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Set 1

Part 1
When I was a freshman last year, I had a lot of free time, so I decided to take a
part-time job to make some money. To find the part-time job, I searched all social
media and asked my friends. One day, I thought I didn't need to find it any more,
but I saw a recruitment for a milk tea shop near my home. So I decided to apply,
and a day later, they called me to an interview. But you know, this was my first
interview, I didn't even have interview experience. I took my CV to the employer,
introduced myself, and answered their questions. I am really nervous and not
confident at all. Fortunately, I got the job and served as a waitress. I really
appreciate this opportunity. This is the most memorable interview in my life.
Part 2
H: In my opinion, when you are interviewed, you should listen and agree with the
opinion of the employer, then you will success
T: Really? That is the most stupid idea i’ve heard. To me, you should express your
points of view so the recruiter can see that you are confident. That’s what they
need at you. You need your own qualities and the courage to say it. That will make
them feel secure with an employee like you
H: And? They won't accept you because you contradict them. Why don't you think
they won't accept you because you disobey them? People always like people who
agree with their opinions so I think your interview will be fine when you always
act like agree with their opinion
T: Why not? All they need at you is confidence and standing your ground
H: Please! Be realistic my friend. Nowadays, there is no company accepts you
because you are not reasonable.
T: Your opinion is nonsense
Set 2
Part 1
People say that I am a brave boy, but I was actually scared during a trip. This was a
day when I and my friends organized an event far away. On that day, I had to get
there at 5 in the morning, so I woke up early. On the road, my car had a problem. It
broke down, so I had to take the train to the place where was organized the events.
On the way to the train station, I suddenly realized a stranger person walking
behind me. I felt insecure. I ran away quickly to the train station. I turned my head
and tried to find that person, but I couldn't see where person was. Only then I
realized that person had no shadow. OMG, I really saw a ghost. I was so scared, I
tried to go to a place where there were a lot of people. Fortunately, I met my friend
at the station and told him about the story. Even now I don't know if that person is
a human or a ghost. Or am I paranoid? I’m obsessed with that terrifying
experience. What an unlucky day!
Part 2
H: There are more and more superstitious games today, right T?
T: Yes, it’s become a hot trend today
H: As i see, the person who believes in that nonsense games are uncivilized people
T: Not at all. My neighbors believe in that but they very polite and kind, they also
humor too.
H: Let me explain. That superstitious games most come from countryside where
the people lack understanding and knowledge, that is the reason why they believe
in that bullshit games and that’s why i said they are uncivilized.
T: But how do you explain about my neighbors? I’ve lived next to their house for
10 years and never have seen them as uncivilized. Maybe it’s just their religion and
they believe that.
H: But as far as I can see, they are all ignorant people that should believe these
T: But it could also be a long-standing custom of them we don't know about. We
cannot know all of what they do and they believe so do not rush to assert it like
H: Up to you.
Set 3
Part 1
This is really tricky because I am usually healthy. I have never been seriously ill
like everyone else, and I sometimes feel pain or catch a cold. I remember a few
months ago, I had to take time off because of a bad cold. My common symptoms
are blocked nose and sore throat. It lasted for a long time, about 2 weeks, I think
although I don't have so much time to rest. For a few days, I remember that I felt
bad, but a few days later I had passed the worst period and then went back to work.
I always find that staying active when you feel uncomfortable is better because it
can keep your attention away from your symptoms. I think when I get sick, my
family will get a little bored of me. I tend to feel sorry for myself, lying on the sofa
all day, as if I am at the door of death, but as I said before. In this case, it's not
serious, and it didn't really cause me any problems.
Part 2
H: Hey! Which one do you think is better for prevention and cure?
T: Of course is prevention.
H: I agree with you. We should take precautions early rather than get sick and then
cure. Especially in this COVID19 pandemic.
T: You will feel safe when you taking precautions. First, when you take
precautions you’ll not get sick and affect everyone around you. Second, you won’t
cost a lot of money to healing. As you can see in Italy in 2020, they are not
protected against the Corona virus and in the end, they become one of the countries
with the highest number of deaths from disease in the world. It’s very dangerous.
H: Yeah and it's the same in Korea, isn't it? In my opinion, it is better to be
cautious than waiting for the illness to be treated. I think everyone thinks like us,
don't you think?
T: Absolutely.

Set 4
H: Do you intend to send your parents to a nursing home?
T: I think no! Why do I have to do that?
H: As you see, my parents is getting old but i have a lot of work at the company so
i don’t have time to take care of them. And I always get annoyed when they nag at
me about small things.
T: But you don’t think that they will be sad because they think they are your
burden, they will feel like they’re bothering you
H: I don’t think they will
T: Actually, I don’t wanna make them sad, parents are the ones who raise us to be
human and it is our responsibility to care for them in return for what they have
done for us, not to mention you will have children and your parents will help you
take care of them while you are at work.
H: But I find it annoying that they always behave like that, especially when I’m
T: Think how hard it was to raise you and now it's time for you to take care of
them, especially when they are old and can no longer take care of themselves.
Think grow up, don’t let them feel sad.
H: I got it, thank you my friend.
Set 5
Part 1
People say that I am a brave boy, but I was actually scared during a trip. This was a
day when I and my friends organized an event far away. On that day, I had to get
there at 5 in the morning, so I woke up early. On the road, my car had a problem. It
broke down, so I had to take the train to the place where was organized the events.
On the way to the train station, I suddenly realized a stranger person walking
behind me. I felt insecure. I ran away quickly to the train station. I turned my head
and tried to find that person, but I couldn't see where person was. Only then I
realized that person had no shadow. OMG, I really saw a ghost. I was so scared, I
tried to go to a place where there were a lot of people. Fortunately, I met my friend
at the station and told him about the story. Even now I don't know if that person is
a human or a ghost. Or am I paranoid? I’m obsessed with that terrifying
experience. What an unlucky day!
Part 2
H: My parents didn’t allow me to go backpacking with my friends. I don’t know
what they think. I’m getting angry.
T: Calm down. I think every other parents have the same thoughts as yours. They
are just worried about you.
H: I don’t understand. Why they didn’t let me go? They are all my close friends,
nothing dangerous.
T: First, they afraid that when u go out far away, you won’t take care of yourself
carefully. Second, you may have traffic accidents. You see nowadays, lots of
people are dead by traffic accidents.
H: But my friends, they have 15 people and I won't be seduced by bad guys. Then
what reason did my parents not let me go?
T: That's what you think, and your parents think differently, they take care of
further things, traffic accidents and you could get lost? Don’t think simply,
anything uncertain can happen.
H: So what i should do now?
T: You should clearly present your trip to your parents, give them the phone
numbers of your friends. When you get there, call to your parents to make sure you
are ok.
H: You say right. I’ll try it now. Thank you my friend.
Set 6
Part 1
I live in HCM city which is the biggest in Vietnam and hence it is suffering from
many issues such as decreasing the quality of life and environmental pollution of
all kinds. The main reason for this pollution is overpopulation and rapid and
unplanned industrialization of this city. The city has seen a population explosion
with an increase of more than one million people in the last ten years. This has
caused a huge pollution problem all over the city. People are using more resources,
generating more waste, using more private vehicles, and causing the environment
to degrade quickly. The industries and factories beside the rivers and streams dump
their waste directly into these water bodies causing water pollution. The rapid
deforestation is causing soil erosion and air pollution. The huge mounds of waste
dumped by people are causing soil pollution due to the chemicals seeping into the
soil and the groundwater. Vehicular emissions are rising at a fast pace, causing the
release of toxic pollutants and gases into the air. If steps are not taken to prevent
pollution immediately, the city and its residents would succumb to diseases. The
most important step is to create public awareness. Without awareness and strict
determination, we would not be able to prevent such issues.
Part 2
T: Hi Hà. How’s u going?
H: Hi Thủy. Im fine, thanks
T: I want to ask you one thing, do you want plastic bags should be banned
completely to help protect the environment? To what extent do you agree or
H: I totally agree on banning the use of plastic bags to protect the environment.
Because today, due to the increasing demand for using plastic bags to the
environment, while the management of collection and treatment of garbage is not
timely, the phenomenon of burning plastic waste and plastic bags is still very
T: I also support the above idea because plastic bags seriously affect the
environment, plastic bags mixed into the soil will change the physical properties of
the soil, cause erosion, make the soil lose nutrients, prevent oxygen from going
away. through the soil affects plant growth
H: If plastic bags are thrown into ponds and lakes, they will clog the drains,
causing stagnant sewage, leading to the production of bacteria.
T: We should raise the responsibility to say no to plastic bags to protect the
environment more and more clean
H: That’s exactly how I feel
T: yeh, thank you for your support Hà. Nice to talk with you
H: Yes, me too

Set 7
Part 1
I would like to share with you an activity that I love doing in my free time is
jogging. I’ve taken up this habit for 2 years. At that time, I was stressed out with
my graduation examination and wanted to have an activity to release stress, so I
decided to have a crack at jogging. At first, it was quite challenging for me because
I’m a sedentary person. After a few days of practice, I was gradually familiar with
this subject and more interested in it. Well, I have to say this sport help me a lot in
strengthening my physical health as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I
can lose my weight and love to exercise. Now, to be honest, I'm quite satisfied with
my body and trying to maintain it. In the future, I am going to keep this habit to
stay healthy, and maybe I will try some other sports too.
Part 2
H: Hi Thủy. How’s u going?
T: Hi Hà. Im fine, thanks
H: I have an assignment in class and i need your help, i want to ask you one thing,
can you help me?
T: I’m happy to do it
H: Nowadays, people eat too much sugar and salt these days. Do you agree or
T: I totally disagree with this thought because I don’t eat too much salt or sugar
H: I am different, I think nowadays people eat a lot of salt and sugar because it
adds flavor to the food, makes us feel more appetizing when we eat it.
T: but if we eat little or no, it can affect our health to have a beautiful figure, then
we should balance the amount of sugar and salt or replace all salt and sugar as diet
food. I think if possible, I shouldn't eat spices even though it doesn't stimulate the
taste but it's very good for the body
H: I don't think so. Salt and sugar are two spices that are also very important for
the body. For those who abstain from excessive salt intake, the blood sodium level
is greatly reduced and can be fatal. And people who abstain from sugar too much
can suffer from long-term stress
T: yeh. Everyone has different feelings. That's your opinion. I respect it
H: Oh that sound sweet, thank you Thuy. Nice to talk with you.

Set 8
Part 1
I have met many teachers during my academic life. Among them, I'm impressed
with Mr Minh, who is a good mentor and has a big influence on my study. I met
Mr Minh when I was in 6 grade. He was a Math teacher. That time, I thought he
was a tough person because his face was very serious and tidy dress-up. After a
period of study, I found he was a very friendly person. He had a unique way of
teaching and explaining very easily. Everything I learned in his subject was
interesting and could remember the lesson well. Mr Minh had a big influence on
my study because he helped me build a strong foundation in Math. His teaching
method made me love math more. Math became my one the most favourite
subjects in secondary school.
Part 2
H: I have to study math, literature, and English today, and I have to study it every
day. In my opinion, schools should still teach subjects like art and music
T: I also have the same opinion as you because music or art subjects play a very
important role for every person, especially music. It the soul and emotions of each
of us
H: Fine art is equally important as it helps students arouse creativity and aspiration,
raise aesthetics to a new level, and contribute to the formation of students' abilities.
T: Music has a great influence on language improvement. Music training
stimulates and supports a part of the brain that is better able to understand language
and remember information.
H: Art gives people a sense of appreciation of achievement and perseverance for
T: we all think the same, it's amazing, I'm looking forward to the day when our
school will teach music and art
H: me too, i think i will get an A in both subjects
T: I know you're good at it
H: Just wait for that day to come. Nice to talk with you Thuy
T: Yeh, me too.

Set 9
Part 1
I would like to describe about the Australian culture which is completely
difference form my country's. there are many difference between two countries.
The most noticeable distinction of these two cultures is language. we speak
Vietnamese language which is quite easier to write and pronounce.where as
English language is very difficult to pronounce because the speak same word
differently according to situation. Apart form this, Australian people celebrate
festival and events in different way, They normally want to spent this celebration
in pub, disco or sometimes in beach. but in my country people normally get
together in one place and spend precious moment by exchanging bless and wish.
To be honest , the thing I like is young people mostly spend their by doing or
participating in entertainment and fun activities such as going disco are concert.
And another reason Australian art background is very strong and impressive. All
capital cities and centers have a multitude of visual and performing arts
organizations as well as vibrant arts communities. Australian arts and culture have
transcended the country and influenced a global trend. It is the birthplace of the
best artists, writers, dancers, musicians, comedians and actors in the world.
Part 2
T: Hi Hà. How’s u going?
H: Hi Thủy. Im fine, thanks
T: I have an assignment in class and i need your help, i want to ask you one thing,
can you help me?
H: I’m happy to do it
T: Do you think foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation?
H: I think yes because of the excessive cultural importation, lack of selection to the
point of pushing the cultural balance into the "trade deficit" position, which will be
"beneficial and harmful".
T: As for me, I think cultural integration is not a one-way reception of international
cultural values, but also a promotion of the nation's traditional cultural beauties to
world friends.
H: If introduced rampantly, without control of foreign and toxic cultural flows. If
not adjusted in time, it will soon turn into a "cultural invasion", losing national
identity, and adversely affecting the succeeding generations that we are trying to
cultivate and expect.
T: Then we also need to further promote translation and translation work, build a
long-term cultural promotion strategy, actively participate in international cultural
exchange activities, create many tours attractive for foreign visitors to introduce
about Vietnamese culture.
H: Yeah, I hope so. Nice to talk with you Thủy. But I have to go now. Bye
T: Me too. See u late

Set 10
Part 1
When I was a freshman, I joined a club called “People and Environment”. I and
my team did an environment project that is how to make the environment cleaner
and use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Every day after school, we met and
worked together. Even though we were tired after our school days, we still tried
our best to make a great project so that we could come to the presentation day. We
tried to capture the most realistic people around us, talked about environment and
also had illustrative examples. We bought paper bags to serve the project, drew
pictures of the polluted environment and how the amount of environmental
pollution is increasing. After many days of work hard, we had complete the project
perfectly. We were really happy and proud of ourselves. What a fantastic team!
Part 2
T: Hi Hà. How’s u going?
H: Hi Thủy. Im fine, thanks
T: Are social skills more important than education when looking for a job?
H: In my opinion, yes because there are some people who are educated but not
definitely have cultural behavior because these people often cannot control their
words and behaviors
T: But if you're not educated, you don't know social skills. I think education is
more important because if you have education, it will be easier for you to work
H: I have seen a few people who study very well but because they don't have social
skills, they still can't find a job, no one wants someone who doesn't have work
T: I think skills can be acquired while working if we already have the knowledge,
it's not a problem.
H: It's a big deal, if you don't have social skills, no one will teach you, and people
will get upset about it, you'll be fired soon.
T: okay, we should stop here, Everyone has their own feeling. I respect it anyways.
H: Ah so sweet, thank you Thuy

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