Data Structure Interview Questions

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(Dam StructRe @/A Q uctuse ? &} Data Styucture ave the methods and techniques used +o Maintain data inan Organized fashion. This is primarily done to ensure that data can be manipulate and accessed In an efficient manner. @ What is difference between Data Shucture and File Structure ? o> * Data Stored on Both |e Data Stored only © Costomized Storage |e Standasd File with exteyned apps with external apps. @ What ts Linked List? ED Linked List fs q data Styucture consist of Individual entities ca\led nodes- These nodes have capability of +o connect othey nodes» And create chain tn -the Process - These continuous chain styuctuve forms a Mnked list aS the name suggest. @ What ave the types of searching used in pata Shuctwe?| D> Mere ave tuo methods of Searching t- Lineat:- Lineay search involves iterating over a data unit in order tO perform the yequlyed Operation. ff aych+- Binary search 1s more efficient Ina Way that tt has the bility to split the data unit into chunks and -then perform search opevation. BTUL Keone LUALICGD INL) "NISTES G/RULES( TELEARAM) Q How ave individual elements accessed in an array? => Each of the values In an ayvay Is alven An index position from © +40 n=! where “n “Is -the number of elements In the array. Individual element can be accessed by using the Index element os opesations - Multidimensional arvays have more than one dimension to work with- Q@ How does binary Seaych woxk.? > Binary search ig USed when there is pximastly a creation of efficiency, it involves working on already ordered data, which is stored either in ascending order o¥ descending order + To begin with the middle element of the array is find out and search begin From there. The @rvay 1s searched In two parts based on a search value belng highey ox lowes than middle element: It is the key to know +he order of the arrangement to help seaych the value accordingly - @ what {s Queue in Data Structure? ED A Chueue is Widely used data structure that ts used to denote the ordered access and mantpulation oF an element. The opesation of this data stvucture is exactly same as literal Queue In the yeal wiosld- Elements aye added one afreY the others and are processed on the front end: @ what is _binayy tree ? => A binary tree, aS a name suggest, Ts the tree data Structure with twO nodes, which are the nodes on +he left and the vight sides of the yoot node jn usage , binary tree ate considered to be extended linked list: @ Wheve are Data Structure Primarily used ? > Numerical Operation Operating System design Artificial Inteligence Compilar d esign 1) 2). 2: a 5)-| Database handling “o- D “®. Graphical Processing Lexical Analysis Statistics BTS cancceRA CERT Qa at is eaning of Stack? => A stack ts anothes widely used data shuctuye that Provides usey with the ability to work with data at one polat only - As the name suggest this can Ntevally Covesponds to worxking oF a Stack of cards. (@__What is the working Of LIPO? => LIFO stands fox the Last In First Out access ordes- It is dlvectly cosvesponding to how -the data can be wosked on and modified . The data entity fs Stored ©¥ pushed In last is the fiyst one to be worked on at any point In time. TF there is teqstivement +o access the very Fist element sioved then Fiyst you have to yetvive all of the data -that came aftey that element. aru woman Luniceord - NOTE? GALLERY (TELEGRAM) @Q What are _mMultidimentional axzay ? => Multidimentional aysays aye ne A@yyays that with mose than one level o¥ dimension. fox every ‘point of Storage. This is pyimavily used in cases where data cannot be yepresented OY Stosage using only one dimension. @ Ase Linked list Linear _o+ nob linear data Structure ? =D Linked list ate considered tO be the best words here C Both)- Based on usage, If it is @ stoyage policy 4nen it i$ considered as non- \ine@x~. whereas If a person is consideved it based on yetvivel Statevaies then it can be Considered linear. @ what is Binary Search tree? A Binary search tyee is a data styuctuye +hat stores data in every efficient Mannex . It consist oF two primayy nodes From yoot node- The main -hing here ig that the values of the nodes jn -the left subtree ave jess In numbey +han the values of the yoot node and +he values of +he nodes on the yignt oF the yoot node are covvespondingly higher nan the yoot- Also {Individually both of these left and yignt subtvee ave -thely own binary seaych tyees at all points of tme. Tut eure LIKE EAD ‘NOTES Gracey (TELEGRAM) (2 =P FIFO Ts also Known as First In First Out is a way of yepresenting a data operation on Factors such as how data is accessed and in what Order hevye the data fs Fivst put Into the lish will be the Fist entity to exit From the ordeved data structuye. (Q what ts the difference between void and Null ? > Void Void ts data type Identifier tn data stuctuye. Null Null is considered to be value wilth no physical Presence. wihen wihile is used it indicates that stheve is no Size while mInitalizing the data Steuctuye. 5; Q What is dynamic memory management ? => Dynamic memoxy management is @ technique $n which Storage units are allocated based on yequirements continuously - Using dynamic memory allocation, Individual data styuctuyes can be eithey stored Separately or combined +o Form entities catled composites: These composites can be worked on when vequlyed. @ what are Push and PoP Operations In Data Structure ? ED Both Push and PoP operations denote how data can be Stoved and used when vequtyed In @ Stack. The Push operations denotes +that usess ave adding data Into Structure, and the PoP operation denotes data being Pulled oy Yemoved From the Structure. Usually ,the +op most Element is consideved when performing Push and PoP opexations- @ How variable is stored in memory. when using data Structuye ? => A vaviable is stosed based on amount OF memoxy that is needed. Fivst the yequived quantity of memory is assigned and later it is Stored baASed on the data Styucture being used- Using Concept such as dynamic allocation ensuyes high efficiency and that the Storage unit can be supplied based on requlsements in veal time. frat wornp@LUaaeo i): a 9 NOTES GAULERY ( TELEGRR™)) ED Meise sort ls method of sorting which is based on the devide and conquer technique. Here the data entities adjecent to each othey aye FIYSt meyged and soyxted in every ittvation +0 create Sorted lists- These Smalley coxvted lists Ave combined at -the end to Form +ne completely Soxted list.

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