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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Office of the Chief Engineer, Minor & Medium Irrigation, Hanumanpet, Vijayawada Memo No. DCE-l/OT2/ AEE (NC)/Neeru-Chettu/Contempt Cases / A2 Proforma for verified ‘Sub:- Water Resources Department - Minor Irrigation — Neeru - Chettu —Court Cases — Budget Release Order (BRO) issued for of Rs. 94.86 Crores for making payment of pending bills of 1122 works covered under 513 Contempt cases - Details of verified works ( All items of work verified and certified) in A2 Proforma under above Contempt cases - Reg Ref:- 1) Govt Memo No:1646891/FMU.WR I 2022, Fin.(FMU.WR.I) Dept. Dt. 08-03-2022. 2) Govt. U.O. Note No, 1742758 / FMU-WR.l/ 2022 (FMU.WR.I) Dept. Dt.20.6.2022 3) CE / M&MI Lr. No. DCE-/OT2/ AEE-NC/Neeru-Chettu / Contempt Cases / Requirement of Budget-8 Dt. 06-12-2022 4) GO.Rt. No. 4342, Finance (FMU-WR-1) Dept. Dt. 27-12-2022 5) Govt Memo No.1927869/ FMU-WR.1/ 2022, Finance (FMU-WR-1) Dept Dt. 27-12-2022, 6) G.O.Rt.No. 2149, Water Resources (CADA) Department Dt. 29-12-2022 XXX- The Government (Finance Department) has released BRO for Rs.94,85,59,000/- (Rupees Ninety four crore and eighty five lakh fifty nine thousand only) vide reference 4" cited and the Government (WRD) has accorded Administrative sanction vide G.O. 6" cited for the same amount during the C.F.Y 2022-23 towards payment of 1122 Neeru-Chettu bills covered under 513 Contempt cases. In this connection, the details of contempt cases and the amount to be paid is shown in Annexure to Government memo 5" cited, The budget requisition was sent to Government by this office vide reference 3” cited, duly Consolidating the details of pending bills in A2 proforma received from SEs and EEs of this unit (The consolidated A2 proforma is herewith enclosed for reference). Now, the SEs/Nodal officers are requested to authenticate the details of works only that are verified (Alll items of the work are verified and certified) by the Engineers’ teams in connection with the contempt cases for which budget is released vide references 4° and 5" cited and also requested to furnish the copies of Verification reports (12-items proforma and checklist-C) for the fully verified works (Alll items of the work are verified and certified) so as to release the budget to the concerned DDOs by this office In case of non-verification of works and the works certified as not verifiable, the SEs/Nodal officers are requested to pursue the matter with District Collector and verification teams and see that the verification shall be completed and report compliance to this office. The SEs/EEs are Fequested to file counter affidavits in Hon'ble Court seeking time for verification and see that verification be completed within that time. Further, the nodal officers are requested to follow the instructions issued vide references 1", 2" and 5” cited and Government orders and Memos issued from time to time. ‘This may be treated as most urgent and top priority. Encl: 1. Copies of references. 2. Proforma in Category- A2 for 513 Contempt cases (1122 works), To All the Superintending Engineers 1iAttestedi/ Sd/-02.01.2023 ja Chief Engineer, Wa [.e2Jel[ 28 Minor & Medium irigation Gio. T angi Viayawada, Minor & Medium irrigation ces Department GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Water Resources Department - Budget Estimates 2022-23 - for Rs.94,85,59,000/- (Rupees Ninety four crore eighty five I only) as additional funds to Minor Irrigation Department - Accorded - Orders - Issued. WATER RESOURCES (CADA) DEPARTMENT Budget Release Order lakh fifty nine thousand Administrative Sanction - G.0.Rt.No.2149 Dated:29.12,2022 Read the following:~ 3. Memo.No. 1646891/FMU.WR.1/2022,Fin.(FMU.WR.1)Dept,tt.08.03.2022, 2. U.O.Note No.1742758/FMU-WR.1/2022,Finance(FMU.WR I)Dept, dt.20,06.2022. 3. From the C.E.,MMI, Lr.No.DCE-I/0T2/AEE-NC/Neeru-Chettu/Contempt cases/Requirement of budget-8, dt.06.12,2022. - G.O.Rt.No.4342, Finance(FMU-W.R-I)Dept, dt.27,12.2022. 5. Memo.No.1927869/FMU-WR.1/2022,Finance(FMU-W_R.1)Dept dt.27.12.2022, In pursuance of the Budget Release Order issued by the Finance (FMU-Water Resources-I)Department, vide G.0.4" read above, the Government hereby accord administrative sanction to the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation Department foo an amount of Rs.94,85,59,000/- (Rupees Ninety four crore eighty five lakh fifty nine thousand only) as additional funds in relaxation of treasury control and quarterly regulation orders pending provision of funds by obtaining supplementary grants at 2n appropriate time during the C.F.Y 2022-23, towards payment of Neeru-Chettu Pending bills of 1122 works covered under 513 Nos of contempt cases. 2. The Chief Engineer, Minor & Medium Irrigation, Vijayawada shall take immediate further necessary action as per the instructions issued by Finance Dept in the reference 1*,2™& 5" read above. (BY ORDEK. AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) SHASHI BHUSHAN KUMAR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT he Chief Engineer, Minor & Medium Irrigation, Vijayawada, i “Copy to : The Finenice(FMU.WR.1) Deptt. The Finance(BG.1)/ (BG.I) Dept. : The Director Works and Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayewade ‘The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada. ‘The Accountant General, Vijayawada, A.P. The CEO, APCFSS, Ibrahimpatanm, A.P. si/sc DED :: BY ORDER// — 7/FORWAR hoew SECTION OFFICER GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT ‘Susget Estimates 2022-23 - Budget Release Orde for Rs, 94,85:59.00 /-(Rupnes Ninety four cove eighty five lakh fy nine snqusand) as ADDITIONAL FUNDS to Miner Iigaion Deparment - Order eevee GOMS No 89, Farce Buczet) Deparment, 3009-2001 2..GOMsNo101 France (Bulge!) Department, 1208-2015 9..GONs N08, Fnance (get) Department, 3048-2022 4. GON Nods, Fnane (Budget) Deparment 01-04 2122 War Resources Decertment fl No, ICDOWt5C32027.CADA/ 19262), 0042-202 £6 nance (FML:NR) Deparment ose No, FD}-FMUORGAB(AR1957202( 1827089). ‘ORDER:- In pursuance of the ordors sued in referoncos read above, the Chie Engineer Minor inigalion Dearie is hereby leaves @ Budget Release Order Fo: an amount of 4.85.59 000 /- (Rupees Ninety four core elsiy fue lah fy rie OUsand) 2 ‘2acitonal funds in relaxation of treasury contol ang quarterly regulation orders pending |ovsion of nde. fy eblolring ‘supplementary grants alan appropri time during the C.FY 2022-25, Tor making payment of pening ills of 1122 works Govetea under 513 Nos of Contempt Cases uncer Neer-Chelt: under the folowing HOA. antag ie| imeem fae) ees [oe | ce es ec = | Mer ee | oes | SE | ele | S| SE | Ee [seine name: Garon ane Reno on Fin Baas i fecmowsvamn| v [vo] amme[ oa] ana] ama Toul ce) 00 se] aan sesce 0 ‘The Oster Resources Sacre\afl) Shall ako necessary action for isu of aciinisatve sascton es per inseuctone issues in U.O Note No. 29875-A/ 283 V/8G.12006, Finance (BG.I} Deparment dt25 11 2006. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) SHAME HER SINGH RANA PRINCI FINANCE SECRETARY TO GOVT hs Chie nga AU, 0Me 1429, MG. Stee Hanuman, syd “he Diet fraser &Accouts,Nds harn,en APIC Marg ‘The tle Works nd Account Nl Bhar, Me APHE Margi ‘They & Accom ee, Mh Bhavan Noa APEC Mang The AcouiartGowal Vyas 3 Manage FORWARDED BY ORDER! SECTION OFFICER. Page tof) “COURT CASES: IMMEDIATE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCE (FMU-WR.I) DEPARTMENT Jemo, No. 1927869 /FMU-WR.1/2022 Date: 27-12-2022 Sub: Finance Department - FMU (W.R.I)- AP. High Court - "Neeru-Chettu’ - Contempt Cases —CC's filed in the Hon’bie High Court for clearing the bills under "Neeru- Chettu" works - Reg. Ref 1. e 8. 10. a 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. G.O.RtNo. 70, Irrigation & CAD Department, dtd. 04-12-2014, Letter No.PRRO1/RDOMISC/67/RD.IV/2019, dtd. 01-08-2019 of thePR&RD Dept GO Rt No 2222, Finance (FMU-WR.) Department, dt. 08.03.2022. Memo. No.1646891/FMU-WR.1/2022,Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department dtd. 08.03.2022 G.0,,RtNo. 2822, Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, dtd. 09.04.2022. Memo. No. 1646891/FMU-WR.l/2022Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, di. 09.04.2022 G.O, Rt. No.3138 Finance (FMU-WR.) Department, dt.11.05.2022. Memo, No, 1646891/FMU-WR.I/2022Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department, dtd.11.05..2022 G.O,,Rt.No.3227 Finance (FMU-WR.!) Department, dtd.06.08.2022. Memo. No.1742758/FMU-WR 1/2022 Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department, dtd.06.06.2022 G.0. Rt.No.3228, Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, dtd.06.06.2022. Memo. No.1646891/FMU-WR.l/2022Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department, dtd.06.06.2022 G.0,,Rt.No.3301, Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, dtd.19.06.2022. Memo. No.1742758/FMU-WR.l/2022Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department, did.20.06.2022. G.O,Rt.No. 4245, Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, dtd.16-12-2022 Memo. No.1742758/FMU-WR.1/2022Finance (FMU-WR.1) Department, dtd. 16-12-2022. E,fileNo.ICD01/1903/2022-CADA(1924824) of | Water Resources Department dtd. 09.12.2022. G.0,Rt.No.4342 , Finance (FMU-WR.|) Department, dtd.27-12-2022 In the reference 1* cited, Government have issued the detailed guidelines on the “Neeru- ‘Chettu’ Sub-Mission (NCM), &NeeruChettu Water Conservation Mission with Water Resources Department as the nodal department. (P.7.0) = 2. Accordingly, a large number of works were taken up under the program in the Water Resource Department consisting of de-sitting/repairs /reconstruction of sluices & weirs/ bund Strengthening of Minor Irrigation Tanks/ etc., & payments were made up to the year 2019, 3. _ in the meantime, the Vigliance & Enforcement(V&E) Department has taken up enquiry on irregularities that occurred in implementation of Neeru-Chettu works in the State, 4, __In the light of the aforementioned enquiry ordered by PR&RD Department in the reference 2 read above through V&E Department, the Government has stopped the payments for the works taken up under this programme till the verification process is completed and the ‘amount to be paid is determined. 5. The enquiry of the VE Department & District Verification teams is under process. 6 In the meantime, certain contracting agencies who have executed the works under Neeru-ChettuProgrammie have approached the Hon'ble High Court for payment of pending bills. 7. The Hor’bie High Court has ordered to clear certain pending bills & keeping in view the orders of the Hon'ble High Court in the WPsiCCs, & basing upon the request of the Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation the Finance Department has issued orders in the reference 4th, 6th, &th, 10th, 12th , 14 th & 46 th cited, permitting the payment against Contempt Cases. 8 In the reference 17" cited, the Water Resources Department has requested to make payments in respect of (513) contempt cases filed in the Hon'ble High Court for the works taken up under the Neeru-Chettu Programme. 9. Accordingly, after careful examination & in continuation of the procedure adopted in the reference 4” read above for clearing the bills in the Contempt Cases (Cs) in respect of works taken up under *Neeru-Chettu’ Programme, the Government have issued the BRO for an amount of Rs.9485.59 lakhs vide'the reference 18" cited. 10. ~ The concemed DDOs, the PAO(W) & the APAO(W) shall follow the specific procedure laid down in the Memo 4" read above to clear the bills in the Contempt Cases as per the list enclosed (Afnexurd): s : a. The payments of an amount of Rs.9486.59 lakhs are to be made from the Head of Account of *4702-00-101-11-12-270-271 VN". The’ DDOs 6f the concemed divisions in respect of the contempt cases shown in the Annexure shall be mapped to the above HoA. ae ¢. The DDOs concerned shall prefer the bills under the above HOA end submit to the respective PAOs in respect of Contempt Cases only, after ensuring that the verification of the works are completed by the VE or the District Verification teams, as the case maybe, & subject to the recovery of the amount if any, as per the VE or District Verification teams findings. d. The PAOS/APAOs shall clear the bills after scrutiny & as per the established procedures. @, The CEO, APCFSS shall facilitate the seamless mapping and rising of the bills. (P.T.0) 3: f The Director of Works Accounts is authorized to admit these bills into audit under the above HoA irrespective of the sanction orders issue under another HoA. 11. The Water Resources Department/The CEO, APCFSS/The Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation’ The Director of Works Accounts, Mangalagiri are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly ‘SHAMSHER SINGH RAWAT ‘SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Principal Secretary, Water Resources Department, AP Secretariat, Velagapudi he Chief Engineer, M.l, D.No 14-7-29, N.G.Rao Street, Hanumanpet, Vijayawada 2” / The CEO, APCFSS, Nidhi Bhavan, Near APIIC, Mangalagiri ~\p (0! The Director of Works Accounts, Nidhi Bhavan, Near APIIC, Mangalagiri 2 Copy to: The PS to Special C.S., Finance The PS to Secretary (B8IF), SF/SCs ( 1927869) Achar - ¥ FORWARDED Annexure to Memo, No. 1927869 JFMU-WR.1/2022, Finance (FMU-WR.1) Department, | Dated: 27-12. 2022 Amount S.No CCNo WP No District, | NOOF) ies. tn ite : works | [okhs) ces 3349 of 2022 8469 of 2022 Kumool [3 2282 [23367 of 2022 | 8578 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.56 3_| 3368 0f 2022 | 8484 of 2022 Kurnool i 6.29 4 3369 of 2022 | 8593 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.64 5 | 3370 of 2022, | 6485 of 2022 Kurnool 7 4.80 6 | "337% 0f 2022 | ~ 8388 of 2022 Kumoo! a 967 7__| 3374 of 2022 8596 of 2022 Kurnool fi 1.82 8 | 3376 0f 2022 | 8601 of 2022 Kurnool 3 24.17 C9 3381 of 2022 8471 of 2022 Kurnool x: 7.34 10__| 3382 of 2022 | 8856 of 2022 Kumool 1 8.13 11 | 3388 of 2022 [~~ 8494 of 2022 Kumoo! 1 7.22 [423396 of 2022” | 8627 of 2022 Kurnool 1 692 ("13 | 3397 of 2022 | 8402 of 2022 Kurnool! 4 27.92 14_| 3398 0f 2022 | 8618 of 2022 1 979 15 | 9402 0f2022 | 8387 of 2022 1 40.64 16_| 3410 0f 2022 | 8643 of 2022 7 9.83 17_| 3350 of 2022 | 8489 of 2022 1 8.25 18 | 4522 of 2022 | 17691 of 2022 i 9.05 19_| 4264 0f 2022 | 1252 of 2022 2 11.79 20” [4498 of 2022 | 14007 of 2022 6 54.52 24_| 4262 of 2022 | 11719 of 2022 4 34.46 22_| 4351 of 2022 | 20057 of 2022 i 9.85 23 | 4472 of2022 | 15254 of 2022 6 | 46.15 24_| 4482 of 2022 | 11768 of 2022 2 17.53, 25 _| 4740 of 2022_| 20893 of 2022 Ss 272 26 | 4428 of 2022 | ~ 20286 of 2022 i 9.22 —27_| 4364 of 2023 | 20295 of 2022 f= | 3 BBe 28_| 4419 of 2022: | 20312 of 2022 2 19.70 29_| 4364 of 2022 | 20071 of 2022 2 14.70 30_| 4425 of 2022 | 20277 of 2022 i 9.16 34_| 4409 of 2022 | 20306 of 2022 2 17.46 32_| 4426 of 2022 | 20258 of 2022 2 18.32 33_| 4422 of 2022 | 19852 of 2022 2 19.14 34_| 4418 of 2022 | 20264 of 2022 2 19.85 35_| 4430 of 2022 | 20064 of 2022 2 19.92 36_| 4415 0f2022 | 20493 of 2022 i 9.45 37_| 4363 of 2022 | 19857 of 2022 2 17.97 38_| 4392 of 2022 | 20487 of 2022 Kumool 1 9.09 39_| 4423 of 2022 | 20062 of 2022 Kurnool 2 78.04 40" 4411 of 2022 | 20280 of 2022 Kurnool 2 18.14 41 | 4427 of 2022 | 20314 of 2022 Kurnool__| 1 9.03 42 |" 4386 of 2022 | 20308 of 2022 Kurnool 2 18.18 43 |" 4447 of 2022 | 20066 of 2022 Kurnool 2 19.06 44 | 4339 of 2022” | 19633 of 2022 | Kumoot 2 17.34 45 | "4414 of 2022 | 20490 of 2022 ‘Kurnool 2 17.28 46__| 4208 of 2022_| 19661 of 2022 Kurnool 2 14.82 [47 |" 4567 of 2022 [17366 of 2022 Kurnool az 16.42 48_| 4779 of 2022 | 16993 of 2022 Kurnool 2 17.81 49 | 4568 of 2022 | 17604 of 2022 Kurnool 4 35.62 |_50 | 4560 of 2022 17372 of 2022 _ Kumool 6 $4.50 1 |" 4941 of 2023 | 20811 of 2022 Kumoot 3 | 23.10 52_| 4942 of 2022 | 18169 of 2022 Kurnool Tess aers! 53 4943 of 2022 16778 of 2022 _ Kurnool 4 | 2997 54 | 4944 of 2022 16782 of 2022 Kurnool 3 | 2664 5 _| 4954 of 2022 | 17369 of 2022 | Kumool 3 22.78 [86 | “4803 of 2022 | 23607 of 2022 | Kurnool 3 27.53 | 87_|' 4638 of 2022 | 10807 of 2022 Kuro! i 6.85 58_| 4637 of 2022 [41007 of 2022 | Kumooi 1 9.24 59 | 4628 of 2022 | 11348 of 2022 Kurnool 1 8.89 60 |" 4621 of 2022 | 11175 of 2022 Kurnool ft 4.08 [81 | 4613 of 2022 | 11006 of 2022 | —Kumedl 1 9.94 |_62 | 4612 of 2022 | 11327 of 2022 Kurnool i 9.92 63_| 4510 of 2022 | 11009 of 2022 Kurnool 1 Bit 64 | "4789 0f 2022 | 11853 of 2022 Kuro! Hi 4.85 65 | 4701 of 2022 | 11154 of 2022 Kurnool 1 998 86 | 4677 of 2022 | 11387 of 2022 Kurnool Mee | 67 _| 4617 of 2022 | 11245 of 2002. Kumool pena) 68 _| 4588 of 2022 | 11195 of 2022 Kuro! 1 9.87 69 _| 4584 of 2022 | 14355 of 2022 Kurnool 1 4.59 70_| 4684 of 2022 | 11228 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.08 71 | 4633 0f2022 | 15413 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.95 724620 of 2022 | 11187 of 2022 Kumool 1 174 [73 _| 4698 of 2022 [71763 of 2022 Kurnool 1 633 14 | 4689 of 2022 "| 11224 of 2022 | —Kumool i 9.92 15 | 4696 of 2022 | 44058 of 2022 | Kurnool 15 ]5 Rae 76_ |" 4674 of 2022_| 11206 of 2022 Kurnool i 9.98 77 | 4583 of 2022 | 11039 of 2022 Kurnool 7 7.73 78_| 4618 of 2022 | 11247 of 2022 Kurnool i 1.80 79 {4728 of 2022 [11154 of 2022 Kumoot 7 9.87 80 _| 4662 of 2022 | 22040 of 2022 Kurnool 5 44.43 81 | 4336 of 2022 | 19612 of 2022 Kumoot 2 17.65 82 | 4326 of 2022 | 19610 of 2022 Kurnool 2 19.63 83 | 4203 of 2022 | 19563 of 2022 Kumool | 2 18.71 84 | 4306 of 2022 | 19574 of 2022 Kumool 2 | 19.94 85 |" 4305 of 2022 [19580 of 2022 | Kumool 2 166 86 | 4321 of 2022 19655 of 2022_| Kurnool 2 18.94 87 _| "4326 of 2022 | 19631 of 2022 | Kumool 2 18.45 | 88 | 4302 of 2022 | 19613 of 2022 | _Kumool 25 fe ATA __89_| 4320 of 2022 | 19582 of 2029 Kurnool 3 28.29 90 | 4324 of 2022 | 19867 of 2022 Kurnool 2. 19.16 91 [4319 of 2022 | 19588 of 2022 Kurnool 2 19.87 [927] 4256 of 2022 19606 of 2022 Kurnool 2 17-81. [937 [4280 of 2022 | 19597 of 2022 Kurnool a eee 94 | 4323 of 2022 | 19836 of 2022 Kurnool i 987 95 _| 4329 of 2022 | 20491 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 552 96_| 4300 of 2022 | 19572 of 2022 | Kurnool 2 17.97 ‘97_| 4301 of 2022 | 19841 of 2022 Kumool 2 19.08 98 | 4257 of 2022 | 19601 of 2022 Kurnool 2 17.84 |_99 | 4334 of 2022 | 20288 of 2022 Kurnool 1 ‘9.17 j00 |” 4318 of 2022 | 19590 of 2022 Kumool [3 | 23.9 | 101 |” 4303 of 2022 [19584 of 2022 Kurnool | 2 | 18.24 02 |” 4330 of 2022 | 19827 of 2022 | _Kurnool 21792 103 | “4327 of 2022__| 20303 of 2022 Kurnool 2 19.94 | 04] 4326 of 2022 | 19844 of 2022 | __Kumool 3 26.95 405 |” 4276 of 2022 | 19608 of 2022 | Kumool 2 18.47, 106 | 4315 of 2022 19594 of 2022 | Kumool_ 2 19.76 107 | “4307 of 2022 | 19576 of 2022 | Kumool 1 6.96 08 | 4317 of 2022 | 19586 of 2022 | Kumool 2 13.8 109 |” 4184 of 2022 | 9272 of 2022 | _Kumool 6 34.21 110 | 4204 of 2022 | 7808 of 2022 Kurnool 1 886 444 | 3967 of 2022 | 7963 of 2022 Kurnool__| 1 “9.08 | 1127] 3966 of 2022 [7974 of 2022 Kurnool a 9.08 113 |” 4040 of 2022 | 16642 of 2022 Kurnool 1 4.75 114 | 3623 of 2022 | 1933 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.05 115 | 3615 of 2022 | 1929 of 2022 Kurnool 1 8.96 116 | 3481 of 2022 | 1949 of 2022 Kurnool 1 6.46 117_| 3603 of 2022 | 1945 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.05 118 | 3706 of 2022 | 19994 of 2022 | _Kurnool 3 26.10 119" | 3708 of 2022 | 19963 of 2022 Kurnool A 8.20 420 | 3740 of 2022 | 19982 of 2022 | Kurnool | 2 16.96. 121 | 3717 of 2022 | 20473 of 2022 Kurnool 4 33.73 122 | 3013 of 2022 | 19996 of 2022 Kuro! zi 16.35 123_| 2767 of 2022 | 10326 of 2022 Kurnool 4 60.91 124 | 3934 of 2022 |__ 9675 of 2022 Kurnool 5 47.49 125 | 3039 of 2022 | 14284 of 2022 Kurnool 3 25.48 126 | 4059 of 2022 | 79986 of 2022 Kurnool 2 16.11 127 | 3835 of 2022 | 20384 of 2022 Kumoo! = 27.49 128 _| 3814 of 2022 | 20476 of 2022 Kurnool 3 27.08 129 | 4028 of 2022 | 20485 of 2022 ‘Kurnool 4 35.43 130_| 3992 0f 2022 | 16947 of 2022 | Kurnool 3_| 2751 131 |" 4008 of 2022 | 17000 of 2022 Kumool__| 3 26.39 132_| 3887 of 2022 |" 46964 of 2022 | Kurnool S| 44.87 133_| “4011 of 2022 | 18626 of 2022 Kumool 5 36.22 134 | 3986 of 2022 | 16798 of 2022 Kurnool | _7 57.41 135_| "4050 of 2022 | 16794 of 2020 Kurnool 3 27.18 436 _| 3915 of 2022 | 16627 of 2022 Kurnool i 8.38 137_| 4047 of 2022 16628 of 2022 Kumool [4 9.68, 138 |" 4071 of 2022_| 18845 of 2002 Kuro! 2 18.07, | 139 |" 4072 of 2022 | 17364 of 2022 Kumool 2719.85 140 | 4073 of 2022 | 18906 of 2022 Kumoo!_ 2 19.90 141 | "4077 of 2022 | 11351 of 2022 Kurnool 2 18.12 142 | 4089 of 2022 | ~ 18856 of 2022 Kurnool 1 699] 44314081 of 20227 | "13242 of 2022 | Kurnool i 7.01 [444774095 of 2022 7 11377 of 2022 | Kurnool 2 17.96 145 | 4103 of 2022 | 41199 of 2022 Kurnool 2 17.89 = 146_| 4105 of 2022 | 11378 of 2022 Kurnool 2 78.13 147 | 4168 of 2022 19149 of 2022 Kurnool mee ee 148 | 4169 of 2022 | 19569 of 2002 Kumool__| 2 19.01 149 | 4061 of 2022 19145 of 2022 Kurnool 4 9.20] | 150 _| “4062 of 2022 | 41161 of 2009 ‘Kurnool 2 12.98 151 |” 4064 of 2022 | 41418 of 2022 Kumoo! 3 29.88 152 |" 4170 of 2022| 19424 of 2022 Kumool 1 9.89 153 |" 4479 of 2022 | 17305 of 202 Kurnool 1 9.95 184 |" 4495 of 2022 | 14891 of 2022 Kumool | 48.94 185 | 4896 of 2022 26114 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 919 | 156_| 4896 of 2022 | 25510 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 863 187_[ 4988 of 2022 | 24792 of 2022 | Kurnool i 8.19 158 _| 4935 0f 2022 | 24796 of 2022 Kumool | 921 159 | 4499 of 2022 14021 of 2022 Kumool [4 13.78 160 | 4784 of 2022 | 19760 of 2022 Kumoo! Gy 57.63 161 |" 3466 of 2022 | 44462 of 2022 Kumool 7 9.25 162_| 3458 of 2022 | 45110 of 2022 | Kurnool 4 39.62 163 _| 3655 of 2022 | 44384 of 202 Kumoo! 5 44.42 164” | "3792 of 2022_| 44272 of 2000 Kumool 4 35.79 165 | 3620 of 2022 14947 of 2022 Kumool rs 39.08 165 _| "3795 of 2022 | 11949 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.38 167 _| "3867 of 2022_| 12308 of 2022 Kurnool i 6.12 168 | 3837 of 2022_| 12184 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.57 169_| 3773 of 2022_| 12377 of 2022 Kurnool i 9.68 470 |" 3786 of 2022 | 12308 of 2022 Kurnool 1 8.09 [171 |" 4030 of 2022 | 42164 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.07 172 |" 4018 of 2022 | 42319 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.13 473 |" 3802 of 2022 | 12124 of 2022 Kurnool i 814 174 | "3797 of 2022 | 12379 of 2023 Kuro! i 9.87 175 | 3511 of 2022 | 42117 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.82 476 _| 3794 0f2022 | 12277 0f2022 | Kurnool 1 9.88 177_| 1976 of 2022 [8592 of 2022 | Kurnool 5 44.24 178_| 3942 of 2022 | 10264 of 2022 Kurnool I 9.92 179 | 3946 of 2022 | 10489 of 2022 Kumool 1 9.35" 180 _| 3049 of 2022 | 40717 of 2022 Kurnool 7 9.90 | 781 |” 3907 of 2022 [10585 of 2022 Kurnool 1 4.93 182 | 3944 of 2022 | 10482 of 2022 Kurnool Z 2.18 183_| 3945 0f 2022 | 10767 of 2029 Kurnool 1 9.81 184 | 3908 of 2022 [10736 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 8.04 185 | 5089 0f 2022 | 22050 of 2022 Kurnool 3 46.2 186_| 3740 of 2022 | 43630 0f 2022 | Kurnool i 9.05 187 | 3885 of 2022 11665 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 9.86 188 | 3739 0f 2022 | 11650 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.84 189 |" 3488 of 2022 11684 of 2022 | Kurnool __ 1 9.94 190 |” 3748 of 2022 | 12813 of 2022 Kurnool 1 988 191 | 3626 of 2022 [12798 of 2022 | Kurnool _ 1 983 _ 192" | 3725 of 2022 | 12812 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.20 [193 | 3825 of 2022 | 12421 of 2022 Kurnool | __1_ 9.56 194 [3851 of 2022 | 12445 of 2022 Kurnool 12 9.94 [195 | 3607 of 2022 14169 of 2022 | Kurnool a 9.96 196 _| 3883 of 2022 | 72469 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 991 197 | 4545 of 2022 | 10648 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 9.20 198__|~ 4536 of 2022 | 10779 of 2022 Kurnool | 9.48 199 | 4540 of 2022 | 10727 of 2022 Kurnool 1 4.33 200 | 4516 of 2022 | 10436 of 2022 Kumool i 8.59 201 | 2851 of 2022 42007 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 6.40 202 | 4537 of 2022 | 10211 of 2022 Kurnool i 8.20 203” | 4538 of 2022 | 10480 of 2022 Kumool | 4 5.06 204 | 4644 of 2022 | 10629 of 2022 Kumool [1 5.41 205 | 4543 of 2022 | 10755 of 2022 Kurnool 1 7.67 206 [4070 of 2022__| 13283 of 2022 Kurnool Toil, Snags 207 | 4146 of 2022 | 13294 of 2022 Kurnool i 9.86 208 | 4027 of 2022 | 13301 of 2022 _| Kurnool 1 9.04 209 | 4148 of 2022 13329 of 2022 _ Kurnool i 8.96 210 | 4037 of 2022_| 13668 of 2022 Kumool | 1 8.26 211 | 3852 of 2022 | 10268 of 2022 Kurnool__| 1 772 | 212 [3871 of 2022 | 10271 of 2022 Kumoo! | _t 813 213 | 3622 of 2022 | 10282 of 2022 “Kurnool #1 7.18 214 | 3838 of 2022 10323 of 2022 Kurnool | 1 6.34 218 | 3675 of 2022 | 10348 of 2022 Kurnool i 993 216 | 3624 of 2022 | 10355 of 2022 Kuro! i 7.66 217 | 3623 of 2022 | 10374 of 2022 Kumool 1 4.01 218 | 3646 of 2022 | 10375 of 2022 Kumoot i 8.04 219 | 4114 of 2022 | 13586 of 2022 Kumool 5 42.54 220 | 3828 of 2022 | 10274 of 2022 Kurnool 7 17.33 221 | 4591 of 2022 | 12335 of 2022 Kurnool 1 5.40 222 | 4587 of 2022 12129 of 2022 Kurnool 1 9.19 | 223" |” 4832 of 2022_| 72340 of 2003 Kurnool 1 9.98 224 | 4565 of 2022 | 12103 of 2023 Kurnool 1 3.79 226 | 3833 of 2022 | 10267 of 2022 Kurnool i 1.12 | 226 |" 4530 of 2022 | 423% of 2022 Kumool 1 3.64 |_227_| 3872 of 2022 | 10266 of 2022 Kurnool 4 9.90 228 | 4586 of 2022 | 12107 of 2023 Kurnool 1 9.75 229 | 4564 of 2022 | 12329 of 2009 Kumoot 1 6.32 230 |" 4162 of 2022 | 12955 of 2022 Kurnool lee 862 231 | 4149 of 2022 | 12931 of 2022 Kumool 1 9.66 232 | 9881 of 2022 77082 Kumoo! 1 9.81 & | 26011 of 2022 233 | 4157 of 2022, 412921 of 2022 | Kurnool 1 it 234 | 3873 of 2022 | 11001 of 2002 Kurnool 1 9.16 | 235 | 3826 of 2022 10994 of 2022 Kurnool t 9.07 236 | 3634 of 2022 | 10349 of 2022 Kurnool i 8.92 237_| "4526 of 2022_| 18387 of 2022 Kurnool 1 7.80 238_|" 4527 of 2022 | 12352 of 2023 Kurnool 1 7.03 239 |” 4529 of 2022 | 12327 of 2020 Kurnool 1 7.50 240 | 4579 of 2022 12516 of 2022 Kurnool 1 8.09 241 | 3830 of 2022 | 10338 of 2022 Kumool 1 8.40 242 | 4185 of 2022 14958 of 2022 | Kumool 1 19.83 243 | "3818 of 2022 | 10359 of 2039 Kumool 1 8.39 244 | 3850 of 2022 | 10344 of 2002 Kumool i 9.44 245 _| 3832 of 2022 | 10311 of 2022 Kurnool i 9.39 246 |" 3057 of 2022 | 1189 of 2022 Kurnool 2 18.16 247 |" 4445 of 2022_|~ 14889 of 2022 Kurnool 1 27.33 248 | 5018 of 2022_| 15784 of 2020 Kurnool i 972 249 | 2859 of 2022 1289 of 2022 Kurnool 15 143.46 250_| 4863 of 2022 | 21642 of 2022 Kurnool 3 20.86 251_| "4644 of 2022 | 17320 of 2002 Kumool 2 19.84 282 |" 4945 of 2022 | 24926 of 2003 Kumool i 8.19 253 | "3817 of 2022 | 12796 of 2022 Kurnool i 8.52 254 |"3819 of 2022_| 12779 of 2003 Kumool 1 9.93 255 _| 3494 of 2022 | 12778 of 2022 Kumoo! =f 9.92 256 |" 3473 of 2022 | 12787 of 2002 Kurnool 1 7.19 |_257 "|" 3730 of 2022 | 4280 of 2022 Kurnool 1 847 258 | "3471 of 2022 _| 12783 of 2020 Kurnool 1 8.40 289 | 3722 of 2022 | 12607 of 2023 Kurnool 1 8.26 260 |" 3531 of 2022 | 12790 of 2022 Kurnool 1 7.83 261 | "3467 of 2022 | 12805 of 2022 Kurmool 7 8.28 262_ | 3495 of 2022 | 12782 of 2003 Kumool 1 6.94 263 |" 3750 of 2022_| 12794 of 2022 Kumool 1 6.92 264 |" 4844 of 2022_| 21534 of 2029 Kurnool 3 29.93 265 | 4573 of 2022 | 9479 of 2022 Kurool 7 68.38 266 | 4576 of 2022 9643 of 2022 Kumool | 6 57.61 267 | 4574 of 2022 | 9501 of 2022 Kurnool 6 57.48 268 | 3689 of 2022 | 15681 of 2022 Kurnool 4 39.83 268 | 4680 of 2022 | 11363 of 2022 Kurnool 70 93.46 270 | 4571 of 2022 | 18902 of 2022 Krishna 1 1.66 271 | 4953 of 2022 | 23277 of 2022 Krishna 2 “1.87 272 | 4763 of 2022 | _20750 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.69 273 | 4477 of 2022 16922 of 2022 Krishna | 1 4.40 274 | 4478 of 2022 18616 of 2022 Krishna | 1 9.20 275 | 4595 of 2022 | 16722 of 2022 Krishna | 2 | _8.70 276 | 4491 of 2022 | 16726 of 2022 Krishna | 1 8.60 277_| 4494 of 2022 _| 16700 of 2022 Krishna 1 3.97 278 | 4739 of 2022 | 15346 of 2022 Krishna 1 8.62 279 | 4783 of 2022 21331 of 2022 | Krishna Seta eBaO. 280_| 4978 of 2022 | 15269 of 2022 Krishna | 6. 48.42 281_| 5218 of 2022 | 24429 of 2002 Krishna 4 886 [282 | 5239 of 2022 14819 of 2022 Krishna A: 8.62 | 2833644 of 2022 | 17814 of 2022 Krishna 1 4.50 284 |" 4643 of 2022 | 22365 of 2022 | Krishna i 3.20 285 | 4893 of 2022 | 26724 of 2022 Krishna 1 4.25 286 | 4916 of 2022 | 25685 of 2022 Krishna 1 363 287 _| "5243 of 2022 | 27482 of 2022 | _Krishna 1 450 288 | 4753 of 2022 44307 of 2022 Krishna 1 4.94 289 | 4772 of 2022 _| 14319 of 2022 Krishna 3 71.60 290 [5219 of 2022 | 14397 of 2022 Krishna 4 18.54 281 |” 5203 of 2022 | 14096 of 2022 Krishna a 17.45 292 |" 5396 of 2022 | 14360 of 2022 Krishna 2 912 283 | 5254 of 2022 _| 21954 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.85 294 | 5149 of 2022 | _24470 of 2022 Krishna 4 9.75 295 | 5308 of 2022 | 23711 of 2022 Krishna 1 5.07 [296 [5257 of 2022 | 23708 of 2022 ‘Krishna 1 897 297 | 5226 of 2022 | 23715 of 2022 Krishna 1 470 298 | 5233 of 2022 | 23707 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.75 299 | 5307 of 2022 | 23588 of 2022 Krishna Mi 977 300_| “6010 of 2022 | 17382 of 2022 Krishna 5 19.67 (“301 | “8614 of 2022 | 14562 of 2022 Krishna 4 9.75 | 3027] “5447 of 2022 | 19127 of 2022 Krishna 1 211 303_| 6351 of 2022 | 24134 of 2022 ‘krishna 1 2.95 304 |” 4581 of 2022 | 20425 of 2022 Krishna 2 23.35 305 | 5123 of 2022_|~_22396 of 2022 Krishna i 9.62 306 | 2065 of 2022 | 11239 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.88 307 [3421 of 2022 | 10883 of 2022 Krishna i 3.85 308 | 4539 of 2022 | 14673 of 2022 Krishna 2 14.41 309 | 4508 of 2022 | 15788 of 2022 Krishna 3 14.58 310_| 3433 of 2022 | 9617 of 2022 Krishna 1 1.86 311 | 3434 of 2022 | 9438 of 2022 Krishna 1 2.81 312 | 3420 0f2022 | 9489 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.87 313_| 4796 of 2022 | 20867 of 2022 Krishna 5 18.83 314 4085 of 2022 10512 of 2022 Krishna 1 2.38 315 4608 of 2022 26549 of 2022 Krishna 2 19.71 316 4164 of 2022 23834 of 2022 Krishna fe 9.76 317 3342 of 2022 _ 6994 of 2022 | Krishna 4 8.19 318 | 4697 of 2022 7977 of 2022 | Krishna a 9.26 349 [4001 of 2022 | 6002 of 2022 Krishna 1 EE} 320. 3243 of 2022 6964 of 2022 Krishna 1 6.19 321 | 5579 of 2022 ‘865 of 2022 Krishna 1 4.94 322 5573 of 2022 1153 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.90 323, | 4596 of 2022 | 19800 of 2022 | __Krishna af 8.25 324 4741 of 2022 19755 of 2022 Krishna 1 477 325 _| 3430 of 2022 19114 of 2022 Krishna 3] 6.96 326 | 4798 of 2022 |" 19790 of 2022 Krishna 1s? oat 327_| 5240 of 2022 | 21042 of 2022 Krishna 1 9.15 328 | 5246 of 2022 | 27497 of 2022 Krishna 6 | __29.07 329 5244 of 2022 27881 of 2022 Krishna. 4 4.56 330_| 4337 of 2022 15044 of 2022 Guntur fee: 7.67 331__| 4453 of 2022 | 5804 of 2022 Guntur oo] eae: 332_| 4816 of 2022 | 1145 of 2022 Guntur 2) 17.07, 333 5156 of 2022 17196 of 2022 Guntur 2 19.65 | 334 | 4288 of 2022 | 10712 of 2022 ‘Guntur aot 9.33) 335_| 4895 of 2022 8118 of 2022 Guntur 2 19.57 336 5314 of 2022 20047 of 2022 Guntur, 1 9.32 337. 4910 of 2022 8177 of 2022 Guntur 1 9.80 336 |" 5081 of 2022 | 13251 of 2022 Guntur 4 37.92 | 339 | 5310 of 2022 | 12593 of 2022 Guntur Tez g08 340 | 6423 of 2022 | 20238 of 2022 Guntur 1 AB es] 341 | 4759 of 2022 14752 of 2022 Guntur 4 12.45 342 | 3990 of 2022 | 10236 of 2022 ‘Guntur 4 38.22 343 [4740 of 2022 | 30875 of 2022 Guntur 2 17.63 344 [4787 of 2022 | 22286 of 2022 Guntur i 6.99 345 | 4130 0f 2022 | 8975 of 2022 ‘Guntur 1 26.01 346 3491 of 2022 8865 of 2022 Guntur, 1 24.93 347_| 4080 of 2022 | 9886 of 2022 Guntur i 3047__| 348 | 4620 of 2022 | 8709 of 2022 Guntur 1 30.40 [349 | 4631 of 2022 8874 of 2022 ‘Guntur 1 30.53 350 5072 of 2022 19215 of 2022 East Godavari 3 23.20 351_| 5068 of 2022 | 19218 0f 2022 | East Godavari | 6 32.02 352_| 5083 of 2022 | 19266 of 2022 | East Godavari | 2 16.55 353 | 5090 of 2022 |" 19213 of 2022 | East Godavari | 6 27.73 354 5071 of 2022 19179 of 2022 East Godavari 4 30.81 355 _| 5315 of 2022 | 19189 0f2022 | East Godavari | 6 30.41 356 _| 5316 of 2022 | 19235 0f 2022 | East Godavari |__1 7.82 367_| 8317 of 2022 | 19220 of 2022 | East Godavari | 5 4063 | 358 5334 of 2022 | 19212 of 2022 East Godavari 1 4.02 359 | 5087 of 2022 14750 of 2022 7 East Godavari + 3.49 360_| 5276 of 2022 | 14779 of 2022 | EastGodavan | 1 5.23 361 5439 of 2022 15623 of 2022 East Godavari + 4.60 362 4093 of 2022 15626 of 2022 East Godavari 2 14.70 363_| 4566 of 2022 "| 16587 of 2022 | East Godavari | 6 90.42 364 | 4074 of 2022 “| 25387 of 2022 | East Godavari | 4 13.62 (365 4561 of 2022 17939 of 2022 East Godavari 5 61.49 1366 4223 of 2022 | _ 18322 of 2022 Chittoor | 3 30.46 _367_| "3204 of 2022_| 13797 of 2022 Chittoor 5 53.22 368 4911 of 2022 17133 of 2022 Chittoor 3 19.99 b 369 4121 of 2022 | 16690 of 2022 ___ Chittoor 1 1.54 370 | 4094 of 2022 16397 of 2022 Chittoor 1 1.94 371_| 5021 of 2022 | 17331 of 2022 Chittoor 3 25.56 372 | 4139 of 2022 16357 of 2022 Chittoor 2 | 1046 373 4100 of 2022 16418 of 2022 Chittoor 1 7.67 374 5154 of 2022 17148 of 2022 Chittoor 32_] 321.05 375 5230 of 2022 | 17410 of 2022 Chittoor 1 26.57 376 | 5517 of 2022 13916 of 2022 Chittoor i 9.89 377_| 5416 of 2022 | 12621 of 2022 Chittoor a 11.45 378 | 5445 of 2022 | 20923 of 2022 Chittoor: T1068 [379 | 5032 of 2022 20086 of 2022 Chittoor | 4 94 380_|" 2968 of 2022 6087 of 2022 [Chittoor 1 9.16 381 3187 of 2022 | 838 of 2022 Chittoor 3 18.46 382 4980 of 2022 17371 of 2022 Prakasam 13 [| 50.98 383 4117 of 2022 9190 of 2022 Prakasam a 19.42 384 4183 of 2022 18896 of 2022 Prakasam 2. 19.64 385 2895 of 2022 9434 of 2022 Prakasam_ 4 9.43 386 | 4382 of 2022 | 14357 of 2022 Prakasam 1 9.05 387 4444 of 2022 8760 of 2022 Prakasam _10 11.46 388 4273 of 2022 7224 of 2022 Prakasam ¥ 9.65 389 | 4454 0f 2022/8661 of 2022 Prakasam 1 1.89 380_| 4825 of 2022 | 15617 of 2022 Prakasam | 2 19.68 391 | 5042 of 2022_| 11566 of 2022 Prakasam 2 19.59 392 4795 of 2022 ‘9150 of 2022 Prakasam_ 3 3.93 393 5078 of 2022 14315 of 2022 Prakasam_ 3 26.93 304 | 992 of 2022 | 16595 of 2022 Prakasam 5 14.91 395 | 5578 of 2022 | 16729 of 2022 Prakasam 2 11.49) 396 | 5828 of 2022 | 17162 of 2022 Prakasam 2 18.87 397 | 5329 of 2022 | 16597 of 2022 Prakasam 1 1.32 398 | “6507 of 2022 | 14376 of 2022 Prakasam 3 12.45 399 4310 of 2022 18154 of 2022 Prakasam 4 482 400 4876 of 2022 21571 of 2022 Prakasam_ 8 46.73 401 |” 4209 0f 2022 | 19685 of 2022 | Prakasam 12 20.25 402 4456 of 2022 17656 of 2022 | Prakasam 3 29.40 403 4470 of 2022 17963 of 2022 Prakasam 3 29.51 | 404 4504 of 2022 18238 of 2022 Prakasam + 9.80 405, 4520 of 2022 18227 of 2022 Prakasam 1 9.80 406 4774 of 2022 17955 of 2022 Prakasam 2 11.05 407_| 5007 of 2022, | 23170 of 2022 Prakasam i 9.80 408 | 4373 of 2022 | 18364 of 2022 Prakasam ae 8.87 409 4458 of 2022 18724 of 2022 Prakasam 9 57.16 410 | 4465 of 2022 17602 of 2022 Prakasam 3 26.01 | 4i1 4995 of 2022 | 23954 of 2022 Prakasam 1 2.99 412 | 4702 of 2022 | 7962 of 2022 Prakasam 4 9.09 413 2354 of 2022 1130 of 2022 Nellore 4 37.99 414 2437 of 2022 7793 of 2022 | Nellore = 23.69 418 | "2591 of 2022 | 25899 of 2021 | Nellore 7 44.62, 416 2714 of 2022 862 of 2022 Nellore 4 37.38 417_| 2728 of 2022 11774 of 2022 Nellore 1 9.02 418 3040 of 2022 1238 of 2022 Nellore 3 26.41 } 419 | 3072 of 2022 | 11045 of 2022 Nellore 4 104.77 | 420 | 3074 of 2022 | 14216 of 2022 Nellore 2 18.49 424 3076 of 2022 11179 of 2022 Nellore 4 37.34 422 | 3105 of 2022 731 of 2022 Nellore 4 36.32 423 | 3110 of 2022 | 908 of 2022 Nellore 4 286.92 424 3066 of 2022 5784 of 2022 Nellore + 7.43 425 | 2975 of 2022 12823 of 2022 Nellore 4 4.12 426 4084 of 2022 6400 of 2022 __ Nellore 1 8.18 [427 4484 of 2022 6088 of 2022 Nellore 4. 7.90 428 | 4501 of 2022 ‘5933 of 2022 Neliore ie 7.08 429 | 4452 of 2022 6305 of 2022 Nellore 1 647 | 430 4421 of 2022 10433 of 2022 Nellore 1 4.01 434 4331 of 2022 | 10198 of 2022 Nellore 1 5.28 432 |” 4926 of 2022 286 of 2022 Nellore 2 18.37 433 3614 of 2022 710 of 2022 Nellore 2 17.35 434 4092 of 2022 15131 of 2022 Nellore 1 21.09 435 4141 of 2022 15314 of 2022 Nellore 2 12. 59 436 | 4142 0f 2022_| 18627 of 2022 Nellore 1 6.02 437 5137 of 2022 27934 of 2021 Nellore 2 15.18 433 4217 of 2022 3796 of 2022 Nellore a 811 439 | 3036 0f 2022 | 16471 of 2022 Nellore 1 40.20 440 [2454 0f 2022 [10544 of 2022 Nellore 7 68.62 441 | 2467 0f 2022 | 10536 of 2022 Nellore 7 91.35 442 4088 of 2022 15136 of 2022 Nellore 2 10.10 443 | 4308 of 2022 | 15276 of 2022 Nellore 2 73.20 444 |" 4304 0f 2022 | 15281 of 2022 Nellore 1 2.60 445 4316 of. 2022 15143 of 2022 Nellore 1 1.78 } 446 | 4622 0f 2022 | 10057 of 2022 Nellore 4 |. 240 447 [4686 of 202216184 of 2022 Nellore 1 976 448 | 4689 of 2022 | 16190 of 2022 Nellore 1 6.19 | 448 | 4068 of 2022 28312 of 2021 Nellore fo 531 450 |” 4841 of 2022 | 18621 of 2022 Nellore 3 | __ 936 451 | 4801 of 2022 | 18596 of 2022 Nellore 1 7.58 462 | 4992 of 2022 | 21899 of 2022 Nellore 4 18.03 483 | 5013 0f2022 | 23146 of 2022 Nellore 1 311 454 | "4996 of 2022 | 27939 of 2021 Nellore i 1.86 455 | 4925 of 2022 572 of 2022 Nellore 2 17.29 486_| 5412 0f2022 | 10309 of 2022 Nellore af 3.75 487 [5514 of 2022 | 16734 of 2022 Neliore 1 26.66 458 | 4081 of 2022 | 27998 of 2021 Nellore 2 6.23 459 | 4197 of 2022 | 17193 of 2022 Nellore = 444 460 | 4623 of 2022 | 10036 of 2022 Nellore 1 254 461 | 5017 of 2022 | 14978 of 2022 Nellore 2 30.4 462_| 3101 of 2022 | 12843 of 2022 Nellore 1 47.66 463 | 3844 of 2022 14588 of 2022 — Nellore 2 41.72 464 |” 3030 of 2022 | 7091 of 2022 Nellore i 6.54 465_| 2355 of 2022 | 10016 of 2022 Nellore 7 71.42 [466 |~4016 of 2022 | 11925 of 2025 Nellore 2 15.76 467 | 4045 of 2022 | 16265 of 2022 Nellore 2 54.09 468 |” 4086 of 2022 | 9977 of 2022 Nellore 7 3.81 469 3605 T1417 of 2022 Kadapa 8 58.85 of 2022 470_| 3167 of 2022_| 2876 of 2022 Kadapa 2 78.64 474_| 4258 of 2022_| 14677 of 2022 Kadapa 73 106.1 472 | 4285 of 2022 [17168 of 2022 | Kadapa 5 32.86 473 |” 3088 of 2022 | 30849 of 2021 Kadapa i 15.26 474 | 4109 of 2022 | 16756 of 2022 Kadapa if 81.8 475 | 4247 of 2022 | 18805 of 2022 Kadapa 6 42.43 476 _| 4279 of 2022 | 18795 of 2022 Kadapa 9 5371 477 _| 4246 of 2022 16130 of 2022 — Kadapa 7 51.72 478 | 4282 of 2022 | 15985 of 2022 Kadapa 5 38.7 479 | 4343 0f 2022 | 14764 of 2022 Kadapa 5 36.55 480 _| 4153 of 2022 | 14155 of 2022 Kadapa 2 12.96 481 | 4126 0f 2022_| 13053 of 2022 Kadapa i 665 482 _| "4124 0f 2022 | 12833 of 2022 Kadapa 2 17.07 483 | 4202 of 2022 | 14360 of 2022 Kadapa 2 1651 484 [4205 of 2022 | 10318 of 2022 Kadapa 0 oO 485 | 4658 of 2022 | 31146 of 2021 Kadapa 7 847 486 | 4654 of 2022 ‘985 of 2022 Kadapa 4 28.91 487_| 4267 of 2022 20183 of 2022 Kadapa 3 29.18 488 | 2173 0f 2022 | 31054 of 2021 Kadapa 4 33.92 489 | 2684 0f 2022 | 10530 of 2022 Kadapa 9 78.19 490 _| "3476 of 2022 | — 31143 of 2001 Kadapa is 71 491 |” 4736 oF 2022 | 19230 of 2022 Kadapa 492 |" 2409 of 2022 | 8382 of 2022 Kadapa 2 q75 493 | 4260 of 2022 [21418 of 2000 Kadapa 2 71.86 494 | 4338 of 2022 | 16084 of 2022 Kadapa 5 42.08 495 | 4434 of 2022 | 9744 of 2022 Kadapa 7 4.37 496 | 4435 of 2022 |” 16857 of 2022 Kadapa 3 83.08 407 | 4436 of 2022 [14130 of 2023 Kadapa 5 22.45 498 |" 4442 of 2022 | 14640 of 2022 Kadapa i 22.37 499 | 4660 of 2022 19538 of 2022 | Kadapa 6 38.2 500_| "4700 of 2022 | 14259 of 2022 Kadapa 1 7.23 501 |" 4717 of 2022 | 18830 of 2022 Kadapa Zi 11.43 502 | 4749 of 2022 982 of 2022 Kadapa 3 27.93 503 _| 4782 of 2022 | 17334 of 2022 Kadapa 7 8.55 804 |" 4785 of 2022_| 8231 of 2022 Kadapa 7 853 505 |" 4903 of 2022 | 18186 of 2022 Kadapa 7 9.94 506_| 4904 of 2022" | 6248 of 2022 Kadapa 3_|__ 18.64 507_| 4918 of 2022 |" 21396 of 2022 Kadapa 7 4751 ‘508 |” 5001 of 2022} 13276 of 2022 Kadapa 4 30.49 509 |" 5016 of 2022 | 18924 of 2002 Kedapa 5 40.91 510_|" 5224 of 2022 | 20017 of 2022 Kadapa 2 14.56 511_| 5215 of 2022 | 20885 of 2022 Kadapa 2 17.18 512 | 22190f2022 | 8412 of 2022 Kadapa S13 | 4097 of 2022 | 15964 of 2022 | Kadapa i 94.88 a GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT esse Ettiates 202225- Budget Release Onde for Rs. 2485 59.000 (Rupees Mina fout crore sight fe lah iy sine Minot anton Dagscmert thousand) as ADDITIONAL FUNDS to = Orders -Iesued Gomez +. G.OMaNe5® France Busges) Deparment 90432001 2.GOMsNa70%. Farce Buds) Doprrnent, 1208-2015 3. 6 OMiNo38 France (Guipeti) Deprner,20:03:2022 4. BOM Neds, France (usps) Depart 01-0622 5. Water Resources Depart ie No, CD01 19042023-CADN 828824), 08-12:2022 sn gfiganee FHUANR I Dasara se No. FINO-FMLORBABKWR: 3577202282786) ‘ORDER: Jn puuance of he overs lsund in references oad above, tne Chet Engineer Mino inioaton Dasatmer is herby ‘esued n Budget Release Order For an arnaunto! 24 35.59000 -Pepous = Sorta pate sees ec ceeeeY Sank and, eet epuaton ade penny prowoen Of Rey ea supplementary rans stan appropiate ime during the CF 2022-23, lor mak payrren of pending lst oe noe es ‘under £13 Nos of Contempt Cases under Neeru-Cheti under he following HOA. sem} mnestneco | Crary | train | satuont | amet | tom | aomm | mom | mma =o Ss RE | wah | | | Se [hw ian: Cova oe Ran os FSS 5 [court real ot Func. Grout cer Cranes. [+ fereconvazem] —v coe] sm] om] saree] aaron] amma] va Le ‘Total soo] saree om sarsen| scan] sass a ‘Te (tate Resouces Sacatarat) Sha tate necessary actin fr lsue of amhisave eancton as per nsvatone 'ssued in U.O Note No. 29876-A/ 284A 8C.12005, France (BG!) Department 8125 11.2006 (BY ORDER ANO IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) ‘SHAMSHER SINGH RAWAT PRINCIPAL FMANGE SECRETARY TO GOVT ‘The ate Resa eprint Senna Vega _ AI Engin MA DMe 1672.4 Ran Se Manone Vy ‘ee utero Tamu & Accounts, hi Bh, ae APE, Mate << /-7 DicrHehs ecnt,M Bharane APHE Manggt ‘The Pay & Acero Nh a Nar APC Mangal The Arcana Gor genes The CE, APCS, ah Bhan Ne APC Merging sce FORWARDED i ORDER < APS v Paget of() \ GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCE (FMU-WR.!) DEPARTMENT UO Note No. 1742758 /FMU-WR.U2022 Dated. 20.06.2022 fSub: [Finance Department - FMU (W.R.) - Neeru-Chettu - Payment of bils — Reg Ref [1.G.0.Ms..No. 70, Inigation & CAD Department, dtd. 04-12-2014 2--G.O.Rt.No.798, Irrigation & CAD Department, ct.05-12-2014, . G.0. RtNo. 3301 Finance (FMU-WR.I) Department, dtd 19.08.2022 ‘The Government, vide the reference 1% & 2" read above, has inter-alia issued uidetines for the implementation of the Neeru-Chettu scheme. 2. Accordingly, under the aforementioned scheme, works were taken up under the administrative control of the W.R.Department i.e., de-siting & repairs / reconstruction of sluicesiweirs, strengthening of bunds of Minor Irigation Tanks, etc., and payments were made up to the year 2019. 3. The Vigilance and Enforcement(V&E) Department has taken up an enquiry on the irregularities that occurred in the implementation of Neeru-Chettu works in the State. in view of the same & pending the completion of the enquiry.the Government has stopped the Payments for works taken up under the scheme. 4. __In the meantime, while the V&E Department enquiry is under process, certain ‘agencies viho executed the works under the Neeru-Chettu scheme, approached the Hon'ble High Court for payment of bills & the Hon’ble High Court in certain cases has issued the directions to clear the bills, 5. _As per the proposais received from the Water Resources Department, in respect of the orders issued by the Hon'ble High Court in the CCsIWPs concemed, the Finance Department has issued Budget Release Orders along with appurtenant Memos, as mentioned hereunder. { z ‘NEERU CHETTU RELEASES ] = el: ] Amount | WRO File No.of | BRO FY | Spell | Category Date (Rs. | (Comp.)No. | | Cases | No. | mies\I | i ] | | | 06-03- 2021-22 | 1 | a-ccs| 25 | 2222 | 2022 8.93 | 09-04- 2 | A-cGs| 72 | 2822 | 2022 sase: | 140801 | 1 11-05. | | | 3 | A-CCs| 78 | 3188 2022 22.26 j 2022-23 06-06- 4 | A-ces | 103 | 3227 | 2022 Asi za rsiets WOT220 06-06- s_|8-wes| 491 | 3228 | 2022 | 122.44 | 1726286 TOTAL 229.95 5. Now, as the verification reports are being received by the W.R. Department, based ‘upon the enquiries conducted by the V&E Department & other verification teams, there is ‘need for making payments per the certification provided by the verification teams, (P.7.0) << 7. Accordingly the Finance Department vide the reference 3° read above, has places 1. amen of Re 200,00 crores at the disposal of the Water Resources. Depertment for aking the payments for the works where the verification is completed. §. To streamine the process ofthe vertication & payment forthe works taken up under fie Nese Chettu scheme. the folowing instructions are issued in consultation with the W.R. Department. (a) Water Resources Department. fi vi ‘Afier completion of the verification of the works by the agencies concemed Ga. VSE staff, WR Department staff & other Departmental teams, based Upon examination of the verification reports, the functionaries concemied will ‘rive the work wise amount to be paid Subsequent to the above, the concemed E.E. will send the proposals to the GE. Minor irrigation through S.E. to accord permission for making the payments. ‘The Water Resources Department shall prescribe a suitable format for the sending the proposals to C.E., Minor Irrigation. The CE, Minor Irrigation wil issue the proceedings permitting uploading of the bills against the BRO issued by the Finance Department. ‘The CE, Minor Irrigation will maintain the District-wise & Executive Engineer ise Watch Register on the proposals received and permissions accorded. ‘After permission is accorded for payment of (80) % of the amount against the BRO issued in the reference 9rd read above, the CE, Minor irrigation wil eave the proposal to Finance Department through Principal Secretary, WRD for the release of the next tranche of additional funds. ‘The Water Resources Department may take appropriate action to prioritize yeefcation of the works & the payments in respect of the works where specific directions are issued by the High Court (b) Director of Works & Accounts. ‘The payments are to be made from the Head of Account 4702-00-101- 11- 412-270-271 VN" ‘The scrutiny of the bills shall be taken up as per the prescribed procedure & as per the codal provisions & executive instructions issued by the competent authorities as applicable. ‘The bills for the works, if specifically sanctioned under the Neer-Chetty ‘eheme, shall be admitted into audit under the above HoA, irrespective of the sanction orders issued under another HOA. ‘The recoveries shall be made as per findings of V&E and other verification Teams along with the other statutory recoveries/deductions. (P.7.0) -Ib— 0 UN ¥. It shall be ensured that there is no duplication of the bills submitted by the DOs against the works (c) CEO, APCFSs. i, The mapping the Head of Account to the concerned DDOs in seamless manner for raising the bills in the CFMS. 8. The Water Resources Department / CE..Minor Irrigation/ Director of Works Accounts / CEO, APCFSS shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly SHAMSHER SINGH RAWAT ‘SPECIAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT ae Velo ‘The Principal Secretary, Water Resources Department, AP Secretariat, Velagapudi )._The CE Minor irigation Vijayawada The Director of Works Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam «The CEO, APCFSS Ibrahimpatnam Copy to: PS to Chief Secretary. PS to Special C.S. to Hon'ble Chief Ministe OSD to Hon'ble Finance Minister 3 to Special CS. Finance S to Secretary (BEIF) inance(®G) Department ‘SFISGs (1742758) an UFORWARDED fe SECTION OFFICER i COURT CASES: IMMEDIATE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH FINANCE (FMU-WR.!) DEPARTMENT Memo. No.1646891/FMU-WR.U2022 Dated 08.03.2022 ub: Finance Department - FMU(W.R1)- AP. High Court - "Neenu-Chettl’ = Contempt Gases — CCS fled in the Hon'bie High Court for clearing the pills under "Neeru-Chettu" works - Reg, Ref: 1. GO.RtNo. 70, Inigation & CAD Department, dated 04-12-2014 2. Letter NoPRRO‘/RDOMISC/67/RD.1/2019, dated 1-8-2019 of the PR&RD Department. $ Letter No DEC-OT2/AEE-NC/Neeru-Chettu, dated 2-3-2022 of the Chief Engineer, Minor & Medium Irrigation, Vijayawada ‘The Government, vide the G.O. in the reference 1% read above, have issue the deteled guidelines on the "Neeru-Chettu’ Sub-Mission (NCM), & eet Chetit the deter aration Mission wih Water Resources Deperiment ae the nodal department 2. Accordingly, a large number of works were taken up under the Progra the 2 RD Department consisting of de-silinglrepairs /reconstruction of SUSe® & WD aauengthening of Minor Irigation Tanks/ etc, & payments were made UP tothe year 2019 3, Inthe meantime. the Vigilance & Enforcement (V8E) Departnen! hes taken dip enuiry on irregularities that occurred in implementation of Neeru-Chettu works in the State, ‘4. Inthe light of the aforementioned enquiry ordered by PRERD Deparment 4 eres ond read above trough VBE Department, the Governmen Has aoe etme, payments for tne works taken up under this programme fil He stoppetion process is completed and the amount tobe paid is determines, 5. The enquiry of the V&E Department & District Verification teams is under process. Inthe meantime, certain contracting agencies who have executed 1he works 5 jer Nec Chelly Programme have approached the Hon'ble High Court for payment of pending bills 7. The Hor'ble High Court has ordered to clear the pending bills & Keeptig © 7. the ardene of the Hlontble High Court in the WPS/CCSs, the Chief Engineer, Minor Tragation in fis letter 3° read above has requested to make the payments in the Contempt Cases filed (P.7.0) 8 __ After careful examination of the request of CE, Minor Irrigation, orders are Reedy issued for releasing an amount of Rs.603.00 lakhs to cles the bile in the Contempt Cases as per the list enclosed by adopting the following procedure: 2), The payment of an emount of Rs 892 56 lakhs [Rs.364,00 lakhs in the © from mal Bppearance cases & Rs.527.66 lakhs in the (19) CCs is to be made from the Head of Account 4702-00-101-11-12-270-271VN" B). The ODOs of the engineering divisions in respect of the (25) contempt ‘cases shall be mapped to the above HoA ©). The DDOs shall prefer the bills under the above HOA and submit the same {o the respective PAQs in tespect of the (25) Contempt Cases, as per he Int Caclosed, Subject to recovery of the amount, if any, as por the VE or Distet verification team findings, ©), The PAOs shall clear the bils, after scrutiny, & as per the established procedures. ©) The CEO, APCFSS shall faciltate the seamless mapping & raising of the bills, '), The Director of Works Accounts is authorised to admit the bills into aucit under the above HoA irrespective of the sanction orders issued under another Hoa. 9). The division wise & DDO wise list of the contempt cases is as follows: (P70) ee 19 — i ] | fet lamount (Rs. ae cision Ne ofBis| 0D0.Goue MEA amet | 42 | Se,MiMons. | 42 _Voseaiayzoot | “10808 Gur | 4 Pee 3 | orais2t0012 a | EE, Spi.Division, 2 Kegshna | 3 Vigyaweda’ 3 | 06441212001 | 146.67 nee ee Prekasam| 1 atlas 1 | ore11212003 2+, osesr2t000@ | 29018 | notoe | 8 | WEE WRD | | EERetereNows [a | opesrzo008 [ss | Graco | 2 [EE MmgnOMsion |g | atazizrzoot | 7798 ee vee ae | iin ee pea ee | ge al | sszs8 @. The Principal Secretary, W.R. Department / The CEO, APCFSS / The Chief Engineer, Minor Irigation / The Director of Works Accounts, !prahimpatnam are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly. SHAMSHER SINGH RAWAT SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (EXPR) To ‘The Water Resourees Department, A.P, Secretariat The Chief Engineer, Minor Irigation, Vijayawada The CEO, APCFSS, lbrahimpatnam ‘The Director of Works Accounts, Ibrahimpatnam Copy to: “The PS to Special C.S., Finance The PS to Secretary (B&IF). SF/SCs (1648891 FORWARDED :: BY ORDER! f 1s cael . —Q0-

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