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1. Functions of a computer network in an organisation

a. Functions

b. References

2. Features of Ms word that makes it an important tool

a. Features

b. References

3. Advantages of Ms excell manual

a. Advantages

b. References.

1. A. Functions of computer networks in an organisation
2. Communication:

The primary function of computer networks is to enable communication between devices.

Networks provide a medium for transmitting data, whether it’s text, audio, video, or other
forms of information. They facilitate real-time conversations, file sharing, and collaborative
work among users.

3. Resource Sharing:

Computer networks enable the sharing of resources among connected devices. This includes
shared access to printers, scanners, storage devices, and internet connectivity. By centralizing
resources, networks promote efficiency and cost savings in organizations and improve
productivity for individuals.

4. Data Transfer:

Networks allow for the seamless transfer of data between devices. Whether it’s uploading a
file to a cloud storage service, sending an email attachment, or streaming a video, networks
provide the infrastructure and protocols necessary to transfer data reliably and quickly.

5. Information Access:

Through computer networks, users gain access to vast amounts of information available on
the internet. Networks connect users to websites, online databases, and cloud services,
enabling them to retrieve information, conduct research, and stay informed.

6. Collaboration:

Networks foster collaboration by enabling multiple users to work together on projects and
share information in real-time. Collaborative tools, such as shared documents, video
conferencing, and instant messaging, rely on network connectivity to facilitate seamless
collaboration irrespective of geographical boundaries.

7. Centralized Management:

Computer networks allow for the centralized management of resources and services. System
administrators can monitor and control network devices, enforce security measures, and
distribute software updates from a central location, ensuring a secure and efficient network

8. Remote Access:

Networks enable remote access to organizational resources, allowing employees to work

from anywhere, increasing flexibility and productivity.

9. Backup and Recovery:

Networks support automated backup and recovery processes, ensuring data protection and
business continuity in case of disasters or system failures.

10. Security:

Networks implement security measures such as firewalls, encryption, and access controls to
protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access or cyber-attacks.

11. Resource Management:

Networks facilitate the monitoring and management of IT resources such as bandwidth,

storage, and applications, optimizing performance and efficiency.

12. Collaboration:

Networks enable real-time collaboration through shared documents, project management

tools, and collaborative software, fostering teamwork and innovation.

13. Workflow Automation:

Networks support workflow automation processes, streamlining repetitive tasks and

improving operational efficiency.

14. Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Networks integrate CRM systems, allowing organizations to manage customer interactions,

track sales, and improve customer service.

15. Supply Chain Management (SCM):

Networks facilitate SCM by connecting suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers,

optimizing inventory management and logistics.

16. Decision Support Systems:

Networks provide access to decision support systems and business intelligence tools, helping
organizations analyse data, gain insights, and make informed decisions.

17. E-commerce:

Networks enable organizations to conduct e-commerce activities, including online sales,

payments, and customer support, expanding market reach and revenue opportunities.

18. Disaster Recovery:

Networks support disaster recovery strategies by replicating data and applications to off-site
locations, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity in case of emergencies.

1. B. References

Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum prentice-Hall International editions.

2. a. Features that make Ms excell an important tool

1. User-Friendly Interface

Microsoft Word has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for beginners
to start creating documents without a steep learning curve.

2. Text Formatting

Word offers extensive text formatting options, including font styles, sizes, colors,
alignment, and highlighting. This allows users to create visually appealing and
professional-looking documents.

3. Templates

Word provides a wide variety of built-in templates for different types of documents such
as resumes, letters, reports, newsletters, and more. Users can start with a template and
customize it to suit their needs.

4. Spell Check and Grammar Check

Word includes a built-in spell checker and grammar checker to help users avoid typos and
grammatical errors. It underlines misspelled words and suggests corrections, improving
the overall quality of the document.

5. AutoCorrect

The AutoCorrect feature automatically corrects common typos and spelling mistakes as
you type, saving time and reducing errors.

6. Document Views

Word offers multiple views such as Print Layout, Read Mode, Web Layout, and Outline
View. Users can choose the view that best suits their needs and preferences.

7. Tables and Graphs

Word allows users to easily create and customize tables and graphs to organize data and
present it in a clear and visually appealing manner.

8. Images and Shapes

Users can insert images, shapes, icons, and other graphical elements into their documents
to enhance visual appeal and illustrate concepts.

9. Headers and Footers

Word enables users to add headers and footers to their documents, including page
numbers, document titles, and other information that needs to appear on every page.

10. Track Changes

The Track Changes feature allows users to make edits to a document that are visible to
others. This is particularly useful for collaboration and reviewing documents.

11. Comments and Annotations

Users can add comments and annotations to specific parts of the document, providing
feedback or additional information for collaborators or readers.

12. Integration with Other Microsoft Office Apps

Word seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications such as Excel,
PowerPoint, and Outlook. This allows for easy sharing of data, importing of tables or
charts, and embedding of presentations.

13. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Microsoft Word is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and
Android. Users can work on their documents across devices and access them from
anywhere with an internet connection.

14. Document Protection

Word offers various levels of document protection, including password protection,

restricting editing, and marking documents as final to prevent further changes.

15. Mail Merge

The Mail Merge feature allows users to create personalized letters, envelopes, labels, or
emails by merging a document with a data source such as an Excel spreadsheet or
Outlook contacts list.

16. Templates

It offers a wide range for different types of documents, saving time and effort in

Application of templates

Save time and effort

By providing a pre-defined structure, templates can help users create documents,

presentations and other items more quickly and easily.

b) Ensure consistency

Templates can help to maintain a consistent look and feel across different projects.

c) Improve quality

Templates can help to ensure that important information is included in a document or

project. They can also help to improve the overall quality of the work by providing a
starting point that is already well-formatted and organized.

17. Spell grammar and check

Word has built-in spell check and grammar correction features ensuring documents are
error free.

e) Applications of spell grammar and check

Proofreading documents

Improving your writing skills by learning from mistakes that the checkers identity.

Communication more effectively by ensuring that your writing is clear, concise and error

18. Styles

Styles allow you to pre-define a set of formatting options for different parts of your document
such as headings, body text and captions. These ensures consistency throughout your
document and saves you time from applying formatting each time.

19. Collaborations

With features like track changes and comments, multiple users can collaborate on a document
simultaneously making it ideal for teamwork.

Application of collaboration

a) Education

Students can collaborate on group project, presentations and study groups to learn from
each other and share different perspectives.

b) Workplace

Teams can collaborate on projects, brainstorm ideas and solve problems together. This
can lead to increased creativity, productivity and innovation.

c) Creative fields

Artists, musicians, writers and other creative professionals can collaborate to create new
words of art, music or literature.

20. Automation

Features like autocorrect and autoformat can save you time by fixing typos and applying
formatting styles automatically.

Application of automation

a) Autocorrect

Automatically corrects common types and spelling errors helping you write faster and
more accurately.

b) Autofill

Fills in frequently used information like addresses or names, saving you time and effort.

c) Macros

Automate repetitive tasks within the software.

21. Integration

It integrates seamless with other Microsoft Office application like Excel and power point
allowing for easy data import and document linking.

22. Compatibility

Word documents can be easily shared and opened across different platforms and devices
making it a universal tool for document exchange.

23. Find and Replace

It allows one to search for specific text or formatting and replace it with something else.

Applications of find and replace

a) Correcting typos and errors

This is a common use case for find and replace. You can quickly fix typos,
misspellings and other errors throughout a document or piece of code.

2. b. References

Joan Lambert 1997

1. Organization and data storage.
a. Structured format

Excell provides a grid like structure with rows and columns allowing for clear organization of
large amounts of data. These makes information easy to find and references.
b. Data entry flexibility

You can enter text, numbers, dates and even formulas into cells making it suitable for various
data types.
c. Filtering and sorting

Excell allows you to filter and sort data based on specific criteria. These helps you quickly
identify trends, patterns and outlines within your dataset.
2. Calculation and analysis
a. Formula creation

Excell offers a vast library of built-in formulas that can perform complex calculations on your
data. You can use these formulas to automate repetitive tasks and obtain quick results.
b. Scenario testing

By creating different versions of your data with varying assumptions you can use excel to
model different scenarios and see ow they might impact your bottom line. This is helpful for
budgeting, forecasting and making data-driven decisions.
c. Data visualization

Excel offers a variety of chatting tools that can help you visually represent your data. Charts
can make complex information easier to understand and identify trends more readily.
3.Collaboration and sharing

a. Shared workbooks

Multiple users can access and modify the same Excel workbook simultaneously, forecasting
collaboration on projects. This allows teams to work together on data analysis and reporting.
b. Version control

With version history features you can track changes made to the spreadsheet over time. These
ensures everyone is working on the latest version and helos revert to previous versions if
c. Easy sharing

Spreadsheets can be easily shared electronically through email or cloud storage services.
These makes it convenient to distribute information and collaborate with colleagues or clients
who may not have Excel installed.
4.Customization and Automation
a. Conditional formatting

You can format cells based on specific conditions within your data. These allows for visual
cues that highlight important information or exceptions.
b. Macros

Excell allows you to create which are essentially mini programs that automate repetitive
tasks. These can save you significant time and effort especially if you perform the same
actions frequently.
c. Templates

You can create or use predesigned templates for various tasks, such as budgets, project
trackers or inventory lists. This provides a consistent format and saves you time setting you to
new spreadsheets from scratch.
5.Cost effectiveness

a. Readily available

For many users, Microsoft Excell is already included in their existing software package,
eliminating the need for additional software purchases.
b. Scalability

Excell can handle a vast amount of data making it suitable for both small and large projects.
c. Free resources

There are numerous online resources available including tutorials, forums and templates that
can help you learn Excell and get the most out of its features.
6.Real-time update
a. Linked data

Excel can be linked to external data sources such as databases, web pages and other Excel
files. When data in these sources is updated the linked Excel file automatically reflects those
changes providing real-time updates without manual intervention.
b. Automatic calculations

Excel recalculates formulas and functions automatically whenever changes are made to the
input data. These means that any updates or modifications to the data instantly affect the
calculated results ensuring real-time accuracy and consistency in analysis.
c. Data tables and pivot tables
Excel’s data tables and pivot tables can be set up to update dynamically as new data is added
or existing data is modified. These allows users to visualize and analyze changing datasets in
real-time enabling quick insights and decision making.
d. Stock data and market updates

Excel offers built- in functions and add -ins for retrieving real-time stock prices and financial
market data. Users can set up Excel to fetch updates automatically keeping track of market
changes and portfolio performance in real time.
a. Cross-platform compatibility

Excel can be opened and edited on various operating systems including windows, macOS,
iOS and Android. This cross platform compatibility ensures that Excel files can be accessed
from different devices making it easy for users to work on their spreadsheets regardless of
their preferred device or location.
b. Offline access

Excel files can be saved locally on devices for offline access. This means that users can
continue working on their spreadsheets even without an internet connection, ensuring
productivity and continuity in various scenarios such as during travel or in remote locations
with limited connectivity.
Excel 2016 Bible by John Wallkenbach
Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert by William Fischer.
Power Pivot and Power BI. by Rob Callie and Avichal Singh.


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