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Jhemyka Manas BEEd III- Block 2

Module 3


List the technological tools or innovative education technology that you may know.
Describe their uses the teaching and learning process.

Technological Tools

1. LCD projector is a type of video projector for displaying video, images or

computer data on a screen or other flat surface. It is a modern equivalent of the
slide projector or overhead projector. To display images, LCD (liquid-crystal
display) projectors typically send light from a metal-halide lamp through a prism
or series of dichroic filters that separates light to three polysilicon panels – one
each for the red, green and blue components of the video signal.

2. Laptops as Learning Tools

When schools provide laptops for every student to create these one-to-one
computing environments, they allow students and their teachers to take full advantage
of the benefits of the Internet and technology.

Fostering online collaboration with other students

Providing curriculum support and additional information to students

Promoting better organization: Laptops help students keep track of their assignments
and utilize an online school calendar

Allowing students to receive and view assignments online and submit their work via e-
mail rather than being required to print them

Improving the review process: Teachers may edit student papers and return them
digitally to provide more detailed feedback

Improving students’ computer skills

Making learning more interesting for technology-savvy students

3. Cell phones can be an effective educational, tool. Teaching and learning can
be made easier if they are used wisely. For example, a student can download
educational applications to their phones. The apps can help teachers devise
creative ways to teach and make lessons more interesting. Teachers and
students can answer questions via the phones, students’ progress feedback can
be gathered through the phones and there are applications to document lab and
group projects and teachers’ notes. Everything is at their fingertips.
4. Class craft uses these same gaming principles to engage students in the
educational process and create a more harmonized learning environment. The
platform encourages students to work together as they build academic and
social skills. Class craft is free and also has a paid version, which offers
teachers a suite of additional features.
5. Google Classrom

One of the most exciting ways for students to engage in content is to practice
teaching it themselves. Spark Video is an app that kids can use to create their own
instructional videos. Part of Adobe’s Spark. Google’s answer to learning management in
school, the Google Classroom app enables teachers to organize various tasks from a
single digital location. Instructors are able to give assignments, surveys, and quizzes,
grade students’ work, and more. By offering its product for free, Google Classroom aims
to make it possible for all school districts to streamline their learning experience.

6. YouTube

Many of us likely remember that feeling of excitement when the school television
was rolled into their classroom. These days, it couldn’t be easier to get video in the
classroom to make it easier for students to learn.

YouTube is full of creative videos that can help your visual learners grasp
concepts including math, coding, and science. Managing an account is easy and can be
linked to your Google account. With this online tool, teachers can create their own
personal instruction videos for their classrooms o

7. Edmodo

Edmodo is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is

assimilated into a social network. In this one, teachers can create online collaborative
groups, administer and provide educational materials, measure student performance,
and communicate with parents, among other functions. Edmodo has more than 34
million users who connect to create a learning process that is more enriching,
personalized, and aligned with the opportunities brought by technology and the digital
8. Socrative

Designed by a group of entrepreneurs and engineers passionate about

education, Socrative is a system that allows teachers to create exercises or educational
games which students can solve using mobile devices, whether smartphones, laptops,
or tablets. Teachers can see the results of the activities and, depending on these,
modify the subsequent lessons in order to make them more personalized.

8. Projeqt

Projeqt is a tool that allows you to create multimedia presentations, with dynamic
slides in which you can embed interactive maps, links, online quizzes, Twitter timelines,
and videos, among other options. During a class session, teachers can share with
students’ academic presentations which are visually adapted to different devices.

9. Thinglink

Thinglink allows educators to create interactive images with music, sounds, texts,
and photographs. These can be shared on other websites or on social networks, such
as Twitter and Facebook. Thinglink offers the possibility for teachers to create learning
methodologies that awaken the curiosity of students through interactive content that can
expand their knowledge.

10. TED-Ed

TED-Ed is an educational platform that allows creating educational lessons with

the collaboration of teachers, students, animators—generally people who want to
expand knowledge and good ideas. This website allows democratizing access to
information, both for teachers and students. Here, people can have an active
participation in the learning process of others.

11. cK-12

cK-12 is a website that seeks to reduce the cost of academic books for the K12
market in the United States and the world. To achieve its objective, this platform has an
open source interface that allows creating and distributing educational material through
the internet, which can be modified and contain videos, audios, and interactive
exercises. It can also be printed and comply with the necessary editorial standards in
each region. The books that are created in cK-12 can be adapted to the needs of any
teacher or student.
12. ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a tool to improve student behavior: teachers provide their students

with instant feedback so that good disposition in class is 'rewarded' with points and
students have a more receptive attitude towards the learning process. ClassDojo
provides real-time notifications to students, like 'Well Done David!' and '+1', for working
collaboratively. The information that is collected about student behavior can be shared
later with parents and administrators

Activity 2.

Choose one topic each from the subjects Science, English, and Social Studies in
the elementary grade and make objectives for your chosen topics.

Subject: Science

Topic: The Solar System


 To help students obtain clear understanding of the size of the sun and the other
planets in our solar system. Help students grasp the concept of the vastness of
our universe.

Student Objectives

 Engaging students to be excited and awe of the huge world we live in.

 Teaching basic concepts of measurement and distance (inches, yard, miles)

 Strengthening knowledge of planets in the solar system.

 Increasing understanding of size of the sun and the other planet.

 Learning the scale of the solar system.

 Encouraging the children to explore the universe on their own.

Subject: English

Topic: Conjunctions
Enabling Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 Define the term conjunctions.

 Identify the three types of conjunctions.

 List conjunctions within each category.

 Explain the purpose of conjunctions.

 Write sentences using different conjunctions.

Subject: Social Science

Topic: Philippine Government and Constitution


At the end of the lesson, student will be able to:

 Identify the manifestation of a democratic and a republican state and assess if

the Philippines possess those manifestations.
 Explain the importance of adopting principles of international law and adhering
the policies of peace and stability with all nations.
 Discuss the provision in Article II of the Philippine 1987 Constitution with
emphasis on sections one, two, and three.
 Value the essence of Filipino sovereignty in the preservation of national integrity.

Activity 3

1. Enumerate the 3 kinds of lesson objectives.

 Cognitive
 Affective
 Psychomotor

2. Give the six action verbs from blooms revised taxonomy.

 Creating
 Evaluating
 Analyzing
 Applying
 Understanding
 Remembering

3. What are the criteria of good objectives?

The objectives should be “SMART”. They should be:

 Specific: clear about what, where, when, and how the situation will be changed;
 Measurable: able to quantify the targets and benefits;
 Achievable: able to attain the objectives

(knowing the resources and capacities at the disposal of the community);

 Realistic: able to obtain the level of change reflected in the objective; and
 Time bound: stating the time period in which they will each be accomplished.

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