Ajuntha Josni - Product D&D - T1

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STUDENT ID: BBA 2210-6630


Discuss any 5 challenges of product development. Provide relevant examples for your
answer. (15 marks)

1. Dynamic: It can be challenging to forecast a product's performance in the market,

which creates uncertainty about consumer demand and preferences. For example,
consider a technology business creating a brand-new smartphone feature. They can't
be certain whether shoppers will adore the feature or not.

2. Testing and quality control: It can take a lot of time and resources to ensure product
quality and safety through comprehensive testing and quality control procedures. To
ensure performance and safety, new aircraft in the aerospace sector must undergo
extensive testing. To achieve strict safety regulations, extensive testing is necessary.

3. Competitive Environment: Differentiating a new product and gaining market share are
typically tough due to the market being saturated with competitors and existing items.
Because established players like Apple and Samsung dominate the smartphone
market, entry is difficult. To stand out and effectively compete, new entrants must
make significant investments in distribution, marketing, and innovation.

4. Resource limitations: Resources, time, and financial restrictions can all limit product
development efforts. A tiny startup that wants to create a new mobile application can
run into issues with finance, time, and staffing.

5. Technical Difficulty: Technology advancements may make product creation more

difficult and expensive, necessitating specialized knowledge and resources. For
instance, creating electric vehicles with cutting-edge autonomous driving features
presents substantial technological obstacles for the automobile industry.

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