An Ugly

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Direction: Given the excerpts below, identify what specific type of text is


1. An ugly, warty frog

sat on his lily pad
enjoying the
sunshine. Another
frog hopped along
and said, “Wow, you
are hideous! There is
4. A princess was
no way you will ever
born, and an old fairy
placed a spell that
she would prick her
2. As the young girl finger on a spindle
opened her window, when she was 16 and
she could see the die. The good fairies
moons Europa and made another spell so
Callipso rising in the that she would only
3. Poseidon was the
distance. A comet god of the sea, son of
flashed by, followed 5. “Tell and
Kronos me, Rhea.
O muse, He
by a trail of stardust, of that ingenious
became ruler of the hero 6.
8. How to cooksleeping
Animals’ with a
10. "Th
illuminating the dark, who
sea travelled
when far and the microwave
habits differ in a
7. These on
endless spacecamote
that wide after he
universe was divided had oven?
number Here are the
of ways. They
chips are the feet.
surrounded the sacked
after thethe fall famous
of the steps:
differ according to
crispiest, crunchiest,
spacecraft; the only •whatWash your
Titans. PoseidonMany
of Troy. was time of hands.
day they It s
cities did he visit, and Remember
sleep. Some be to animals ove
many were the clean before cooking.
and city
nations with whose •9.Then connect
Yesterday, myto the on
manners and electrical
family andsupply.
I went to haunches
National put
that, Zoothe
and and
Aquarium to visit the on."
new Snow Cubs and
the other animals.

In the morning, when

we got to the Zoo and
Aquarium there was
a great big line, so we
had to wait awhile to
get in.

After we entered the

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