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+2 English NOTE - The Hour of Truth


Percival Wilde

"The Hour of Truth" by Percival Wilde is a thought-provoking play that explores themes of
integrity, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. The story revolves around Robert
Baldwin, a character who faces the imminent reality of his impending death. This analysis aims to
provide a deeper understanding of the play for students.
One of the central themes in the play is the importance of integrity. Robert Baldwin is portrayed
as a man of unwavering principles, who refuses to compromise his values, regardless of the
circumstances. His commitment to living a clean life, even in the face of death, highlights the
significance of maintaining one's integrity in all aspects of life.
Moreover, Wilde explores the concept of honesty and its impact on relationships. Robert's
honesty and sincerity earn him the respect and admiration of those around him. This emphasizes
the value of open communication and truthfulness in fostering genuine connections with others.
The play also delves into the consequences of one's actions. Robert's conscious choices to live a
virtuous life ensure that he leaves a positive legacy. This highlights the significance of personal
responsibility and the lasting impact of our decisions on ourselves and those around us.
Additionally, "The Hour of Truth" prompts reflection on the fragility of life and the importance
of making the most of the time we have. It serves as a reminder for Plus One level students to
live purposefully, cherishing each moment and striving to make a positive difference in the
Through the character of Robert Baldwin, the play explores themes of integrity, honesty, the
consequences of actions, and the significance of living a purposeful life. It encourages readers to
reflect on their own values and choices, urging them to embrace integrity, make the most of their
time, and leave a positive impact on the world around them.

1. I 've got only a few years to live, but I will live those years as I've lived the rest of my
life.I will go to my grave clean. "Sketch the character of Robert Baldwin.

Robert Baldwin, a central character in "The Hour of Truth" by Percival Wilde, embodies
integrity, honesty, and a steadfast commitment to living a virtuous life. Despite knowing that his

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time on earth is limited, Robert remains unwavering in his principles and resolves to maintain his
moral compass till the end.
First and foremost, Robert exemplifies integrity throughout the story. He consistently adheres to
his principles, refusing to compromise his values even in the face of adversity. His unwavering
dedication to living an upright life serves as a moral anchor for those around him.
Furthermore, Robert's honesty shines through in his interactions with others. He does not shy
away from speaking the truth, even if it means facing uncomfortable situations or confronting
unpleasant realities. His sincerity and transparency earn him the respect and admiration of those
who know him.
Additionally, Robert's commitment to living a virtuous life is remarkable. He is conscious of his
actions and their impact on others. He seeks to leave a positive legacy, ensuring that his life is a
testament to goodness and righteousness.
In conclusion, Robert Baldwin's character in "The Hour of Truth" is a paragon of integrity,
honesty, and virtuous living. He has an unwavering commitment to these principles which
reminds us of the importance of leading a life of moral uprightness and purpose.

2. Prepare the script of announcement to introduce the actors of the play 'The Hour of
Truth' to the audience..
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please..
We are gathered here today to witness an extraordinary theatrical production, 'The Hour of
Truth' by Percival Wilde. Before we delve into the captivating story, it is my pleasure to
introduce the talented actors who will bring this play to life.
First, we have our lead actor, portraying the character of Robert Baldwin, a man of unwavering
integrity. He is played by [Actor's Name], whose remarkable talent and deep understanding of
the character will undoubtedly captivate your hearts and minds.
Next, we have [Actor's Name], who will be portraying Martha who plays a crucial role in
challenging Robert Baldwin's principles, adding depth and conflict to the story. Her exceptional
acting skills will leave you spellbound.
Completing our ensemble cast, we have [Actor's Name] as John , [Actor's Name] as Evie, and
[Actor's Name] as Mr.Marshall. Each actor brings their unique talents and interpretations to their
respective roles, enhancing the richness and complexity of the play.
As you witness the unfolding of 'The Hour of Truth,' prepare to be engrossed in a thought-
provoking exploration of integrity, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. The skillful
performances of our actors, combined with Wilde's insightful writing, will undoubtedly leave a
lasting impact on your minds.
So, without further ado, let us immerse ourselves in the world of 'The Hour of Truth' and
embark on a profound theatrical journey that will resonate with you long after the final curtain
falls. Enjoy the show!

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3. Prepare a write up on the opening and ending of the play, The Hour of Truth
In the opening of 'The Hour of Truth' by Percival Wilde, the audience is introduced to the
protagonist, Robert Baldwin, a man of unwavering principles. The play opens with an intense
dialogue that sets the tone for the moral dilemma Baldwin will face throughout the story. As the
plot unfolds, Baldwin's commitment to truth is challenged, leading to a gripping and thought-
provoking exploration of ethics and integrity.
The ending of the play is both poignant and powerful. It culminates in a moment of decision for
Baldwin, where he must choose between upholding his principles or compromising them to save
his own life. The climax leaves the audience questioning their own values and pondering the
complexities of real-life ethical choices.
'The Hour of Truth' serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of staying true to one's
values, even in the face of adversity. It compels us to reflect on our own beliefs and the impact
of our choices, making it a compelling and relevant theatrical experience.

4. After reading the play "The Hour of Truth" you realise that there are so many reasons
for corruption. How can we discourage corruption? Write your opinion in two sentences
1. To discourage corruption, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Strengthening institutions,
promoting transparency and accountability, fostering a culture of ethical behavior, and imposing
strict consequences for corrupt practices are vital steps to create a society where corruption finds
no room to thrive.
2. Empowering and educating citizens about their rights and the importance of integrity can play
a significant role in preventing and combating corruption at its roots.

5. After giving evidence at the court, Robert Baldwin and Gresham meet at the
courtyard. Prepare a likely conversation that would take place between them.
Robert Baldwin: (Breathes a sigh of relief) That was quite an intense day in court, wasn't it?
Gresham: Absolutely! I never expected it to be such a grueling experience. But you did great up
there, Robert. Your testimony was crucial.
Robert Baldwin: Thanks, Gresham. It took a lot of courage to speak up, but it was the right
thing to do. It's about time the truth came out.
Gresham: I couldn't agree more. I am sorry that I had misappropriated the funds for some time.
I assure you that I will never cause any kind of inconvenience to my depositors in the future.
corruption that has plagued our society for far too long. Your bravery today gives me hope that
justice will prevail.
Robert Baldwin: I hope so too, Gresham. I have tried to assert that no one is above the law,
regardless of their position or influence.
Gresham: Absolutely.I really regret what has happened in my bank. It's time to make changes.
We must remain vigilant and continue to stand up for what is right.

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Robert Baldwin: You're right, Gresham. It's a challenging battle, but if we stay united and
committed, we can make a difference. Together, we can create a society where integrity triumphs
over corruption.
Gresham: I couldn't agree more, Robert. Let's keep fighting for a better future. Our actions
today will shape tomorrow.
Robert Baldwin: Indeed, Gresham. Our actions will speak louder than words.

6. Money can play srange tricks on man. It is difficult to be morally upright in a socially
corrupt set up. In the light of your understanding of the play 'The Hour of Truth',
prepare a letter to the editor on the social evil called corruption

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State]
[Email Address]


The Editor
(Name of Newspaper)

Subject: The Menace of Corruption: A Call for Ethical Transformation

Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to express my deep concern about the social evil that has gripped our
society like a vice - corruption. Having recently read the thought-provoking play "The Hour of
Truth," I am reminded of how money can play strange tricks on individuals, making it arduous
for them to uphold their moral values within a morally bankrupt environment.
The play has shed light on the insidious nature of corruption, showcasing its pervasive influence
on people, even those who might initially have good intentions. It underscores the importance of
addressing this issue collectively, as corruption not only erodes the moral fabric of our society
but also hinders its progress and development.
To combat corruption, we must take a two-pronged approach. Firstly, we need to create a strong
and transparent legal framework that ensures strict punishment for those involved in corrupt

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practices. Secondly, we must focus on fostering an ethical and value-based education system that
instills integrity, honesty, and empathy from a young age.
It is time for all of us to take a stand against corruption and work towards building a society that
values principles over personal gains. Let us not allow this social evil to engulf our collective
conscience and hinder the growth of our nation.

7. Money only brings with it isolation, punishment, deception, frustration and endless
shame. Based on your understanding of the one - act play 'The Hour of Truth', write a
paragraph on the corruption influence of money on people.
In "The Hour of Truth," the one-act play by Percival Wilde, money is depicted as a powerful
force that exerts a corrupting influence on people's lives. The character Gresham perfectly
exemplify the consequences of being entangled in the web of monetary desires. As he seeks
financial gains and social recognition, he becomes isolated from genuine human connections and
engulfed in a world of deception and deceit. The pursuit of wealth leads to his moral downfall,
causing frustration and shame, as he compromises his integrity and betrays his values. Even
Robert Baldwin, the central character of the play, is being tempted by monetary advantages. His
family members encourage him to accept the bribe offered by Gresham. The play serves as a
cautionary tale, highlighting how the allure of money can blind individuals to the true essence of
life, tarnishing relationships, and leaving them morally bankrupt. It underscores the importance
of prioritizing ethical values and human connections over materialistic pursuits, lest one falls
prey to the all-consuming and destructive nature of greed and corruption.

8. Mr. Gresham, the owner of the bank has been arrested for misappropriating the funds
of the depositors. Newspapers covered the news of Gresham's confession and arrest.
Prepare a newspaper report on the incident.
Bank Owner Arrested for Misappropriating Depositors' Funds
*City Times, Date*: In a shocking turn of events, Mr.Gresham, the esteemed owner of one of
the city's most reputable banks, has been arrested today on charges of misappropriating the
funds of numerous depositors. The arrest came after a thorough investigation conducted by
financial authorities, following suspicious activities within the bank.
According to sources close to the investigation, evidence revealed that Mr. Gresham was
involved in diverting substantial amounts of money from customers' accounts for personal gains
and extravagant indulgences. His unethical actions have caused significant losses to the bank's
clients, shaking their trust in the financial institution.The news of Mr. Gresham's confession and
subsequent arrest has sent shockwaves throughout the city's financial community. Depositors
and shareholders are demanding answers and seeking reassurance about the safety of their
As the case unfolds, more details are expected to emerge, shedding light on the extent of the
misappropriation and the impact it has had on the bank's overall stability. The authorities are

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urging affected customers to come forward and report any irregularities in their accounts to aid
in the ongoing investigation.The bank's board of directors has issued a statement condemning
the actions of Mr. Gresham and assuring customers of their commitment to rectify the situation
and protect their interests.
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilant oversight and stringent
regulations within the financial sector to prevent such malpractices in the future.

Percival Wilde (1887-1953) was an American playwright, novelist, and short story writer, best
known for his contributions to the world of drama. Born in New York City, Wilde pursued a
diverse educational path, studying architecture at Columbia University and later attending
Harvard Law School. However, his passion for literature and the arts led him to focus on
writing. Wilde's literary works often explored the complexities of human nature and social issues
of his time, with a keen eye for irony and wit. He delved into themes of morality, truth, and the
consequences of one's actions. Wilde's most notable works include one-act plays like "The Hour
of Truth," which offered insightful commentary on corruption and the influence of money on
individuals. His body of work continues to be appreciated for its thought-provoking narratives
and enduring relevance in examining the human condition.

Prepared By hssMozhi Team

Supervised By Reshma Prabhakaran , HSST English , Govt HSS , Bharathannoor , Tvm

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