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1. (a) What type of wind is ‘Monsoon’? What is its direction during summer?
(b) Mention two characteristics of the Indian Monsoon.
2. Explain the term ‘October Heat’.

3. Why does India have Monsoon type of climate?

4. State two important characteristic features of the Monsoon rainfall /Summer monsoon rainfall in

5. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Mumbai is warmer than Kanpur in December.

(ii) Punjab gets rain in winter.

(iii) Kerala has a tropical climate while Punjab has a continental climate.

(iv) The Konkan coast experiences orographic rainfall.

6. What are Jet Streams? How do they influence the climate of India?
7. Define: (a) Western disturbances (b) Burst of monsoon
8. Give reasons for the following:
(a) The Mango Showers are beneficial local winds.
(b) The latitudinal extent of India is responsible for the variation in the climatic conditions which
prevail in the country.
9. (a) Name the Indian soil which is formed due to the weathering of basic Igneous Rocks.
(b) Name two states of India where this type of soil is found.
10. Give two points of difference between Black cotton soil and Alluvial soil.
11. How are alluvial soils formed? Mention any two advantages of alluvial soil?
12. Name two states in India where Regur soil is found. In what way does Regur soil help agriculture?
13. Give two characteristic features of the soil found most suitable for growing cotton and sugarcane
in Maharashtra.
14. Give geographical reasons for the following:
(i) Deltaic alluvium is more fertile than the coastal alluvium.
(ii) Black soil is largely found in the Deccan Trap region.
15. Mention any two characteristics of Tropical Evergreen forests.

(ii) Name the forest which is found in the delta of the river Ganga. Name two trees which are found
16. Give geographical reasons for the following:

(a) Delta area of river Ganga is called Sundarbans.

(b) Forests are grown in and around the cities having Iron and Steel Industries, and Thermal Power

17. Mention three reasons why we must conserve our forests.

18. Distinguish between:

(i) Regur soils and Laterite soils.
(ii) Bhangar and Khadar alluvial soils.
19. Mention two reasons why Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial

20. (i) Why is the annual range of temperature more at Jhansi than at Mumbai?

(ii) Name a region in India which receives rainfall both in summer and winter.

21. Give two points of difference between Arabian Sea Branch and Bay of Bengal Branch of South-
West monsoon winds.

22. Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(a) The Konkan coast experiences orographic rainfall.

(b) Shimla is cooler than Delhi in summer.

24. What are the characteristic features of Tropical Desert vegetation?

25. Mention two benefits of forests.

26. (a) State any two characteristics of Tidal forests.

(b) Name an area where Tidal forests are found.

27. Give a reason for each of the following:

(a) The Tropical Evergreen forests are found on the western slope of the Western Ghats.

(b) Acacia has long roots.

(c) Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purposes

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