단어 테스트 Day 2, 3

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24/03/21 Checking Test Day 2, 3

[1~40] 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻을 적으시오

1. The total amount owed will be calculated at the end of the month.

2. They founded a school for underprivileged children in the rural area.

3. We consulted with experts before making a decision.

4. It took years to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.

5. Fashion trends tend to repeat themselves every decade or so.

6. She decided to dedicate her life to helping others.

7. It's important to consider how others might perceive your actions.

8. She devotes her weekends to volunteering at the animal shelter.

9. He tried to conceal his disappointment with a smile.

10. The company plans to combine two departments to streamline operations.

11. Let's separate the recyclables from the trash.

12. She overcame her fear of public speaking by practicing regularly.

13. She worked hard to achieve her goal of running a marathon.

14. The company experienced rapid growth in its first year.

15. The false advertising misled consumers into buying the product.

16. It's important to set clear goals to accomplish them.

17. The role of education is vital in shaping future generations.

18. The manager will deal with the situation promptly.

19. Poor diet can lead to health problems later in life

20. She finds it difficult to get along with people who have different opinions.

21. Parents should encourage their children to pursue their passions.

22. Making a New Year's resolution is a common tradition.

23. It's probable that it will rain tomorrow based on the forecast.

24. The scientist studied the genetic traits of the population.

25. Don't forget to revise your essay before submitting it.

26. He left a mark on the world through his charitable work.

27. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth.

28. It's rude to ignore someone when they're speaking to you.

29. The ecosystem is home to a diverse range of species.

30. He didn't want to involve anyone else in his personal problems.

31. The doctor will examine you to determine the cause of your symptoms.

32. The loud noise from the construction site disturbed her concentration.

33. The delay in delivery was due to unforeseen circumstances.

34. The police are investigating the robbery that occurred last night.

35. He gathered material for his presentation from various sources.

36. She decided to pursue her passion for photography as a career.

37. The architect proposed to alter the design of the building.

38. The report, according to the CEO, outlines the company's future plans.

39. She decided to participate in the charity run to raise money for cancer research.

40. The police promised to look into the matter further.

41. 다음 글에 드러난 Isabel 의 심경 변화로 가장 적절한 것은?

On opening day, Isabel arrives at the cafe very early with nervous anticipation. She looks around
the cafe, but she can’t shake off the feeling that something is missing. As she sets out cups, spoons,
and plates, Isabel’s doubts grow. She looks around, trying to imagine what else she could do to
make the cafe perfect, but nothing comes to mind. Then, in a sudden burst of inspiration, Isabel
grabs her paintbrush and transforms the blank walls into landscapes, adding flowers and trees. As
she paints, her doubts begin to fade. Looking at her handiwork, which is beautifully done, she is
certain that the cafe will be a success. ‘Now, success is not exactly guaranteed,’ she thinks to
herself, ‘but I’ll definitely get there.’

① calm → surprised ② doubtful → confident

② envious → delighted ④ grateful → frightened

⑤ indifferent → uneasy 2023 년 고 2 6 월 모의고사 19 번 문제

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