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Technology driven routing and logistic management:

Customer's fulfillment

The purpose of this research is to better understand how integrating technology-driven logistics
and routing into current business processes might improve customer satisfaction. The study
aims to clarify how technological developments—especially in the domains of vehicle routing
and real-time distribution management—improve customer satisfaction and operational
efficiency throughout supply chains by synthesizing prior research and recent innovations in the
field. This study intends to identify significant trends, obstacles, and possibilities in utilizing
technology-driven routing techniques within logistic management frameworks to enhance
customer fulfillment in a range of operational scenarios. It will do this by thoroughly reviewing
pertinent literature.
Literature Review:
Order fulfillment from clients offers both opportunities and challenges in today's business
environment. Internet-driven advancements in consumer access have led to the emergence of
virtual supply chains and cooperative fulfillment networks. In order to improve supply chain
efficiency and customer satisfaction, collaborative e-supply chains place a high emphasis on
synchronization and integration among trading partners. By standardizing interface points and
coordinating business processes, logistic management frameworks include technology-driven
routing solutions.
For logistics to be implemented successfully, vehicle routing is crucial, particularly in urban
distribution scenarios. Improvements in mobile technology and real-time communication offer
multiple opportunities to optimize vehicle distribution and routing. By integrating conventional
routing algorithms with real-time event-driven fleet management systems, businesses may
dynamically adjust to changing operating conditions and increase delivery efficiency and
customer service levels.
Distribution planning becomes more complex with multi-channel e-fulfillment, necessitating a
thoughtful approach to strike a balance between process isolation and integration across many
channels while satisfying a range of customer demands. In order to improve supply chain
performance and overall customer happiness, sales and operational decisions must be made
accordingly.Last-mile logistics (LML) models offer insights into optimizing the last delivery leg
in the context of digital supply chains and e-commerce. The configuration of a successful last-
mile distribution network is influenced by important contingency variables that control LML
structure and operational features. By integrating current trends and LML model knowledge,
businesses can improve customer experiences by enhancing last-mile distribution performance
and service efficiency.
Today's fast-paced business environment can be improved by combining logistic management
practices with technology-driven routing solutions. Utilizing developments in multi-channel e-
fulfillment, real-time distribution management, and vehicle routing can improve supply chain
effectiveness, save costs, and improve customer experience.

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