CN QB-Final

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Question Bank on Computer Networks (21CS52)

Module 1
SL Questions RBL CO Marks
1 Describe the key design issues for the layers encountered in computer networks as L2 1 10
information moves through different layers.
2 How does connectionless service differ from connection-oriented service, and L1 1 10
what analogy is used to describe it? Explain it with six different types of service.
3 Describe the primitives associated with connection-oriented service and Explain L2 1 10
the role of primitives like SEND, RECEIVE, and DISCONNECT in facilitating
communication between client and server processes.
4 Describe the TCP/IP protocol suite, accompanied by a clear diagram highlighting L2 1 10
its distinctions from the OSI model. Illustrate the TCP/IP model by outlining the
protocols associated with each layer.
5 Explain the primary function of the physical layer in networking. How does the L1 1 10
physical layer contribute to the transmission of data between machines?
6 Describe magnetic media and twisted pair cables, including their respective L2 1 10
specifications, accompanied by diagram.
7 Describe fiber optics and provide examples illustrating the transmission of light L2 1 10
ray through fiber.
8 Discuss the electromagnetic spectrum and its applications in communication. L2 1 10
What is the significance of radio waves being omnidirectional, why are radio
frequency (RF) waves widely used for communication, both indoors and outdoors?

Module 2
SL Questions RBL CO Marks
1 Describe how the mechanism of error correction and detection is handled by the L2 2 10
Data link layer in detail.
2 Illustrate how errors are detected using CRC-CCITT (16- bits) with an example. L2 2 10
3 Write a note on i) Data link layer design issues ii) Elementary data link protocols. L1 2 10
4 Compare and Contrast A Simplex Stop-and-Wait Protocol for an Error-Free L2 2 10
Channel against A Simplex Stop-and-Wait Protocol for a Noisy Channel.
5 Describe A Protocol Using Go-Back-N in detail. L2 2 10
6 Elucidate A Protocol Using Selective Repeat in detail. L1 2 10
7 Give a detailed comparison between pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA. L1 2 10
8 Explain various Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols in detail. L1 2 10

Module 3
SL Questions RBL CO Marks
1 Distinguish between virtual circuit and Datagram network. L2 3 10
2 Illustrate types of routing algorithms. Elucidate with an example shortest path L2 3 10
3 Apply and show the best distance for a given source and destination using L3 3 10
Bellman-Ford (Distance Vector Routing) algorithm.
Note: Source is J and the Destination is G

4 Demonstrate the count-to-infinity problem due to convergence while finding the L3 3 10

best route in a network.
5 Distinguish between Hierarchical and link state routing with an example. L2 3 10

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