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This text is for questions number 1 - 2

1. What is the form about?

A. Insurance company
B. Insurance proxy.
C. General meeting.
D. Proxy of meeting.
E. Annual report.

2. The function of the revenue stamp in the form is for ….

A. validity
B. registration
C. adjournments
D. responsibility
E. completeness

This text is for questions number 3 - 4

3. The advertisement is made to invite the big family of Camp Morasha to ….

A. meet alumnight commitee
B. join the nostalgic evening
C. join Morasha celebrities
D. get great entertainment
E. obtain a lot of surprises

4. From the advertisement, we know that ….

A. the event will be conducted in the beginning of March
B. there may be a few of alumnus who don’t get the invitation
C. all kinds of delicious food can be found in the interesting event
D. the invitee must meet the alumnight committee directly for the event
E. spouses, junior staff, parents and friends can participate in great event

This text is for questions number 5 - 7

Helicopters are agile aircraft which is capable of taking off and landing vertically, hovering and
flying in different directions.
Helicopters have advantages over fixed-wing aircraft that allow them to reach hard access,
particularly for searching or rescuing people in complicated situations. Besides, helicopters are
also useful for tourism, medical transport, fighting fires, aerial photography, military activity and
many more.
The lift and thrust of helicopters are provided by spinning rotors, usually featuring two or
more blades. Helicopters typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail. They
counter the torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
There are many people who have great desire for flying their own helicopter. Their
helicopters are usually furnished with special indoor to make them comfortable to stay. Tom
Cruise, Morgan Freeman and John Travolta are a few examples of Hollywood stars who have
helicopter and also license of pilot.

5. What is the text about?

A. Information about agile aircraft.
B. Description of helicopter kinds.
C. Information about helicopter use.
D. Description of helicopter in brief.
E. Explanation of helicopter superiority.

6. It can be inferred from the text that ...

A. Helicopter is the best vehicle to fight fires
B. It’s comfortable to stay with special outdoor
C. Helicopter is the fastest vehicle in the world
D. Helicopter only has one main rotor in the tail
E. People can easily reach hard access by helicopter

7. Helicopters typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail. They counter
the torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
The correct combination for the two sentences is ….
A. Helicopters which typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail counter the
torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
B. Helicopters who typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail counter the
torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
C. Helicopters typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail which counter the
torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
D. Helicopters that typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail counter the
torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.
E. Helicopters typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the tail who counter the
torque effect like stopping the helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction.

This text is for questions number 8 - 9.

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had
admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom and knowing his father could well afford
it, he told him that was all he wanted. As graduation day approached, the young man awaited for
signs that his father had purchased the car.
Finally, during the morning of his graduation, his father called him into a room. His father
told him how proud he was to have such a fine son and told him how much he loved him. He
handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young
man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound book, with the young man’s name
embossed in gold. That was his favorite book. Yet, he was still angry. He shouted at his father
and said, ”With all your money, you only give me this book?” He left the room, ignoring his
father’s present.
Many years passed and the young man had become very successful in business. He had a
beautiful house and a wonderful family, but realized his father now was getting old and thought
perhaps he should visit him. He had not seen him since graduation day. Before he could make
the visit, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away and willed all his
possessions to his son. He needed to be home immediately to take care of things.
When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began
to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped book, just as he had
left it years ago. With tears he opened the book and began to turn the pages. He read page by
page, chapter by chapter. As he continued reading through the book, a car key fell out the back
of the book. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had
wanted. On the tag was the date of his graduation and the words Paid In Full.

8. From the text, we know that the man is ... whereas the man’s father is....
A. modest, indifferent
B. respectful, generous
C. stubborn, mean
D. humble, calm
E. selfish, patient

9. Which of the following proverbs matches the story?

A. Like father, like son.
B. A change is as good as a rest.
C. Things past cannot be recalled.
D. All things come to those who wait.
E. It is better to be born lucky than rich.

This text is for questions number 10 - 11.

10. What is the song about?

A. Faithful boy.
B. Love struggle.
C. Love sacrifice.
D. Love backbiting.
E. Believable promise.

11. What can we learn from the song?

A. To get somebody we love, we need to convince that we can be the best one for him/her.
B. A boy will get a girl he loves if he can treat the girl whenever and wherever she wants.
C. To reach our dream, the only thing we can do is just waiting for the luck coming to us.
D. Never feel sad to get what we want. “Good looking” will win the other’s heart easily.
E. To obtain the other’s heart, we must show who we are and where we come from.

This text is for question number 12

Ani : I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven.
I give birth to tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no cause for grief,
and at once on my birth. I am dissolved into air. What am I?
Dani : …………………………………………………….

12. What is the best answer of the riddle?

A. Wind.
B. Smoke.
C. Cloud.
D. Cigarette.
E. Black paper.

This text is for questions number 13 - 15.

William Shakespeare is one of the world’s greatest writers. He wrote plays for the theatre. He wrote poetry too. He was
born in 1564. He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in England. Later he went to London, to be an actor. But he became
famous for writing plays. His friends said he was the best writer of his time. Most people now say he was the best of all

Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays.

Shakespeare plays are performed all over the world. Students study Shakespeare in school and at university. People
writes books about Shakespeare. There are Shakespeare theatres and Shakespeare festivals.

He lived in exciting times. Francis Drake sailed around the world (1577-1580). Shakespeare was probably in London
when the Spanish Armada sailed to attack England in 1588. He saw the coronation of King James I in 1603. 1605 was the
year of the Gunpowder Plot and Guy Fawkes. Shakespeare died in 1616.

13. Why did people praise William Shakespeare?

A. He helped Spanish Armada to attack England.
B. He moved to London to become an actor.
C. He attended King James’ coronation.
D. He was a friend of Francis Drake.
E. He was the best writer of all time.

14. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Students studied Shakespeare’s plays to honour him as national actor.
B. King James I helped William Shakespeare to become famous.
C. Spanish Armada attacked England for its greatest writer.
D. Queen Elizabeth I was as the same ages as Shakespeare.
E. William Shakespeare was well known as a play writer.

15. “Shakespeare lived more than 400 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. to show
B. to care
C. to find
D. to watch
E. to like

This text is for questions number 16 - 18.


One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH, the Institute of Mental Health. He
discovered a flat tire when he was about to go home. He jacked up the truck and took the flat tire
down. When he was about to fix the spare tire, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the
drain. As he could not fish the bolts out, he 16) … to panic.
One patient happened to walk past and asked the driver what 17) ... The driver thought to
himself, since there is nothing much he can do; he told the patient the whole accident. The
patient laughed at him and said, “Can’t even fix such a simple problem. No wonder you are
destined to be a truck driver.”
“Here’s what you can do, take one bolt each from the other 3 tires and fix them onto this
tire. Then drive to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones. Easy, isn’t it?”
The driver was very surprised and asked, “You’re so smart but why are you here at the
IMH?” the patient 18) … “Hello, I stay here because I’m crazy, not stupid!” (shource: short-

16. .…
A. start
B. starts
C. started
D. had started
E. was starting
17. ….
A. happen
B. happens
C. happened
D. had happened
E. has happened

18. ….
A. replied
B. replies
C. replying
D. will reply
E. has replied

This text is for questions number 19 - 21.

As we know there is so much water in the world. There are many kinds of water that we can consume every day all

Consuming water can be made as therapy of disease, because water that we consume with enough amounts and the
right method can purify of poisons in our body. The therapy of water can save water availability in the body.

Therapy of water can keep the beauty too. Skins is the out part of the body that has contact with dirty air, sun light and
pollutions. To keep the skin elasticity, water is needed in the enough amounts. Water can dampen of skin until not easy to
dry and make crimp.

To keep the balancing of size body, water is needed. In fact, water can increase the metabolism and pressing of eat
desire. Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.

So, let’s consume water everyday at least eight glasses to keep our health and beauty. But, the water must be clean and
hygiene. Find, buy and consume the best mineral water!

19. How can water protect us from illness?

A. It cleanses poisons in our body.
B. It cures the disease in seconds.
C. It dampens the skin on the body.
D. It absorbs poison from the blood.
E. It stores enough liquid for the body.

20. What can we conclude from the text?

A. By cooking our water, we can keep our beauty.
B. By having mineral water, we will keep our health.
C. By consuming enough water, we can clean our blood.
D. By consuming a lot of water, we can increase desire to eat.
E. By drinking enough water, we can be healthy and beautiful.

21. Drinking enough amount of water will ... the skin to prevent wrinkles.
A. glow
B. gleam
C. sparkle
D. shimmer
E. moisturize

This text is for questions number 22 - 23.

Semarang --- Alf Rodway

Blured, Gambang Semarang was heard

Silence was broken, flying free like bird
Going back to talk to my great city
Taking me back to the sweet day
The beautiful story was started
Series of moments was recorded
Its beauty spoiled my eyes
Till this mouth got speechless
A lot of options to have refreshments
Varies from nature till the ancients
Walking along the memory
Tasting the unique culinary
Lumpia, Boneless milkfish, Wingko Babat
Evoking this appetite, pleasing this heart
Feeling full, then 5 minutes moved quickly
“5 days war in Semarang” was in history
Lawang sewu and Satya Mandala museum
Reminding us to the falling fragrant bloom
Having proven their endless anxiety
for freedom wanted by this country
Semarang …oh …Semarang...
Praise to you has never sunk

22. The poem tells us about ….

A. Semarang history
B. praise to Semarang
C. options in Semarang
D. Gambang Semarang
E. Semarang’s culinary

23. Evoking this appetite, pleasing this heart. The underlined word means….
A. producing
B. lessening
C. kindling
D. resulting
E. causing

This text is for questions number 24 - 25.

There are a lot of research on both humans and animals on the effects of caffeine, and there is
often thought that too much is bad for us. There is no conclusive evidence to implicate caffeine
consumption as being significantly harmful to health, but there still is controversy with this, as
there are still some negative effects associated with caffeine consumption. Having some caffeine
daily is ok, but using food and exercise strategies listed below, will certainly help in reducing
fatigue and avoiding caffeine addiction.

Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant and can have some positive effects on the human body.
Caffeine in low doses is thought to be associated with an improvement in sporting performance,
increased alertness and reduction in fatigue potentially lifting a person’s mood. Coffee and tea
also contain some antioxidants which have positive effects on heart health.
However, increased amounts of caffeine lead to dependency due to increased tolerance and
hence, the need for greater amounts to gain the same stimulatory benefits. Heavy users who have
to go without it can experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Too much
caffeine can produce restlessness, nausea, sleep difficulties, upset stomach, increased urine
production causing dehydration, and cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). It has also been
associated with elevated blood pressure in sensitive persons.
Both arguments might be correct. There is no clinical convincing evidence so far.
(Written by Clare

24. What is being discussed in the text?

A. Why should people consume caffeine?
B. The beneficial of caffeine consumption.
C. The bad effects of caffeine consumption.
D. The caffeine consumption is good or bad?
E. Why should people not consume caffeine?

25. On which side does the writer stand?

A. He absolutely rejects caffeine.
B. He has a dependency to caffeine.
C. He can’t stand to consume caffeine
D. He does not take any side for the argument.
E. He supports people who consume caffeine.

This text is for questions number 26 - 27.

Chasing Dreams with ‘Coco’

Coco is an animated Disney movie directed by Lee Unkrich and produced by Darla K. Anderson,
both of whom worked on the critically acclaimed Toy Story 3.

The movie was inspired by the Mexican holiday, Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead), during
which family members pray for deceased family members and help them move on into the
afterlife. The Day of the Dead is viewed as a time for celebration, rather than mourning.
Coco tells the story of Miguel, a 12 year old boy who dreamed of becoming a musician,
which family wasn’t very enthusiastic about. But an accident soon brought Miguel to the Land of
the Dead.
The story of Coco presents a simple but gripping conflict. Viewers will stay glued to the
edge of their seats to see what happens next in Miguel’s adventure. The movie’s cinematography
is classic Pixar, gorgeous from start to finish, and the unique character designs are charming.
Another thumbs-up goes to the voice actors who bring their characters to life and mix in
Spanish-language bits with heavy accents. Adding to the Mexican flavor is the vibrant Latin
music, with song like “Remember Me”, “Un Poco Loco” and “Everyone Knows Juanita”.
Coco is rich in lessons of morality, making it the perfect family going experience. It raises
themes of family love and invites viewers never to stop chasing their dreams.
(Adapted from The Jakarta Post November, 29th 2017)

26. It can be concluded that the text is written to ....

A. inspire us how to make a good film.
B. learn how to avoid conflict in family.
C. know the strong characters of the film.
D. appreciate family love and one’s dream.
E. learn how to pray for deceased family members.

27. The writer has any idea that ....

A. the film about family will be so boring.
B. the conflicts are unsolved and complicated
C. the voice of actors are plain and uninteresting.
D. the audience will get less enthusiasm about the film.
E. this film deserves to watch for its lessons of morality.

This text is for questions number 28 - 29.

28. The purpose of the banner is to …

A. convince readers that global warming is dangerous.
B. explain the steps to reduce global warming detailly.
C. persuade readers to have a good manner in this life.
D. inform what to do to minimize global warming.
E. inform that global warming gives bad impacts.

29. Which of the followings is not true based on the text? We have to ….
A. use environmentally friendly transport
B. save earth from global warming
C. switch off and save electricity
D. plant and save trees on earth
E. reduce, misuse and recycle

This text is for questions number 30 - 31.

Tablets vs Books
Fast development of modern technologies such as computer, cell phone and tablets bring
many advantages in human life. Almost every sector such as work, entertainment, and education
are now depending on technology. In educational sector, for example, there is a policy to use
tablets to replace textbooks. This policy makes a major debate among society. Some people
agree that tablets will make teaching-learning process better but some other thinks not.
Among those who agree, tablets bring some benefits. First, tablets help students learn more
material faster. Technology-based instruction can reduce the time students take to reach a
learning objective by 30-80%, according to the US Department of Education and studies by the
National Training and Simulation Association. Second, tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks
on one device, plus homework, quizzes, and other files, eliminating the need for physical storage
of books and classroom materials. The average tablet contains anywhere from 8 to 64 gigabytes
(GB) of storage space. Third, tablets contain many technological features that cannot be found in
print textbooks. Tablets give users the ability to highlight and edit text and write notes without
ruining a textbook for the next user. Tablets have a search function, a backlighting option to read
in low light, and a built-in dictionary. Interactive diagrams, games and videos increase student
creativity, motivation, attentiveness, and engagement with classroom activities.
In other hand, people who disagree with the use of tablets point out several reasons. First,
handheld technological devices including tablets are associated with a range of health problems
such as eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. Second, using tablets is more
expensive than using print textbooks. A broken tablet also requires an experienced technician to
fix, which can be costly and time-consuming. Plus, tablets constantly need charging, increasing
electricity demands on schools and the need for new electrical outlets. Third, tablets have too
many distractions for classroom use. Students may pay attention to apps, email, games, and
websites instead of their teachers. Tablets also enable students to cheat on schoolwork.
In conclusion, tablets indeed bring so many advantages in education especially in teaching
learning process. However, we must see the other factors whether tablets are suitable to be used
in educational institution now or later. We cannot deny that tablets are so expensive with its
entire means of support. It is not fair if we allocate the entire budget to tablets while there are so
many schools which need more important facilities such as school buildings, classrooms,
libraries, clean toilets, and so forth.

30. What is mainly discussed from the passage above?

A. How tablets and books are used.
B. Describing the usage of tablets and books.
C. Presenting some ideas about tablets and books.
D. The importance of tablets for students than books.
E. The view about the people preference in using tablets.

31. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 and 3?

A. Both paragraph 2 and 3 discuss about the usages of tablets in more detail.
B. Paragraph 2 declines the ideas of using tablets, but paragraph 3 supports them.
C. Paragraph 2 discusses the tablets benefits, whereas paragraph 3 discusses tablets
D. Paragraph 2 shows the disagreement with the usage of tablets, otherwise paragraph 3 tells
the agreement with tablets.
E. Paragraph 2 says that tablets can give more disadvantages than books, but paragraph 3 gives
many advantages of tablets than books.

This text is for questions number 32 - 33.

32. What is the leaflet about?

A. Skin problem.
B. Smooth skin care.
C. Cosmetics prices.
D. Cosmetics discount.
E. Cosmetics promotion. .

33. The following statements are true based on the leaflet, except:
A. Buyers can come directly to Mahartama street to get the cosmetic.
B. There are various kinds of cosmetics offered by Clarins cosmetic.
C. To get more information, buyers can contact 08139171933.
D. The 6th buyer will get a package and also discount 30 %.
E. A shinning skin will be gotten if the cosmetics are used.

This text is for questions number 34 - 36.

Media is the main means of mass communication like broadcasting, publishing, and the internet.
It 34) ... streams which become the most important thing at this time.
Media has many functions. It 35) ... to create, produce and deliver products to viewers.
They can be news, weather reports, research info, TV shows, music, films, even communication
channels such as phone calls and chats. The media 36) ... by many businessmen as means to
make money by advertising the products and services.

34. ….
A. has been updated
B. will be updated
C. was updated
D. is updating
E. updated

35. ….
A. can use
B. can be used
C. may be used
D. will be used
E. should be used

36. ….
A. took
B. is taken
C. has taken
D. was taken
E. will be taken

This text is for questions number 37 - 41.

Company, Inc.
123 Alphabet Drive
Los Angeles, California 90002

15 November 2017

Ms. Jennifer Luke

Supervisor of Product Development
Pet Supply Provider, Inc.
472 Canine Road
Los Angeles, California 90002

Dear Ms. Luke:

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference

last week. As we discussed, I sincerely believe that
the widget gizmo produced by Company, Inc. can
greatly streamline your production process. If you
are still willing, I would like to bring some of the
key members of my team along with me to meet
with you at Pet Supply Provider, Inc. We would
like to give you an overview of our services and
discuss with you the best plan to suit your needs.

Meeting in person would allow us to fully

evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is
available to meet at time this week or next. Please
let me know, at your earliest convenience, when
you would be available.


Harry Williams

37. What is the topic of the text?

A. Evaluating the need of new widgets.
B. Fulfilling the lack of production team.
C. Promoting the product of the company.
D. Giving overview about Company, Inc.
E. Discussing the product of Pet Supply Provider.

38. Why Mr. Williams and his team suggest Ms. Luke to meet personally?
A. to value her company’s best demand.
B. to increase her company’s profile.
C. to satisfy their company’s effort.
D. to evaluate their team correctly.
E. to gather her team properly.

39. What can we infer from the text?

A. Mr. Williams wants to meet Ms. Luke to offer his company’s service.
B. Mr. Williams schedules the meeting with Ms. Luke next week at her office.
C. Mr. William trains Ms. Luke’s team to increase the production of her company.
D. Mr. Williams shows Ms. Luke an overview of his company’s production process.
E. Mr. Williams conducts a meeting with Ms. Luke to streamline the company’s production.
40. We would like to give you an overview of our services and discuss with you the best plan
to suit your needs.
What is the underlined word similar to?
A. gear
B. match
C. adapt
D. adjust
E. accept

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