is Weak (Worm/ Warhammer FF) --- 10 --- -->
D-251 Taylor Hebert: Pokemon Master (Pokemon/ Wo --- 1 --- -->
D-252 Ring-Maker (Worm/ LotR FF) --- 77 --- -->
D-253 if you try to break me, you will bleed (GoT FF) --- 2 --- -->
D-254 A Massacre of One (Worm/ MHA FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-255 The Old Gods Called, They'd Like Their Kingdom --- 2 --- -->
D-256 Lovegood's Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors (HP F 3 1 --- -->
D-257 Playing Our Roles (RWBY FF) --- 22 --- -->
D-258 Game Maker System (MCU FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-259 Sidus --- 3 --- -->
D-260 Black Bond (HP FF) --- 13 --- -->
D-261 The Prophet From Maine (GoT FF) --- 46 --- -->
D-262 Professor Arc (RWBY FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-263 A Farmer's Tale (GoT FF) --- 33 --- -->
D-264 She Who Wields the Holy Sword (FsN/ Worm FF --- 11 --- -->
D-265 Observer Effect (MCU FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-266 Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube --- 7 --- -->
D-267 A Practical Guide to Sorcery 1 37 --- -->
D-268 The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker (ERO) (Worm F --- 6 --- -->
D-269 Gravitational Seduction (ERO) (MHA/ X-Overs F --- 7 --- -->
D-270 A Better Life (ERO) (Worm FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-271 Complementation (ERO) (Worm FF) --- 11 --- -->
D-272 Draco Malfoy and the Intricacies of Unfamiliar F --- 3 --- -->
D-273 Hermione learns a thing (HP FF) --- 10 --- -->
D-274 Harry Potter and the Reluctant Rebirth (HP FF) 3 --- -->
D-275 The Will of Gill (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-276 A Pocket Full of Posies (HP FF) --- 9 --- -->
D-277 The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Stronges --- 19 --- -->
D-278 The Goddess of Death (MCU FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-279 Challenging Fate (HP FF) --- 6 --- -->
D-280 To Protect (HP FF) --- 3 --- -->
D-281 Ultimate One: TYPE-Taylor (Worm/ Fate FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-282 Demonic Sect Elder Cultivates Righteous Discipl --- 6 --- -->
D-283 I'm Just Here For The Life Experience (HP FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-284 The Raven's Plan (GoT FF) --- 15 --- -->
D-285 Rippling the Pages (HP FF) --- 21 --- -->
D-286 The Reincarnated Villainess Assassin Only Want --- 3 --- -->
D-287 Brockton's Zoo of Myth and Legend (Worm FF) --- 67 --- -->
D-288 That Universe Over There (HP FF) --- 48 --- -->
D-289 Hogwarts' system (HP FF) --- 1 --- -->
D-290 They Didn't Know We Were Seeds (HP FF) --- 70 --- -->
D-291 ink and parchment | blood and bone (HP FF) --- 4 --- -->
D-292 Incense and Powdered Diamond (Worm FF) --- 16 --- -->
D-293 One Curse For Another (Worm/ Jujutsu Kaisen F --- 3 --- -->
D-294 A Tyrant, Sort Of --- 67 --- -->
D-295 Death Healer --- 24 --- -->
D-296 The Golden Prince (HP FF) --- 15 --- -->
D-297 Reprieve (Worm/ MCU FF) --- 12 --- -->
D-298 sidera et mortem (HP/ MCU FF) 1 --- -->
D-299 Chase The Lightning's Glow (Worm/ Genshin FF --- 9 --- -->
D-300 Architect of Infinity (Worm FF) --- 13 --- -->
D-301 Saved By Waifu (Worm/ Multi FF) --- 10 --- -->
D-302 ---
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Waiting -> Reading
Number Name Last Read Link Number
W-XXX Add new entry to Waiting Volume Chapter P-XXX
W-355 --- --- P-106
W-001 Genjitsushugisha No Oukokukaizouki 4 3.1 --- P-001
W-002 Awakening --- 227 --- P-002
W-003 I´ve become able to do anything with my growth c 7 174 --- P-003
W-004 MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian --- 370 --- P-004
W-005 Slave harem in the Labyrinth of the other World --- 41 --- P-005
W-006 Dungeon Seeker 5 1.3 --- P-006
W-007 The GM has logged into a different World --- 21 --- P-007
W-008 Dragon-Marked War God --- 21 --- P-008
W-009 Blessing from the Goddess and Transfer to Anothe --- 35.5 --- P-009
W-010 Skill taker´s world domination ~ building a slav --- 151 --- P-010
W-011 Tsuki ga Michibiku --- 289 --- P-011
W-012 The mage will master magic efficiently in his seco --- 107 --- P-012
W-013 Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? --- 321 --- P-013
W-014 Konjiki no Moji Tsukai --- 296 --- P-014
W-015 Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari --- 318 --- P-015
W-016 Kurono Maou --- 380 --- P-016
W-017 Overlord 13 Afterword --- P-017
W-018 Dungeon Defense 5 4 --- P-018
W-019 Assasins Chronicle --- 88 --- P-019
W-020 Yobidasa Reta Satsuriku-sha --- 75 --- P-020
W-021 Genocide Reality --- 24 --- P-021
W-022 Nidoume no Jinsei wo Isekai de --- 82 --- P-022
W-023 I kinda came to another world but wheres the w --- 66 --- P-023
W-024 Isekai ni kanaderu densetsu --- 36 --- P-024
W-025 Because Janitor-san is not a hero --- 21 --- P-025
W-026 Ultimate Antihero 1 4 --- P-026
W-027 The Magus of Genesis 2 11 --- P-027
W-028 Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nak --- 338 --- P-028
W-029 Evil God Average 2 20 --- P-029
W-030 Living in this World with Cut & Paste --- 125 --- P-030
W-031 Sendai Yuusha wa Inkyou Shitai --- 155 --- P-031
W-032 Lazy Dungeon Master --- 278 --- P-032
W-033 World Teacher - Other World Style Education & --- 128 --- P-033
W-034 Skeleton Knight, in Another World 8 5 --- P-034
W-035 EX Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Diff --- 38 --- P-035
W-036 Isekai shoukan wa nidome desu --- 42 --- P-036
W-037 Nidoume no Yuusha 2 13 --- P-037
W-038 Return of the Former Hero --- 105 --- P-038
W-039 Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru 8 --- P-039
W-040 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu 10 Prologue --- P-040
W-041 Kamigoroshi no Eiyuu to Nanatsu no Seiyaku --- 54 --- P-041
W-042 Reincarnator --- 176 --- P-042
W-043 The Kings Avatar --- 14 --- P-043
W-044 World Reformation --- 340 --- P-044
W-045 The Lazy Swordmaster --- 198 --- P-045
W-046 I´m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got 5 7 --- P-046
W-047 I Leveled up from Being a Parasite, But I May --- 103 --- P-047
W-048 Revolution of the 8th Class Mage --- 79 --- P-048
W-049 World Strongest Rearguard – Labyrinth Country --- 24 --- P-049
W-050 I Reincarnated For Nothing --- 109 --- P-050
W-051 To Deprive a Deprived Person --- 160 --- P-051
W-052 Evolution Theory of the Hunter --- 99 --- P-052
W-053 I Became the Demon Lord so I Created a Dunge --- 62 --- P-053
W-054 Dragon Kings Son in Law --- 210 --- P-054
W-055 Global Evolution --- 146 --- P-055
W-056 Dungeon Maker -JPNovel --- 10 --- P-056
W-057 The Black Knight Who Was Stronger than Even t 2 36 --- P-057
W-058 Because I’m a Weapon Shop Uncle 2 27 --- P-058
W-059 The Reincarnated Person Doesn’t Want to Cheat 2 6.1 --- P-059
W-060 Kujonin --- 68 --- P-060
W-061 The man picked up by the gods 2 64 --- P-061
W-062 My Entire Class Was Summoned to Another Worl --- 166 --- P-062
W-063 Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint --- 39 --- P-063
W-064 Even Though I’m a Former Noble and a Single Mo 2 60 --- P-064
W-065 Lord of the Mysteries --- 32
W-066 Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite --- 97 --- P-066
W-067 Trash of the Count’s Family --- 133 --- P-067
W-068 My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending 5 104 --- P-068
W-069 Tensei shitara slime datta ken --- 249 --- P-069
W-070 Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja --- 186 --- P-070
W-071 The Second Coming of Avarice --- 67 --- P-071
W-072 Master Hunter K --- 180 --- P-072
W-073 Main Character Hides His Strength --- 147 --- P-073
W-074 The King of the Battlefield --- 201 --- P-074
W-075 Stop, Friendly Fire! --- 32.1 --- P-075
W-076 Dragon Marken War --- 134 --- P-076
W-077 Gate of Revelation --- 607 --- P-077
W-078 Will the Re-Summoned Hero Live as an Ordinary --- 106 --- P-078
W-079 Shinka no Mi --- 69 --- P-079
W-080 Sairin Yuusha no Fukushuu Hanashi 2 13 --- P-080
W-081 To Be a Power in the Shadows! --- 133 --- P-081
W-082 The Returner --- 200 --- P-082
W-083 MEMORIZE --- 49 --- P-083
W-084 The Strategy to Become Good at Magic --- 110 --- P-084
W-085 The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Gi --- 72 --- P-085
W-086 Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator --- 187 --- P-086
W-087 Running Away From The Hero! (Remake) --- 92 --- P-087
W-088 Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Ta --- 36 --- P-088
W-089 I’m Back in the Other World? --- 16 --- P-089
W-090 Charging Magic With a Smile~ Infinite Magic Pow --- 58 --- P-090
W-091 Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles --- 148 --- P-091
W-092 She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman 3 20 --- P-092
W-093 Goblin Kingdom --- 101.1 --- P-093
W-094 The New World --- 210 --- P-094
W-095 Brimstone Fantasy --- 76 --- P-095
W-096 Another Worlds Versatile Crafting Master --- 57 --- P-096
W-097 I hate being wed in a fantasy world! 6 2 - 3 --- P-097
W-098 Rebirth: Monarchs --- 215 --- P-098
W-099 My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the --- 60 --- P-099
W-100 The Demon King´s Daughter --- 69 --- P-100
W-101 A Wild Last Boss Appeared --- 94 --- P-101
W-102 The Arcane Emperor --- 193 --- P-102
W-103 Afterlife - Next World's Auction House --- 116 --- P-103
W-104 Overture of an Odyssey --- 70 --- P-104
W-105 Inexorable Chaos --- 53 --- P-105
W-106 Dungeon Heart 1 41 --- P-106
W-107 How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis --- 385 --- P-107
W-108 Our Chaoz; Our Reality --- 57 --- P-108
W-109 Luck Lockyer --- 33 --- P-109
W-110 The Anime Trope System : Stone vs. the Viper --- 7 --- P-110
W-111 Age of Gods - A VRMMO Story 3 4 --- P-111
W-112 I said make my abilities average --- 164 --- P-112
W-113 The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound --- 1012 --- P-113
W-114 Everybody Loves Large Chests --- at and Grow 8 --- P-114
W-115 The Red Lands --- 154 --- P-115
W-116 Serial Transmigrator --- 122 --- P-116
W-117 Beginners Guide to Dungeoneering --- 1-15 --- P-117
W-118 Zombie Sister Strategy --- 735 --- P-118
W-119 Blue Core --- 121 keri --- P-119
W-120 The Daily Grind --- 49 --- P-120
W-121 Shovels In Spades 3 75 --- P-121
W-122 Unparalleled --- 45 --- P-122
W-123 Colossus Hunter --- 56 --- P-123
W-124 The Zombie Knight Saga --- 148 --- P-124
W-125 Perils Prodigy 1 --- P-125
W-126 The Blessing of 118 Gods 1 --- P-126
W-127 100 Luck and the Dragon Tamer Skill 2 --- P-127
W-128 Shadow Sun 3 --- P-128
W-129 Tower of Heaven 2 --- P-129
W-130 The System Apocalypse 3 55 --- P-130
W-131 Reborn: Apocalypse 2 2 --- P-131
W-132 Song of the Void --- 91 --- P-132
W-133 The Tale of G.O.D. 2 1 --- P-133
W-134 Dungeon World 4 37 --- P-134
W-135 This Hero Is Invincible but Too Cautious 2 65 --- P-135
W-136 Slime and Punishment --- 64 --- P-136
W-137 Wake of the Ravager --- 105 --- P-137
W-138 Defiance of the Fall --- 274 --- P-138
W-139 Solo Leveling --- 241 --- P-139
W-140 Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4 --- 56 --- P-140
W-141 World Keeper --- 16 --- P-141
W-142 I was Born the Unloved Twin --- 47 --- P-142
W-143 Paladin 2 --- P-143
W-144 A Journey of Black and Red --- 27 --- P-144
W-145 Reborn on a Systemless Earth... With a System --- 30 --- P-145
W-146 The death mage who doesn´t want a fourth time --- 195 --- P-146
W-147 Chrysalis --- ~420 --- P-147
W-148 The Dungeon Traveler 2 --- P-148
W-149 The Dungeon Fairy 1 --- P-149
W-150 A Tail's Misfortune 3 56 --- P-150
W-151 Unto the Breach --- 10 --- P-151
W-152 Age of Victoria 1 --- P-152
W-153 Elemental Dungeon Series 2 6 --- P-153
W-154 CORE: The Volcanic Dungeon 1 48 --- P-154
W-155 Crashed Into Fantasy --- 52 --- P-155
W-156 The Beginning After The End --- 106 --- P-156
W-157 [ The Administrator ] 2 44 --- P-157
W-158 DCO- Dungeon Core Online --- 203 --- P-158
W-159 Out of Space --- 63 --- P-159
W-160 Skyclad / Skybound (Fates Anvil Series) 2 13 --- P-160
W-161 Little Devil --- 23 --- P-161
W-162 I Am Going To Die (In This Game-Like Dimension --- 98 --- P-162
W-163 Unfamiliar Faces --- 58 --- P-163
W-164 A Gentleman's Curse 2 54 --- P-164
W-165 Forgotten --- 75 --- P-165
W-166 Dungeon Pearl --- 30 --- P-166
W-167 The Demonologues --- 33 --- P-167
W-168 Beyond? --- 47 --- P-168
W-169 The New Pantheon --- 29 --- P-169
W-170 Apocalypse Born 2 1 --- P-170
W-171 Lucid --- 27 --- P-171
W-172 Ideascape --- 53 --- P-172
W-173 Seeking Elysium 1 --- P-173
W-174 Dungeon Crawler Carl --- 78 --- P-174
W-175 Vainqueur the Dragon --- 31 --- P-175
W-176 To Break The World --- 28 --- P-176
W-177 Castle Kingside --- 95 --- P-177
W-178 The Last Science [SE] 2 --- P-178
W-179 The Mountain Lord 3 10 --- P-179
W-180 The Gilded Hero --- 61 --- P-180
W-181 Fork This Life! --- 43 --- P-181
W-182 The McKenzie Files 2 23 --- P-182
W-183 Forge of Destiny --- 147 --- P-183
W-184 Undermind 4 --- P-184
W-185 Displaced --- 95 --- P-185
W-186 Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Godde --- 145 --- P-186
W-187 The House Witch --- 40 --- P-187
W-188 Invasion 5 81 --- P-188
W-189 Doom Guy Isekai --- 28 --- P-189
W-190 Apocalypse: Generic System --- 15 --- P-190
W-191 The Dungeon Child --- 34 --- P-191
W-192 Life of Numbers --- 69 --- P-192
W-193 Dungeon Robotics 9 2 --- P-193
W-194 Super Minion --- 50 --- P-194
W-195 Magnus 2 35 --- P-195
W-196 Eight --- 95 --- P-196
W-197 Cinnamon Bun --- 150 --- P-197
W-198 Fluff --- 57 --- P-198
W-199 Artificial Jelly 2 8 --- P-199
W-200 Just a Bystander --- 57 --- P-200
W-201 Rebirth in a Magical World --- 109 --- P-201
W-202 The Wandering Inn 8 3 --- P-202
W-203 I was a sword when I reincarnated --- 286 --- P-203
W-204 Beneath the Dragoneye Moons --- 111 --- P-204
W-205 Arifureta --- 363 --- P-205
W-206 The Many Lives of Cadence Lee --- 44 --- P-206
W-207 Tower of Somnus 2 22 --- P-207
W-208 A Hero Past the 25th 2 --- P-208
W-209 The Good Student 2 37 --- P-209
W-210 The Menocht Loop --- 87 --- P-210
W-211 Worm 16 13 --- P-211
W-212 Who Says This OL Can't Become A Splendid Slime --- 40 --- P-212
W-213 Knight and Smith 2 9 --- P-213
W-214 Magi Craft Meister --- 388 --- P-214
W-215 The Tutorial is too Hard --- 180 --- P-215
W-216 Chronicles of the last Leïn 2 --- P-216
W-217 Tian 1 11 --- P-217
W-218 A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale --- 168 --- P-218
W-219 The Path of Ascension --- 20 --- P-219
W-220 Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon Wi --- 64 --- P-220
W-221 The Dark Lord's Home for Undead Heroes 2 7 --- P-221
W-222 Delve --- 154 --- P-222
W-223 PokéSync (Pokemon FF) 1 33 --- P-223
W-224 The Way Ahead 1 67 --- P-224
W-225 Magic-Smithing --- 77 --- P-225
W-226 Return of the Tower Conqueror --- 201 --- P-226
W-227 Twice Lived --- 40 --- P-227
W-228 Realmshaker --- 48 --- P-228
W-229 Melas 1 33 --- P-229
W-230 Greg Veder vs The World 6 6 --- P-230
W-231 Only Villains Do That 1
W-232 The Strongest Fencer Doesn’t Use Skills! --- 37 --- P-232
W-233 Evil Eye: Hexcaller --- 74 --- P-233
W-234 RE: Monarch --- 95 --- P-234
W-235 Lone: The Wanderer [Rewrite] 2 27 --- P-235
W-236 An Outcast in Another World 1 --- P-236
W-237 **Mana Harvest** The Sword to Ploughshares Sa --- 24 --- P-237
W-238 Dreams Come True 5 28 --- P-238
W-239 Soul Forged 3 --- P-239
W-240 A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World --- 41 --- P-240
W-241 Unbound --- 256
W-242 Welcome to the (insane) world of Pokémon (Po --- 99 --- P-242
W-243 He Who Fights With Monsters --- 535
W-244 Truth Seeker --- 35 --- P-244
W-245 The Reincarnation of Alysara --- 81
W-246 Sylver Seeker --- 139
W-247 Wizard's Tower 3 28 --- P-247
W-248 Wooden Gem --- 79 --- P-248
W-249 America in Another World --- 91 --- P-249
W-250 The Seventh Princess 1 --- P-250
W-251 Misadventures Incorporated --- 16
W-252 Valkyrie's Shadow (Overlord FF) 4 13 --- P-252
W-253 Fates Parallel --- 128 --- P-253
W-254 The Fallen World : A Dungeon's Story --- 77
W-255 The Gods are Bastards 4 19 --- P-255
W-256 Digital Marine --- 43 --- P-256
W-257 A Journey in Darkness --- 87 --- P-257
W-258 Katalepsis 10 --- P-258
W-259 Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer (HP/ --- 107 --- P-259
W-260 Homicidal Aliens are Invading and All I Got is Th 1 4.9 --- P-260
W-261 Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon (HP --- 67 --- P-261
W-262 Pokemon: Jordinio Version! (Pokemon FF) --- 24 --- P-262
W-263 I'm Still Here (HP FF) --- 13 --- P-263
W-264 Harry Potter but AU??? (HP FF) --- 214 --- P-264
W-265 Saga of the Soul Dungeon 3 16
W-266 Mark of the Fool --- 198
W-267 To Play With Magic 1 71
W-268 Melody of Mana --- 142 --- P-268
W-269 Vacant Throne --- 43.3 --- P-269
W-270 Candlelit Lives --- 26.2 --- P-270
W-271 In Loki's Honor 35 13 --- P-271
W-272 Stranger than Fiction 2 7 --- P-272
W-273 Interdimensional Garbage Merchant 3 --- P-273
W-274 The Power of Ten Book Four: Dynamo --- 269
W-275 The Law of Averages --- 110
W-276 Void Domain 6 21 --- P-276
W-277 Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy --- 46 --- P-277
W-278 Harry Crow --- 56 --- P-278
W-279 Undying Empire 3 4
W-280 An Unbound Soul --- 146 --- P-280
W-281 Millennial Mage --- 114 --- P-281
W-282 The Armorer and the Infinite Dungeon --- 15 --- P-282
W-283 Dungeon of Seasons --- 88 --- P-283
W-284 Trace --- 37 --- P-284
W-285 Shadow of the Soul King --- 128 --- P-285
W-286 Serum --- 63
W-287 Supreme Magus 9 1003 --- P-287
W-288 The odds were never in my favour (HP FF) --- 64
W-289 Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector (HP F --- 197 --- P-289
W-290 Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin (HP FF) --- 117 --- P-290
W-291 Fairborn Adventures (HP FF) --- 44 --- P-291
W-292 The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain (Worm/ X --- 25 --- P-292
W-293 Ending Maker --- 104 --- P-293
W-294 Felix Fortuna (Worm/ HP FF) --- 17 --- P-294
W-295 An Enigmatic Source of Knowledge (Worm/ Tou --- 24 --- P-295
W-296 Another Way (Worm FF) --- 31 --- P-296
W-297 Recoil (Worm FF) --- 55 --- P-297
W-298 The Spider (MCU FF) --- 86 --- P-298
W-299 I Have "Pure" Magic (HP FF) --- 172 --- P-299
W-300 Memories of Iron (MCD/ Worm FF) --- 36 --- P-300
W-301 The Road to Divinity (MCU FF) --- 12 --- P-301
W-302 Gamer Reborn --- 117 --- P-302
W-303 Taylor Varga (Worm FF) --- 432 --- P-303
W-304 New Game (MCU FF) --- 37 --- P-304
W-305 The Ladder (GoT FF) --- 40 --- P-305
W-306 Ex Synthetica (Worm FF) --- 62 --- P-306
W-307 Dodging Prison and stealing Witches (HP FF) --- 57 --- P-307
W-308 Reaper of the Wizarding World (HP FF) --- 169 --- P-308
W-309 The Author's POV --- 461
W-310 Chasing Time (HP FF) --- 41 --- P-310
W-311 Potters Against the World (HP FF) --- 16 --- P-311
W-312 Friends In The Multiverse (HP/ Pokemon FF) --- 11 --- P-312
W-313 One More Trigger (Worm FF) --- 34 --- P-313
W-314 AnimeCon Harem (ERO) --- 56 --- P-314
W-315 Worm - Waterworks (Worm FF) --- 21 --- P-315
W-316 The Difference One Man Can Make (HP/ GoT FF) --- 23 --- P-316
W-317 Alea Iacta Est (Worm FF) --- 20 --- P-317
W-318 What's Her Name in Hufflepuff (HP FF) --- 31 --- P-318
W-319 To The Next (HP FF) --- 63 --- P-319
W-320 A Life Twice Lived (HP FF) --- 51 --- P-320
W-321 Worm - Justice For All (Worm FF) --- 17 --- P-321
W-322 The Hero Without a Past --- 126 --- P-322
W-323 Casual Heroing --- 224 --- P-323
W-324 Violet: Overpowered Magic Goo --- 30 --- P-324
W-325 Distance Learning for Fun and Profit (Worm FF) --- 30 --- P-325
W-326 Netherborne: The Ancient Devourer --- 24 --- P-326
W-327 The Warcrafter (Worm/ Warcraft FF) --- 34 --- P-327
W-328 how way leads on to way (HP/ GoT FF) --- 33 --- P-328
W-329 Drown Yourself in Glory (HP/ GoT FF) --- 34 --- P-329
W-330 Manager (Worm FF) 11 4 (B) --- P-330
W-331 Remnant of a Worm (Worm/ RWBY FF) --- 25 --- P-331
W-332 Realignment (Worm FF) --- 27 --- P-332
W-333 Eating Its Tail (Worm/ HI3 FF) --- 5 --- P-333
W-334 Our Teacher is a Devil! (MHA/ Youjo Senki FF) --- 28 --- P-334
W-335 C'est La Vie (HP FF) --- 9 --- P-335
W-336 More Than Meets The Eye (Worm/ Transformers 6 --- P-336
W-337 Tinker of Fiction (Worm FF) --- 79 --- P-337
W-338 Companion Chronicles (Worm/ X-Overs FF) --- 131 --- P-338
W-339 Five Dungeons (Worm/ The Wandering Inn FF) --- 16 --- P-339
W-340 Down a Rabbit Hole to Westeros (GoT FF) --- 41 --- P-340
W-341 Legion (Worm FF) --- 24 --- P-341
W-342 Climbing the Ladder (GoT FF) --- 41 --- P-342
W-343 Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (HP --- 28 --- P-343
W-344 The Reclamation of Black Magic (HP FF) --- 39 --- P-344
W-345 Soul Bound --- --- P-345
W-346 The Runesmith --- 182 --- P-346
W-347 Long Live the King (GoT FF) --- 62 --- P-347
W-348 Spin it Baby! (ERO) (Worm FF) --- 10 --- P-348
W-349 Magical Girl Crystal Genocide 1 --- P-349
W-350 Pokemon Animus (Pokemon FF) --- 112 --- P-350
W-351 Monroe --- 413 --- P-351
W-352 Enduring Good --- 73 --- P-352
W-353 Wildcards: The Dread Captain 2 18 --- P-353
W-354 ALEXiThymiA 4 --- P-354
W-355 --- P-355
W-356 --- P-356
W-357 --- P-357
W-358 --- P-358
W-359 --- P-359
W-360 --- P-360
W-361 --- P-361
W-362 --- P-362
W-363 --- P-363
W-364 --- P-364
W-365 --- P-365
W-366 --- P-366
W-367 --- P-367
W-368 --- P-368
W-369 --- P-369
W-370 --- P-370
W-371 --- P-371
W-372 --- P-372
W-373 --- P-373
W-374 --- P-374
W-375 --- P-375
W-376 --- P-376
W-377 --- P-377
W-378 --- P-378
W-379 --- P-379
W-380 --- P-380
W-381 --- P-381
W-382 --- P-382
W-383 --- P-383
W-384 --- P-384
W-385 --- P-385
W-386 --- P-386
W-387 --- P-387
W-388 --- P-388
W-389 --- P-389
W-390 --- P-390
W-391 --- P-391
W-392 --- P-392
W-393 --- P-393
W-394 --- P-394
W-395 --- P-395
W-396 --- P-396
W-397 --- P-397
W-398 --- P-398
W-399 --- P-399
W-400 --- P-400
W-401 --- P-401
W-402 --- P-402
W-403 --- P-403
W-404 --- P-404
W-405 --- P-405
W-406 --- P-406
W-407 --- P-407
W-408 --- P-408
W-409 --- P-409
W-410 --- P-410
W-411 --- P-411
W-412 --- P-412
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W-494 --- P-494
W-495 --- P-495
W-496 --- P-496
W-497 --- P-497
W-498 --- P-498
W-499 --- P-499
W-500 --- P-500
Plan to read -> Reading
Plan to read Finished
Name Link Number
Add new entry to Plan to Read F-XXX
--- F-076
Rakuin no Monshou --- F-001
Welcome to the Man-Eating Dungeon (Ero Novel) F-002
I Only Need To Attend The Classroom Of The Sag--- F-003
I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth--- F-004
Dragon Life --- F-005
Dragoon --- F-006
Sevens Gaiden --- F-007
The Girl Who Cured the Crazy BOSS is Majestic --- F-008
Real Cheat Online --- F-009
I’m An S-Rank Behemoth Monster --- F-010
Elf Tensei Kara no Cheat Kenkoku-ki --- F-011
After Transformation, Mine and Her Wild Fantas--- F-012
The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon --- F-013
Blooming Thorn in Another World --- F-014
Devil’s Son-in-Law --- F-015
Ether Collapse --- F-016
The Crafters --- F-017
God of Gnomes --- F-018
Until Death? (Refleshed Version) --- F-019
The Court of Souls? --- F-020
Agent of the Realm? --- F-021
Body and Soul --- F-022
The Acts of Androkles --- F-023
Artemis Fowl F-024
Station Cores --- F-025
Death's Door --- F-026
Graphomurk --- F-027
Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki --- F-028
Ore Dake Kaereru Kurasu Teni --- F-029
God of Eyes --- F-030
A Jaded Life --- F-031
World Seed --- F-032
Viceroy's Pride --- F-033
Maou Shoujo Magical Chaos --- F-034
Before They Came (Magical Apocalypse) --- F-035
The Crab Fighter --- F-036
The Legendary Mechanic --- F-037
Just a Dream --- F-038
The Calamitous Bob --- F-039
REND --- F-040
Blood Demon's Retirement --- F-041
Nomad Healer --- F-042
Isekai de skill wo kaitai shitara cheat na yome ga.
--- F-043
The Journey of the Guardian --- F-044
Vortex (Anna Benning) F-045
I’m Not a Regressor --- F-046
Soulmonger (already read till ch 9) --- F-047
The Hero Returns (read till ch3 before) --- F-048
Void Evolution System (read till ch8 before) --- F-049
Summus Proelium --- F-050
Throne of Mud (Pokemon FF) --- F-051
Oak (Pokemon FF) --- F-052
Pokemon Trainer Vicky (Pokemon FF) --- F-053
Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a B --- F-054
A Study in Magic (HP/ Sherlock FF) --- F-055
The God Machine --- F-056
Protagonist: The Whims of Gods --- F-057
Heart and Soul (HP FF) --- F-058
Never Cut Twice - Book 1 (GoT FF) --- F-059
Blood Shaper --- F-060
Winterborn --- F-061
Flames (Worm FF) --- F-062
The Last Casualties (HP FF) --- F-063
Magical Relations (HP FF) --- F-064
Storm Bringer (HP FF) --- F-065
Helen Lilian Potter - The Girl who Ruled (HP FF)--- F-066
Dark Tidings --- F-067
Flight of the Dragonfly (Worm/ MHA FF) --- F-068
Acceleration (Worm/ Toaru FF) --- F-069
Wordsworth (Worm FF) --- F-070
The Blood On My Hands... It Scares Me To Death --- F-071
I Will Save the Villain --- F-072
A Game of Ice and Fire (GoT FF) --- F-073
Fight. Level. Survive. --- F-074
Minute Mage --- F-075
To Save a World - Tenets of Eden --- F-076
Overkill (Worm/ Star Wars FF) --- F-077
Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) (GoT FF) --- F-078
The Dragon's Roar (GoT FF) --- F-079
Inheritance (Worm FF) --- F-080
The Rising Son (GoT FF) --- F-081
A Hero Rises (ERO) (MHA FF) --- F-082
Into the Night (RWBY/ FsN FF) --- F-083
Heroes, Dreams, and Destiny (RWBY/ FsN FF) --- F-084
Kidnapped Dragons --- F-085
Focused Fire (AtlA FF) --- F-086
Through the Glass Portal --- F-087
oh, how the mighty fall (HP FF) --- F-088
Pound the Table (X-MEN/ MCU FF) --- F-089
Vex (DC/ MCU FF) --- F-090
Meddling Giant (HP FF) --- F-091
After Us, the Flood (HP FF) --- F-092
For Dawn And Dusk (HP FF) --- F-093
For the Record --- F-094
Corpo Age --- F-095
Ultimate Level 1 --- F-096
Death of the Party --- F-097
Eye Opener --- F-098
Who Says all Saints Need to be Good? --- F-099
Like Tenfold Shields (HP FF) --- F-100
Danger Zone Brockton (Worm FF) --- F-101
I Am the Whirlwind (Cyberpunk FF) --- F-102
Tilt (Worm FF) --- F-103
Necrologia Chronicles --- F-104
Mana & Mayhem --- F-105
Name Last Read Score
Add new entry to Finished Volume Chapter 1-10
--- ---
Seoul stations necromancer --- 208 8
Dungeon Hunter --- 242 8
Dimensional Sovereign --- 159 5
Everyone else is a Returnee --- 348 9
Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society --- 352 8
Sevens 18 345 6
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari --- 386 9
That person. Later on... --- 212 5
The world turned into a game after I woke up --- 301 5
Sovereign of Judgment --- 210 6
Demon King & Hero 9 3 7
Moshuko Tensei 26 10
Release that Witch --- 1498 9
The Novel’s Extra --- 378 7
Epilogue --- 19 6
The Gam3 6 13 6
Binary Soul --- 150 7
RE:WRITE --- 72 7
Mother of Learning --- 106 9
Graven --- 50 5
Never Die Twice --- 41 6
Reroll --- 86 6
The Perfect Run --- 130 9
A Lonely Dungeon --- 20 7
Returning to No Applause, Only More of the Sam --- 100 7
Back to the Beginning... (HP FF) --- 28 6
Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! (Pokemon FF) --- 34 4
Barefoot (HP FF) --- 56 3
To Shape and Change (HP FF) --- 34 7
A Black Comedy (HP FF) --- 31 7
Crystalized Munchkinry (Worm FF) --- 96 7
Security! (Worm FF) --- 54 8
Hive Daughter (Worm FF) --- 69 6
A Magical Journey (HP FF) --- 439 7
Intercession (Worm/ HP FF) --- 12 7
A Wand for Skitter (Worm/ HP FF) --- 121 7
Slouching Towards Nirvana (Worm/ MHA FF) --- 39 6
Harry Potter and the Bucket List (HP FF) --- 50 6
Heroes Assemble! (HP/ MCU FF) --- 128 6
Reborn (HP/ MCU FF) --- 78 6
Oh God Not Again! (HP FF) --- 50 4
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path (HP FF) --- 50 8
For Love of Magic (Book1) (HP FF) --- 56 6
A Discordant Note (Book 2) (HP/ GoT FF) --- 28 6
In this World and the Next (HP FF) --- 26 4
Delenda Est (HP FF) --- 46 3
Time to Put Your Galleons Where Your Mouth Is --- 21 4
Faery Heroes (HP FF) --- 50 5
Back? Not Really (HP FF) --- 59 7
Intersecting Realities (HP FF) --- 4 4
The Ghost of Privet Drive (HP FF) --- 28 7
A Curse of Truth (HP FF) --- 28 4
The Disorder of the Phoenix (HP FF) --- 27 3
Queen of Blood (Worm/ Castlevania FF) --- 107 8
The Archeologist (HP FF) --- 11 8
The Natural (Pokemon FF) --- 45 8
Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (HP/ MCU FF) --- 80 7
The Most Dangerous Gamer (Worm FF) --- 90 7
Quintessence (Worm/ Star Wars FF) --- 49 7
The Quintessence of a Queen (Worm/ GoT FF) --- 39 7
Harry Potter and the Four Founders (Forever Ma --- 30 3
The Forever Mage (Forever Mage Part 2) (HP/ St --- 24 5
The Lord of Light (Forever Mage Part 3) (HP/ St --- 33 6
The Simurgh's Son (Forever Mage Part 4) (HP/ --- 66 7
Vista has enough (Worm FF) --- 1 4
Trump Card (Worm FF) --- 37 6
Price of Blood (Worm FF) --- 19 6
Dungeon Warlord (Worm/ Danmachi FF) --- 53 4
I, Panacea (Worm FF) --- 33 8
Princess (RWBY/ Worm FF) --- 51 8
Serpent Queen (HP/ GoT FF) --- 25 6
Metagaming? (Book 3) (HP/ Warcraft FF) --- 35 8
Whispers of a Raven (HP FF) --- 35 8
Altura’s Defiance --- 108 5
Not Your Heroes (HP FF) --- 55 3
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Dropdown Menus Good Filters for new Books
Description Dropdown Description
▼▼▼Copy right column when needed ▼▼▼ ▼▼▼Copy Link when needed ▼▼▼
Volumes --- Pokemon Fanfictions
Link (example) --- Spacebattles Worm FF
Score --- Different FanFiction Sites
HP Crossover Book Filter A
ers for new Books
ink when needed ▼▼▼

Active Cell -> Waiting Active Cell -> Dropped Active Cell -> Finished
Active Cell plus 1 Reading Active Cell minus 1
Number Name Last Read Link
R-XXX Add new entry to Reading Volume Chapter
R-156 --- ---
R-001 One Punch Man --- 200
R-002 A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special --- 246
R-003 The Beginning After The End --- 175
R-004 Arifureta Shokugyou De Sekai Saikyou --- 73
R-005 Overlord --- 78
R-006 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken --- 103
R-007 Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka? --- 67.2
R-008 Sss-Class Suicide Hunter --- 109
R-009 Goblin Slayer --- 75
R-010 The Rising Of The Shield Hero 18 93
R-011 Tsuki Ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu --- 92
R-012 Skeleton Knight in Another World --- 55.2
R-013 The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want A Fourth --- 51
R-014 Return Of The Frozen Player --- 104
R-015 The Player That Can't Level Up --- 93
R-016 Mercenary Enrollment --- 122
R-017 The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years --- 147
R-018 Limit Breaker --- 80
R-019 The Max Level Hero has Returned! --- 136
R-020 Isekai Apocalypse Mynoghra --- 25
R-021 Otherworldly Sword King's Survival Records --- 146
R-022 Villain To Kill --- 132
R-023 The Eminence In Shadow --- 60.1
R-024 Overgeared --- 152
R-025 The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs --- 51
R-026 Villainess Level 99 --- 18.2
R-027 Seirei Gensouki - Konna Sekai de Deaeta Kimi n --- 50
R-028 Leveling With The Gods --- 86
R-029 Konjiki No Moji Tsukai --- 99
R-030 I Grow Stronger By Eating! --- 74
R-031 Sono Monban, Saikyou Nitsuki --- 12
R-032 Tensei Shitara Dragon No Tamago Datta --- 33
R-033 The Heavenly Demon Destroys the Lich King’s Mu --- 66
R-034 Isekai Mahou Wa Okureteru! --- 48
R-035 The Tutorial Is Too Hard --- 139
R-036 Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint --- 195
R-037 The Hero Who Returned Remains The Stronge --- 18.4
R-038 Reformation Of The Deadbeat Noble --- 75
R-039 The S-Classes That I Raised --- 62
R-040 Maxed Out Leveling --- 53
R-041 Solo Max-Level Newbie --- 136
R-042 Seoul Station’s Necromancer --- 78
R-043 The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Y --- 92
R-044 Worn and Torn Newbie --- 170
R-045 Super Evolution --- 55
R-046 Magi Craft Meister --- 53
R-047 Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Godd --- 25
R-048 A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, --- 56.2
R-049 The Former Demon King Who Grows Up While B --- 21
R-050 Zensei wa Ken Mikado. Konjou Kuzu Ouji --- 25.2
R-051 Reincarnation Of The Suicidal Battle God --- 92
R-052 The Return of The Disaster-Class Hero --- 66
R-053 Ranker’s Return --- 93
R-054 Solo Necromancy --- 94
R-055 Is This Hero for Real? --- 101
R-056 Hero, Returns --- 70
R-057 I'm Really Not The Evil God's Lackey --- 58
R-058 Hazure Skill “Kage ga Usui” o Motsu Guild Shok --- 34
R-059 Isekai Meikyuu no Saishinbu o Mezasou --- 28
R-060 Sekai de Tadahitori no Mamono Tsukai ~Tensh --- ´37.2
R-061 The Maou Army’s Strongest Magician Was a H --- 27
R-062 Ending Maker --- 56
R-063 To Hell With Being A Saint, I’m A Doctor --- 43
R-064 Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House --- 73
R-065 The Newbie is Too Strong --- 40
R-066 Damn Reincarnation --- 81
R-067 Swordmaster’s Youngest Son --- 48
R-068 Kamigoroshi No Maou Saijyaku Shuzoku Ni Tens --- 13
R-069 The Novel’s Extra (Remake) --- 93
R-070 What It Takes to be a Villainess --- 59
R-071 Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ken --- 33
R-072 I Have Been Stuck On The Same Day For 3,000 Yea --- 10
R-073 One-of-a-Kind Irregular --- 34
R-074 Talent-Swallowing Magician --- 42
R-075 Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later --- 65
R-076 Academy’s Undercover Professor --- 81
R-077 Transmigrating to the Otherworld Once More --- 23
R-078 Overbearing Tyrant ---
R-079 Standard of Reincarnation --- 57
R-080 I Obtained a Mythic Item --- 86
R-081 What Happens Inside The Dungeon (ERO) --- 117
R-082 Existence --- 13
R-083 Return of the SSS-Class Ranker --- 88
R-084 I Became The Male Lead’S Adopted Daughter --- 61
R-085 One Step for the Dark Lord --- 55
R-086 Never Die Extra --- 26
R-087 Dungeon Odyssey --- 38
R-088 Second Life Of A Trash Princess --- 62
R-089 Isekai De Cheat Skill Wo Te Ni Shita Ore Wa, Gen --- 20
R-090 Worthless Regression --- 47
R-091 The Villainess Lives Twice --- 96
R-092 The Reincarnation Of The Strongest Onmyoji --- 21.2
R-093 Rise of The Cheat User --- 21
R-094 The Adventurers That Don't Believe In Humanity --- 40.2
R-095 I’ll Be Taking A Break For Personal Reasons --- 32
R-096 Relife Player --- 29
R-097 Demon Lord’s Martial Arts Ascension --- 18
R-098 Boundless Necromancer --- 34
R-099 What's Wrong with Being the Villainess? --- 45
R-100 No Place for the Fake Princess --- 46
R-101 Everyone Else is A Returnee --- 39
R-102 Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God --- 51
R-103 World’s Strongest Troll --- 59
R-104 Drug-Eating Genius Mage --- 48
R-105 I Used to be a Boss --- 35
R-106 Auto-Hunting With Clones --- 79
R-107 Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound --- 62
R-108 Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight --- 42
R-109 Warrior High School – Dungeon Raid Department ---
R-110 I Returned as an FFF-Class Witch Doctor ---
R-111 The Greatest Estate Developer --- 125
R-112 The Player Hides His Past --- 39
R-113 F-Class Destiny Hunter --- 55
R-114 Genius of the Unique Lineage --- 1
R-115 Legendary Ranker’s Comeback --- 37
R-116 Dungeon Sherpa: Meikyuu Michisaki Annainin --- 20
R-117 Eiyuu To Kenja No Tensei Kon --- 11
R-118 The Extra is Too Strong --- 24
R-119 The Priest of Corruption --- 41
R-120 Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha --- 79
R-121 A Hero Trained By The Most Evil Demon King Is --- 13
R-122 Shindou Yuusha To Maid Onee-Sana ---
R-123 The Frontier Alchemist ---
R-124 Stuck In The Tower --- 47
R-125 The Time Mage's Strong New Game --- 15
R-126 Isekai Walking --- 30
R-127 Superhuman Era ---
R-128 Fun Territory Defense By The Optimistic Lord ---
R-129 Absolute Necromancer --- 24
R-130 Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits --- 45
R-131 A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician --- 52
R-132 Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess --- 126
R-133 Tricked into Becoming the Heroine's Stepmother --- 35
R-134 Academy’s Genius Swordsman --- 32
R-135 The God of War Who Regressed to Level 2 --- 44
R-136 The Blood Knight’s Villains --- 3
R-137 The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life --- 10
R-138 Dragon-Devouring Mage --- 27
R-139 The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman --- 30
R-140 Insanely Talented Player --- 3
R-141 Regressor’s Life After Retirement --- 25
R-142 Golden Mage --- 3
R-143 Archmage Transcending Through Regression --- 73
R-144 Surviving The Game as a Barbarian --- 48
R-145 Reincarnation of the Murim Clan’s Former Ranker --- 2
R-146 Shangri-La Frontier --- 106
R-147 The Max-Level Player’s 100th Regression --- 37
R-148 Steel-Eating Player ---
R-149 I Killed an Academy Player --- 16
R-150 Regressing with the King’s Power --- 20
R-151 I Regressed to My Ruined Family --- 4
R-152 The 31st Piece Overturns the Board --- 6
R-153 The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All --- 9
R-154 The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Love You ---
R-155 The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide ---
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minus 1 Dropped
Number Name Last Read Link Reason
D-XXX Add new entry to Dropped Volume Chapter
D-071 --- ---
D-001 Magic Emperor --- 2 --- Standard
D-002 Tomb Raider King --- 74 --- Very repet
D-003 Versatile Mage --- 2 --- Bad qualit
D-004 The Scholar's Reincarnation --- 21 --- Art is goo
D-005 Isekai Meikyuu De Harem O --- 4 --- Wish fullf
D-006 Solo Spell Caster --- 8 --- Nonsensical
D-007 Max Level Returner --- 13 --- The story c
D-008 Ultimate Soldier --- 1 --- Xianxia wit
D-009 Reverse Villain --- 6 --- The manga m
D-010 Rooftop Sword Master --- 37 --- It was quit
D-011 Shikkaku Mon No Saikyou Kenja --- 23 --- Just really
D-012 (ERO) Maou No Hajimekata --- 21 --- Its trying
D-013 Garbage Hero: A Revenge Story Of A Hero W --- 12 --- The Name is
D-014 Hero? I Quit A Long Time Ago. --- 16 --- Hypocrite P
D-015 Naze Boku No Sekai Wo Daremo Oboeteinai N --- 10 --- Not a bad m
D-016 Metropolitan System --- 4 --- Nonsensical
D-017 I Summoned The Devil To Grant Me A Wish, B --- 3 --- Slice of Li
D-018 Ranker Who Lives A Second Time --- 13 --- Just... bor
D-019 Solo Login --- 10 --- Story is su
D-020 I Have An Apocalyptic Dungeon --- 5 --- Exagerated
D-021 I Became A System --- 7 --- Super bad t
D-022 False Hero Has No Whereabouts In This World. --- 3 --- Boring Sto
D-023 The Galactic Navy Officer Becomes An Adventu --- 6 --- Bad Transla
D-024 Lv999 No Murabito --- 15 --- Boring. Wou
D-025 Memorize --- 17 --- Boring, and
D-026 Kamigami ni Sodaterare Shimo no, Saikyou to Nar --- 3 --- Op Prota, b
D-027 Welcome to the Impregnable Demon King Castle --- 2 --- Manga looks
D-028 Because I'm An Uncle Who Runs A Weapon Sh --- 26 --- Story could
D-029 Nano Machine --- 3 --- I hoped for
D-030 The book eating magician --- 4 --- Book looks
D-031 Sakamoto Days --- 2 --- Entirely co
D-032 From The Grave And Back --- 78 --- Beginning w
D-033 The Challenger --- 3 --- Boring AF c
D-034 Moshi Fanren --- 15 --- Bad Quality
D-035 Tales Of Reincarnation In Maydare - The World' --- 2 --- Its definet
D-036 Dungeon House --- 7 --- Very Boring
D-037 Deadbeat Hero --- 4 --- Made for ch
D-038 990k Ex-Life Hunter --- 22 --- Stupid Faci
D-039 The Rebirth of an 8th-Circled Wizard --- 5 --- Arrogant Pr
D-040 Infinite Level Up In Murim --- 1 --- Hoped for s
D-041 Regina Rena – To the Unforgivable --- 1 --- The transla
D-042 Your Talent is Mine --- 10 --- Boring. The
D-043 Of All Things, I Became a Crow --- 4 --- Its hardcor
D-044 How To Kill A God --- 35 --- Weird, very
D-045 Divine Leveling System --- 12 --- Utter trash
D-046 Jungle Juice --- 2 --- Honestly ju
D-047 I Became a Renowned Family’s Sword Prodigy --- 6 --- Unrealistic
D-048 World’s Apocalypse Online --- 2 --- It´s.... sh
D-049 Kill the Dragon --- 4 --- Seems to b
D-050 Is this Hunter for Real? --- 6 --- Same author
D-051 I Regressed As The Duke --- 12 --- Its more ab
D-052 My School Life Pretending To Be a Worthless Pers --- 6 --- Boring. Its
D-053 Living In This World With Cut & Paste --- 9 --- Very boring
D-054 Miss Not-So Sidekick --- 37 --- its a hardc
D-055 A Comic Artist’s Survival Guide --- 4 --- It is a tin
D-056 Realist Maou Niyoru Seiiki Naki Isekai Kaikaku --- 1 --- The chapter
D-057 The Reincarnation Magician Of The Inferior E --- 85 --- Its become
D-058 Devious Daughter of the Duchy --- 19 --- Its a borin
D-059 Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! --- 29 --- Its a slice
D-060 Knight of the Frozen Flower --- 3 --- there are w
D-061 My Civil Servant Life Reborn in a Strange World --- 45 --- It had a go
D-062 The Dark Mage’s Return to Enlistment --- 14 --- The main pr
D-063 The Knight King Who Returned with a God --- 7 --- The main ch
D-064 Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage --- 26 --- It was a bi
D-065 SSS-Rank Lone Summoner --- 15 --- It´s all ab
D-066 Nine Heavens Swordmaster --- 1 --- Its a xianx
D-067 Level 1 Player --- 56 --- So generic
D-068 The Warrior Returns --- 8 --- Its just mi
D-069 Catastrophic Necromancer --- 1 --- This is so
D-070 Youngest Son of the Renowned Magic Clan --- 1 --- I am 100% s
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Waiting -> Reading
Waiting P
Number Name Last Read Link Number
W-XXX Add new entry to Waiting Volume Chapter P-XXX
W-118 --- --- P-025
W-001 Boku no Hero Academia --- 149 --- P-001
W-002 Auto Hunting --- 92 --- P-002
W-003 The Rise of the Unemployed Wise Man --- 35 --- P-003
W-004 Tenseishichatta yo (Iya, Gomen) --- 33 --- P-004
W-005 Maou-Sama, Retry! R 1 3 --- P-005
W-006 Hiraheishi Wa Kako O Yumemiru --- 49 --- P-006
W-007 I Am Behemoth Of The S Rank Monster But I Am --- 34 --- P-007
W-008 The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently In His --- 51.1 --- P-008
W-009 The New Gate --- 67 --- P-009
W-010 World Teacher - Isekaishiki Kyouiku Agent --- 32 --- P-010
W-011 Yankee Wa Isekai De Seirei Ni Aisaremasu. --- 37 --- P-011
W-012 Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita --- 44 --- P-012
W-013 Roku De Nashi Majutsu Koushi To Kinki Kyou --- 27 --- P-013
W-014 Evil Dragon Reincarnation --- 34 --- P-014
W-015 It's Sudden, But I Came To Another World! But --- 19 --- P-015
W-016 The Second Coming of Gluttony --- 52 --- P-016
W-017 The devil is a part timer --- 12 --- P-017
W-018 Dungeon Reset --- 60 --- P-018
W-019 Kami-Sama No Iru Keshiki --- 7 --- P-019
W-020 World's Strongest Rearguard: Labyrinth Cou 4 17.5 --- P-020
W-021 I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life --- 20 --- P-021
W-022 Tondemo Skill De Isekai Hourou Meshi --- 40 --- P-022
W-023 Maou-Sama No Machizukuri! ~Saikyou No Dungeo --- 27 --- P-023
W-024 Isekai Shoukan Wa Nidome Desu 5 26.1 --- P-024
W-025 The Former Top 1's Sub-Character Training D --- 24 --- P-025
W-026 The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Rebor --- 37 --- P-026
W-027 Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka? --- 43 --- P-027
W-028 Saikyou Juzoku Tensei: Cheat Majutsushi No S --- 20 --- P-028
W-029 Yakudatazu Skill ni Jinsei o Sosogikomi 25-n --- 25 --- P-029
W-030 Tokyo Manji Revengers --- 5 --- P-030
W-031 Sayounara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei --- 34 --- P-031
W-032 Genjitsushugisha No Oukokukaizouki --- 35 --- P-032
W-033 My Wife Is A Demon Queen --- 3 --- P-033
W-034 Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kane --- 14 --- P-034
W-035 Kuro No Shoukanshi --- 70 --- P-035
W-036 The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic --- 41 --- P-036
W-037 I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’S Party Because --- 34 --- P-037
W-038 The Tutorial Tower Of The Advanced Player --- 66 --- P-038
W-039 Return To Player --- 47 --- P-039
W-040 The Executed Sage Is Reincarnated As A Lich --- 8.1 --- P-040
W-041 Murim Login --- 71 --- P-041
W-042 The Irregular Of The Royal Academy Of Magic --- 19 --- P-042
W-043 Her Majesty's Swarm --- 16 --- P-043
W-044 29-Sai Dokushin Wa Isekai De Jiyuu Ni Ikita --- 14 --- P-044
W-045 Berserk of Gluttony --- 35 --- P-045
W-046 After Being Reborn, I Became The Strongest To S --- 33 --- P-046
W-047 Tensei Kenja No Isekai Raifu --- 26 --- P-047
W-048 The Unsuccessful Yet Academically Unparalleled S --- 10 --- P-048
W-049 I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summon, But the Other --- 23 --- P-049
W-050 Isekai De Te Ni Ireta Seisan Skill Wa Saikyou Datt --- 12 --- P-050
W-051 The Abandoned Reincarnated Sage --- 18 --- P-051
W-052 The Tanaka Family Reincarnates --- 11 --- P-052
W-053 Mashle --- 48 --- P-053
W-054 Starting A Business In Another World!? --- 8 --- P-054
W-055 Hell Mode: Yarikomi Suki no Gamer wa Hai Settei --- 8 --- P-055
W-056 Shoki Skill Ga Benri Sugite Isekai Seikatsu ga Tano --- 8 --- P-056
W-057 Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru? --- 27 --- P-057
W-058 It all starts with playing game seriously --- 25 --- P-058
W-059 Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita? --- 33 --- P-059
W-060 Second life of a Gangster --- 72 --- P-060
W-061 Mieruko-Chan --- 35 --- P-061
W-062 I Was Summoned By The Demon Lord, But I Ca --- 21 --- P-062
W-063 People Made Fun of Me for Being Jobless but Its --- 13 --- P-063
W-064 Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara o Tabeta --- 24 --- P-064
W-065 (ERO) Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou --- 41 --- P-065
W-066 God of Blackfield --- 41 --- P-066
W-067 The Useless Tamer Will Turn into the Top Unco --- 9 --- P-067
W-068 Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda --- 35 --- P-068
W-069 Lonely Attack On A Different World --- 98 --- P-069
W-070 War-Ble --- 58 --- P-070
W-071 Hero Of His Own Opinion --- 13 --- P-071
W-072 (ERO) Dungeon Kurashi no Moto Yuusha --- 29 --- P-072
W-073 The Gamer 5 29 --- P-073
W-074 The Game That I Came From --- 32 --- P-074
W-075 Kaiju No. 8 --- 48 --- P-075
W-076 Gods Reborn --- 43 --- P-076
W-077 Arcana Fantasy --- 29 --- P-077
W-078 Miracle Hero! --- 48 --- P-078
W-079 Trash Of The Count’s Family --- 58 --- P-079
W-080 The King Of Bugs --- 48 --- P-080
W-081 The Strongest Player --- 18 --- P-081
W-082 Solo Bug Player --- 80 --- P-082
W-083 Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The --- 19 --- P-083
W-084 Re:Monster --- 78 --- P-084
W-085 Kill the Villainess --- 38.5 --- P-085
W-086 Release that Witch --- 359 --- P-086
W-087 The Live --- 81 --- P-087
W-088 Youngest Scion of the Mages --- 26 --- P-088
W-089 The Constellation That Returned From Hell --- 87 --- P-089
W-090 Trapped In A Webnovel As A Good-For-Nothing --- 101 --- P-090
W-091 Tensei Shitara Dai Nana Ouji Dattanode --- 87 --- P-091
W-092 My Way of Killing Gods In Another World --- 49 --- P-092
W-093 Seoul Station Druid --- 40 --- P-093
W-094 The Reincarnated Inferior Magic Swordsman --- 59 --- P-094
W-095 Shoukan Sareta Kenja Wa Isekai Wo Yuku --- 29 --- P-095
W-096 Return of the 8th Class Magician --- 55 --- P-096
W-097 The Former Hero was Called as a Failure and E --- 14.2 --- P-097
W-098 Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect The Dungeo --- 181 --- P-098
W-099 Return Of The Legendary Spear Knight --- 46 --- P-099
W-100 Regressor Instruction Manual --- 46 --- P-100
W-101 Sono Mono. Nochi ni... ~Kigatsuitara S-kyuu --- 26.2 --- P-101
W-102 The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?! --- 59 --- P-102
W-103 Starting Today, I’m a Player --- 47 --- P-103
W-104 Spy X Family --- 61 --- P-104
W-105 The World After the Fall --- 32 --- P-105
W-106 The Return of the Crazy Demon --- 52 --- P-106
W-107 In the Night Consumed by Blades, I Walk --- 9 --- P-107
W-108 I Can See Your Death --- 6 --- P-108
W-109 Return of the Mount Hua Sect --- 29 --- P-109
W-110 The Demon King's Champion --- 23 --- P-110
W-111 Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tens --- 22 --- P-111
W-112 The Hero Who Has No Class. I Don't Need Any Sk --- 35 --- P-112
W-113 Isekai Kenja no Tensei Musou --- 20 --- P-113
W-114 Chillin Different World Life Of The EX-Brave C --- 34 --- P-114
W-115 Return of the Broken Constellation --- 37 --- P-115
W-116 SSS-Class Gacha Hunter --- 40 --- P-116
W-117 The Former Hero Wants To Live Peacefully --- 11 --- P-117
W-118 --- P-118
W-119 --- P-119
W-120 --- P-120
W-121 --- P-121
W-122 --- P-122
W-123 --- P-123
W-124 --- P-124
W-125 --- P-125
W-126 --- P-126
W-127 --- P-127
W-128 --- P-128
W-129 --- P-129
W-130 --- P-130
W-131 --- P-131
W-132 --- P-132
W-133 --- P-133
W-134 --- P-134
W-135 --- P-135
W-136 --- P-136
W-137 --- P-137
W-138 --- P-138
W-139 --- P-139
W-140 --- P-140
W-141 --- P-141
W-142 --- P-142
W-143 --- P-143
W-144 --- P-144
W-145 --- P-145
W-146 --- P-146
W-147 --- P-147
W-148 --- P-148
W-149 --- P-149
W-150 --- P-150
W-151 --- P-151
W-152 --- P-152
W-153 --- P-153
W-154 --- P-154
W-155 --- P-155
W-156 --- P-156
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W-300 --- P-300
Plan to read -> Reading
Plan to read Finished
Name Link Number
Add new entry to Plan to Read F-XXX
--- F-039
Witch Hat Atelier --- F-001
Worn And Torn Newbie --- F-002
Kajiya De Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life F-003
Magic Artisan Dahliya Won't Hang Her Head ~Dahliya Wilts No F-004
Sharing Life On A Deserted Island With An Elf F-005
An Oldman in Counterworld F-006
Midashitai Giya-San To Midarenai Tadamichi F-007
Sengoku Komachi Kurou Tan! F-008
Kanchigai No Atelier Meister --- F-009
Yajin Tensei: Karate Survivor In Another World F-010
Sekimen Shinaide Sekime-San F-011
Mysterious Job called oda nobunaga F-012
Lion Coeur Senki. F-013
The Hawk's Song F-014
Sousei No Taiga F-015
Crazy Food Truck F-016
Arafoo Kenja No Isekai Seikatsu Nikki F-017
Welcome To Cheap Restaurant Of Outcast! F-018
I Was Dismissed From The Hero’S Party Because They Don’T Ne
Saikyou Yuusha Wa Oharai Hako: Maou Ni Nattara Zutto Ore F-020
» An Active Hunter In Hokkaido Has Been Thrown Into A DiffereF-021
Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou Sareta Beast Tamer, --- F-022
Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru! --- F-023
Terror vs Revival --- F-024
Name Last Read Score
Add new entry to Finished Volume Chapter 1-10
--- ---
Akame Ga Kill --- 78.5 6
Mahou Sensei Negima 38 355 10
Maou-Sama, Retry! 5 25 7
Dungeon Seeker --- 33 6
The Breaker 10 72 9
The Breaker: New Waves 20 203 9
Girls of the Wild’s --- 192 9
Noblesse --- 544 7
Fairy Tail --- 545 8
(ERO) Nozoki Ana 13 117 7
Trinity Wonder --- 102 8
11eyes: Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo 3 12 7
Adabana --- 1 7
Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara --- 1 5
Aoki Umi no Toraware Hime 2 12 6
½ Prince (alternative Version) 16 82 8
½ Prince 9 76 8
Beelzebub 28 250 10
Countrouble 7 39 7
Defense Devil 10 100 8
Eden no Ori 21 185 9
Erementar Gerad 18 96 8
Fukashigi Philia 3 16 7
Ga-Rei 12 56 9
Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai 26 271 9
Magico 8 68 8
Maniac Road 3 23 6
Psyren 16 145 9
Re:LIVE --- 2 6
Stealth Symphony 3 21 5
Suisei no Gargantia 3 13 5
Swot 3 22 8
Trace --- 177 9
Trace 1.5: Communicator --- 39 8
unCassandra 2 8 6
I Am The Sorcerer King --- 143 8
Solo Leveling (+ Side Storys) --- 200 10
Kill the Hero --- 143 5
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Dropdown Menus
Description Dropdown
▼▼▼Copy right column when needed ▼▼▼
Volumes ---
Link (example) ---
Score ---
Number Name
D-001 The epic Tale of the Forsaken Hero
D-002 Age of Adepts
D-003 Monster Paradise
D-004 God and Devil World
D-005 Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician
D-006 Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi
D-007 Shadow Hack
D-008 Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke
D-009 The World after the Fall
D-010 Legend
D-011 Shiniki no Campiones
D-012 The Villains Need to Save the World?
D-013 The Human Emperor
D-014 The Amber Sword
D-015 Demon Sword Maiden
D-016 Rise of the Wasteland
D-017 The Legend of Sun Knight
D-018 Kyuuketsu Hime wa Barairo no Yume o Miru
D-019 Change: New World
D-020 Diary of Erica Kron
D-021 Those Who Aspired to Become Gods
D-022 Modern Age Online
D-023 Not All Heroes
D-024 Rise of Demon King
D-025 Library of Heaven's Path
D-026 True Daughter of Storm
D-027 Forging his own destiny
D-028 The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale
D-029 Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
D-030 Evolution (Rewrite)
D-031 So What If I'm a Summoner Who Only Wants Fluffy Creatures?
D-032 Life Mission
D-033 While Killing Slimes for 300 Years, I Became the MAX Level Unknowingly
D-034 The Deathworlders
D-035 Don't Fear the Reaper
D-036 Re: Survival
D-037 My Girlfriend is a Zombie
D-038 Revenge of the Sorcerer King
D-039 I Can Respawn In The Apocalypse!
D-040 Auntie toasts the VRMMORPG
D-041 The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha
D-042 FFF-Class Trashero
D-043 A Dragon Gnawing Its Tail
D-044 Derelict
D-045 Dungeon Maker -RRNovel
D-046 Essence of Ash
D-047 The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
D-048 Doing God's Work
D-049 I Didn't Even Want to Live, But God Forced Me to Reincarnate!
D-050 Fodder
D-051 Bitter
D-052 Carn Online: Second Chances
D-053 Forgotten Dungeon
D-054 Upheaval - The Gentle Apocalypse
D-055 Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends
D-056 Deeper Darker
D-057 The System is accepting applications
D-058 Champions of the Boundary
D-059 Soulshard: Willbender
D-060 Threadbare
D-061 Reincarnation Paradise
D-062 Undetermined
D-063 The Hero Who Returned Remains the Strongest in the Modern World
D-064 The Abyssal Dungeon
D-065 The Misplaced Dungeon
D-066 Atros Imperium
D-067 Heather the Necromancer
D-068 Don't label me!
D-069 Heroes of Midlaris
D-070 Immortals: The Curse of Samsara
D-071 Second Life Ranker
D-072 Hero? I’ve Long Stopped Being One
D-073 My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,
D-074 Vaudevillain
D-075 Solomon's Crucible
D-076 Artifice: Tools of the Gods
D-077 Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later
D-078 Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path
D-079 King of the Mountain
D-080 Ben's Damn Adventure: The Prince Has No Pants
D-081 Blessed Time
D-082 The Extramundane Emancipation of Geela, Evil Sorceress at Large
D-083 Exterminator Dungeon
D-084 Leaves of Terranthir
D-085 Inverted
D-086 SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
D-087 Asleep
D-088 Beyond Average
D-089 Dungeon Item Shop
D-090 Overgeared
D-091 Dear Spellbook
D-092 Planet-Eater Reincarnation (Star Wars FF)
D-093 Dungeon's Path
D-094 The Mortal Acts
D-095 The Weirkey Chronicles
D-096 Speedrunning the Multiverse
D-097 Time.Travel()
D-098 This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder
D-099 Los
D-100 My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
D-101 Dimentional Chat Group of Creation and Destruction (MCU FF)
D-102 This Used to be About Dungeons
D-103 Journey Towards Greatness (Pokemon FF)
D-104 Pokemon: Master of tactics (Pokemon FF)
D-105 Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures (Pokemon FF)
D-106 Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen (HP FF)
D-107 Avatar: Awakened Gamer (AtlA FF)
D-108 21st Century Archmage
D-110 The Flying Emporium
D-111 The Calamity of a Reborn Witch
D-112 Magical Marvel (HP/ MCU FF)
D-113 Throne of Time (Date A Live/ MHA FF)
D-114 Stuffed into Potter (HP FF)
D-115 There Will Be Dragons Here
D-116 Multiverse of MCU (MCU FF)
D-117 Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard (HP FF)
D-118 High Human in Crossed Worlds (HP FF)
D-119 Origins (HP FF)
D-120 Demesne
D-121 Master of the Loop
D-122 Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (HP FF)
D-123 Edge Cases
D-124 Hive Minds Give Good Hugs
D-125 MCU: Gamer Path (MCU FF)
D-126 My Craft (Minecraft FF)
D-127 The Princess and the Peasant (AtlA FF)
D-128 Draconic Karma Dungeon
D-129 Pokemon Reset Bloodlines (Pokemon FF)
D-130 Depths of the Otherworldly Labyrinth
D-131 The Rise of the Last Potter (HP FF)
D-132 The Young Master in the Shadows
D-133 I Just Want To Travel The World (Pokemon FF)
D-134 Elfish Welfare (HP FF)
D-135 The Type Specialist (Pokemon FF)
D-136 Harry Potter: Lost Son (HP FF)
D-137 A Strange Old World (HP FF)
D-138 Pokémon: Storm (Pokemon FF)
D-139 A Flight Into Games (HP FF)
D-140 A Sorcerer's Ambition (HP FF)
D-141 The Lion Cub (HP FF)
D-142 I'm HALPING! (Worm FF)
D-143 Immortal Conqueror
D-144 Seven Devils (HP FF)
D-145 InVeder (Worm FF)
D-146 Completely Unoriginal :: Yet Another CYOA/SI/MC in Brockton Bay (Worm
D-147 Madison (Worm FF)
D-148 Magus of the Wizarding World (HP FF)
D-149 A Traveler's Guide to the Multiverse: Earth-001 (Worm/ HP FF)
D-150 The Novel's Extra's Extra
D-151 Unexpected Reincarnation (HP FF)
D-152 Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter
D-153 I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With
D-154 Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (HP FF)
D-155 A Tale of Transmigration (Worm FF)
D-156 A Twelve Step Program to Omnipotence (MCU FF)
D-157 Micro - Efficient and Reliable Cultivation
D-159 The Long Slow Lizarding of Hermione Granger (Worm/ HP FF)
D-160 Empress Ascendant (Worm/ Warhammer FF)
D-161 Silencio (Worm FF)
D-162 Harry Potter and the Natural 20 (HP FF)
D-163 Don't Call Me a Grim Reaper!
D-164 The Shadow of Angmar (HP/ LotR FF)
D-165 Post-Apocalyptic Potter from a Parallel Universe (HP/ MCU FF)
D-166 World of Whatcraft (Warcraft FF)
D-167 Harry Potter - Three to Backstep (HP FF)
D-168 I Woke Up As a Dungeon, Now What? (Worm FF)
D-169 RuneMaster (HP FF)
D-170 Pokemon: Way of Life (Pokemon FF)
D-171 Hard Enough (Pokemon FF)
D-172 Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu
D-173 Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru
D-174 Child of the Storm (HP/ MCU FF)
D-175 Riding Acromantulas and Understanding Magical Biology (Worm/ HP FF)
D-176 Spiteful Healer
D-177 Theogony (Worm/ God of War FF)
D-178 The Last Hero of Allerion
D-179 The Denarian Renegade (HP FF)
D-180 The Order of Things (HP FF)
D-181 The Heir of the House of Black (HP FF)
D-182 he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine (HP/ FMA FF)
D-183 The Mudblood of Slytherin (HP FF)
D-184 Let The Heavens Fall (HP FF)
D-185 The Wings of a Butterfly (HP FF)
D-186 If You Had This Time Again (MCU FF)
D-187 Parallax (MHA FF)
D-188 Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it (MCU FF)
D-189 The Accidental Summoning
D-190 Reincarnation at its Finest (HP FF)
D-191 Lightning Dragon's Roar (HP FF)
D-192 Nobody told Me the rules (HP FF)
D-193 The Serpent and Her Lion (HP FF)
D-194 Lily's Next Great Adventure (HP FF)
D-195 The Weaver Option (Worm/ Warhammer FF)
D-196 Easier Than Falling Asleep (HP FF)
D-197 Bungle in the Jungle (HP FF)
D-198 Trolling the Multiverse (Worm FF)
D-199 Chasing Darkness (Pokemon FF)
D-200 Wizard Runemaster (HP/ Warcraft FF)
D-201 Dungeon Core/Realm Heart
D-202 Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time (HP FF)
D-203 The Origin of Species (Pokemon FF)
D-204 H & T Prank the Multiverse (Worm/ HP FF)
D-205 White Lies (ERO) (Worm FF)
D-206 The Wizard of Brockton Bay (Worm/ HP FF)
D-207 Company Girl (Worm FF)
D-208 Grind (Worm FF)
D-209 Sacrificial Second Chance (HP FF)
D-210 A Second Chance at Life (HP FF)
D-211 The End and the Beginning (HP FF)
D-212 Spells in Silence (HP FF)
D-213 Patience (Worm/ Batman FF)
D-214 The Antlered Lion (HP/ GoT FF)
D-215 Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon (HP/ GoT FF)
D-216 The End Is The Beginning (HP FF)
D-217 The War Of Titans (HP/ MCU FF)
D-218 Bhaalson Remodel (HP FF)
D-219 Snuggles the Symbiote (Worm/ MCU FF)
D-220 Hereafter (Worm/ Fate FF)
D-221 Vegas Consequences (HP/ Justice League FF)
D-222 Optimistic Game: Revised (RWBY/ X-Overs FF)
D-223 Aspects (Worm/ HP FF)
D-224 Absolute Trust (AtlA FF)
D-225 Tower Climber: Reborn
D-226 Welcome to the Wizarding Worm (Worm/ HP FF)
D-227 Magic and Mystery (HP/ Bungou Stray Dogs FF)
D-228 cast yourself (you are the spell) (HP FF)
D-229 A Wizard In Alexandria's Court (Worm/ D&D FF)
D-230 Collagen (Worm FF)
D-231 My New Life - Nine Worlds (Worm/ X-Overs FF)
D-232 Death has no Master, but Life has Servants (HP/ GoT FF)
D-233 The Ink Is Dry (GoT FF)
D-234 Harry Potter and the World that Waits (HP/ DC FF)
D-235 Man of Iron (Worm/ MCU FF)
D-236 HP: Magical life (HP FF)
D-237 Light of the Storm (Worm FF)
D-238 Firebird (Worm/ X-Overs FF)
D-239 Dungeon Diver
D-240 The Second Archon War (Worm/ Genshin FF)
D-241 Desperate Times Call for Desperate Pleasures (Worm FF)
D-242 In Another Place, In a Different Time (RWBY/ HI3 FF)
D-243 Gay-mer Taylor (Worm FF)
D-244 Leg Day (ERO) (Worm FF)
D-245 Of Dragons and Chickens (Of Madness and Reason) (HP FF)
D-246 Ouroboros (HP FF)
D-247 I Hope This Works (Worm FF)
D-248 Harry Potter and the Lust Genie (ERO) (HP/ Danny Phantom FF)
D-249 Headpats (Worm FF)
D-250 Flesh is Weak (Worm/ Warhammer FF)
D-251 Taylor Hebert: Pokemon Master (Pokemon/ Worm FF)
D-252 Ring-Maker (Worm/ LotR FF)
D-253 if you try to break me, you will bleed (GoT FF)
D-254 A Massacre of One (Worm/ MHA FF)
D-255 The Old Gods Called, They'd Like Their Kingdom Back (GoT FF)
D-256 Lovegood's Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors (HP FF)
D-257 Playing Our Roles (RWBY FF)
D-258 Game Maker System (MCU FF)
D-259 Sidus
D-260 Black Bond (HP FF)
D-261 The Prophet From Maine (GoT FF)
D-262 Professor Arc (RWBY FF)
D-263 A Farmer's Tale (GoT FF)
D-264 She Who Wields the Holy Sword (FsN/ Worm FF)
D-265 Observer Effect (MCU FF)
D-266 Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube
D-267 A Practical Guide to Sorcery
D-268 The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker (ERO) (Worm FF)
D-269 Gravitational Seduction (ERO) (MHA/ X-Overs FF)
D-270 A Better Life (ERO) (Worm FF)
D-271 Complementation (ERO) (Worm FF)
D-272 Draco Malfoy and the Intricacies of Unfamiliar Familiar Territory (HP FF)
D-273 Hermione learns a thing (HP FF)
D-274 Harry Potter and the Reluctant Rebirth (HP FF)
D-275 The Will of Gill (HP FF)
D-276 A Pocket Full of Posies (HP FF)
D-277 The Protagonist's Sister Is Actually The Strongest
D-278 The Goddess of Death (MCU FF)
D-279 Challenging Fate (HP FF)
D-280 To Protect (HP FF)
D-281 Ultimate One: TYPE-Taylor (Worm/ Fate FF)
D-282 Demonic Sect Elder Cultivates Righteous Disciples
D-283 I'm Just Here For The Life Experience (HP FF)
D-284 The Raven's Plan (GoT FF)
D-285 Rippling the Pages (HP FF)
D-286 The Reincarnated Villainess Assassin Only Wanted Friends
D-287 Brockton's Zoo of Myth and Legend (Worm FF)
D-288 That Universe Over There (HP FF)
D-289 Hogwarts' system (HP FF)
D-290 They Didn't Know We Were Seeds (HP FF)
D-291 ink and parchment | blood and bone (HP FF)
D-292 Incense and Powdered Diamond (Worm FF)
D-293 One Curse For Another (Worm/ Jujutsu Kaisen FF)
D-294 A Tyrant, Sort Of
D-295 Death Healer
D-296 The Golden Prince (HP FF)
D-297 Reprieve (Worm/ MCU FF)
D-298 sidera et mortem (HP/ MCU FF)
D-299 Chase The Lightning's Glow (Worm/ Genshin FF)
D-300 Architect of Infinity (Worm FF)
D-301 Saved By Waifu (Worm/ Multi FF)
D-302 0
D-303 0
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Brutal over the top Revenge (Score 2/10)
Not interesting enough (Score 3/10)
Not interesting enough (Score 3/10)
Not interesting enough (Score 3/10)
Not interesting enough (Score 3/10)
Brutal over the top Revenge (Score 2/10)
Not interesting enough (Score 3/10)
Not interesting enough (Score: 4/10)
Super Boring MC, Story is ok (Score: 4/10)
Boring Generic Storyline without development (Score: 3/10)
Boring Generic Storyline with Summoning of Gods (Score 5/10)
Bad Writing, Over sexualised, fad storyline (Score 2/10)
XianXia Timetravel Story with boring drawnout story in the begining, worth to try again later on (Score: 5/10)
Boring VRMMO to Reallife story with "OP" Protagonist who forgets many things which he shouldn´t have (Score: 2/10)
Ancient Japanese History as Storyline. Everything seems beautified and fantasy elements are boring (seemingly spirits)
Apparently contains strong racism and tropes at all times (Score: 1/10)
Boring Premise (worth retrying when wanting to read some comedy) (Score: 5/10)
Barely passable Story and Almost unreadable Translations, also Translation with frequent switched between sites witho
Sadly the Author dropped this work, The book itself was quite good (Score: 8/10)
A literal Diary of the prota which is realy boring and lightgoing (Score: 3/10)
Hiatus for over 2 Years. Story itself is good (Score: 7/10)
Boring VRMMO Story about Heroes (Score: 3/10)
Does not feel enticing to read (Score: 4/10)
Bad writing, Boring Storytelling/ Protagonist (Score: 4/10)
Typical Xianxia, Many Faceslappings, every Adult except the Main Prota are scheming Assholes with an IQ of 0 (Score: 2
Hard to read with constandtly changing mental states of the Protagonist and bad grammar (Score: 5/10)
Can´t bear to read the bad Grammar early on in the story. Definitly worth rereading when looking for smthing and havin
Very slow buildup. Despite Superb Writing and Objectively very good storytelling I find myself losing interest in the stor
Very lighthearted ln with no real story and same punchlines every time. Can be good if looking for something to doze off
Generic Apocalypse story. Worth retrying when not looking for something new. (Score: 6/10)
Deus ex machina much?... Prota accepts his death over and over again and always something stupid saves him from it bu
Really Boring start with bad writing an grammar (Score: 3/10)
Very very Boring read. The Anime looks promising though (Score: 3/10)
Story is playing in more places than one and chapters almost always advance the timeline which is skipping payoff conte
The Author dropped this work sadly. It was a great book (Score: 8/10)
Boring Zombie Apocalypse without Stats/ System and the Prota is more a Villain playing Carrots and Sticks (Score: 2/10
Boring, already read storys like this a hundred times. Story itself is not bad just a slow build up (Score: 5/10)
Author took down most chapters on RR (Score: 4/10)
Super generic Zombie Survival Story with unrealistic MC without moral it seems (Score: 1/10)
Fine for Entertainment but Story is standard and prota is and behaves as a granny (Score: 6/10)
Without very good knowledge of D&D Terms this Novel is completly impossible to understand. The sentence structure s
Protagonist is a heartless POS! He doesnt care about anyone and kills off every promising character in the first 10 Chapt
Sadly Author dropped this one years ago which is why I wont be putting more time into reading to current chapter. Stor
A Story about a Dungeon in Space, but the Protagonist is boring and even with the relativ unique plot it is not really inte
Protagonist is overpowered after 4 Chapters already and the story is kinda boring (Score: 4/10)
Story is well written but the characters are really bad. Since a good story with less than average characters is not fun to
Generic Echi Fantasy story.. nothing more to say (score: 3/10)
Story about our time but with gods stuck in a corporate environment under a tyran who doesnt give a shit what happen
Boring read and seems to be written for a younger demographic. Grammar is also not good which makes the reading no
I enjoyed the story for the most part but the synopsis did not lie. The Protagonist is a Criminal and goes as far as rape/ H
As the title says the protagonist ist pretty bitter and makes out all elements in her life and the game shes playing as nega
The main protagonist has the side characters under employment and is treating them as employees for the most part. Ev
Bad grammar and boring story so far. I wont be reading more. (Score: 2/10)
Kinda boring. Grammar is also not very good. Story is written and played out in scandinavia which makes money system
(only a bit of) Xianxia, the Story is chaning viewpoints and timeframes every other chapter which I did not like very muc
Too much sci-fi spacefaring adventure, too little LitRPG from what I can get out of the first chapter (Score: 4/10)
Ero Trash Novel. Prota is collecting a Harem and story could have been really good but the Author did nothing with it, at
Protagonist is a young teenager and behaves like an arrogant know it all since chapter 1. Maybe it gets better later but th
Only 7 Chapters exist and its been on Hiatus for over 3 Years. Not giving this one a try (Score: 0/10)
Reason is simply it being boring and very slow building. The characters have probably very interesting back stories but
Sadly unreadable translation. Barely could get myself through the first chapter. Synopsis sounded good and first chapter
Boring sadly. Story concept is strong and characters are promising, but first and foremost (atleast for me) the grammar
Trashy echi novel. I thought the premise sounded good but it is just another 0815 echo isekai novel (this time after he co
Very slow and boring read, protagonist and side characters are not human minds and it shows which makes the story no
Constantly changing viewpoints, characters feel VERY flat and the constant swearing masked with *bleep* from the mai
The premise is good but the implementation very VERY bad and unbelievable. The prota drops into a viallage under atta
It gets boring realy fast. Its basically a MMO but with real people from earth in it. Respawn etc. exists which makes every
Got Boring. The story is very sped up and important moments almost always never exceed the current chapter end. next
The responses from characters feel very unnatural at times (for example someone the main protagonist just met tells hi
Weirdly disconnected at times, Main Protagonist is a handsome womanizer (the book can be clasified as a ero novel so N
Asshole Protagonist... enough said (Score: 2/10)
I know I have definitely already read this novel a good bit a few years prior under another name probably. Even then thi
Fanfiction of Oregairu and Danmachi. The Protagonist interacts immediatly with the main cast of danmachi and seems t
Boring... I waited until after the first encounter with an enemy to judge. The premise looked entertaining but the executi
Another generic system apocalypse story it seems. I have had enough of those for now. Maybe revisit later (Score: 6/10)
Bad english, flat characters, main characters decisions make no sense and are not explained (Score: 2/10)
Very bad translation, super cringy, cool story idea but sadly super bad implemented, protagonist is an annoying pos (Sco
I got bored of it after 2 chapters... the reviews also say this is as generic as it gets and even a bit racist (Score: 2/10)
Boring. MC gets handed everything easily, interactions between characters dont exist and everytime they do they are lik
Got boring realy fast. The concept is cool and the first chapters were great but the story unfolds to be boring in every oth
This Book sadly falls into the classic trap of doover books... it gets repetetive pretty fast. (Score: 6/10)
Seemed immediately boring sadly. (Score: 2/10)
Could not get over the starting chapters. It feels way to slow and the only real character right now is the main character
Was planning to revisit the story but auther announced the discontinuation of the novel so I am dropping this (Score: 6/
Novel is on Hiatus for a year now and it doesnt look like it will resume so not even starting this one (Score: -/10)
The manga is realy good and I will continue the story there. The translation of the novel is sadly realy bad that is someti
Boring and the Characters are pretty flat including the main protagonist (Score: 5/10)
Very heavily influenced by DnD and if you dont know much about its mechnics then this is just weird to read (Score: 2/1
Reading this is depressing, sad and very boring. I have read that after chapter 24 it will pick up speed and everything un
I started this because the Manga is amazing and I caught up to the newest chapter but I dont know exactly what it is, eith
Told from a 3rd person perspective through a diary entry style which is sadly an instant no go for me. The Story itself se
As mentioned by the author this book is supposed to be more comedy focused and I dont think it works well with the se
I read a review that said that until chapter 23 is pretty slow and it was but even afterwards it continues with tedious exp
Tried first few chapters but while the story and world is not bad the characters are including and especially the main pr
It wasnt very good and now all volumes are locked behind a paywall so I will be dropping this one (Score: 6/10)
Its a refreshing xianxia but still... a xianxia... sadly. (Score 4/10)
Prota gets more and more deranged and was kind of an asshole from the beginning. It seems like the Prota will sort him
A traditional XianXia reincarnator novel. Honestly not bad and quite faithful for the genre, just not my cup of tee (Score:
There is a point where OP characters make a story very boring and this book reached it in the first few chapters. The OP
Made for young horny teenagers. The story itself could be better but is not bad. Reason for dropping are bad grammar in
Super bad grammar, popular characters from other fiction but they behave completly differently and have VERY flat per
I am not sure what I expected. As the title hints and the synopsis reads this is a slice of life story. It is very slow paced I c
Atrocious grammar, stupid story and execution, nothing has depth in this story (Score: 2/10)
Its not super bad but the main prota is an asshole and it gets very boring at many points which just makes this book not
I read 8 relatively long chapers of ONLY exposition. The story needed 5 chapters just for the reincarnation part alone an
Should have trusted the low star reviews. Its basically Harry Potter if the show had 2 MCs who did it together. Not what
Edge. So much edge. Its a combination fan-fic of avatar and the gamer (plus some characters from other works due to di
Very edgy with a self important main prota. One Chapter was sadly enough of this nonsense to completly use interest ev
I am at chapter 26 and its still just dungeon after dungeon. Almost no interaction with other persions just pure grind. Ea
Boring. 19 Chapters of an MC without any interesting character traits, all other people until now were nice people and o
The main Reason I dropped this was mentioned in a commend pretty well: "it's a tragedy, but taken by the author to the
After chapter 5 the protagonist was so OP the whole focus of the story changed to be more like a retelling of the exploits
Super bad grammar, wrong words and misgendering every sentence. Makes it very hard to understand what is even goi
Story was soso from the beginning (and also another evil dumbledore story which is just silly) and as the Author has pu
Its more comedy than everything else, also it seems like the system is influencing mental states which doenst make me e
The Protagonist has a system (which is fine) with which he can summon any fictional character or even the whole fictio
It is hella boring, also main character is more evil then gray as the author was trying to paint him. I am almost at the end
It was a good book until now but starting from now on it will be a perspective shift to the past to explain the protas life i
Read the first book of the series and it was fine but cant find the reason to read this one too as the first one basically fini
Lost interest after the first few chapters. Thought I would pick it up again later but that was now months ago and still do
Only started it but just doenst seem interesting. Worth trying again later on (Score: 5/10)
This Book basically copies Harry Potter 1:1 from the originals and has the prota just watch from the sidelines. Very VER
Lost interest pretty quickly. The premise is cool but the execution is too DND focused for me (main cast are completly di
Its too slow... the concept is nice and the mc is quirky which makes her likeable but its now 16 chapters in and nothing e
It got really boring and repetetive the longer the story went on. All characters were relly cool before but now are just sh
Its just... stupid... it could certainly get better but that the mechanics of minecraft in this fanfiction are way too accurately
Too slow and made for female audience. After 14 (long) chapters about 2 days have passed and 90% of the chapters are
Concept seemed fun and prologue was okay but the mc is boring and the system is 0815 (Score: 4/10)
50% of a chapter seems to be discussions of patreon members or just nonsense unimportant to the story. This story also
I know I read this story at some point already, probably under another name. It was not good if i remember correctly so
Written for a younger audience. Sadly very wishfullfilment and deus-ex heavy and written for teenagers (Score: 3/10)
Its sexist to a extreme degree, basically every female is a slave and gets mistreated even from the MC and they just accep
Very long chapters, which is nice, but 80%+ are exposition of characters, the world, etc. Cannot stand it anymore after 6
This seems to be setting in the childhood of harry and hermione for a whole lot longer. Hogwarts seems to be very far aw
Premise looked good but the prota is too weak in my opinion and has nothing special about him which is probably as th
Everyone except the main char is stupid or evil and stupid and the main char himself is giving into anger every time he g
Its written by a horny teenager with no morals basically. (Score: 3/10)
Written for teens. Seems super boring sadly (Score: 3/10)
Unreadable grammar and very weak story with unrealistic characters including the main prota (Score: 1/10)
Harry Potter but with.... demons? honestly doesnt sound so bad but then you realize the main characters main sin is lust
Prota is annoying already... and it seems this is a story where the prota tries to get back at all costs and doesnt care abou
Story is kinda stupid in this one sadly and the "main" character is a fourth endbringer who is helping Taylor (Skitter) in
The reviews say it already... its a good start but in the end its a wuxia with an arogant MC with very questionable method
Its about rehabilitating Voldemorts first Horcrux (the diary) which could be interesting but the Porta is a muggle in her
Its so fucking garbage its incredible... curse words every sentence, homophobic, offhanded nazi commends, etc. and this
Prota has too many problems himself to be enjoyable to read as a SI. He is a strong alcoholic with no plans for more than
Its very cringe and edgy sadly... the premise looked great. Having madison being a SI and working in the Worm Universe
The story took an unexpected turn and killed of hermione with the basilisk so now MC is going back in time to stop that
HP Chars are all years after cannon which is fine but in the Worm Verse the story continues to play in UK so no cannon c
This Novel doesnt really work with a new protagonist as the original premise already is exactly that an this just makes it
At first it was kinda cool and I even liked the MC a bit but the further the story goes the more cold the MC becomes with
Its boring sadly. Its more of a kingdom building novel with politics and high society etc. I am now 18 Chapters in and the
Its a kingdom building novel basically. It also has some bad grammar and a very weird way of writing the story which m
Its not bad but the main prota while being a child genius very immature which makes many scenes very cringeworthy w
Lost the flow of the story due to taking a break from reading it and since it only has 4 more chapters and was updates la
Main Prota is definitely a villain and way too selfish to make this enjoyable for me to read (Score: 3/10)
Its a xianxia with a truck who was reincarnated into a person.... yeah very stragen indeed. Story could be quite good but
The MC is a Human reincarnated into a bird and then transformed from bird to dungeon core. Problem is he really liked
This is a sidestory to "Taylor Varga" and since the main story is on hiatus I dont think I will ever see this side story again
Its a nice fanfiction but in warhammer apparently morals dont matter and everything the emperor does is for the good o
Boring and abandoned. Its basically the normal canon worm story just with a different power for tyler (shes a mime... sr
Its written for teenagers and its building of missunderstandings. Too frustrating to read, the premise made it sound inte
Its boring... its a slice of life with 0 action atleast until now and the main character is clueless about earth society so man
Very slow story and LotR doesnt really work with HP Wizards I think. Since the story also seems abandoned I will drop i
Boring and time messing bullshit from the start, bad grammar and his best friend in the story seems to be agent caulson
Its a pretty short dropped story with a kobold protagonist. Even if the reviews are favourable it doesnt look like someth
Its not bad... but also not very good. You can feel in the writing that the author is highly religious and things "higher bein
Its not bad but it also has almost nothing to do with Worm. Taylor is the only Worm Character and she isn´t written as T
Bad writing, bad grammar, flat characters, nothing unexpected (Score: 2/10)
boring. Pokemon with a gamer system should be exiting but this author managed to make it unenjoyable somehow. The
bad grammar, nonsense story, I dont believe you can make a good story out of the premise but the first chapter just conf
Its cute kindergarten girl does cute things... theoretically its a reincarnation story but the prota behaves her age and sinc
Its so boring.... I read villainess storys for the cool protagonist but this one is a wimp. Its a stupid story with no real strife
It got boring I think... stopped after 11 chapters months ago and as far as I remember it was just not very interesting. Co
The story is abandoned sadly. Very cool premise, average writing at best and stops just when it would get to the good pa
Its very generic and boring after some time. The prota is normaly a smart guy except when his father (the antagonist) is
Its a cool concept but not it leans strongly to getting faith from believers and prota is the next christ etc. which while it is
Not very good. Its a reincarnated into a mmorpg but instead of the multiplayer shes alone, terrified and the world itself i
works strongly with religious themes, demonic and heavenly etc. jsut doenst work for me in a HP story (Score: 2/10)
The MC feels like a spectator to her own life.... story starts when she is in her fourth year in hogwards as a triplet with ge
Its a retelling of another FF I already read so I already know whats going to happen and also the whole thing is just wors
Written for teens and only enjoyable if edward elrics personality from FMAB early on is something you can enjoy which
Its written for girls who enjoy dominating men. I honestly dont know how I got to chapter 17 even... the story itself is no
Its a good story sadly the author abandoned it last year and said he wants to revamp it completly, as that was over half a
Its a short book overall and the grammar is not good. The story seems to be written by a teen aswell. The biggest minus
Its a nice story but sadly I have not much interest to read more with a romance between Tony and Loki as the main pair
The prota is autistic and has atleast adhd probably other things aswell. That would normally not be a problem but in thi
Its a cool story normally but sadly like 80% of it is tony fawning over peter as his son which fair enough makes sense in
I started this and then forgot about it... from what I remember it wasnt paticularly interesting just a good timekiller may
It started okay but just got progressively worse and worse. The protagonist makes magic look boring and is behaving as
Its like a badly written original story where you can clearly note that the author is very young still and glorifies the "base
it was a great book until at one chapter the author suddenly decided the protagonist was too op so he kills him off, sends
Its a strong focus on romance in exclusion to everything else with plenty of missunderstandings etc. its just frustrating t
It was shaping up to be an okay story but sadly it is abandoned since 2015 and the stuff that is written ends before start
It sadly plays in the warhammer world and not the worm world. As I know next to nothing about warhammer besides b
Its written by a depressed teen who just projects all his feelings into harry and makes him suicidal, depressed and sad 9
I do not like the POV it is using in the story and also this will be a story with so much doom and gloom that I do not want
Sadly the story is abandoned. The last 7-8 chapters are also going in a direction I really do not care about (a part of the m
Its not a bad story per se but certainly not very good. Also story was dropped it seems in 20 chapters from now so I am s
Its a okay story but I lost interest at some point and then forgot what the plot was even about. As there is not much left t
Its a xianxia with dungeon elements it seems. Slow start aswell which I cant be bothered with (Score: 3/10)
I do not like the way this harry is written. Also the story seems to set up to be grand but is failing at that I feel like or
Was written for a teen sadly. I do not see myself enjoying this much (Score: 2/10)
Its just silly 100% of the time, never serious and that would be fine for a parody but the jokes just dont land like 90%
It started out as fairly okay smut then had a suddenly good story from chapter 2 onwards which sadly turned into a
Sadly its a huge infodump with almost no story yet and we are already 5 chapters in. Also the only thing from HP un
Its basically worm reloaded. Same story that diverges after leviathan fight with the Black Company. Problem is they
Its badly written and boring. The premise is good but as it is abandoned in a few chapters I will stop here (Score: 2/
Abandoned in a few chapters and as the current chapters see Harry changing in personality to a type I do not like to
The story was quite good but sadly the author dropped this one. (Score: 7/10)
Kinda boring and the emotions of characters are all over the place and random (Score: 3/10)
Its not bad but nothing much happens until now. As far as I can identiry by chapter names she is going to hogwards
Its okay. The premise made it sound really cool but sadly it wasnt clear to me from that that in this story the worm v
It seems like most of this story will play with Harry being between 2 and 10 years old. He is also constantly thinking
The Harry (or Harriet in this case) of this story is taken to Westeros with Hagrid in her first year which makes her m
Harry constantly changes between hating some characters and then suddenly liking them way too much (He hates
Glorified Violence with unhinged MC who basically masacered his whole world by himself. Evil Hermione (even its j
It seems this story will be 95% inside the game Baldur´s Game. Also harry in this story has the mentality of a 12 ye
It had a cool premise and started kinda nice but then suddenly it killed off Amy for shockfactor and put taylor into a
Its basically just the fate grand order game lore but with Taylor as assist character. Its definetly not bad but it got bo
Its not very well written. There is no specific point where I would say it got bad or anything but I just lost interest. (S
Its a cringe edgelord protagonist who gets everything handed to him on a silverplater. His character and "battle lust
Dropped by the author (Score: 5/10)
Dropped by the author. It wasnt anything special but quite nice (Score: 6/10)
Its a slow burn and I dont like the naive and very flawed character of the protagonist already (Score: 4/10)
Its a quest told from your point of view, not something I particularly enjoy. Story is also very slow and nothing intere
Super boring. Dazai in this story is just a cringy teenager and nothing interesting happens. The author even said thi
The story is set up to be about so many miscomunications already and the story itself has so many large plotholes
The main character makes everyone else look useless, goes on unimportant tangents constantly and spouts bullsh
Its not fun to read. This seems to be a bit kinder brockton bay in general and also all powers seem to have been do
Bad Grammar, unlogical characters and decisions, extremly cringy (Score: 1/10)
The story is not very interesting and it is written in a style that tries to emulate "flowery" language but fails badly. Th
These first 12 chapters would have been max 4 if filler content was not included... it wasnt even good filler but inste
Its only 100k words long and abandoned since 2011. Sadly the first few chapters are not very fun to read. Harry is m
everyone just goes along with whatever Tony says without questioning anything. He says how it is supposed to be
attrocious grammar, makes it unreadable. Forgotten words, misgendering, etc. the Story itself also only starts in 4th
Its not bad but the Heroes Taylor Summons are basically doing all the work while the canon cast is just there. It has
Taylor gets Jean Greys powers and it seems like gets slowly overtaken by her. Also pretty much all canon characte
Gets stale pretty quickly. The prota is a dreamer battle junky who has everything going for him. Its basically 2 sente
The idea is cool and there is another story that does it well (Chase the Lightnings Glow on SB) but the Raiden in thi
It had such a cool premise but the characters completly destroy it. It promised banter but that doesnt exist because
Seems like the HI3 Characters were on this world since before history even started. Only Fa Hua was awake and w
It falls into the same trap many gamer ficts do: Losing the Humanity of the Protagonist super early on. Also Taylor f
Pretty standard overall. Its nice but nothing I will wait for new chapters for since it seems abandoned at the moment
It started really good but the prota goes darker and darker as the story progresses and she also doenst deal with he
Started really good and it still has it moments but its so slow that I want to sleep after 1 chapter. The Story moves a
It tries to be a fix-it story which would be great if it was well done but sadly its clearly a new author writing this (he e
Its pretty everage... really as the title suggest its basically only lemons without any real story. Its not bad but I move
Its a cute story but there is no real plot. Its basically an episodic mess with a hint of background plot building very sl
It started out okay but was always teetering on the line of going too far. Well... in chapter 10 it went too far. Taylor b
I thought this would be taylor in the pokemon world but instead its the other way around and the story is also startin
It got too dark and taylor became a manipulator which according to chapter titles is because of possesion that will b
Its overall pretty short in total and I am now almost already at the half point and the Prota (Sansa) is still just a whin
Its a butcher fic in MHA. Just doesnt mesh very well. Would have maybe worked if the active Person could mute sp
Seems like it will be main focus on kingdom building/ making alliances etc. also I do not like Sansa/ Jon in this. (Sco
It is abandoned in a few chapters from now and also while the concept is nice its not very special. Stopping here (S
Doesnt look like this story will be going to canon time at any point soon and will instead fizzle out in pre canon. As it
Its badly written and while the premise had some ways I think that could work this is just so boring already and pure
I do not like the main char very much. He will probably grow but currently hes just annoying. The story is fine but the
Its infuriating to read. Its worse than any light novel... EVERYTHING leads to misunderstandings and the story prog
Boring. I basicall stopped reading this 2 weeks ago because it never got interesting and have already forgotten all o
I hoped for something of a cool archtype main character but the Professor is Jaune and not timetraveled or someth
Name is program here... this is indeed a tale of a farmer and nothing more atleast not in this first arc. I dont know if
Its going too fast and all other characters besides arthoria are ignored basically. An unimportant side character that
The actual story is okay but the main char (tony stark) is all about the malancholy and nothing else. It gets repetetiv
Generic and boring already. Its a slow burn of a clichee story with a main char that gets everything handed to him a
It didnt really grap me. Its a good story but not my kinda pacing. Its very slow burn and I dont feel any kinda concer
Author dropped it it seems. Wasnt very good anyway so no need to wait for an eventual return (Score: 3/10)
Author dropped it it seems. Wasnt very good anyway so no need to wait for an eventual return (Score: 3/10)
Author dropped it it seems. Wasnt very good anyway so no need to wait for an eventual return (Score: 3/10)
Author dropped it it seems. Wasnt very good anyway so no need to wait for an eventual return (Score: 3/10)
Could be a good story but the pairing was spoilert to be harryxdraco so not for me sadly. (Score: 6/10)
It seems the story will never go to hogwarts much at all or even ever. The premise is fun and all but it gets monoton
It started good but the author tkes the self-insert tag seriously and since shes a CIS Woman, Harry of course will al
It starts of with a lemon.... since I was looking for an actual story I basically skimmed through the whole first chapte
It has potential but sadly it is dropped it seems at chapter 12 and we are still at the beginning of year 1 so its basica
The prota gets everything going for her. She has "-10k Luck" but still everything works in her favor. She also behav
It had potential but is sadly abandoned. The story starts before canon, basically when Hela is borne and continues
Main Char is a furry and the body he/ she got after the SI is their fursona... if that was all it would be okay but sadly
Its more about the trauma of the MC than anything else. Also the grammar is pretty bad and its badly written overal
First chapter seems to set the tone for the story to being very emotional and dark. Taylor + Emma will most likely be
Its building up misunderstandings galore. I hoped for a "wise" MC who actually teaches stuff to his disciples but inst
It seems like its needed to read other works of the author to understand who our MC actually is as she seemingly c
The premise (timetravel) is something I would like and it is not badly written but the Problem I have with it is that ba
Its not bad but sadly abandoned in a few chapters and it is a slowburn story so we are still just done with the first we
Dialog, Thoughts and Actions of all Characters and especcially the Prota read strange and feel forced. Grammar is
It wasnt bad but I simply lost interest at some point and never picked it back up. Now while I still kinda know what it
It got boring after some time. The premise is good and the beginning was fantastic but the longer it goes on the mo
Its more like a story of the author telling us about his DID (Dissociative identity disorder) and how it is to live with it.
It started okay, then got quite good around 10-20 chapters in but since then nothing has really changed and the pro
This is just Harry Potter as a female tom riddle in the making... it seems people like these kinda storys but for me its
The Author makes this world so AU that every character is different from their canon self, the story itself is different
It is Jujutsu Kaisen + Taylor but Taylor doesnt have her power so its just Taylor... not very interesting since I dont m
The Author dropped this it seems like. It had good potential as a story (Score: 7/10)
Lost Interest. Was advertised as similar to Azarinth Healer but until now it was just suffering and unreasonable adul
Too much untranslated spanish/ portugese and strong spanish/ portugese (I dont know the difference here I am sor
As its heavily focused on Spiderman it is quite small scale. Everything happens in New York in a Storyline I could ca
As far as I remember book 1 was okay. Book 2 sadly is abandoned at only 30k words so I am not going to start tha
Its more slice of life than anything else and while interesting it is sadly abandoned in 2 chapters further so I am drop
It is a unique concept but it doesnt really allow for a long story. Basically every arc is self contained as every arc fea
The Worm Chars are WAY out of character, everyone just accepts the weird shit MC says with no problems (yes, ju
t in other works (Score: 4/10)

t it got very unenjoyable when you are rooting for more than just the main character who is in many cases almost unrootable for. (Sc

half of the current available chapters now and I cant bring myself to read more (Score: 6/10)

ry cliche like (Score: 5/10)

he other 5% want him dead for no reason. No middleground. Nobody is suspicious and just go with everything the prota says. The vi

straight romances more. Story itself was good. (Score: 6/10)

stand it. Writing itself sometimes doesnt make sense (Score: 4/10)
d for a long time he will be mostly alone (Score: 5/10)

think this story is something I will enjoy going forward (Score: 3/10)

t just got too stupid for me was when the brother killed 13 generation of bloodline relatives of a bad guy "because now they cant tak

n the mood for something SoL (Score: 7/10)

(Score: 2/10)
. Also bad grammar in many cases (Score: 3/10)
arting from chapter ~15 to now it just got worse and worse (Score: 2/10)

ext dungeon. Repetitive and boring. MC is also "oh woe me" since the beginning which while realistic considering his experiences is s

out anything else will be used to hurt the MC in one way or another." It just isnt enjoyable if all in this book is just suffering and no pr
w after 63 chapters the HP universe timeline is basically finished and now the MC storys would start but there are like 60% of rema

o he basically recreates all disney movies to receive millions of fan points and then copies the whole Naruto world. Overall a cool pre

book already making this one seem super unfun (Score: ?/10
e chapters until the prota actually converses with someone else other than herself(s) which just makes this very repetetive and a ver
hile no other character except the prota is even important anymore (Score: 5/10)

gets boring and unfaithful to the original (Score: 3/10)

aking friends with their capes etc. (Score: 3/10)

able in some cases (Score: 2/10)
alf a year at this point so yeah dropping this. It was pretty good until the last 10 chapters (Score: 6/10)

or the most part. Its readable but bad enough that it breaks my immersion constantly. Also.... the laughs are written as "JAJAJA" whic
re just 2 chapters after he was introduced I lost all motivation to read further even if the main love interest is well done (Score: 4/10

boring tbh. (Score: 3/10)

story trait I loathe and stops me from continuing this fanfiction. Even if she could get better later on already so much stuff hasirrevo
ithout faults. Also while the author is not against homosexuality he does think it needs to be explained as being okayed by the highe

nd that was just ignored after one chapter because the author didnt like a mechanic involving it (Score: 2/10)

ts and actions from beginning to end (Score: 2/10)

a young teen (Score: 2/10)

ain character being a sub who hates herself for it and almost no plot progression at all. (Score: 2/10)

not relate especcialy as in this case it feels simply forced (Score: 3/10)
ings and does as any other teenager doesnt help either. (Score: 2/10)

anything and pretty much just lets her mother get killed and does nothing to change almost anything from happening as it was expla
e written by J.K.R. they could basically be badly writte OCs with the same names (Score: 3/10)
well. So basically everything thats happened before is irrelevant and the friendships etc. are just forgotten and it contiues on as if not
as progressed significantly the constant unneeded mussunderstandings make it unenjoyable (Score: 4/10)

e is needed that I do not posses (Score: 3/10)

ough. Since chapter 13 is the current last one and at the end it was hinted that the prota will go after taylor and flechete next for
d have given it more of a chance but as it stands its not worh it (Score: 4/10)
ter 8 Dinah just died to crawler and that shit just isn´t a plot point from which I can continue with this story (Score: 3/10)

mething I see myself enjoying long time. The current story is not bad but also not something I will wait for so I will drop it here (S
ot very good or believable in my opinion (Score: 2/10)
seems this time aswell (Score: 3/10)
casual murder of the Dursleys currently and while deserved its not something I like to read in this way and doesnt bode well for

it for me (Score: 3/10)

th the hasle to read more than the beginning (Score: 2/10)

ainst god which clearly represent the views of the author..), also all other character are shallow imitations of real persons at bes
s of murder.... not very fun to read (Score: 3/10)

person (Score: 2/10)

thout any difference between them, always the same, never adapting. The game system was okay but the MC fells like a mindc
aught up so stopping here (Score: 2/10)
m, even powers differ pretty strong from canon (Panacea could for some reason not extract the shrapnel near Iron Mens heart?!

n though (Score: 6/10)

uld be a good story but I am not gonna invest myself further in this as for now its pretty boring and doesnt feel like worm at all (S
while he slowly gets stronger. According to reviews this doesnt change at all through the whole book so dropping here (Score: 3
nity while stomping on anyone disagreeing. Just too bloodthirsty and arrogant for me to enjoy reading further (Score: 3/10)
e about it. It is just depressing behaviour all around. Also pretty sure Taylor is some kinda sociopath in this one who cannot un
tory line I enjoy.. so much potential for misunderstandings and probably no actual answers until years in the future (Score: 3/10
time, which: fair. but only if its done for 1-2 chapters or sparingly sprinkeled and not 80% of like 10 of the currently read 18 cha
e body he is in now but 2 chapters later suddenly there are clearly problems. Stuff like this the whole time make it clear the aut

es new one, basically killing them after torturing them just so she can have more soldiers for the "omnisiah" and it seems like th
sed and stop here (Score: 2/10)

topping here (Score: 2/10)

arting this one after the prologue (Score: 2/10)

yself each chapter so dropping it here (Score: 3/10)

guess but I mainly like the World and Main Cast and kinda hate Jaune as a char so dropping it immediately (Score: 1/10)
e 50+ I think) so while not bad it is not what I am looking for. Its basically uplifting a medieval village and living the family life. M

He was always a bit girly in the story which was fine but he was also very irrational and emotional which got on my nerves after
the main char which is not fun to read (Score: 3/10)
if the author continues (Score: 6/10)

at the current end of what is written and since it is abandoned I will drop it here. (Score: 5/10)

with it and it just seems like an Entity lite (Score: 2/10)

girl with anxiety max. (Score: 3/10)

rent one) that it gets hard to focus on the story. (Score: 6/10)
y are replaced 1 chapter later for a new story arc (Score: 4/10)
the author which would be fine if I as a reader could in any way understand the problems of the Prota which I cant since i myse
ho also went back into the past looks at snape with disdain and snape IMMEDIATELY loses his cool and starts a fight with him

ses so much. The premise is good, the execution is badly done (Score: 2/10)

om context others are gibberisch for me who doesnt know the language (Score: 4/10)
ng taylor (Score: 3/10)

tence is just "MC sighs"... (Score: 1/10)

s almost unrootable for. (Score: 2/10)

thing the prota says. The villagers themselfes were attacked for a long time already but could never think of even them simplest of d
because now they cant take revenge" hurdur lets just murder millions of people for the possibility that they could want revenge (Sc

idering his experiences is still annoying to read if he does nothing about it (Score: 2/10)

k is just suffering and no progress after 51 chaptpers. (Score: 4/10)

there are like 60% of remaining chapters being retellings of legends she has created in the past and as she is super OP I cant imagine

to world. Overall a cool premise in the beginning but as soon as summoning was introduced it just got downhill real fast. No excitem
is very repetetive and a very slow burner. Since the whole book currently only has 46 chapters currrently I will drop it here. Worth i

re written as "JAJAJA" which just dont work for me.. petty I know. (Score: 3/10)
st is well done (Score: 4/10)

ady so much stuff hasirrevocaly gone to shit that it is to late for me atleast (Score: 4/10)
being okayed by the higher beings before other characters can accept it in this story which is just bullshit. The story itself is not bad

happening as it was explained in the HP books, pretty much letting canon happen as is. I am getting close to the end and while I thin

and it contiues on as if nothing happened. (Score: 2/10)

aylor and flechete next for their powers and kill them (Butcher shard) I will just drop this here.... its just not enjoyable to read wh

tory (Score: 3/10)

for so I will drop it here (Score: 6/10)

y and doesnt bode well for the storys future (Score: 2/10)

ions of real persons at best and a disgrace to the original work at worse. (Score: 2/10)

ut the MC fells like a mindcontrolled or timid person that relies way too heavily on it, letting it influence what he does, how he thi

nel near Iron Mens heart?!?) (Score: 3/10)

esnt feel like worm at all (Score: 4/10)

so dropping here (Score: 3/10)
further (Score: 3/10)
n this one who cannot understand subtext at all and takes everything at facevalue and in the worst way possible. (Score: 2/10)
s in the future (Score: 3/10)
the currently read 18 chapters (Score: 6/10)
time make it clear the author doesnt really think or care about facts hes written beforehand which make the story unenjoyable.

nisiah" and it seems like this is only the start. It had potential but went to the deep end imo. Not something I enjoy. (Score: 5/10)

iately (Score: 1/10)

nd living the family life. Maybe the later arcs feature his children in the great game or something? I dont know and dont intend t

ich got on my nerves after some time. (Score: 6/10)

which I cant since i myself do not have DID (Score: 2/10)
and starts a fight with him even though he is mentally like 70 or something so yeah... scenes like this happen quite frequently an
of even them simplest of defences. Also there are often missing words in sentences which makes it hard to read (Score: 2/10)
ey could want revenge (Score: 2/10)

e is super OP I cant imagine the MC timelines being fun anyway. The personallities of all major HP characters were also all exclusive

wnhill real fast. No excitement for the story at all from me after 23 chapters (Score: 2/10)
I will drop it here. Worth it to start again at a later point though (Score: 7/10)
. The story itself is not bad and I would have continued without the gospel (Score: 4/10)

e to the end and while I think she will kill Voldemort in the end through some bullshit reason I cannot continue to read this garbage a
t not enjoyable to read when the prota is so obviously actually evil (Score: 4/10)

what he does, how he thinks and so on. It feels like the System itself is the protagonist. This may be a plotpoint further down th

ay possible. (Score: 2/10)

ke the story unenjoyable. Also everyone is basically a yes man to the prota and all problems of canon worm are effectively fixe

hing I enjoy. (Score: 5/10)

ont know and dont intend to read until then (Score: 5/10)
happen quite frequently and at some point I expect some character growth but it never happens so im dropping it here since it i
o read (Score: 2/10)
ers were also all exclusive portait as bad people (lily and james potter were neglecting parents, albus was the actual villain, ron was
tinue to read this garbage anymore (Score: 2/10)
a plotpoint further down the line but I cant be bothered to hold out until then. (Score: 2/10)
n worm are effectively fixed by chapter 7-8 but are just probbed up to continue having stuff to write about (Score: 4/10)
m dropping it here since it is also abandoned at 104 chapters anyway (Score: 6/10)
the actual villain, ron was an asshole and never changed) (Score: 6/10)
out (Score: 4/10)
ID Type
1 New
2 Update
3 Update
4 New
5 New
6 New
7 New
8 Update
9 New
10 Update
11 Update
12 Alternative
13 Update
14 Update
15 Update
16 New
17 New
18 Update
19 New
20 Bug
21 Bug
22 New
23 New
24 New
25 Bug
26 Update
27 Update
28 Update
Add new column to dropped "Reasoning"
Add a Link to a cell in another Spreadsheet in "Reasoning" Column for the actual reason
Make "Reasoning" a must field
Update IdCell for every moving or adding of novels
Make a Prompt for Active-> Dropped to enter a reason and a Prompt for Active-> Finished to enter a score
Make a Alert for "Add new entry to Dropped" to enter reason in correct format
Check entered format of reasoning in prompt field and in "Add new entry to Dropped" field to ensure correct format
Research better way to structure Functions to create better performance (faster)
Enter Button to add ToDo from LNList Table (left side on black make it a long and thin button)
Delete all hardcoded things in functions
Update IdCell when deleting or changing lines manually and not with buttons
(Maybe) create custom popup field to add new entry instead of now used buttons with dropdowns for which column it s
Change sequence of columns (Reading, Waiting, Plan to Read, Finished, Dropped?)
Change way of entering chapter number from dropdown to something other to avoid lagging on tablet
Make Script ranges possible to be unlimited (at the moment scripts only work for lines until 200~)
+ and - Buttons which work reliable (maybe with new columns as incolumn function)
Restrict all except enter line and make a reliable way to enter chapter/ volume updates (Update Button for each line as
Check why "Active Cell -> Finished" uses same Popup as "Active Cell -> Dropped" and create new one if necessary
Add feature to waiting to tell if series is read up2 date and was placed in waiting or if I paused it because of other reason
When using "Active Cell -> %" then afterwards the Chapter Number gets "---" and dropdown gets deleted on space move
It seems as if a few Cells in "Finished" got deleted over time and "F-XXX" got duplicated in a case. Created a backup at th
Make a new Excel Page with a List of good translators or good translation sites (eg. lightnovelbastion or Jigglypuff´s Diar
Reduce Sheet sizes drastically to improve loading times especially in the history
Research way to have this list show up in Google Search Results higher to maybe get some feedback (Google Analytics P
When changing dropdown from link to "---" it marks the cell as link regardless. Google for "setShowHyperlink" for a solu
Drowdown optic suddenly changed to something pretty ugly. It is still possible to copy old dropdowns to get the old layo
Dropdown for links currently get copied from the example but this has the side effect of always needing to confirm that
Update the Dropdowns for links that are currently using the "new" layout still to show the old dropdown layout
Status Type
Done New
ToDo Update
ToDo without end Alternative
Enter a ToDo and change Color Bug
to enter a score

d to ensure correct format

opdowns for which column it should be added. Use follow up prompts for reasoning and score by dropped and finished

ing on tablet

Update Button for each line as popup maybe?)

ate new one if necessary
used it because of other reasons
wn gets deleted on space moved entry is inserted (Reason is dropdown delete for reading chapters column)
a case. Created a backup at the Version where I fixed the list up. Bug still exists! (Backup was from May 2019 and is named). Additio
ovelbastion or Jigglypuff´s Diary)

e feedback (Google Analytics Plugin?)

"setShowHyperlink" for a solution when time
dropdowns to get the old layout. Change the Link field in adding to include a blank dropdown in the old layout to have this going fo
ways needing to confirm that we only want to change the current open dropdown. To avoid this find a way to instead create a blank
old dropdown layout
A completely new function/ feature
An update to an existing function/ feature
An alternative to an existing function/ feature
A Bug found in existing function/ feature

soning and score by dropped and finished

e for reading chapters column)

sts! (Backup was from May 2019 and is named). Additional Information: It seems the bug happens when moving an entry from P-01

a blank dropdown in the old layout to have this going forward still.
down. To avoid this find a way to instead create a blank dropdown instead of copieing from the example one.
moving an entry from P-016 with the Script to Reading. Following this F-016 gets removed and everything under that gets moved on
g under that gets moved one up. Solution: In moveAllCellsOneAboveForPlanToRead() was defined to move 4 instead of 2 columns on
e 4 instead of 2 columns one above. Should now be working correctly
06.04.2020 2
Number Name Last Read Score Number
F-XXX Volume Chapter 1-10 F-XXX
F-018 --- --- F-026
F-001 Seoul stations --- 208 8 F-001
F-002 Dungeon Hunter --- 242 8 F-002
F-003 Dimensional Sov --- 159 5 F-003
F-004 Everyone else is --- 348 9 F-004
F-005 Infinite Competi --- 352 8 F-005
F-006 Sevens 18 345 6 F-006
F-007 Tate no Yuusha n --- 386 9 F-007
F-008 That person. Late --- 212 5 F-008
F-009 The world turned --- 301 5 F-009
F-010 Sovereign of Ju --- 210 6 F-010
F-011 Demon King & H 9 3 7 F-011
F-012 Moshuko Tensei 19 10 F-012
F-013 Release that Wit --- 1498 9 F-013
F-014 The Novel’s Extr --- 378 7 F-014
F-015 Epilogue --- 19 6 F-015
F-017 The Gam3 6 13 6 F-016
F-018 Binary Soul --- 150 7 F-017
22.01.2022 30.12.202
Finished Finished
Name Last Read Score Number Name
Volume Chapter 1-10 F-XXX
--- --- F-043
Seoul stations --- 208 8 F-001 Seoul stations
Dungeon Hunter --- 242 8 F-002 Dungeon Hunter
Dimensional Sov --- 159 5 F-003 Dimensional Sov
Everyone else is --- 348 9 F-004 Everyone else is
Infinite Competi --- 352 8 F-005 Infinite Competi
Sevens 18 345 6 F-006 Sevens
Tate no Yuusha n --- 386 9 F-007 Tate no Yuusha n
That person. Late --- 212 5 F-008 That person. Late
The world turned --- 301 5 F-009 The world turned
Sovereign of Ju --- 210 6 F-010 Sovereign of Ju
Demon King & H 9 3 7 F-011 Demon King & H
Moshuko Tensei 19 10 F-012 Moshuko Tensei
Release that Wit --- 1498 9 F-013 Release that Wit
The Novel’s Extr --- 378 7 F-014 The Novel’s Extr
Epilogue --- 19 6 F-015 Epilogue
The Gam3 6 13 6 F-016 The Gam3
Binary Soul --- 150 7 F-017 Binary Soul
RE:WRITE --- 72 7 F-018 RE:WRITE
Mother of Learn --- 106 9 F-019 Mother of Learn
Graven --- 50 5 F-020 Graven
Never Die Twice --- 41 6 F-021 Never Die Twice
Reroll --- 86 6 F-022 Reroll
The Perfect Run --- 130 9 F-023 The Perfect Run
A Lonely Dunge --- 20 7 F-024 A Lonely Dunge
Returning to No --- 100 7 F-025 Returning to No
F-026 Back to the Begin
F-027 Y'know Nothing
F-028 Barefoot (HP FF)
F-029 To Shape and Ch
F-030 A Black Comedy
F-031 Crystalized Mun
F-032 Security! (Worm
F-033 Hive Daughter (
F-034 A Magical Journe
F-035 Intercession (W
F-036 A Wand for Skit
F-037 Slouching Towa
F-038 Harry Potter and
F-039 Heroes Assemble
F-040 Reborn (HP/ MC
F-041 Oh God Not Agai
F-042 Harry Potter and
Last Read Score
Volume Chapter 1-10
--- ---
--- 208 8
--- 242 8
--- 159 5
--- 348 9
--- 352 8
18 345 6
--- 386 9
--- 212 5
--- 301 5
--- 210 6
9 3 7
19 10
--- 1498 9
--- 378 7
--- 19 6
6 13 6
--- 150 7
--- 72 7
--- 106 9
--- 50 5
--- 41 6
--- 86 6
--- 130 9
--- 20 7
--- 100 7
--- 28 6
--- 34 4
--- 56 3
--- 34 7
--- 31 7
--- 96 7
--- 54 8
--- 69 6
--- 439 7
--- 12 7
--- 121 7
--- 39 6
--- 50 6
--- 128 6
--- 78 6
--- 50 4
--- 50 8

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