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Afternoon Class

Discussing about this topic can be very helpful to a human, especially to a students. While they
are advantage and disadvantage of being in a afternoon class, it’s still relevant to know what are
they. The advantage of reality in an afternoon class are; Your body had/have already a time to
prepare to be more likely to focus, less likely to oversleep, and can help to prepare or help to
complete some task that are should be passed throughout in the afternoon class. While on the
other hand, the disadvantage of being in an afternoon class are; students believe that time
move slower in the afternoon, rather than in the morning, some can be so yawnful/sleepy
making it hard to control the thoughts of just sleeping. At that/this specific time, students can
hardly stay up just to listen and study.

Observing the fact that the story is just revolving around its topic, the afternoon class. The story
or animations tells that the afternoon class is being hard for student to overcome, though it may
seems to tell that, sleep isn’t the problem, the person itself it is. That students might be tired
that’s why he wants to be also asleep, like his classmates. This animation represents how hard is
it to overcome the sleepy felling, the feeling of having a hard time to understood, to control
keeping the self up, controlling the body to stay still even in a short period of time. It is
incredible how they represent the teachers feeling of being tired and just fall asleep at the end
of the video, representing that the teacher also experiencing having a hard time to focus and
discussing without a break.

With my own understanding, it is incredible how this/that student represent of having an
hallucination that even the hallucination itself cause him to harm himself. That student may
have experience physical fatigue to unable for muscle to perform perfectly. To sum up, student
may feel very sleepy In the afternoon class which I experience last year being a PM SESSION. By
watching the animation, it actually tells that afternoon class are very hard to overcome with
representing the students behind of just falling asleep. I feel like, students (in the animation) in
the afternoon class are more sleep deprived making for them so hard to stay in touch with the
class. Hallucination can be seen from the video/animation that may be the effect of the student
to fight of falling asleep.
Though it may seems afternoon class are fun to be with, this animation somehow tell that it
actually isn’t. Sleeping in time in the evening can be helpful especially for students. Completing
the 8 hours of sleeping is important to perception of mood, health, mental health. With proper
sleeping at night, it can help us to stay focused that can improve our academic performances.
Though sleeping in class isn’t the way to fall asleep, proper sleeping in the evening gives
privileges to human body to function in proper.

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