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Activity 4

Lesson Planning
Cardona, Mary Jean C.

Garcia, Ian Christhopher O

Ramirez, Joy M

Rapisora, John Carlo D

Tolentino, Aldwin B


Activity 4

Lesson Planning

My Aims/Purposes

At the end of the activity, I should be able to:

a. identify the correct format of lesson plan for specific topic/subject;

b. identify the different parts of a lesson plan for specific topic/subject;
c. compare and analyze the formats of lesson plan introduced in the campus
and/or DepEd format as observed from the downloaded LP, and
d. develop a clear and legible lesson plan as required by the supervising
instructor/professor/ faculty expert and integrating their suggestions.

My Responsibilities

Lesson planning is the teacher’s road map of what learners need to learn and how
it will be done effectively during the teaching-learning process. It provides teachers
with a general outline of teaching goals, learning objectives, and means to
accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive. It is on this note that teaching
interns write lesson plans that function as blueprints in order to achieve a quality,
effective, and efficient teaching-learning process.

As a teaching intern, I should:

a. attend orientation regarding lesson planning;

b. identify the proper format of lesson plan per subject area;
c. draft a lesson plan and submit to supervising instructor/professor/faculty
expert for assessment and evaluation; and
d. write the final write-up of lesson plan.
e. compare and contrast format of lesson plans introduced in the campus
and the one utilized in the DepEd.

My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

1. What are the different parts of a lesson plan introduced in the

campus/laboratory school?
(Note: The sample LP must be based on your major/specialization)
My Observations (Reflections and Insights)

1. What are the different parts of a lesson plan introduced in the campus/laboratory
(Note: The sample LP must be based on your major/specialization)

*Content Standards
*Performance Standards
*Learning Objectives

Content/Subject Matter

✓Learning Resources:
-Teacher's Guide
-Learner's Guide
-Additional Materials
*Others Learning Resources

✓Learning Procedure
*Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
*Establishing a purpose for the lesson
*Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
*Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
*Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
*Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
*Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
*Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
*Evaluating learning
*Additional activities for application or remediation(Assignments)



2. Does the learning plan reflect principles of learning, and alignment across goals,
and assessments?

✓Absolutely yes, the learning plan reflects learning principles, goal alignment, and
assessment since they all have the same aim in mind: to teach effectively and
ensure that students achieve all of the lesson plan's objectives. This is evaluated by
the students' judgement of whether or not they have grasped the material.

3. If you are going to teach the same learning plan introduced to you, would you
follow the same content and format?If yes, Why? If not, why/ what /How would
you make it different?

✓Our answer is definitely yes, but why? The learning plan they presented to us should be
followed because it is the format that is recommended; however, the substance of the
lesson plan/learning plan can be changed. We'd like to make a change in the way we write
our own learning plans so that we can teach with confidence. It is not a problem to teach
the same subject, but it must be adapted in the manner in which you like to teach your
lesson plan, and the format must remain unchanged.

My Exhibits (Evidence/ Documentations)

A. Attach the first draft of your first lesson plan.

First Draft

Detailed Lesson Plan

5: Mathematics
Grade: Subject


Demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving decimals

Content Standards:
and ratio and proportion.

The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving decimals and
Performance Standards:
ratio and proportion in mathematical problems and real-life situations.

Adds and subtracts decimal numbers through thousandths without and with
Learning regrouping.
Competencies/Objectives :


Numbers and Number Senses:

Adding and Subtracting Numbers with Decimal Points



Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide, page146-150

Learner’s Guide

Textbook 21stCenturyMATHletes5p.114-121

Additional Material e5teachingguide

Other Learning Resources:

PowerPoint Presentation, worksheets


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Reviewing previous lesson or Did you still remember our last lesson? Yes, teacher.
presenting the new lesson What is it all about?

Yes, Angel?
Compares and arranges decimal


Before we start, can I ask you class have

you been to a sari-sari store?
Yes, teacher.
What did you buy in sari-sari store?

Yes, Stephanie?

Thank you, I think your parent will cook

Sinigang mix teacher.

How about Jessa?

Okay, thank you Jessa.

Datu puti vinegar teacher.
Have you try to look compute amount of
the things you bought?


How about Jun? Sometimes teacher, because it takes


Others says that as well Yes, teacher I compute it.

Establishing a purpose for the Adds and subtracts decimal numbers

lesson through thousandths without and with

Presenting examples/instances You know class it is important to know in

of the new lesson accuracy in basic addition and subtraction
In our daily routines like buying in sari-sari
store. Like counting the change that you
received after buying.

Now, for all of you class why you need to

count it?

Mary Claire?

Excellent idea.

Did you understand class? In order to know teacher if the change

is correct or not.

Today, we are going to have these two

operations with number and word Yes, teacher.
problem. There are steps to follow in order
to easily understand the adding and
subtracting operation.

Discussion of new concepts and I have prepared here a number problem.
practicing new skills #1 The first example of addition and
subtraction, I will be going to solve it and
then after you will be going to solve it.
Listen very carefully, class.



(Answers the first number problem of

addition and then subtraction while

In answering class, you need to

considered these steps:

1.Arrange the numbers in column. Align

the decimal points. Use 0 as place holder if

Look at this:

1. 2.15

+ 1.34

It arranged in column form or vertical


Did you follow class?

Very good.

Next step.

Who wants to read?


Yes, teacher.

Thank you, Vanessa.

2.Add/subtract as you would add/subtract

whole numbers from right to left.
2.Add/subtract as you would
1. 2.15 add/subtract whole numbers from
right to left.
+ 1.34

3 49

(add it from right to left)

Did you follow class?

Very good.

Now is the last step.

Who wants to read?

Yes, teacher.

Thank you, Jenelyn.

After you add the numbers, place the

decimal point, which align with the other 3.Place a decimal point in the sum/
decimal points in the given number. difference. Align this with the other
decimal points.
Look at this:

1. 2.15

+ 1.34


Did you follow it?


(Give more example)

Now, on your notebook.

I want you to solve these:

1) 3.8 +1.4= Yes, teacher.

2) 4.91+25=

Are you finished?

Let’s check your answers.

(Check their answer and let pupil answer it

on the board)

Did you get the two?

(Solving the given number problem in 5
Very good.
Now, in subtracting numbers. Same steps
Yes, teacher.
need you to follow.


7.4 -4.3=

What is the first step?

Yes, teacher.


Look at this:


- 4.31

It is arranged in column form.

Did you follow? Arrange the numbers in column form.

Put 0 as needed.

Very good.

Next step is subtracting it from left to write.

Look at this:


- 4.31

Yes, teacher.

You can observe class the 1 does not have

pair above?

Class, put zero in 7.4 and become 7.40 in

order to subtract it correctly.



- 4.31

Did you follow?

Very good. Yes, teacher.

Now, we can subtract it from left to right.



- 4.31

3 09

Did you follow class?

The last step is put the decimal point align Yes teacher.
with the decimal points in the given



- 4.3


Did you follow?

Yes teacher.

Very good.

Now I want you to solve this.


5.376 – 0.324=

Are you finished?

Let’s check your answers.

(Check their answer and let pupil answer it

on the board)

Did you get the two?

Yes teacher.
Very good.

(Solving the given number problem in 5


Yes, teacher.

Discussion of new concepts and Now, we gonna solve word problem by

practicing new skills #2 subtracting and adding numbers with
decimal point. Earlier we do number
problem. Can you read our example

Yes, Diana?

In the first hour of hiking, the boy

scouts covered a distance of 3. 08km. In
the second hour, they covered a
distance of 4.25 km. How many more
km will they hike if the total distance
Thank you, Diana. they will cover is 12.52km.

First, we need to understand by the

following class:

What is asked?

What is being asked in the word problem.

In the problem, what is being asked is the

kilometers that they need to hike if the
total distance they will cover is 12.52 km.

Did you get what is asked?

What is it again?

Maybelle? Yes, teacher.

Very good. How much more they need to hike to

have 12.52km.
Next guide is:

What are the given facts?

The given facts in the problem are the:

3.08km, the distance covered after the first
hour of hiking.

4.35km, the distance covered after the

second hour of hiking.

Now we going to solve the problem or
what is asked which is how many more km
will they hike from the facts.

First let’s add the two covered distance the


Who wants write it on the board in column



Thank you Alireh. Very good.

Next is count it, from right to left.

Who wants to solve it?


+ 4.25

Okay. Thank you, Leo.

Let’s check.

Okay we have.

+ 4.25
7.33 km correct.
Did you follow class?

Very good.

After we solve, the first and second-hour

distance that they covered.

Now let's subtract it to total distance they
will need to cover is 12.52km to answer the

12.52 km

- 7.33 km Yes, teacher.

I want you to solve it in your paper.

Are you finished?

What will be the answer?


Okay, let’s check.

12.52 km

- 7.33 km

5.19 km

The answer is correct.

Did all get the answer? Yes, teacher.

Very good class.

Therefore, 5.19 km they need more to 5.19 teacher.

covered12.52 km.

Did you follow class?

Very good class.

Yes, teacher.

Yes teacher.

Developing Mastery The class have a group activity.

The class will group into three.

Please do as small circle of your chair with

your group. Take note class you need to
cooperate with your group mates.

Okay class?

Very good. Yes, teacher.

You will going to solve three number

problem and a word problem following the
steps. Write your answer in long pad with

And do not forget to write your group

members name.

Did you follow class?

Very good.

I will give you 5 minutes to finish your

activity in the group.

After answering and checked your works, Yes, teacher.

one group member will call to relay what
you’ve done to solve the problem.

Did you get it?

You may start now.


0.31 – 0.23=
Yes, teacher.


2) Andre goes to convenience store. He

went to buy his meryenda, such as juice
which cost 15.75 pesos and a cookie cost
6.585 pesos. He had 50 pesos to pay his

Ask: What is the total cost of the items

that Andre bought and what will be his

Finding practical application of Individual activity.

concepts and skills in daily
living Solve the problem:

Study the following menu and answer the

questions with.

Spaghetti 12. 50 Gulaman 6.00

Bihon 10.50 Fruit Salad 30.5

Champorado 6.75 Pinakbet 15.00

Lugaw 8.0 Adobong Baboy


Egg 10.0o Fried Chicken


1)You ordered egg,fried chicken and

gulaman, how much will you pay?

2)Your friends ordered, champorado,

gulaman, lugaw, bihon, fruit salad ,and
fried chicken. Since it was your birthday,
you volunteered to pay for their ordered. If
you gave P500 pesos to cashier, how much
is your change?

Making generalization and In adding/subtracting decimals follow
abstractions about the lesson. these steps:

Arrange the numbers in column. Align the

decimal points. Use 0 as place holder if

Add/subtract as you would add/subtract

whole numbers from right to left.

Place a decimal point in the

sum/difference. Align this with the other
decimal points.

I. Evaluating Learning A. Add and subtract the following:






B. Study and answer the table and answer the following questions:

Items Cost

Dress 435.95

T-shirt 299.50

Skirt 195.75

Blouse 333.50

Pajama 210.25

Socks 86.50

Pants 175

1)Rima bought socks, skirts and t-shirt. How much she willspend?

2)Aden has P900.00. Which would he buy to have more money left, a dress and a t-
shirt or skirt and pajama?

3)Stephen wants to buy a socks and T-shirt, how much money he needs to get the

4)Milante is planning to buy an item for her mother, but he has only P200 pesos,
what items he can afford in the table?

5)Milo wants to buy pants and sock, how much he will spend money to buy the two

Additional activities for Direction: Answer the following in your notebook.

application or remediation

1.Ange holds 3.5 kg of bottles and 2.5 kg of glass, how much kilogram did Ange hold
in total?

2.Jola needs 1-meter stick but the stick she has is 8 meters, how much she needs to
cut to achieve 1 meter.

B.1. Create one word problem which is numbers with decimal point, and then make
solution to answer your word problem using fundamental operation: addition and

Prepared by:

Mary Jean C. Cardona

Ian Chrithopher O. Garcia
Joy M. Ramirez
John Carlo Rapisora
Aldwin B. Tolentino
Teaching Intern(s)

B. Attach the final write up of your first lesson plan.

Final Draft


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