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Prediction of impact force of debris flows based on distribution and size of


Article in Environmental Earth Sciences · February 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-5180-2


62 2,858

3 authors:

Siming He Wei Liu

Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment


Xinpo Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298
DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-5180-2


Prediction of impact force of debris flows based on distribution

and size of particles
Siming He1,2,3 • Wei Liu1,2 • Xinpo Li1,2

Received: 30 November 2014 / Accepted: 20 October 2015

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract A debris flow is a solid–liquid two-phase flow; Introduction

the composition and gradation of the particles within have
a significant influence on its impact force. This paper As natural phenomena, debris flows play an important role
proposes a new method for studying the impact force in sediment transfer and erosion in mountainous zones
according to the composition of a debris flow based on throughout the world. Debris flows are water-saturated
analysis of existing calculation methods. The impact force masses of soil and fragmented rock that are intermediate in
is divided into three parts: (1) the dynamic pressure pro- character between rock avalanches and flash floods
vided by the debris flow slurry, which is composed of fine according to their mechanical behavior. Debris flows have
particles and water; (2) the impact force of coarse particles; a solid volume fraction that exceeds 0.4, peak speeds that
and (3) the impact force of boulders. This paper analyzes surpass 10 m/s, and volumes that approach 109 m3 (Iverson
the established formulations used to calculate the impact and George 2014). Therefore, debris flows commonly have
force by using hydrodynamic theory and contact mechanics high mobility and extremely destructive natures, posing a
to propose a debris flow impact model according to the high risk to human life, safety, and property in mountain-
debris flow type. The results show that the impact force is ous regions (Iverson 1997; Iverson and Denlinger 2001;
closely related to the solid volume fraction, composition of Iverson et al. 2011; Iverson and George 2014; Luna et al.
particle materials, motion velocity, and depth of a debris 2012; Ouyang et al. 2014; Canelli et al. 2012; Tang et al.
flow. Among all the components of the impact force, the 2012; Eidsvig et al. 2014). Debris flows cause damage
boulder impact force is the largest followed by the impact mainly in three ways: deposition, entrainment, and direct
force of coarse particles; the dynamic pressure is minimal. impact (Hu et al. 2011). However, impact is the main factor
that causes structural destruction (Mizuyama 1979; Hungr
Keywords Debris flow  Solid–liquid two-phase flow  et al. 1984; Armanini 1997; Zhang 1993; Shieh et al. 2008;
Gradation of particles  Impact force Hübl et al. 2009; Moriguchi et al. 2009). There is an
increasingly greater need for predicting the impact force of
debris flows for vulnerability and risk assessments as well
as for designing mitigation measures to withstand such
impact forces (Bugnion et al. 2012; Scheidl et al. 2013).
& Wei Liu However, the impact mechanism is poorly understood, owing partly to difficulties in measuring impact force (Hu
Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Surface Process,
et al. 2011). At present, two different approaches exist for
Chinese Academy of Science, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, calculating the impact force of debris flows: hydrostatic
China models (Lichtenhahn 1973; Armanini 1997; Hübl et al.
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese 2009) and hydrodynamic formulas (Watanabe and Ike
Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China 1981; Zhang 1993; Egli 2000; Wendeler et al. 2006;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Bugnion et al. 2012). A hydrostatic model is assumed to be
Sciences, Chengdu, China proportional to the hydrostatic pressure exerted on a fixed

298 Page 2 of 8 Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298

Fig. 1 Classification standard

for particle sizes of debris flows

barrier by a debris flow. In general, the hydrostatic formula The objective of this study is to investigate the impact
of a debris flow can be expressed as forces of debris flows based on grain size distributions and
pmax ¼ kqgh; ð1Þ debris components. We divide the impact force of a debris
flow into three parts: (1) the dynamic pressure of slurry, (2) the
where pmax denotes the maximum debris flow impact impact force of coarse particles, and (3) the impact force of
pressure, k is an empirical parameter, q is the density of the boulders. The corresponding calculation formula is then pre-
debris flow, h is the total flow height, and g is the gravi- sented. In this study, the sizes of solid particles are classi-
tational acceleration. fied into three categories: fine particles with grain sizes less
However, impact force is related to factors other than than 10 mm, boulders with grain sizes greater than 500 mm,
flow depth and velocity. The hydrostatic model theoreti- and coarse particles with grain sizes between the two (Fig. 1).
cally does not consider the fact that dynamic impact is
related to hydrodynamic action rather than hydrostatic
pressure (Moriguchi et al. 2009). Dynamic pressure formula of debris flow slurry
A hydrodynamic formula is assumed to be proportional
to the square of the flow velocity from the change in fluid The slurry characteristics of a debris flow deviate from that of
momentum (Mizuyama 1979). In general, the impact an ideal fluid and depend on the constituents forming the slurry
hydrodynamic formula of a debris flow can be expressed as phase such as silt, clay, and fine particles. Assuming a debris
flow slurry with average velocity vf , flow depth h, and width b
pmax ¼ aqv2 ; ð2Þ
on an impact barrier (Fig. 2), the momentum theorem is
where pmax denotes the maximum debris flow impact    
pf bh Dt ¼ qf bhvf Dt vf ; ð3Þ
pressure, a is the empirical coefficient, and v is the average
velocity of a debris flow. where pf denotes the dynamic pressure of the slurry of a
Mizuyama (2008) reported that a limitation of hydro- debris flow, qf is the density of the slurry, vf is the average
dynamic formulas is that the impact process of debris flows velocity of the slurry, and Dt is the impact time.
is transient and unsteady and thus cannot be described by a Then, the dynamic pressure exerted by the slurry of a
certain constant velocity distribution. debris flow on a barrier can be expressed as
In summary, the existing impact force formulas of
pf ¼ qf v2f : ð4Þ
debris flows, both hydrostatic and hydrodynamic, consider
the flow as a single-phase homogeneous medium. Labo-
ratory testing and in situ monitoring data are incorporated
into hydraulics formulas, thereby synthetically reflecting Impact pressure exerted by coarse particles
the overall impact force of a debris flow. During laboratory
testing, however, the influence of the scale effect and the In this paper, coarse particles refer to the transition size
layout and size of the impact sensors for in situ monitoring between fine particles and boulders. Owing to the broad
prevents impact force analysis from accurately reflecting range in the size of coarse particles, we use the average
the actual debris flow conditions. In particular, the impact
of boulders is two to three orders of magnitude greater than
the dynamic pressure of the slurry and is the main factor
contributing to barrier damage (Suwa and Okuda 1983).
A debris flow is a typical solid–liquid two-phase fluid
flow that consists of a broad distribution of grain sizes from
65 lm to several meters. Fine particles and water form a
relatively uniform slurry, and coarse particles form slurry
packages. Their mobility differs; therefore, the impacts of
debris flows should be calculated separately based on their
compositions and the differences in their mobility
Fig. 2 Computation mode of dynamic pressure of debris flow slurry

Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298 Page 3 of 8 298

4 d50 3
Pg ¼ E d2 ; ð6Þ
3 2
where Pg denotes the impact force of a single particle, d50
is the average size of the coarse particles, E is the equiv-
alent elastic modulus, and d is the contact deformation.
Assuming vs and qs represent the velocity and density of
coarse particles, respectively, the following equation can
be derived according to the conservation of energy:
"   # Zdmax  12
1 4 d50 3 2 4 d50 3
p qs vs ¼ E d2 dd: ð7Þ
2 3 2 3 2

Then, the impact force formula of a single coarse par-

Fig. 3 Hertz contact of two nonconforming elastic bodies ticle can be expressed as
4 5 0:6 0:4 d50 2 0:6 1:2
Pg ¼ p E qs vs
particle size, d50 , as a representative for calculating the 3 4 2
impact force exerted by coarse particles. Because d50 is d50
¼ 3:03E0:4 q0:6 1:2
s vs : ð8Þ
relatively small, the impact is correspondingly limited; 2
therefore, the influence of non-linear characteristics on the According to the volume fraction of a solid, the total
impact contact of the particles can be ignored. The impact number of coarse particles per unit area is expressed as
force of a single coarse particle may be computed (Iverson et al. 2010)
according to the Hertz contact theory (Johnson 1985; Vu- u
Quoc et al. 2001; Braccesi and Landi 2007). Consider two N ¼  2 ; ð9Þ
spheres, sphere (1) and sphere (2), in contact with each p 2
other as shown in Fig. 3, and subjected to a normal contact where N is the total number of coarse particles per unit
force P. Let R1 and R2 be the radii of sphere (1) and sphere area, and u is the solid volume fraction of the debris flow.
(2), respectively. The material properties of sphere (1) are The average impact pressure formula of coarse particles
denoted by E1 for the Young’s modulus and l1 for Pois- can be written as
son’s ratio; similar properties are given for sphere (2). The
equivalent Young’s modulus E can be expressed as Pg ¼ 0:964E0:4 q0:6 1:2
s vs u: ð10Þ
(Johnson 1985):
1 1  m21 1  m22
¼ þ
E E1 E2 Impact force of boulders
and the relative radius R of contact curvature as (Johnson
Huang et al. (2007) applied the theory of elastic collision to
build a boulder impact model based on the Hertz law. In
1 1 1 their studies, the two balls in the collision represent a
¼ þ :
R R1 R2 concrete barrier and a boulder. Assuming the collision is
elastic and the radius and mass of the concrete barrier are
The normal contact force–displacement relation can be
significantly larger than those of the boulder, the impact
expressed as
force of the boulder can be expressed as
4 1 3  0:6
P ¼ ER2 d2 ; ð5Þ 4 5qs p2
3 Fb ¼ pðk1 þ k2 Þ0:4 U 1:2 R2 ; ð11Þ
3 4g
where P denotes the contact force, and d is the normal
approach or interference. where k1 ¼ 1m 1m2
E1 , k2 ¼ E2 , Fb represents for the impact

Assume that the concrete barrier is in half-space force of the boulder, U is the moving velocity of the
(R2 ! 1) relative to a single coarse particle and that the boulder, R is the radius of the boulder, qs is the density of
concrete barrier and coarse particle have the same Young’s the boulder, and E1 , E2 , l1 and l2 denote Young’s elastic
modulus and Poisson ratio (E1 ¼ E2 , l1 ¼ l2 ). Then, the modulus and the Poisson ratio of the concrete barrier and
impact force of a single coarse particle may be expressed as boulder, respectively.

298 Page 4 of 8 Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298

Huang et al. (2007) used experimental results to modify The impact force formula of a boulder is presented as
the impact models and obtained a more reasonable and  nþ1
universal model: nþ1 3 2
Fb ¼ c pR U qs : ð17Þ
Fb ¼ 30:8U 0:5 R2 : ð12Þ
However, the impact interaction between a boulder and
a barrier involves complicated elastic–plastic deformation
and energy conversion. Due to the Hertz elastic contact Velocity of slurry, coarse particles, and boulders
theory overestimates the impact of the boulder, Kuwabara
and Kono (1987), He et al. (2007), and Thornton (1997) In the above impact force formula of debris flow, it is
have suggested alternative models that consider viscous– necessary to determine the moving velocity of each phase,
elastic and elastic–plastic behavior. In addition, applying including the velocities of the debris flow, slurry, and
the impact force formula to actual situations based on a coarse particles in addition to the moving velocity of the
laboratory model impact test gives inaccurate results. boulders.
Considering the Hertz elastic contact theory, a nonlinear The mixture mass density of a debris flow can be defined
contact model has been developed on the basis of detailed as (Iverson 1997; Iverson and Denlinger 2001)
studies of the characteristics of the materials and current q ¼ ð1uÞqf þ /qs ; ð18Þ
engineering practices. This model stresses the influences of
where q is the mass density of the debris flow, u is the
elastic–plastic properties of materials on the mechanical
solid volume fraction, and qf and qs are the densities of the
contact properties.
The Meyer nonlinear contact theory assumes that upon fluid and solid phases, respectively.
normal loading, the contact deformation between a spher- The mixture moving velocity of a debris flow can be
ical particle of a given dimension and a planar surface and defined as (Iverson 1997; Iverson and Denlinger 2001)
the contact pressure have the following relationship (Haz- ð1  uÞqf vf þ uqs vs
v¼ ; ð19Þ
izan and Cantwell 2002; Andrews et al. 2002): q
F ¼ cdnb ; ð13Þ where v is the velocity of the debris flow, and vf and vs are
where F is the normal pressure acting on the contact mass, the velocities of the fluid and solid phases, respectively.
db is the corresponding contact deformation, and c and b Iverson (1997) determined that solid velocity can be
are experimental regression coefficients that can be substituted for fluid velocity:
obtained through an indent test or the finite element method v ¼ vf ¼ vs : ð20Þ
However, the velocity of a boulder is associated with the
The following equation can be derived by considering
type and state of motion of the debris flow according to the
the conservation of energy at the impact of the boulder and
following conditions:
the barrier (He et al. 2007):
1. When a boulder floats in a debris flow slurry during a
Zdmax viscous debris flow, it is reasonable to assume that the
Mb U 2 ¼ cdnb dd; ð14Þ boulder has the same velocity as that of the debris flow:
0 U ¼ v ¼ vf ¼ vs ; ð21Þ
where Mb stand is the mass of the boulder, U is the moving 2. When a boulder moves mainly by rolling during a
velocity of the boulder, and dmax represents the maximum dilute debris flow, the velocity of the boulder is less than
contact deformation.Further, Eq. (14) can be rewritten as that of the debris flow and is related to the depth and the
  Zdmax diameter of the boulder.
1 4 3 2
pR qs U ¼ cdnb dd: ð15Þ
2 3
Impact force load pattern of a debris flow
Thus, the maximum contact deformation formula can be
obtained as The temporal and spatial distribution of solid phase parti-
cles is closely related to the type of debris flow. In general,
nþ1 3 2
dmax ¼ pR U qs : ð16Þ solid-phase particle distribution is more uniform in viscous
debris flows, and the boulders within the flow move by

Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298 Page 5 of 8 298

floating. However, the solid particle concentration is dis- of the debris flow is 5 m/s. Related parameters required for
tributed at the bottom of a dilute debris flow, and the calculating debris flow impact are shown in Table 1. The
boulders within move by rolling along the gully bed. values of c and n were obtained through static indentation
Based on the distribution characteristics of solid parti- testing or finite element analysis (Wang et al. 2013). The
cles in different types of debris flows, the present study values of the other parameters were determined through
adopts methods reported previously (Kwan 2012) and field measurements or laboratory experiments.
proposes a model for estimating the impact force of a The relationship between the impact force and the
viscous debris flow on a containment barrier with an empty velocity of boulders within a debris flow upon impact with
reservoir under continuous impact (Fig. 4). In addition, a the containment barrier was analyzed. The results of the
model for estimating the impact force of a dilute debris calculations, shown in Fig. 6, indicate a linear relationship
flow on a containment barrier is provided (Fig. 5). between the impact force and velocity. Higher velocity
relates to a greater impact force when the boulders hit the
containment barrier.
Sample calculation analysis The impact force based on the calculation formula for a
typical debris flow was derived by using the aforemen-
Based on the calculation method proposed in this study for tioned calculation parameters. The calculation results are
estimating the impact force of debris flows, in addition to shown in Table 2.
the model for loading effects, calculations were performed Our proposed calculation method combines the influ-
on the impact of a viscous debris flow against a contain- ence of the slurry, coarse particles, and boulders within a
ment barrier. The following assumptions were made: (1) debris flow. The calculation results show a sum of
The height of the containment barrier is 6 m, (2) the depth 169.44 kPa for the impact forces of the debris flow slurry
of the debris flow is 2 m, and (3) the average flow velocity and coarse particles. Even without the introduction of a

Fig. 4 Impact mode of viscous debris flow

Fig. 5 Impact mode of dilute debris flow

298 Page 6 of 8 Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298

Table 1 Calculation
u qf qs v d50 c n R (m) E1 (MPa) E2 (GPa) H (m)
parameters of the impact force
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (m/s) (m)
of a debris flow
0.3 1200 2400 5 0.1 10 1.4 1.0 10 25 6

unit width of the barrier. The total impact force exerted on the
containment barrier by the debris flow was 3106.6 kN. In
terms of the proportions of the total impact force, that produced
by the boulders, coarse particles, and slurry was 88, 9, and 3 %,
respectively. The impact force of the boulders was nearly 30
times that of the slurry and nearly ten times that of the coarse
particles. The impact force of the coarse particles was in turn
three times that of the slurry. Hence, when designing con-
tainment barriers and structures, appropriate consideration
must be given to the boulders within the debris flows because
they constitute the main load of the impact force.
Naturally, the three types of forces in a debris flow do
not all act on the containment barrier at the same time.
Among the three, the impact forces of the slurry and coarse
particles are continuous loads, whereas that of the boulders
Fig. 6 Relationship of impact force and velocity of boulders in a is a stochastic load. However, when designing protective
debris flow structures such as containment barriers, the combined
effect of all three types of loads must be considered. Only
correction factor, the calculation results are equivalent to then can the protective structures be guaranteed to provide
that derived using other currently available formulas for safety from debris flows.
computing the impact force of a debris flow. However, the
impact force of the boulders within a debris flow deter-
mined by our method is significantly smaller than that Conclusion
determined by Huang et al. (2007).
The calculation results for the three types of impact force The existing impact force formulas of debris flows always
of a viscous debris flow in addition to a model illustrating the need to determine some empirical parameters which rele-
loading effect on an empty reservoir are shown in Fig. 7. vant to the distribution and sizes of particles in a debris
The dynamic pressure of the debris flow slurry and the flow. However, the determination of empirical parameter
impact intensity of the coarse particles, 60 and 278.8 kN, may have some errors due to the complex components of
respectively, were then converted to an impact force on a per debris flow. In order to avoid the arising of error, a novel

Table 2 Comparison of results by other calculation methods for a typical debris flow
Author Calculation formula Modified parameter Results Notes

Lichtenhahn (1973) pmax ¼ kqgh 2.8–4.4 85.6–134.5 kPa Hydrostatic formula

Scotton and Deganutti (1997) pmax ¼ kqgh 2.5–7.5 76–229 kPa Hydrostatic formula
Watanabe and Ike (1981) pmax ¼ aqv2 2.0–4.0 78–156 kPa Hydrodynamic model
Zhand (1993) 2 3.0–5.0 117–195 kPa Hydrodynamic model
pmax ¼ aqv
Hübl and Holzinger (2003) pmax ¼ 0:5qv0:8 ðghÞ0:6 168.5 kPa Hydrodynamic model
Armanini and Scotton (1992) pmax ¼ 9 12 qgy2d 275.18 kPa Hydrodynamic model
Canelli et al. (2012) 2 1.5–5.5 117–429 kN Hydrodynamic model
F ¼ Kqv A
Huang et al. (2007) 5qs p 2 5526 kN Impact force of boulders
Fb ¼ 43 pðk1 þ k2 Þ0:4 4g U 1:2 R2
Present model pf ¼ qf v2f pf = 30 kPa Dynamic pressure
Pg ¼ 0:964E0:4 q0:6 1:2
s vs u Pg ¼ 139:44 kPa Impact force of coarse particles
nþ1 nþ1
Fb ¼ c pR3 U 2 qs Fb = 2737.76 kN Impact force of boulders

Environ Earth Sci (2016)75:298 Page 7 of 8 298

Fig. 7 Three types of impact

force of viscous debris flow
when the barrier is unobstructed

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