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“ Shorthness Of Breath “
Lina, a 11 months girl, was taken by his mother to the RSMP Emergency Room because of shortness of breath that has been worsened since 1
day ago. Two days earlier, Lina began to look short of breath and had difficulty in eating and drinking. Since four days ago, she also had a cough
and runny nose accompanied by a high fever. She has never experienced shortness of breath before and there is no history of allergies. Lina has
never been taken to a doctor before.
Lina lives with his parents and 3 older siblings in a 4 x 4 m semi-permanent house with no bedrooms, and only 2 windows. Her first sister in
this week having a cold and cough. His father is known to have a habit of smoking 1 packs a day. There is no history of a long cough in his
family and taking medicine for 6 months. Lina has never been breastfed since birth. Currently, he eats regular porridge 3 x half a small bowl per
day. Lina has a history of immunizations: BCG, scar (+); DPT 1,2; HiB 1,2; Hepatitis 0,1,2; Polio 0,1,2. Currently, the pandemic is still ongoing.

Physical Examination:
Current Body Weight = 8 Kg, Body Length = 69 cm
General Condition: looks very sick
Vital Sign: BP 80/50 mmHg, Pulse 120 x/minute, regular, RR : 58 x/minute, T: 39.6 0C, oxygen saturation 90%.

Spesific Examination:
Head: oral circum cyanosis (+), nostril breath (+), conjunctiva is not anemic, no head bobbing
Neck: within normal limits, no lymph node enlargement
Inspection: There are intercostal and subcostal retractions.
Palpation: Stem fremitus increases in both lung fields (child is crying)
Percussion: dim in all lung fields.
Auscultation: vesicular increase, soft, loud wet crackles in both lung fields, wheezing is not audible.
Inspection: Normal chest shape, no visible ictus cordis
Palpation: ictus cordis not palpable
Percussion: within normal limits
Auscultation: Normal I/II heart sound, gallop (-), murmur (-)
Abdomen: flat, supple, not palpable splenic liver, normal bowel sounds
Extremity: no clubbing finger found, no edema, no pale.

Laboratory Examination:
Blood Examination: Hb: 11,6 gr/dl, Leukocyte: 24.000 /mm3, Diff. Count: 1/1/8/70/18/2, LED: 18 mm/jam, CRP 36 mg/L


Bronkopneumonia adalah diagnosis

pneumonia untuk anak dengan usia < 2 tahun.
Bronkopneumonia merupakan infeksi yang
mengakibatkan peradangan pada paru-paru
yang disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri, atau


Tersering adalah Streptococcus pneumoniae

Faktor Risiko
Usia  daya tahan tubuh anak berusia < 2 tahun cenderung belum berkembang
Infeksi nosokomial  HAP/VAP
kelengkapan imunisasi,
kepadatan hunian
defisiensi vitamin A
defisiensi Zinc (Zn),
faktor lingkungan (polusi udara)
Manifestasi Klinik

Gejala nonspesifik : demam, menggigil,

sefalgia, resah dan gelisah, gangguan
gastrointestinal seperti muntah, kembung,
diare, atau sakit perut.
Gejala pada paru: demam dan batuk pilek,
gejala napas cuping hidung, takipnu, dispnu,
dan timbul apnu, retraksi.
Diagnosis Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
Pemeriksaan fisik leukositosis (shift to the left): infeksi oleh S.
pneumoniae, H. influenzae, dan bakteri
Peningkatan laju pernapasan (RR) batang gram negatif.
Rektraksi dinding dada C-reactive protein (CRP) meningkat akibat
Stem fremitus dapat meningkat atau respon inflamasi terutama akibat infeksi
melemah bakteri.
Pemeriksaan perkusi bisa didapati dullness Pemeriksaan mikrobiologis: sampel didapat
Pemeriksaan auskultasi ditemukan RONKI dengan cara mengambil cairan bronkus
BASAH HALUS NYARING, suara pernapasan (bronchoalveolar lavage) pada saat
bronkial, dan friction rub. bronkoskopi dan aspirasi cairan pleura.
Pewarnaan sputum: Mengidentifikasi
Pemeriksaan X-Ray spesies
Infiltrat Kultur sputum: untuk mengidentifikasi
Konsolidasi dengan air bronchogram patogen
Gambaran kavitas Kultur darah,
Infiltrat bilateral atau gambaran Kultur cairan pleura
Acute Respiratory Distress Sydrome (ARDS) merupakan suatu kondisi kegawat daruratan di bidang pulmonology yang terjadi karena adanya
akumulasi cairan di alveoli yang menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan pertukaran gas sehingga distribusi oksigen ke jaringan menjadi berkurang

Rawat Jalan (Pneumonia Ringan)
Cotrimoxazol 4mg/kg/kali, dosis 2x sehari 3 hari oral
Amoxicillin 25 mg/kg/kali, dosis 3x sehari, 3 hari oral

Rawat Inap (Pneumonia Berat)

Terdapat min.1 : head bobbing, pernafasan cuping hdidung, tarikan diding dada
foto toraks: infiltrasi luas, konsolidasi luas
O2 nasal kanul 2-4 L/menit
Infus: rehidrasi, pemberian obat IV
Pengobatan simptomatis
Antibiotik IV

Ampicillin / Amoxicillin 25-50 mg/kgBB/kali IV, 4x sehari, 5 hari. Lanjut di rumah:

Amoxicilin oral untuk 5 hari selanjutnya
Kombinasi Amoxicillin-Gentamicin, (Gentamicin  2-5 mg/kgBB/hari dibagi 4 dosis)
Ceftriaxone 80-1000 mg/kgBB/hari, 1x sehari, 5 hari
Efusi pleura: Empiema (pus dalam rongga pleura)

Quo ad vitam: dubia ad bonam
Quo ad functionam: dubia ad bonam
Quo ad sanationam: dubia ad bonam

Hepatisasi merah : daerah perifer dimana terdapat
edema dan perdarahan
Hepatisasi abu abu: daerah konsolidasi luas

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