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Name: Annalyn F.

Echapare BSED SC42 Subject/Schedule: Ethics TF 10:30-12pm

Reaction Paper

Through fastidious examination and reminisced how Pontius Pilate faced the dilemma on

deciding about his predicament on giving his final decision if Jesus Christ will crucify or not. In

this kind of dilemma, I felt disgusted to the decision made by Pontius Pilate instead of solving

the problem and standing on his personal convection about Jesus Christ he chose to let the crowd

to decide. He decided to use the sinful hands of the Romans to carry out the punishment. In this

scenario Pontius Pilate was thinking about how can he manage his friendship with his Boss

Cesar at the same time with Jesus Christ. His wrong decision to let the people choose who will

be free from crucifixion between Barabas the murderer and Jesus Christ who is the son of God

made the things worst. The romans choose to crucify Jesus Christ and to set Barabas free.

In this kind od scenario I truly witnessed how a certain dilemma looks like. I think the

suitable type of dilemma to this kind of situation is the obligatory dilemma in which the moral

agent is ought to considered and choose between two conflicting situation and it is being

observed that there is more than a feasible action is obligatory and that is to decide Pontius Pilate

if he will stand on his personal convection or he will rely on what the Jewish religious leaders

and the romans decisions. In my perspective if Pontius Pilate is knowledgeable enough and he

decided certainly and not by feelings or protecting his position as leader instead to follow his

personal convection about Jesus Christ crucifixion will not occur. On the hand, no matter how

Pontius Pilate decided crucifixion will happen because it was the disposition of God the father

and that is the destiny and the significant rule of Jesus Christ to serve as pay in our sins.

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