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Ednalino Bldg., Jasmin St., Brgy. Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales

School ID: 410249

Physical Education and Health

Self-Learning Module
Week 9
Chapter 3- Types of Fitness Activities

The body will use both fat and carbohydrates as a source of energy every time. The
energy demand during exercise is significantly higher than when the body is at rest, which means
more carbohydrates and fat will be used. However, there are situations wherein fat is the
predominant source of energy.
More fat is utilized when there is less available carbohydrates for the working muscles,
Glucose (carbohydrate) is the preferred energy source of the brain and other vital organs.
However, glucose can only be stored in small amounts inside the muscle in the form of glycogen.
When the glucose level in the blood is low, the body will breakdown glycogen and deliver it to
where it is needed. The body can also use fat to spare the stored carbohydrates in the body.
When the exercise intensity is low to moderate, fat utilization is more predominant. One
theory is that there is a tendency to spare glucose because it is the preferred energy source of the
brain. Experts also believe that there is a limited capacity to produce energy from fat during high
intensity exercise because there is less blood flow to the fat tissues. Furthermore, carbohydrates
become the main source of energy during high intensity exercise because glucose is easier to
breakdown that fat.
The utilization of fat by the working muscles increase during prolonged exercise to spare
the stored carbohydrates. Lastly, more fat is used when the muscle fibers are equipped with more
mitochondria. The mitochondrial density increases as an adaption to regular aerobic exercise.

Ednalino Bldg., Jasmin St., Brgy. Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales
School ID: 410249

Researchers found that endurance athletes can utilises fat even during high intensity exercises
due to changes in the systems that produce Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

Energy Duration Example

Phosphagen Less than 10 Jump, Throw,
seconds Sprint
Glycoltic Less than 200 to 800
120 seconds meter run
Aerobic More than Running
120 seconds more than 1
The body has to convert fat and carbohydrates
to ATP molecule is broken, it produces energy which
is needed by the cell where it is stored. This energy is
then used by the muscles can use to several systems
that the muscles can use to generate extra energy and
restore the chemical bond.

Table 3.1. Energy Pathways for ATP Production

The simplest and fastest way of producing energy is through the Phosphagen system. A molecule
called creatine phosphate (CP) has potential energy in its chemical bond. When the bond is broken,
energy is released and is used by the cell to synthesize ATP. This system is limited by the amount of
creatine phosphate that can be stored in the cell. Another way by which the cells produce ATP is by
breaking down glucose (cabohydrates) through the Glycoltic system. This system can produce energy
rapidly but it cannot maximize energy production because most of the energy is temporarily stored in
molecules or carriers which the system cannot us. The Phosphagen System and Glycolytic System are
also called Anaerobic Systems because they do not require the presence of oxygen.
The only system that can use the energy stored in these
temporary carriers is located in the mitochondria of the cell, called
Aerobic system mainly because the process requires the presence of
oxygen. The Aerobic system has the ability to use the energy inside the
temporary carriers of broken down carbohydrates and fat. The
temporary carriers of energy are transported to the mitochondria of the
muscle cell. Note that there are more temporary energy carriers
derived from the breakdown of one fat molecule than one molecule of
carbohydrates and because of this, more energy is gained from one
gram of fat (i.e., 9 kilocalories) than from one gram of
carbohydrates (i.e., 4 kilocalories). A drawback of this system is
that the process takes longer than the Glycolytic system. The
Ednalino Bldg., Jasmin St., Brgy. Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales
School ID: 410249

intensity of the aerobic exercise should not be too high in order to emphasize energy production through
the Aerobic system.


According to the Philippine National Guidelines on Physical Activity, adolescents should engage in a
total of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities everyday. An exercise performed at
moderate to vigorous intensity will elevate the heart rate and breathing significantly, A higher heart rate
implies that the activity is more intense. One of the best ways to set the correct intensity of an exercise is
by computing the target heart rate (THR).

The target heart rate (THR) is computed based on the maximal heart rate (MHR) and the
resting heart rate. The MHR is the highest number of heart beat per minute observed during a
very strenuous and exhaustive physical activity. It can also be estimated by subtracting the
age from 220. Meanwhile, the resting heart rate is the number of heart beat per minute
commonly measured lying down or right after waking up. It is estimated by counting the pulse
at the wrist, heart, head, or neck for 10 or 15 seconds and multiplying it by six (or four).
Measuring the heart rate immediately after an exercise can provide a good estimate of the

Ednalino Bldg., Jasmin St., Brgy. Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales
School ID: 410249

actual intensity of the workout because a variety of factors (e.g., age, fitness level, and
intensity and duration of exercise) can influence the rate of recovery. It is also important to
begin measuring the pulse rate within five seconds after stopping a given activity to closely
approximate the heart rate during exercise.

In monitoring Cardiorespiratory (Aerobic) Exercise intensity, fitness professionals must educate the
people on the proper and recommended ways to monitor exercise intensity or

MHR Method HRR Method

Desired Range X Desired Range +
safe and effective programming. Several methods are used to monitor exercise intensity. The
selection of method depends on the fitness professional's expertise and access to testing data

(stress test work load and heart rate) and ability to perform certain monitoring techniques. It is important
that fitness professionals understand the proper techniques, precautions, and limitations of each method
so they can help individuals in adapting or modifying their exercise intensity. There are two ways of
determining the THR: the maximum heart rate (MHR) method and the heart rate reserve (HRR) method.
MHR method is a very common and easy way of determining THR. To use this, determine first the MHR
either through maximal stress test or the age-adjusted formula. (Age-estimated MHR = 220 Age). The
THR is more accurate when using a measured MHR than the age-adjusted formula. According to the
MHR method, a moderate intensity exercise would elicit’ heart rate from 55% to 70% represents moderate
intensity while a heart rate from 70% to 85% is __ Classified as vigorous. On the other hand, the HRR is
the difference between the MHR and the resting heart rate. A heart rate between 50% to 65% of the HRR
is classified as moderate intensity while a heart rate reserve from 65% to 80% is considered vigorous. An
individual should maintain the THR during exercise in order to derive the benefits of aerobic exercise.
Another way of monitoring the intensity is to use a subjective method called Borg’s Ratings of Perceived
Exertion (RPE). Studies show that this subjective rating is strongly correlated to heart rate and other
indicators of physical exertion. The rating scores range between 6 (No Exertion) to 20 (Maximal Exertion).
According to the American Heart Association, moderate-intensity exercise would have an RPE score of 12
to 14 while vigorous exercise would get a score of 15 to 17. Another subjective method of monitoring
aerobic exercise intensity is through the Talk Test. Exercise performed at a moderate intensity would result
to a light sweat whilst still be able to converse. A very strenuous exercise results to rapid breathing rate
and an individual would not be able to talk without pausing.

Activity 1
Apical site.
Carotid pulse site
Radial pulse site
Ednalino Bldg., Jasmin St., Brgy. Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales
School ID: 410249

Temporal pulse site

Perform in your home with one member of your family the Finding the Heart Rate.
Check the box when you perform it.

Figure 3.1

Physical Education and Health Volume I

Lualhati Fernando-Callo Peter Fermin Dajim

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