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Mycology and Virology Project

Mycology and Virology Study Slides

50 points

1. Work in pairs. One is the leader. Divide the tasks in half. Indicate the name of the
student who will prepare the questions in slides.
2. Based on the course outline, you will make study cards in electronic format
(PowerPoint presentation) for each topic. Use white template/background only. Use
Arial as the font. The font sizes are as follows: title text = 44, major text = 32, and
minor text = 28. The project is due on June 4, 2023, at 11:59 PM. Prepare a
minimum of fifty (50) slides, including the title slide. The title slide will contain:
Mycology and Virology Study Slides (44 font size), names of students (32 font size,
last name before first name, middle initial), and name of instructor (32 font size, first
name, middle initial, and last name) Upload your project as a PDF copy to Google
Classroom portal. Use this file name format, Cruz-Cruz-MV-Study-Slides (Cruz-Cruz
are your last names.)
3. Do the question format.
a. Example: The topic from the course outline is Introduction to Medical
Virology. On one slide, place this: What term is used for the whole viral
particle? On the next slide, put the answer: Virion.
b. Please do it for every topic in the course outline.
4. Cite a minimum of five (5) references, APA version 7 format.
5. Late submission of this project is graded zero out of fifty.
6. Type in our GC your pairing for reference.

Keep going!

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