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Chicka Husnul Hafifah1

Osly Usman2
Office Administration Study Program S1, Faculty of Economics, University of

This study was made to identify and analyze the factors that affect student discipline
in the form of a family environment, motivation to learn, peers, and discipline.
Techniques used in the sampling in this study is the Smart PLS, with a sample of 200
respondents. Collecting data using questionnaires using Smart Partial Least Square,
with software Smart PLS 3.0. Results and discussion of research shows that the
influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The results of this
study were 1) Environmental Learning has the effect of 66.036% of the Student
Discipline. 2) Motivation has the effect of 1.653% to the Student Discipline. 3) Peers
have the effect of 2.240% to the Student Discipline. 4) Rules of Conduct have the effect
of 2.210% to the Student Discipline. The conclusion of this study was the effect of
Family Environment, Motivation, Peers, and Rules of Conduct affect the Student
Family Environment, Motivation, Peers, Discipline, Discipline Students

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PRELIMINARY the teachers even to get into the law to
Social beings have a tendency to resolve the dispute. Moral already
behave distorted. They are independent started to decline at the current
from each other. In another dimension students, causing their special attention
of deviant behavior is a behavior that is to address or simply cultivate discipline
incompatible with the values and norms in their activities.
sosial.dilihat of it then education is a Therefore the solution of the problems
matter that must be owned by an of education today adala discipline,
individual or group of individuals with including discipline in time, discipline
the basic knowledge, skills and habits in bealjar or discipline in ethics and
they have. discipline in the use. With the goal of
Thus if it is allowed to happen would eliminating it happens expected
cause turmoil in the social everyone has private and abiding
berkehidupan. Education is vital in consciousness with regulations -
increasing the quality of an individual regulations in terms of discipline. The
or group. Attitudes and behaviors rules have a strong bond to discipline
emerging disciplines of consciousness students. Adherence to the rules
itself will generate a positive impact on everyone how good source of
themselves and their environment. consciousness itself not because of fear
Education and good learning outcomes or because of other reasons.
can be the benchmark the extent to Obedience, obedience mapun
which the education should be. consciousness occurs not arrive -
According Brubacher (Brubacher, Arrived but influenced by factors -
Modern Philosophies of Education, other factors are derived from self or
1962)"Education is well organized and come from outside yourself. As noted
complete development of all human Unaradjan Dolet(Dolet, 2003) that the
potential, morally, intellectually and formation of the discipline as behavior
physically by the personality of the is influenced olreh following two
individual and for society as well as the factors internal factors are derived from
usefulness of which is directed at within the students themselves, while
collecting all those activities for the external factors are factors that come
purpose of his life. from outside the student such as family,
The state of education in Indonesia school and community.
currently has many cases that seemed to Family environment is an individual
impose the principle of education in human environment since the
Indonesia. The news circulated that the beginning of birth to the earth. Family
student's behavior are not well done to environment is seen as a primary source

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in the development of the importance of must be obeyed and obeyed and
environmental education keluarha implemented by the community. This
make family has an influence on the opinion stressed that discipline is
discipline. How parents treat mandatory to be run by people with no
upbringing, the atmosphere and the exception.
circumstances are very influential in the So based on this analytic, the writer
discipline. wanted to know whether the family
Motivation is an impulse that is environment, motivation to learn,
within themselves to do pencpaian of peers, and regulations can significantly
what is desired. Encouragement from affect keisiplinan students.
someone will get a little effect until a
great influence in the discipline of
learning. So as to increase the FRAMEWORK theoretical
awareness of each individual person.
Interaction at the college include the
Discipline is something that blends
lecturers, friends and also with the local
in person. Discipline arise primarily
community college tnggi. Based on that
because their inner consciousness and
peers can influence student discipline.
faith that what was good and beneficial
The behavior of peers can influence the
to themselves and the people.
behavior of any person because the
Discipline is an orderly situation
individual in addition to
where people joined in a system,
communicating with his family also
subject to the regulations that exist
communicate with their peers in these
happily. (Mulyasa, 2012)
interactions which will occur the
Discipline is a condition that is
process of mutual influence, especially
created and developed through a series
influential in the discipline. Therefore,
of behaviors that menunjukkannilai-
to behave socially with peers will affect
value loyalty, obedience, kepatuan,
the improvement of discipline everyone
order or loyalty. (Tu'u, 2004)
to learn.
Discipline students according to
The rules is a rule that must be
Tulus Tu'u in education research is
implemented and adhered to and, if
influenced by several factors,
violated, will get penalized either mild
or severe punishment sentence. In order
1. Follow and obey the rules, values
mrngatur behaviors and actions so as
and applicable law.
not to deviate from the norms and
2. Opt-in and obedience was mainly
values. According Adiwimarta in
arise because of the consciousness
Prayoga(Et al)rules are rules - rules that

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that it is useful for the good and the Learning is the product (yield), as
success of himself. a process and as well as a function. As
3. As an educational tool to influence, the product is getting major attention is
change, fostering and shaping the ultimate form, as the results in the
behavior in accordance with the form of the concept of skills and
specified values or taught. attitudes. Learning as a process mainly
According Nurchotim, the factors that seen in sesuatuyang occur during the
affect the interest in entrepreneurship, learning experience takes place, while
namely: learning is seen as a function if it is
1. Intrinsic factors include the need aimed at those aspects that cause
for revenue, motive, self-esteem, a behavioral changes within the
sense of excitement and attention. educational experience. (Surakhmad,
2. extrinsic factors that include 2003)
family, community, and Motivation comes from the
educational English word is "Motivation".
opportunities.(Hidayatullah, 2012) Motivation is the impulse or stimulus
that comes from inside (inner) or a
person's heart. Who moves his
Family is first and foremost a place
conscious behavior to meet the needs or
where children are educated and
achieve its target goals. Motivation can
brought up. The family is "the family a
also be viewed as a symptom of mind
group of related individuals who live
which serve as a spur to human
together and cooperate as a unit," which
activities. The formation of the
means the family is a group of
symptoms of the mind can be
individuals who have something to do,
influenced by internal factors and
to live together and work together in a
external factors. (Suryabrata, 2011)
unit. (Mary, 2017)
According to GR Terry were
External factors that influence the
translated by J Smith DFM "Motivation
success or failure of students in the
can be defined as an effort for someone
learning process is the family
to finish the job with passion because
environment. Family environment is
there are goals to be achieved."
the first and main influence for life,
growth, and development of a person. Motivation is the energy change in
(Slameto, Learning and Factors the shape of a person's real activity in
Affecting 2003) the form of physical activity, because a
person has a particular purpose of the
MOTIVATION TO LEARN activity, the person has a strong

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motivation to achieve it with every existing regulations. (Ministry of
effort he can do to achieve it. Education, 2001)
(Djamarah, 2011) According Mulyono (Mulyono,
awareness of a Nation, 2000) factors
FRIENDS OF THE SAME AGE that affect school discipline, namely:
The peer group mean individual 1. Family environmental factors
members of a peer group that has 2. School environmental factors
similarities in its various aspects. 3. Community environmental factors
Teenagers have a strong need to be School discipline is a peratuean be
liked and accepted peer or group. As a obeyed or enforced in schools so that
result, they will feel happy if they are teaching and learning can take place
admitted and instead will feel very smoothly. In the school rules usually
depressed and anxious when issued and contained things - things made by
underestimated by fellow peers. students. (Habsari, 2005)
(Vembriarto, 1993)
According to Abu Ahmadi
(Ahmadi, 2007), There are some
functions peers, namely:
1. Teaching children to get along with
2. Teach the culture of the people
3. Taught obedience to the rule and
authority of interpersonal
4. Teach authority regardless of who RESEARCH HYPOTHESES
rules were made and from whom the H1: Learning Environment influence
order came from. on Student Discipline
H2: Motivation affects the Student
The rules are a set of rules -aturan H3: Peer influence on Student
made in writing and binding on Discipline
members of the public. (Mulyono, H4: Rules of Conduct affects the
awareness of a Nation, 2000) Student Discipline
School rules are good rules or H5: Family Environment, Motivation,
regulations, and is the result of Peers, and Rules of Conduct affect the
consistent implementation of the Student Discipline.

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The dependent variable in this study is the Student Discipline. While the independent
variable in this study is the Learning Environment, Motivation, Peers, and the Rules of
Procedure. Methods of data analysis used in this study is the Smart PLS. Smart or Smart
Partial Least Square PLS is a statistical software together with LISREL and AMOS
purpose is to examine the relationship between variables, latent variables and the good
people with the indicator variables, or manifest. Partial least squares is a multivariate
statistical technique that can handle a lot of the response variable and explanatory
variables at once. This research was conducted in Indonesia, especially on students who
are domiciled in Jakarta with the number of respondents 200 people.

Operational Definition of Variables

variables variable definition Indicator
Discipline Students Student discipline is a state 1. Obey and adhere to
(Y) orderly where people school rules
joined in a system, subject to 2. Discipline in the
the existing regulations with school entrance
pleasure 3. Order while attending
4. The task on time
Family Family environment is the 1. The first place of
Environment (X1) first and main influence for education
life, growth, and development 2. The interaction of
of a person. parents and children
3. Someone
4. Future hope
Motivation (X2) Motivation is the driving or 1. Energy Changes
driving that exist within 2. Physical activity in
themselves to do something in achieving the
order to achieve what is objectives
desired. 3. Ambition
With a boost in a person then 4. Education
it can affect students in the 5. Effort to achieve
discipline of learning. the purpose of the

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Peers (X3) Peer groups are a source of 1. Teamwork
friendship, status, and sense of 2. Sympathy
belonging that is important in 3. empathy
the school situation. 4. Honesty
Peers are expected to bring a 5. Mutual sharing
positive impact to the 6. Mutual respect
development of students at
school and can provide a
infomrasi that well, it can
also provide assistance when
friends were having trouble
making people feel noticed,
dicantai, and worth.
Rules of Conduct The rules are good rules or 1. Attitudes, behaviors,
(X4) regulations, and is the result of and actions
consistent implementation of 2. reward
3. Enforcement of
the existing regulations.


Figure constellation 1 (score loading factor)

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figure 1, constellation 1

The image above shows that the construct of the learning environment is
measured by five indicators: LB1, LB2, LB3, LB4, LB5 then to build motivation to
learn can be measured by five indicators, namely MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4, MB5 so
Jugan with peers can be measured by 5 indicators, namely TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, TS5
and to implement the discipline can be measured with indicators that TT1, TT2, TT3,
TT4, TT5. Direction of the arrow between the indicator using reflective relative
peneltian appropriate to measure the influence or relationship that will be examined
(hypothesis) is denoted by arrows between the constructs.
Values above is a correlation between the indicator with konstruknya.
Indicators with permuatan low value indicates that the indicator is not working or is
not significant to the measurement models with the value received must be> 0.7.
Based on a constellation of Figure 1 load factor calculation results with software
Smartpls Version 3 provides that the environmental indicators of learning, motivation
to learn, peer and student discipline is not significant. The data has a value of <0.7 in
Table 1 below should be written off as insignificant and have no correlation.

Table 1. Results of Outer Loading

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Researchers conducted a second order to recalculate the significant data and meentukan
reliability of such data by deleting indicators that have no correlation with the
constructs as depicted in Figure 1. The results of the second constellation constellation
order is illustrated in Figure 2

Figure constellation 2 (Rated Loading Factors)

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figure 2, constellation 2

Based on data from the second order, the researchers analyzed data back to the PLS
approach, which is done by evaluating the measurement model and the structural
A. Evaluation Measurement (outer) Model
1. test validity
Suatu indicator will be declared invalid if it has a loading factor of> 0.5 to construct
that will be addressed. Here are the results of loading factors showed the following

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Outer Model (Weights or Loading)

Testing the validity of the reflective indicator by using the correlation between scores
of items with a score konstruknya. Measurements with a reflective indicator indicates
the presence of a change in an indicator, within a construct indicators if another
indicator on the same construct to be changed or eliminated from the model.
Reflective indicator is suitable for measuring the perception that this study uses a
reflective indicator, based on the data above shows that the second order with whole
coefficient indicator has a value of> 0.5 can be said that an indicator used in this study
is valid or has met the validity covergent ,
Furthermore, an indicator will be tested to determine these indicators reflective or not
with the methods used to see discriminat validity of this research is to look at the value
of Square Root of Average Variance Extracted (AVE). The value of data that must be
held by a data> 0.5, then the data is received. Here are the results of AVE in the study:

The above table attribute that value AVE on the learning environment, motivation to
learn, peers, order and discipline of students above 0.5 or can be said to be valid. AVE
value low of 0.828 in the construct peers.

2. test Reliability

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Reliability testing is done by looking at the value of the reliability of a composite
indicator that measures the construct. The results will show the value of composite
reliability satisfactory if the value is above 0.7. Here is a composite value of reliability
in this study:

The above table shows that the reliability of the composite value for all construction
above 0.7 which shows all constructs in the research model meets discriminant validity.
The lowest composite score is equal to 0,906 which is a construct of Peers.

Test reliability can also be enhanced by Cronbach's Alpha with the suggested value is>
0.7. Here is the value of Cronbach's Alpha in this study:

From the table above, the value of Cronbach's Alpha to construct this study shows the
value of> 0.7 indicators that measure the construct in this study said to be reliable.
Values in the table above shows that the value of the construct of the family
environment, motivation to learn, peers, order and discipline students> 0.7, it can be
said to be reliable.

B. Structural Testing Model

Once the model that do meet the criteria in the outer model, the researchers will conduct
testing with structural models (inner model). Here below are the results of the R Square
value of this research:

(R Square)

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Based on the above table shows that the variable R Square on student discipline have
a yield of 0.874. The results of> 0.33 stated that the influence of other variables. This
can be confirmed by demonstration of the results of the path coefficients table that uses
the Smart PLS v.3 nonparametic researchers used a test to determine a significant level
path coefficients, where the value of T is generated by running the algorithm on
bootstrap in Smart PLS application used to menentukkan whether the hypothesis
accepted or not. In a significant level P Values 0.05 hypothesis would be supported if
the T-Statistic exceeds the value of 1,652.
(Path Coefficients)

From the table above, the statistical value T and P values for indicators of this study
indicate that the statistical value of T> 1.645 and P <0.05, an indicator that measures
the construct in this study is the family environment, motivation to learn, peers and
discipline is significant effect on student discipline because the value generated at T>
1.645 and P <0.05.

The table above shows the influence of the independent variables with the dependent
variable. From the above data, it can be concluded that the influence of the learning
environment on student discipline amounted to 66.036> 1.652 T Statistics show that
independent variables affect the dependent variable, which means that the learning
environment influence on student discipline. While the influence of students'
motivation to learn to discipline by 1,653> 1,652 T Statistuc which indicates that the
variable independently that influence the dependent variable, which means that the
motivation to learn an effect on student discipline. Then the order had an influence on
the discipline of students with a value of 2.210> 1, 652 T Statistuc which indicates that
the variable independently that influence the dependent variable, which means that the
order of influence on student discipline but with a lower value. So also with peers
having an influence on the discipline of students with a value of 2,240> 1,652 T
Statistuc which indicates that the variable independently that influence the dependent
variable, which means that peers influence on student discipline.

Based on the above presentation variables that have a major influence on student
discipline is a family environment variables. While that has a low impact on student

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discipline is self-motivation variable. it can be said that if someone has a family
environment with a strong positive for the nature of the discipline of being a student
would have great interest to become a disciplined, while if a person has the motivation
to be disciplined not necessarily have the interest to be disciplined. The above
description shows that there is a mutual effect - similar and significant correlation
between the learning environment, motivation to learn, peers and discipline to
discipline students.

CONCLUSION mengikutin level of discipline

Based on the data obtained, the data someone.
analysis and discussion in this study on 4. The rules significantly affect the
the influence of family environment, discipline of students with
motivation to learn, peers and coefficient 2,210 lines. The bigger
discipline to discipline students the boost in running order, the
conclusions that can be drawn from this attitudes to be disciplined will
study are as follows: appear.
1. Learning environment 5. It can be concluded that the family
significantly affects the discipline environment, motivation to learn,
of students with a value of 66.036 peers and discipline to discipline
coefficient lines.Due to having a the students have a significant
healthy family environment effect.
deepest it will be able to encourage
people to be disciplined.
2. Motivation to learn significant
effect on the discipline of students
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discipline of students with of Education.
coefficient 2,240 lines. With the Djamarah, SB (2011). Psychology of
presence of friends at the same age Learning. Jakarta: Rineka
level can be one person to Reserved.

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