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1. Collect all necessary cleaning supplies, including:

Cleaning solution, Microfiber cloths or cleaning rags, Scrub brushes or sponges, Mop and bucket, Broom and dustpan,
Gloves and a Safety goggles (if using strong cleaning chemicals)

2. Clear the Area by Remove all items, equipment, and debris from under the bar area. This includes bar stools, bottles,
glassware, and any other objects that may obstruct cleaning.

3. Use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust, dirt, and debris from the floor and surfaces under the bar. Pay special
attention to corners, edges, and hard-to-reach areas.

4. Wipe Down Surfaces by using a damp microfiber cloth or cleaning rag to wipe down all surfaces under the bar,
including countertops, shelves, and equipment. Use a suitable cleaning solution to remove any spills, stains, or sticky
residue. Ensure thorough cleaning of areas where spills are common, such as around drink dispensers and taps.

5. Clean and sanitize any equipment located under the bar, such as blenders, ice machines, and beer taps. Follow
manufacturer instructions for proper cleaning procedures. Pay attention to areas that come into direct contact with food
or beverages.

6. Sanitize all surfaces under the bar using a suitable disinfectant cleaner. Pay close attention to high-touch areas such as
door handles, drawer pulls, and equipment knobs. Allow the disinfectant to sit for the recommended dwell time to
ensure effectiveness.

7. After sanitizing, allow all surfaces to air dry completely. Use a clean dry cloths to wipe down any remaining moisture.

8. Once the area is clean and dry, inspect it for any missed spots or areas that may need further attention. Re-organize
items and equipment under the bar, ensuring they are neatly arranged and easily accessible.

9. Dispose of any cleaning cloths, disposable gloves, or other waste generated during the cleaning process properly.
Empty mop water and rinse out the mop bucket.

10. Restock under bar supplies as needed, such as napkins, straws, and cleaning supplies.

Keep the under-bar area clean and well-maintained

and follow proper sanitation procedures to ensure
cleanliness and hygiene.

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