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I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the 80-minute period, the grade three pupils should be able to:

a. Identify human practices that cause water pollution;

b. Conserve water resources through role-playing; and

c. Make a slogan campaigning against water pollution.

II. Subject Matter


b. Reference: Sugpatan, Carolina L. Science Links. Rex Publishing House

c. Materials/ equipment’s: pictures, ppt presentation, bond paper, manila paper, coloring
materials, marker

III. Learning Experience

a. Sharing Period

1. Checking of Attendance

2. Health Inspection

3. Weather Report

4. Science News

b. Review

1. What are the 3 kinds of water?

2. Identify what kind of water in the picture.

o Sea

· Where can we find salt water?

· What are the importance of salt water?

o Lake

· Where can we find fresh water?

· What is the importance of fresh water?

o Water well

· Where can we find ground water?

· What is the importance of ground water?


1. Water pollution Brainstorming

Discuss with the group mates about the cause of water pollution

a. List all the possible human practices that make the water polluted.

 How do these practices contribute in water pollution?

 What would its effect to the people? To animals? To plants? To the environment?

b. Make a graphic organizer that shows how we can help minimize water pollution.

2. Application

a. The pupils will act the following situation:

 Today is a laundry day. You washed your clothes. What will you do with the water?
 While showering, you noticed that your faucet malfunctioned. What will you do?
 You live near a river. Your mother asks you to throw your garbage into the river. What will
you do?
 You saw your water bill on the table. It cost nearly 1000 pesos. What will you do?

b. Make a slogan campaigning against water pollution.

3. Evaluation

Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if not.

 Bodies of water are used for swimming, fishing, and boating but become dangerous for such
activities if it is polluted.
 Use more water than what is needed.
 Prohibit dynamite and cyanide fishing
 Drinking and swimming in polluted water causes diseases such as cholera and dysentery.
 Pesticides would not harm the water because it is used on plants.
 Rivers can be sanitary toilets.
 Polluted water does not affect the lives of people far from the seashore.
 Every citizen is responsible in keeping our water clean and safe to use.
 Water pollution is caused by natural calamities
 It is okay to throw decayed matter on river because it serves as the fertilizer of marine

V. Assignment/ Agreement

Write your reflection on your journal about what you have learned today

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