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2833 0111

衞生署健康教育專線 日期:
Health Education Infoline of the Department of Health Date: 24-10-2023

Health Education Infoline
2833 0111

2. 非傳染病 5. 器官捐贈資訊
1 . 傳染病 3. 預防癌症 4. 疫苗接種計劃 6. 以傳真索取表格
Non-communicable Information on Organ
Communicable Disease Cancer Prevention Vaccination Schemes Collecting Forms by Fax
Disease Donation

1) 傳染病熱門話題: 01) 非傳染病熱門話題 1) 大腸癌篩查計劃: 1) 兒童免疫接種計劃: 一般器官捐贈資訊 1) 訂購健康視聽教材表格

Hot Issues on Communicable Hot issues on Non- Colorectal Cancer Screening Childhood immunization General information on Order Form for Health
Disease: communicable Disease Programme: programme: organ donation Education Audio-visual
02) 幼兒健康飲食和體能活動 Materials
01. 2019 冠狀病毒病 Healthy eating and physical 1. 大腸癌 1. 麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及德國麻 2) 索取健康印刷教材表格
Coronavirus Disease 2019 activity of preschool children Colorectal Cancer 疹混合疫苗接種運動 Request Form for Health
(COVID-19) 03) 青少年健康 2. 大腸癌篩查計劃 Measles, Mumps & Rubella Education Printed Materials
02. 2019 冠狀病毒病疫苗 Colorectal Cancer Screening Vaccination Campaign
Adolescent Health 3) 健康教育教材借用表格
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 2. 小六學童乙型肝炎疫苗接種運
03. 登革熱 04) 家庭健康 3. 與基層醫療醫生會面 Loan Form for Health

Dengue Fever Family Health Meeting the Primary Care Doctor Educational Material
Hepatitis B Vaccination
04. 猴痘 05) 男士健康 4. 如何採便 Campaign for Primary Six
Mpox (Monkeypox) Men's Health Specimen Collection Students
05. 禽流感 06) 長者健康 5. 知悉大便隱血測試結果 3. 小一學童接種「白喉、破傷
Avian Influenza Elderly Health Notification of Faecal Occult 風、無細胞型百日咳及滅活小
06. 季節性流行性感冒 Blood Test Results 兒麻痺混合疫苗」事宜
07) 環境健康
Seasonal Influenza 6. 大腸鏡檢查 Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus,
07. 麻疹
Environmental Health Colonoscopy examination acellular Pertussis & Inactivated
Measles 08) 運動與營養 7. 常見問題 Polio Vaccne (DTa-IPV) for
08. 退伍軍人症 Exercise and Nutrition Frequently asked questions PrimaryOne Students
Legionnaires’ Disease 09) 心理健康 4. 小六學童接種「白喉、破傷
09. 手足口病 Psychosocial Health 風、無細胞型百日咳(減量)及
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease 10) 吸煙 滅活小兒麻痺混合疫苗」事宜
10. 日本腦炎 Smoking Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus,
Japanese Encephalitis 11) 飲酒 acellular Pertussis (reduced
11. 風疹(德國麻疹) dose) & Inactivated Polio
Alcohol Consumption Vaccine (dTap-IPV) for Primary
12. 中東呼吸綜合症 Six Student
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
13. 寨卡病毒感染
Zika Virus Infection
14. 類鼻疽

2) 防備流感大流行及預防禽流 2) 其他癌症: 2) 其他疫苗接種計劃:

感: Other Cancers: Other vaccination schemes:
Prepared for Influenza
Pandemic & Prevention of 1. 子宮頸癌預防及篩查 01. 疫苗資助計劃
Avian Influenza: Cervical Cancer Prevention and Vaccination Subsidy Scheme
Screening 02. 孕婦的接種安排
2. 乳癌預防及篩查 Vaccination arrangement for
1. 季節性流行性感冒
Breast Cancer Prevention and pregnant women
Seasonal Influenza
2. 政府向公眾發出有關季節性流
Screening 03. 五十歲或以上人士的接種安排
3. 前列腺癌 Vaccination arrangement for
Prostate Cancer persons age 50 or above
Government’s Advice for the 預防肺癌及篩查
4. 04. 居於護理院舍(例如安老院舍
Public on Seasonal Influenza,
Lung Cancer Prevention and 或殘疾人士院舍)的院友的接種
Avian Influenza and Influenza
Screening 安排
5. 肝癌 Vaccination arrangement for
3. 流感大流行的常見問題
Liver Cancer residents of residential care homes
Frequently Asked Questions for
6. 睪丸癌 (such as Residential Care Homes
Public about Influenza Pandemic
4. 禽流感的常見問題(一)之認識 Testicular Cancer for the Elderly or Residential Care
7. 鼻咽癌 Homes for Persons with
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Disabilities)
Frequently Asked Questions (1)
8. 癌症預防及篩查 05. 年齡介乎 6 個月至未滿 18 歲
on the Illness
5. 禽流感的常見問題(二)之個人 Cancer Prevention and Screening 的兒童及青少年或 18 歲或以
及環境衞生 上但仍就讀於香港中學的人士
Frequently Asked Questions (2) 的接種安排
on Personal and Environmental Vaccination arrangement for
Hygiene children and adolescents of age
6. 禽流感的常見問題(三)之洗 between 6 months and under 18
手、口罩及疫苗 years, or 18 years or above but
studying at a secondary school in
Frequently Asked Questions (3)
Hong Kong
on Hand Washing, Wearing Mask
06. 有高風險情況人士的接種安排
and Vaccination
7. 禽流感的常見問題(四)之處理 Vaccination arrangement for
persons with high-risk conditions
07. 殘障人士接種流感疫苗的安排
Frequently Asked Questions (4)
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination
on Handling Poultry and Travel
Arrangement for Disabled Persons
08. 醫護人員、於安老院舍或殘疾人
8. 禽流感的常見問題(五)之抗病
Frequently Asked Questions (5)
on Antiviral Drugs and 人士的接種安排
Contingency Plan Vaccination arrangement for
9. 處理野生禽鳥屍體的安全指引 health care workers, poultry
Safety Guidelines for Handling workers, pig farmers and pig-
and Disposing of Dead Wild Birds slaughtering industry personnel
09. 季節性流感疫苗常見問題
3) 其他傳染病資訊:
Frequently Asked Questions on
Other Communicable Disease: Seasonal Influenza Vaccination
10. 接種肺炎球菌疫苗的常見問題
1. 埃博拉(伊波拉)病毒病 Frequently Asked Questions on
Ebola Virus Disease Pneumococcal Vaccination
2. 李斯特菌病
3. 社區型耐藥性金黃葡萄球菌感染
Community-associated Methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
(CA- MRSA) Infection
4. 水痘
5. 傷寒及副傷寒
Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid
6. 瘧疾
7. 食物中毒
Food Poisoning
8. 傳病媒介疾病
Vector-borne Diseases

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