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Host LM tke destinen hosts tach layr only dicaprutates Pe packet ereuived removes The resend WP altde a ad to the her Lor prottoco antl ake mg veaches The applica” layer TA As wacessaty to Say that decapsuter in the het wolves eo “ —§| hort prodel i werd vpn Sevhol Aranrport Jp r E presenter, ave yaittivg from ° The appli ea” Lagarts ee eorbino af ae three Ley Inthe OFT prodel the a ap bar pove than ons hansport 1A protocel Some qe sencbonalily qi Sesston toys. ane avoiboble im Sor Raupot tL hero! rere Se +The “opplesan lage is wot only one * | so ues Meat ayplice ton be developed in layer 2] some e/ the Heschonaliher paabion in the session & “py vom Nougat ore wanda for a paatirulas applica, thay tom be twrluded fin the developpaunt a) Val pleee of #2{hoore Explain the diftwest ebook -hiper with suileble Aiagqnom There ove 0 Lypes ‘Len 2 wna C2 Peet te pore Switched SIET 12 oral avea neksork Cnn) JA some hots in single a) a sinql “ vo Bach hot ino el has an id usiquily dafines the host iw Hae Lan. 8 pad jo mother host carries both the souva host's £ col area wlw isu pats adden J. puviovsly all hosts too le common Cable ,whith meant that a packe host fo amotha was creuived by all hosts + pdous, ros Lanis uses sprark tonmeck cwitch pvhich is able to recognize the dieshine™ address | Wee packet & quide the packet Fo its clestney without seedag it te all othe horls Ses eey fod Lan _with a common cable (pat) Hooks tort 4 wore Conmec ted Berough a 1 send from one Host Susite hy, Ba & Bw SS SS Hort & Hort a Hort & n ho switch Le 4) Bont Eesha gente Degthe e Aol fod oi eS Uli Ae ones welsork (wan) : as also on inlertonnerkion 4 duis capable i A wan Communica , “wo hyper of want ey 1s a nehoorls that connects [toe Commuricating devices cHevough a dranspission mech a te OS a. whe Conmeckag Comey rehert Geile” @) poind =fo~ pant divie . G) poiattpoint wanis wos Switched WAN, Tivo nebsowk with more then two ends, used tn the backbone ql global comune’, This a eombinan Bf Several point-to-point wen hat oa cone cled whet is Switching. Explain different types a4 Switched who fie internel is a Suitched webwor tm which a switch tommects at Leart two Luks dogutha. A cwileh muads to Howard date froma nihvork te another nehuork whin sequined. the two Apes 8{ suitched nehoork oe Q) Cutt -swilched Gi Pocked-swilehed (ceva -suaitehed quetoyk * dat us consider hwo cares, one be Ye the iret case call taeghent at one st é our people at Une ie fully wed + Tn second ced. to 0 home sel at the other side Qe capacity a he Ahscle ine ie ured a cht switched who 16 fptciest only woken Ws full capacity mort gf the ime, working at pabal Copacdy : wow capacly un da is conned one-fourth pcos thot tz only one f working al seat Because sb is Susiteh @ ctrevibswilelad weloork 1) packet -swikbed Nckoosle on + Router mo packet sited watvork has a quent Stove & fovword the packet jee The capa J Pissume that the capachy wily ay datas tine connecbog tS i ay shoo Computers mead to Commmmuice Limene is no wai bug ow he packets ere is ne oT a ak cow a te bw re) : he computers croulew. i te with each other + TY parkele arm alnrady al rhing afult capa stored” & forwarded in the ovden v Nhat packet - switched hen a cht -suilched nelwork Some clay ba arerive shows ght moe bat packets ou amcounder Exploin Tater with suilable degron An internal is wo a more nbo that bean communicate wilh cock oft “The enast potable internal it cotled tha” Talewe tt & ts composed 4 thousands 4 interconnected nehoorks The figure shows the conerplual view a) the © current Custom Herweek ‘Internal Corrome® Newore, Customer MetuorK deetworie reeeine pow Peovaoee Netui0ee, Coramed Concepheat vies tetereet +The ae Customer nehoorh svat backbones , + M the -f0p lent, the prow Somme Com ATE aud +The back bome Swilthiug systems oM a Serou sdew wahsorks , +The provides nehuorks ave com Ho otkew qrovidin nehoorls 4 The Customur nelworks one veluovb Fin poy fees 4 previdie ls ow veueving seis s Packbons & providir whoork ave alto Caled jnleenst styles sProwdies Gsps), Backbones ove ajtem aetereed as international Tsp & provide Explor the principle 2 protocal nies \. Companies such O84 Sarde t) we oda spyollin Whe sewvius backbones {he edge a the inten He 48 prinaple dictates thet we want bids crttaon ,we weed +o make tach ce so het to yerforrn wo opposite dusks, ome tm diver” jor wes the 4 lage cake co isle & datls nthe we needs to be able to emenypl & deny pt thy “ rends to send & mail Steud _sprinaplts ob grinnple is that we nud to toblow tm -protocel logsteg 8 thet the shoe objets uvden tad Lagat af both sites should be tdentcal der ger, the object vudey our 3 at both sides should be ao plain tert Letter the object unde lay 9 at both sides should be ciphertext letter. “the object under lager at both sides chould be a piece 4 mail SIET 17

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