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24/03/14 Checking Test Day 1, 2

[1~20] 밑줄 친 단어의 뜻을 적으시오

1. He lives in an ordinary house on the outskirts of town.

2. They were impressed with the new museum exhibit.

3. The sign informs visitors about the museum's hours.

4. He's been employed at the factory for ten years.

5. It's unusual for him to be late.

6. This dress is not suitable for a formal event.

7. She didn't want to criticize her friend's cooking.

8. The rain brought relief from the heat.

9. He asked his teacher to go over the math problem again.

10. In addition to her full-time job, she volunteers at a local shelter.

11. He succeeded in passing the difficult exam.

12. She stated her opinion on the matter clearly.

13. The flight was delayed due to bad weather.

14. She captured the memorable moment with her camera.

15. The doctor prescribed a new treatment for his condition.

16. He decided to apply for the job despite his doubts.

17. He works hard to earn a living for his family.

18. He could foresee the problems that would arise if they didn't plan carefully.

19. If you put effort into your studies, you'll see improvement.

20. Let's go for a walk instead of watching TV.

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