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Disciplina de Inglês

Essay on: The main challenges faced by public administrators

Discente: Tonito João Francisco Código: 91230557

Pemba, Maio de 2023




Essay on: The main challenges faced by public administrators

Discente: Tonito João Francisco Código: 91230557

Trabalho de Campo a ser submetido na

Coordenação do Curso de Direito do
ISCED, 1º Ano no Módulo de Ciência
Política sob orientação do docente da

Pemba, Maio de 2023




Concepts Basics.........................................................................................................................4

Public administration.................................................................................................................4

Essay on: The main challenges faced by public administrators.................................................4



The Public Administration of any country and of any time has as its fundamental purpose to
satisfy, through its organs and services, the collective needs of the respective populations.
Several scholars have dedicated themselves to the conception of a model of administration
that enables the pursuit of that goal with the use of fewer possible resources and with the
expenditure of less time possible, that is, the satisfaction of collective needs with efficiency
and effectiveness.

This presentation is part of the curricular seminars of the degree course in Public
Administration at UnISCED Mozambique, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and
aims to identify the main problems of organization and functioning of the Mozambican
public administration, specifically it intends to diagnose the Mozambican civil service.

The methodology used for the elaboration of the present work was based on documentary
research and consultation in a censored and succinct way of some works that address the
subject. As for the structure, the work is governed by ISCED rules, current measures such as:
introduction, development, conclusion and bibliographic references that are present at the end
of the work.

Concepts Basics
Public administration
Making an incursion on the existing literature on the subject, it is noted that there is no single
definition of this concept, although there is convergence in some aspects that form the basis
of the concept. To support this statement, some definitions that have been produced by
several authors in this area of science and knowledge are brought in this work.

Public Administration is understood in a double sense: organic sense and material sense. In
the organic sense, public administration is the system of organs, services and agents of the
State and other public entities that aim at the continuous satisfaction of collective needs.

Essay on: The main challenges faced by public administrators

With regard to the challenges faced by public administrators in Mozambique, most of them
refer to people management, knowledge management, lack of commitment, lack of
professionalism, professional interests placed above institutional ones, in short,

The tendency of public sector organisations to carry out some functions in addition to their
main vocation and what would be their role in a State oriented towards the necessary
functions of promotion, regulation, guarantee of equity and protection of the rights of
citizenship and public order and the lack, insufficiency or deficiency in the definition of the
missions, objectives and functions of public sector organizations, with greater gravity with
regard to the lower levels and an inadequate size of the public sector, given the nature and
scale of the services to be provided, the scarcity of State resources and the criterion of
sustainability of public services , allows us to list the following challenges of public
administration in Mozambique:
 Formulation and Monitoring of Public Policies
 Professionalization of Public Sector Employees

Some likely ways to mitigate these challenges

 Improve the quality of service delivery to citizens, disseminating their rights and
improving the conditions of their care;

 Strengthen the role of Public Administration as an agent of transformation of society,

creating technical and organizational conditions for the institution of an
administration for development;

 Change the image of the Public Administration, through the improvement of the
working environment, the continuous training of its employees and the dignification
of their role;
 Reduce administrative costs by raising the levels of efficiency and quality of services;
 Promote the coordination of the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures of
the administration of the districts and administrative posts;
 Consolidate the process of reform of local bodies, through the training and/or
qualification of local government officials.

From this elaboration it can be concluded that despite the efforts and political will of the
Government of Mozambique, there are still many problems of organization and functioning
of the Public Administration that constitute real challenges at the moment and for the next 14
years. These can be grouped into structural and functional problems.

Taking into account the conclusions of this research it can be recommended that public
organizations should define more appropriate and participatory sectoral strategies to achieve
the objectives they propose or that they should accomplish, according to their mission, based
on the Strategy for the Reform and Development of Public Administration, which is the
guiding document of this process in the country.

On the other hand, the strategies to be adopted by public organizations must be aligned with
the needs and priorities of the citizen, while ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the use
of the scarce public resources made available to them.

Amaral, DF. (2006). Administrative Law Course. Volume I.3rd Ed. Coimbra, Portugal.

Chichava, José António da Conceição, (2002), "Nota Introdutória" in ABC do SIFAP: O

SIFAP na Formação e Desenvolvimento dos Funcionários Públicas, Maputo,
Ministério da Administração Estatal.

Republic of Mozambique. 2001. Global Strategy for Public Sector Reform 2001-2011.
Interministerial Commission on Public Sector Reform (CIRESP). 2001. Maputo,

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