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— Pure and Conditional suspended until the happening of a future

Obligations and uncertain event which constitutes the
condition. (Obligation and rights begin
Meaning of pure obligation. when the condition is fulfill).
A pure obligation is one which is not subject to any (2) Resolutory condition (condition
condition and no specific date is mentioned for its subsequent) or one the fulfillment of which
fulfillment and is, therefore, immediately will extinguish an obligation (or right)
demandable. (without condition) already existing. (Obligation and rights end
when the condition is fulfill).
Meaning of conditional obligation.
SECTION 2. — Obligations with a Period.
A conditional obligation is one whose
consequences are subject in one way or another to Meaning of obligation with a period.
the fulfillment of a condition. (with condition) An obligation with a period is one whose
Meaning of condition. consequences are subjected in one way or another to
the expiration of said period or term. (means of
Condition is a future and uncertain event, upon the date).
happening of which, the effectivity or
extinguishment of an obligation (or rights) subject Meaning of period or term.
to it depends. A period is a future and certain event upon the
Characteristics of a condition arrival of which the obligation (or right) subject to it
either arises or is terminated. It is a day certain
(1) Future and uncertain. — In order to constitute which must necessarily come (like the year 2005;
an event a condition, it is not enough that it be next Christmas), although it may not be known
future; it must also be uncertain. when, like the death of a person.
(2) Past but unknown. — A condition may refer to a Kinds of period or term.
past event unknown to the parties. (infra.) If it refers
to a future event, both its very occurrence and the (1) According to effect:
time of such occurrence must be uncertain; (a) Suspensive period (ex die). — The
otherwise, it is not a condition. obligation begins only from a day certain
A condition must not be impossible. upon the arrival of the period.

Explanation: This means that the obligation (like a promise or

agreement) only starts or becomes effective on a specific
Future and uncertain: A condition is something day. So, nothing happens until that day arrives. It's like
that hasn't happened yet, and there's some doubt or waiting for a deadline to begin working on something.
uncertainty about whether it will happen. For
(b) Resolutory period (in diem). — The
example, if I say, "I will give you a cookie if it rains
obligation is valid up to a day certain and
tomorrow," the condition is the rain, which is
terminates upon the arrival of the period.
something that hasn't happened yet and might not
happen. With this type, the obligation is already in effect, but it
only lasts until a certain day. Once that day comes, the
Past but unknown: Sometimes a condition can obligation ends or is resolved. It's like having a contract
refer to something that has already happened, but that's valid until a specific date, and after that date, it's
the parties involved don't know about it. For no longer valid.
instance, if I promise to pay you if a certain
document is found, and neither of us knows if the (2) According to source:
document exists or not, that's a condition based on a (a) Legal period. — When it is provided for
past event that's unknown to us. by law;
Not impossible: A condition must be something (b) Conventional or voluntary period. —
that could potentially happen. It can't be something When it is agreed to by the parties (Art.
that's completely impossible. For example, if I say, 1196.); and
"I'll give you a unicorn if you finish your
homework," that's not a valid condition because (c) Judicial period. — When it is fixed by
unicorns don't exist. the court.

Two principal kinds of condition. (3) According to definiteness:

(1) Suspensive condition (condition precedent (a) Definite period. — When it is fixed or it
or condition antecedent) or one the is known when it will come; and
fulfillment of which will give rise to an (b) Indefinite period. — When it is not fixed
obligation (or right). In other words, the or it is not known when it will come. Where
demand ability of the obligation is the period is not fixed but a period is
intended, the courts are usually empowered
by law to fix the same. This is when you have to do only one thing. For
SECTION 3. — Obligations with a Penal Clause example, if you promise to deliver a piano to someone or
fix their car, that's a simple obligation because there's
Meaning of obligation with a penal clause. only one action involved.
An obligation with a penal clause is one which (2) Compound obligation. — one where there are
contains an accessory undertaking to pay a two or more prestations. It may be.
previously stipulated indemnity in case of breach of
the principal prestation intended primarily to induce This is when you have to do two or more things.
its fulfillment. (a) Conjunctive obligation. — one where
This means you have a promise or duty to do something, there are several prestations and all of
but there's an extra rule attached. If you don't fulfill your them are due; or
promise properly, you agree to pay a penalty or fine. You have to do all the things listed. For instance, if you
Meaning of penal clause. promise to deliver a piano and also tune it, you have to
do both.
A penal clause is an accessory undertaking
attached to an obligation to assume greater liability (b) Distributive obligation. — one where
on the part of the obligor in case of breach of the one of two or more of the prestations is
obligation, i.e., the obligation is not fulfilled, or is due. It may be alternative or facultative.
partly or irregularly complied with. You have a choice between two or more things to do. It
could be either alternative, where you choose one
It's like a rule within a promise or agreement. If you
option, or facultative, where you can choose any or all
don't keep your promise or if you mess up in some way,
of the options. For example, if you promise to either
you agree to pay an extra penalty or fine on top of fixing
deliver a piano or a guitar, that's alternative. If you
the mistake. It's a way to encourage people to stick to
promise to deliver either a piano or a guitar or both,
their promises.
that's facultative.
Meaning of principal and accessory obligations. Meaning of Facultative Obligation
(1) Principal obligation is one which can stand by A facultative obligation refers to only one
itself and does not depend for its validity and prestation agreed upon, but the obligor may render
existence upon another obligation. another in substitution.
This is the main promise or duty that can exist on its
You have the option to choose any or all of the things to
own without needing anything else to support it. It's like
do. So, if you promise to deliver either a piano or a
the main thing you agree to do.
guitar or both, that's facultative.
(2) Accessory obligation is one which is attached
to a principal obligation and, therefore, cannot
stand alone. SECTION 5. — Divisible and Indivisible
This is like an extra promise or duty that's connected to
the main one. It can't exist by itself; it needs the main Meaning of divisible and indivisible obligations.
obligation to make sense. It's like a side rule or duty
that goes along with the main promise. (1) A divisible obligation is one the object of
which, in its delivery or performance, is
capable of partial fulfillment.
SECTION 4. — Alternative and Facultative This is when you owe something that can be divided or
Obligations done partially. You can fulfill it bit by bit.
Meaning of alternative obligation. (2) An indivisible obligation is one the object of
An alternative obligation is one wherein various which, in its delivery or performance, is not
prestations are due but the performance of one of capable of partial fulfillment.
them is sufficiently determined by the choice which, This is when you owe something that can't be divided. It
as a general rule, belongs to the debtor. has to be done or delivered as a whole; you can't do it
An alternative obligation means you owe different
things, but you only have to do one of them. You get to Kinds of division.
choose which one to do. So, you have options, but you
only have to pick and do one thing. (1) Qualitative division or one based on quality,
not on number or quantity of the things that are
Kinds of obligation according to object. the object of the obligation.
(1) Simple obligation. — one where there is only This is when things are divided based on their quality
one prestation, e.g., S obliged himself to deliver or characteristics, not by the number or amount. For
to B a piano; S promised to repair the car of B. example, dividing items based on their type or features.
(2) Quantitative division or one based on quantity Solidary: Where each debtor is responsible for the
rather than on quality. entire debt, and each creditor can demand the full
payment from any or all debtors.
This is when things are divided based on their quantity
or amount, rather than their quality. For instance, In a collective obligation, there are two relations
splitting items based on how many there are. involved: that between the creditor and the debtors
(or the creditors and the debtor, or the creditors and
(3) Ideal or intellectual division or one which the debtors) and that among the creditors and/or
exists only in the minds of the parties. debtors themselves.
This type of division only exists in the minds of the
In a collective obligation, there are two kinds of
people involved. It's not about physically dividing things
but about conceptual or theoretical divisions.
Between the creditor(s) and the debtor(s).
Kinds of indivisibility. Among the creditors and/or debtors themselves.
(1) Legal indivisibility. — where a specific
provision of law declares as indivisible, Meaning of joint and solidary obligations.
obligations which, by their nature, are
divisible; (1) A Joint obligation is one where the whole
obligation is to be paid or fulfilled
This happens when the law says that something must be proportionately by the different debtors and/or
treated as a single unit, even if it could technically be is to be demanded proportionately by the
divided. For example, even though something could be different creditors.
divided, the law might insist that it's treated as a whole.
Everyone shares the responsibility. Each debtor owes a
(2) Conventional indivisibility. — where the will part, and each creditor can only collect their part.
of the parties makes as indivisible, obligations
which, by their nature, are divisible (Ibid.); (2) A Solidary obligation is one where each one of
and the debtors is bound to render, and/or each one
of the creditors has a right to demand entire
This occurs when the people involved agree that compliance with the prestation.
something should not be divided, even if it could be. It's
based on their decision rather than on the law. Everyone is fully responsible. Any debtor can be asked
to pay the whole debt, and any creditor can demand the
(3) Natural indivisibility. — where the nature of full payment from any debtor.
the object or prestation does not admit of
division, e.g., to give a particular car, to sing a Kinds of solidarity.
song, etc. (1) According to the parties bound:
This is when the thing itself can't be divided because of
(a) Passive solidarity or solidarity on the part of the
its nature. For instance, you can't split a specific car or
sing only a part of a song. It's inherently impossible to debtors, where anyone of them can be made liable
divide these things. for the fulfillment of the entire obligation. Its
characteristics are plurality of debtors and unity of
prestation. It is in the nature of a mutual guaranty.
SECTION 4. — Joint and Solidary (b) Active solidarity or solidarity on the part of the
Obligations creditors, where anyone of them can demand the
fulfillment of the entire obligation. Its essential
Kinds of obligation according to the number of feature is that of mutual representation among the
parties. solidary creditors with powers to exercise the rights
of others in the same manner as their rights.
(1) Individual obligation. — one where there is
only one obligor and one obligee; and (c) Mixed solidarity or solidarity on the part of the
debtors and creditors, where each one of the debtors
This is when there's only one person who owes
is liable to render, and each one of the creditors has
something (the obligor) and one person who is owed
something (the obligee). a right to demand, entire compliance with the
(2) Collective obligation. — one where there are
two or more debtors and/or two or more (2) According to source:
creditors. It may be joint or solidary. (a) Conventional solidarity or where solidarity is
This is when there are multiple people involved. It can agreed upon by the parties. If nothing is mentioned
be: in the contract relating to solidarity, the obligation is
only joint.
Joint: Where each debtor is responsible for only their
share of the debt, and each creditor can only claim their (b) Legal solidarity or where solidarity is imposed
share of what's owed. by the law.
SECTION 1. — Payment or Performance

ART. 1231. Obligations are extinguished: ART. 1232. Payment means not only the delivery
of money but also the performance, in any other
(1) By payment or performance; manner, of an obligation. (n)
(2) By the loss of the thing due;
(3) By the condonation or remission of the debt; Meaning of payment.
(4) By the confusion or merger of the rights of In ordinary parlance, payment refers only to
creditor and debtor; the delivery of money. As a mode of extinguishing
(5) By compensation; an obligation, it has a much wider meaning.
(6) By novation.
Other causes of extinguishment of obligations, Payment may consist of not only in the delivery of
such as annulment, rescission, fulfillment of a money but also the giving of a thing (other than
resolutory condition, and prescription, are money), the doing of an act, or not doing of an act.
governed elsewhere in this Code. (1156a) When a debtor pays damages or penalty in lieu of
Causes of extinguishment of obligations. fulfillment of an obligation (see Art. 1226.), there is
In addition to those enumerated in Article 1231, also payment in the sense used in Article 1232.
other causes are: In law, payment and performance are
(1) Death of a party in case the obligation is a synonymous.
personal one
(2) Mutual desistance or withdrawal Payment means more than just giving money to settle a
(3) Arrival of resolutory period debt. It can also involve giving something else, doing
(4) Compromise something, or not doing something. For instance, if you
(5) Impossibility of fulfillment owe someone money but instead do them a favor, that
(6) Happening of a fortuitous event. counts as payment too. In law, payment and fulfilling an
obligation mean the same thing. So, when you pay
Modes of extinguishment of obligations someone back or keep your promise, it's like saying
classified. you've done what you were supposed to.
Castan classifies the modes of extinguishing
SUBSECTION 1. — Application of Payments
obligations in the following manner:
(1) Voluntary:
Meaning of application of payments.
(a) Performance:
Application of payments is the designation
1) Payment; and
of the debt to which should be applied the payment
2) Consignation.
made by a debtor who has various debts of the same
(b) Substitution:
kind in favor of one and the same creditor.
1) Dacion en pago (conveyance for
payment); and
"Application of payments" means figuring out which
2) Novation. debt gets paid when you owe money for different things
(c) By release agreement: to the same person or company. It's like saying which
1) Agreement subsequent to the specific thing you're paying for when you give them
constitution of the obligation: money.
a) Mutual waiver;
b) Unilateral waiver; and Requisites of application of payments.
c) Remission. The requisites are:
2) Agreement simultaneous to the (1) There must be one debtor and one
constitution of the obligation: creditor;
a) Resolutory condition; and (2) There must be two or more debts;
b) Extinctive period. (3) The debts must be of the same kind;
(2) Involuntary: (4) The debts to which payment made by
(a) By reason of the subject: the debtor has been applied must be due; and
1) Confusion; and (5) The payment made must not be suffi
2) Death of the contracting parties in cient to cover all the debts.
the cases where the obligations are
personal. SUBSECTION 2. — Payment by Cession
(b) By reason of the object:
1) Loss of the thing due or Meaning of payment by cession.
impossibility of performance; and Payment by cession is another special form
(c) By failure to exercise (right of action): of payment. It is the assignment or abandonment of
1) Extinctive prescription. all the properties of the debtor for the benefi t of his
creditors in order that the latter may sell the same
and apply the proceeds thereof to the satisfaction of
their credits.

"Payment by cession" is when a debtor gives up

everything they own to their creditors so the creditors
can sell it and get their money back. It's like saying, "I
can't pay you with money, but I'll give you everything I
own instead, so you can sell it and get your money

Requisites of payment by cession.

They are:
(1) There must be two or more creditors;
(2) The debtor must be (partially) insolvent;
(3) The assignment must involve all the
properties of the debtor; and
(4) The cession must be accepted by the

SUBSECTION 3. — Tender of Payment and


Meaning of tender of payment and consignation.

(1) Tender of payment is the act, on the part

of the debtor, of offering to the creditor the thing or
amount due. The debtor must show that he has in
his possession the thing or money to be delivered at
the time of the offer. It is an act preparatory to
consignation, which is the principal, and from
which are derived the immediate consequences
which the
debtor desires or seeks to obtain.
When you offer what you owe to someone. You have to
show you actually have the money or thing you're

(3) Consignation is the act of depositing the thing

or amount due with the proper court when the
creditor does not desire, or refuses to accept
payment, or cannot receive it, after complying
with the formalities required by law. It is
always judicial and it generally requires a prior
tender of payment which is by its very nature
If the person you owe doesn't want to take the payment,
or can't, you can deposit what you owe with a court
instead. This is usually after you've tried to pay them
outside of court.

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