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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2022) 61, 5595–5606

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal

A Novel Single Anchor Localization Method for

Wireless Sensors in 5G Satellite-Terrestrial
Sohaib Bin Altaf Khattak a,b,*, Min Jia a, Mohamed Marey b,
Moustafa M. Nasralla b,*, Qing Guo a, Xuemai Gu a

Communication Research Center, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin 150001, China
Smart Systems Engineering Laboratory, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia

Received 12 October 2021; revised 13 November 2021; accepted 26 November 2021

Available online 23 December 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract Satellites extend the 5G Internet of Things (IoT) applications to remote areas by provid-
Internet of things; ing global coverage. In applications like environmental and wildlife monitoring, the location infor-
Localization; mation of IoT sensors is equally important as the data itself. This location information can also be
Location based services; utilized for spectrum management between the satellite and IoT networks. The localization is per-
Satellite based IoT; formed using nodes with known positions called anchor nodes (ANs). Optimization analysis of ANs
Sensors positioning significantly enhance the localization performance. In this paper, we propose a single AN-based
localization algorithm for wireless sensors. The proposed localization approach uses directional
information and mobility, focusing on finding the shortest path with only two beacon points. Sim-
ulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed localization algorithm over the state of
the art approaches.
Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction

After the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, many

* Corresponding authors at: Smart Systems Engineering Laboratory, new areas have opened up covering a wide range of applica-
College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh 11586, Saudi tions [1,2]. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is one of such
Arabia. technologies which can facilitate a huge number of real-
E-mail addresses: (S.B. Altaf Khattak), world problems, in both urban and rural environments[3,4], (M. Jia), (M. Marey), like environmental monitoring, security and surveillance, (M.M. Nasralla), (Q. Guo), remote monitoring, battlefield applications, tracking of both (X. Gu). objects and living beings etc. In such scenarios, a large number
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria of sensors are deployed in the area of interest and this
1110-0168 Ó 2021 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
5596 S.B. Altaf Khattak et al.

deployment of sensors does not follow any specific pattern, but SUs have to inform the geolocation database (GLDB), and
it can be completely random. The data measured by the sen- the database in return provides the information of the avail-
sors is then forwarded to the remote data center where this able spectrum [27–30]. So the secondary users must have the
data is processed and analyzed to fulfil the purpose of this geolocation capability and must be able to access the database
deployment [5–7]. In such scenarios, two problems are over the internet. The SUs can not use the spectrum until the
required to be solved, i.e., (1) localization of individual sensors GLDB permits them to use a certain channel over a certain
deployed in the sensing field, and (2) assigning a proper band- time. The GLDB can be considered as a better approach when
width and spectrum resources to transfer this data to the data compared to spectrum sensing. Spectrum sensing can have
center. uncertainties and difficulties, which will lead to inefficient spec-
In many situations, the location information of the sensing trum management [31]. The concept of GLDB for satellite
device is equally important as the data itself [8,9]. In this work, spectrum is the same as for the TV White Spaces [32]. The
we consider those areas which lack the terrestrial communica- radio spectrum availability is mapped over the geographical
tion infrastructure. Remote areas, forests, deserts, oceans, and environment by a unit of 100 m by 100 m in many cases
similar extreme topographies have no terrestrial communica- [33]. Licensed shared access is an example of database-
tion. These areas can be of no or less importance to the terres- assisted spectrum management. The PUs provide all the rele-
trial network providers or may cost a lot for building a vant information to the database, and the SUs obtain the
dedicated infrastructure. Similarly, disaster-struck areas are details of the available channels upon providing their current
to be counted if the terrestrial communication infrastructure geographical location. Fig. 1 shows the considered scenario
is damaged by a flood or an earthquake. Here comes the satel- in detail.
lite communication network, which can cover all such areas
[10–14]. Satellite communication infrastructure can provide 1.2. Motivation
coverage in these situations, irrespective of the problems faced
by terrestrial networks. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are Traditionally the location information in the WSNs, as the one
more suitable for such scenarios because of low latency and considered in this paper, is used for purely localization and
mass production [6,15–18]. tracking purposes of the device or object. This location infor-
mation is further used for value-added services connected to
1.1. Satellite Supported IoT networks the data collected, in other words, Location-Based Services
(LBS). After the emergence of GLDB assisted spectrum shar-
The system architecture of such networks includes a dense set ing, this location information can also be used for spectrum
of sensors, which can be heterogeneous and generate different management [34,35]. Other potential uses of this location
kinds of data. This data needs to be transferred to the control information can be routing, network security, network opti-
center via suitable communication technologies, which is the mization, etc. To obtain the location information from the sen-
LEO satellite network in our considered scenario. The connec- sor devices, a GPS module can be installed in each device,
tion between sensors and satellites can be either direct or indi- providing this information to a satisfactory level. However,
rect. As the name indicates, in the direct access the sensors or it is not realistic because it will increase the cost of the system
actuators directly communicate with the satellite in the uplink. hundreds of times. Installing GPS in every sensor node is
The indirect access, data is sent via a sink node. To transfer expensive and will also lead to high energy consumption.
this massive amount of data, a dedicated spectrum resource Hence, alternative localization techniques are required to
will be required, bringing an additional cost to this system. localize all the available sensors.
Recently the terrestrial and satellite spectrum shared networks In such scenarios, a small number of the sensors are equipped
have attracted much attention from industry and academia with GPS receivers, which can assist the other sensor nodes
and are considered an essential element of 5G networks [19]. (SNs) find their locations. The nodes having a GPS module
It can significantly increase the spectrum utilization for high-
demand 5G applications. This problem of spectrum assign-
ment is solved using Cognitive Radio (CR) technology. The
objective of this technology is to share the spectrum resources
between different systems [20–25]. The licensed owner of the
spectrum is the satellite network, which can share its spectrum
with the sensors network [26]. There are periods where the
satellite spectrum is free over a specific geographical region
for a certain amount of time. By spectrum sharing, the satellite
network allows the sensor network to use its spectrum when it
is vacant. The satellite network is the licensed user and is also
called the primary user (PU), and the sensor network is called
the secondary user (SU) or cognitive user. In cognitive radios,
different approaches are used to access the spectrum, avoiding
any interference between primary and secondary users. The SU
either senses the PU channel to check if the spectrum is vacant
and available for transmission, or this spectrum availability is
checked by involving a database, which has the spectrum avail-
ability information according to the time and location. The Fig. 1 Spectrum sharing between satellite network and remotely
installed IoT network.
A novel single anchor localization method for wireless sensors 5597

installed are called Anchor Nodes (ANs) [8], and are connected proposed for mobile anchor nodes in the literature are SCAN,
and synchronized with all other SNs. In literature, the AN-based HILBERT[40], CIRCLE, and S-Curve[41]. Here we present
localization methods can be divided into range-based, or range- some more single anchor node-based and mobile anchor
free localization techniques [9]. Range-based techniques are a node-based techniques from recent literature. A mobile anchor
better choice for the type of scenarios considered in this paper. node-based localization algorithm is proposed by [42] for
Received Signal Strength (RSS), Time of Arrival (ToA), Time WSNs, it uses a single directional antenna and considers the
Difference of Arrival (TDOA), and Angle of Arrival (AoA) directional antenna’s radiation pattern. The beacon is broad-
are some of the parameters used in distance and position estima- casted periodically while the AN moves around the sensing
tion [8]. Trilateration is the most popular and widely used range- field on the x-axis and y-axis. While the AN travels the median
based localization technique [36] and RSS is the most widely beacon is taken for distance calculation.The nodes are local-
used parameter for distance calculations [37]. As explained ized using a cluster approach wherethe clusters are formed
above, the cost of the AN is hundreds of times that of an SN, based on minimum, maximum and mean values of coordinate
so the fewer ANs we have, the more cost-efficient system we estimates.
can prepare. However, it also affects the localization accuracy, In [43] also mobile anchor node based on directional anten-
so in literature, to handle this problem, mobile ANs are pro- nas is proposed. However, opposite to work in [42] here, the
posed. The Mobile anchor nodes (MANs) move in the area of anchor node carries four directional antennas. Here also, the
interest and send beacons carrying its location information to median RSS value from the received beacons is used to calcu-
the SNs. The MANs can save the deployment cost by not using late the location. The work in [44] also uses directional anten-
so many ANs, and by designing a movement trajectory and an nas in a mobile anchor node, where a MAN moves from one
efficient localization methodology can help improve the local- point to another, broadcasting beacons. The sensor node cal-
ization accuracy [38,39]. culates the distance based on the delivered beacons and the
directionality information. In [45], the proposed technique uses
1.3. Contribution a single anchor node with two transmitting antennas, one omni
-directional antenna and one directional antenna. The omni-
A single anchor node-based localization technique is proposed directional antenna can vary its power, and the directional
to provide accurate location information for outdoor sensor antenna can change its direction in steps. The first antenna is
networks, which can be used for location-based services and used for distance estimations and the second one for direction
intelligent spectrum management. An optimization analysis is estimations. In this paper[46], a path planning of mobile
performed to utilize just a single anchor for the localization anchor nodes for uniform deployment is proposed and also
of sensor nodes with the simplest moving trajectory and a min- proposes a mobile anchor node Localization method based
imum number of beacon points. The network architecture con- on the Diameter-Varying Spiral Line (LDVSL). The anchor
sidered here consists of a sensor network spread over a wide node is equipped with a bi-directional antenna.
geographical area. There are different clusters of sensor nodes The authors in [47], propose a path planning approach for
that are connected to a cluster head having a GPS receiver that mobile anchor node, where the anchor node travels through
acts as AN. Each cluster has only one AN, and the sensors are the area of interest and beacons are broadcasted to form a tri-
localized using a single anchor node. The cluster head AN col- angle around the sensor node to minimize the localization
lects the localization information and passes it to a gateway error. In order to cover each sensor within a triangle, the
node, which coordinates with the geolocation database. When AN can also broadcast beacons outside the sensing area. In
the available spectrum is finalized, the sensor nodes transfer [48] the mobile anchor node transmits beacons, the sensors
the sensed data to the remote server using satellite spectrum. note the beacons and calculate the distances; when the AN
An optimal movement trajectory is investigated, and distance returns and passes again close to that sensor, the sensors again
measurements are performed using RSS. The sensor network update its distance and localization information. The authors
consists of several clusters, having different application pur- in [49] proposed a single anchor-based localization scheme
poses. The main contributions of this paper can be stated as: where the AN is static, but the sensor nodes move, the move-
ment of sensor nodes helps to generate the additional distance
1. A single Anchor based localization strategy for wireless information, which can help to localize the sensors. It does not
sensor networks. seem realistic and practical, as moving the sensors by one’s
2. A framework for intelligent spectrum management using own choice and requirement would not be possible in maxi-
localization information. mum cases. Authors in [50] also propose a single anchor
3. An optimal trajectory for mobile anchor node. node-based localization technique, where the AN has multiple
antennas. The AN uses both the distance and angle informa-
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 tion for location estimation. This estimated location is sent
describes the literature review, Section 3 explains the system to the sensor node by all available anchor nodes. The sensor
model, Section 4 presents the proposed technique, Section 5 node takes an average of all received estimates and uses this
discusses the simulation results, and Section 6 concludes the value as its position. In [51] the researchers propose a single
article. anchor node-based localization technique where the anchor
is equipped with an antenna array to calculate the angle infor-
2. Literature review mation. The nodes transmit and receive using full-duplex
The work in [52], presents a path planning scheme for
In this section, we present state of the art in mobile and single mobile anchor nodes, where the MAN travels in a trajectory
anchor-based localization techniques. The popular trajectories named Z-Curve, which is Z-shaped and provides three
5598 S.B. Altaf Khattak et al.

non-collinear messages to the sensor node. The MAN covers

all the sensors while traveling in the sensing field. In [53], the
authors propose a path planning scheme for MAN, named
D-connect. The region is divided into sub-squares, and the
anchor node can transmit by varying the transmit power.
The proposed trajectory connects the centers of the sub -
squares while covering the complete geographical area. In
order to overcome the shortcomings of previous MAN trajec-
tories like SCAN, HILBERT, and P Z-Curve, the work in [54]
present a new trajectory named -Scan. It is a hybrid
P of Scan
and Z-curve combining their advantages. An -Scan area
must be a rectangular area. Any irregularly shaped area must
be converted to the smallest rectangular area that can cover it.
Another work in [55] also combines SCAN and Z-Curve by
giving a trajectory named as V curve; the basic curve is V- Fig. 2 Step-wise process of localization assisted spectrum
shaped in this path planning scheme. The authors in [56] pro- sharing.
pose a mobile anchor-based strategy where two mobile
anchors follow the SCAN trajectory in the sensing field while
moving in opposite directions. it connects with the satellite and transmits the sensed data in
Similarly in [57] also the mobile anchor follows the SCAN an uplink transmission scenario, which is then passed to the
trajectory to collect neighborhood information. This paper [58] remote datacenter where it is processed for different
aims at designing path planning method and localization algo- location-based services and value-added services. Inaccurate
rithm to locate all the sensor nodes by proposing a strategy localization information can lead to wrong channel availability
where three mobile anchor nodes form a triangle and moving information.
in SCAN trajectory. Authors in [36] use UAV as a mobile The IoT model is cluster based, which consists of a total of
anchor node, and apply range based trilateration technique. M clusters, spread over an area of W  W meters. The com-
Authors in [59] also propose a trajectory for UAV to localize plete area is divided into four squares with side lengths W/2.
ground objects, which relies on RSS calculations and also con- We assume that the geolocation-database keeps the informa-
siders the shadowing effect. Reinforcement learning is used to tion of spectrum per square. For example a sensor node S1
optimize the process by selecting the best trajectory. In [60], is localized in the Sq1 area. This localization information is
author uses machine-learning algorithm for localization in shared with geolocation-database which checks the availability
large sensor networks. Instead of localizing in iterative man- of channels at that specific location.
ner, feature vectors are defined and mapped into different 8
network1 0;
regression models. Instead of treating localization as a classifi- >
< network2 1; for time duration t1;
cation problem in this paper it is treated as a regression prob- S1ðx; yÞ ¼ ð1Þ
lem. Analysis is provided by varying different system >
> network3 1; for time duration t2;
parameters. Authors in [61] propose a virtual anchor node network4 0;
based localization scheme for underwater acoustic networks.
In this work a virtual node is used which assists the anchor Here, S1ðx; yÞ is the location of the sensor node; 0 and 1
node, it does not directly participates in the localization pro- represent the availability and non-availability of channels,
cess but us used for error measurements. The authors of [62] respectively. Now, based on the requirements of the sensor net-
propose a single anchor node based algorithm which receive work, the suitable channel is allocated from the list of available
messages from multiple agents in order to localize them using channels. Similarly, the geolocation database may receive two
TOA and AOA measurements. requests from the same Sq1, one belonging to Cluster 1 and
another from Cluster 2. The system has to decide which cluster
needs to be assigned the available channel if only one channel
3. System model
is available. If multiple channels are available, each request is
assigned a suitable channel according to its requirements and
An IoT network is considered; sensors are installed in a remote urgency. It can be represented by the weights of the clusters,
area, where there is no terrestrial communication infrastruc- which will be communicated along with the location
ture to transmit the data gathered by sensor devices. So, in information.
our system model, the IoT sensors transmit the data using Each cluster consists of only one anchor node, which is
the satellite spectrum opportunistically when it is vacant. As equipped with a GPS receiver and has the ability to move.
explained in previously, the sensors have to send their location Instead of using multiple static anchor nodes, we prefer using
information to the Geolocation database to access the vacant one mobile anchor node to localize the sensors in its range.
spectrum. As shown in Fig. 2, the sensor and cluster head per- This cluster head node or mobile anchor node shares the loca-
form the localization process, and this location is shared with tion information of the sensors with the gateway node. The
the gateway node. The gateway node connects to the geoloca- considered sensor network inside a cluster is assumed to be
tion database by internet and shares this location information. two-dimensional. A single AN equipped with four directional
In return, it is given the spectrum information for data antennas will be responsible for localizing all available sensor
exchange at that particular location. Once the sensor node is nodes SNs ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; i, available in its sensing range. The
updated about the frequency on which it can transfer the data, SNs have omni-directional antennas. The objective is to locate
A novel single anchor localization method for wireless sensors 5599

the sensors with a minimum length of trajectory for AN, such

that all sensors are localized with minimum error. While mov-
ing, the AN broadcasts beacons carrying the location informa-
tion of the AN. The SNs hear the beacons, note the location
information of the AN, directional information of the antenna,
and note the received signal strength from the AN. The rela-
tion between the communication range and localizability of
sensor nodes can be mathematically represented as:
distðMANj ; SNi Þ 6 R ð2Þ

Here the SN is the sensor node, i is the total number of SNs,

and R is the communication range of MAN. The directional
antennas enable the system to locate the sensor nodes with lim-
ited movement. It also facilitates the system as an anchor node
can transmit with focusing on a specific direction and can
extend the transmission range. The AN knows its location,
so the global coordinate system is transformed to a local coor-
dinate system, where the position of the AN is taken as the ori- Fig. 4 Localization with single AN without directional
gin. The system assumes the beamwidth of the four directional antennas.
antennas covers the area to form four quadrants. It can be seen
in Fig. 3, the stars represent the SNs in the field, and the
antenna at the origin shows the MAN at its initial position. antennas, it can improve the localization process by providing
Each quadrant is covered by an antenna. The beacons also the information like the distance and the quadrant, as shown
have a flag, which carries the beacon’s information, whether in Fig. 5. However, this level of localization accuracy is still
it is the starting beacon or the beacon broadcasted at the not sufficient for most location-based services and applica-
end of the covered trajectory. The beacon received by the tions. So a single beacon point can not provide the localization
SNs has the form [(x,y), Dir-ID, flag]. The distance between information if only distance measurements are used.
the AN and SN can be calculated using both RSS and ToA. Traditionally, in range based system, the trilateration tech-
We consider RSS in our work, and it can be calculated using nique is used to localize sensor nodes. It requires three unique
the signal propagation model [54]: beacon points, where the position is already known. It can be
d three different ANs, or a MAN travels to three different points
RSS ¼ P þ 10:n:log þX ð3Þ where it broadcasts its beacons. The sensor node receives three
beacons, which helps calculate the distance from the AN to the
Here, where P is the RSS at point d0 , taken as reference dis- sensor using either RSS or ToA or both. Due to lack of direc-
tance (1 m), n is the path loss coefficient, d is the distance tional information, a circle with the radius equal to the dis-
between AN and SN, while X is noise. Without the direction tance calculated is considered; the three circles coincide at a
information, the single AN can only know about the distance single point, satisfying all the distance conditions, as shown
of SNs from it, as can be seen in Fig. 4. The green circle rep- in Fig. 6. This point is considered the node’s location, and
resents the potential SN1 locations from AN1 equal to the the exact coordinates are calculated based on some geometrical
RSS based estimated distance between AN and SN1, similarly, properties. Let A, B, and C be three ANs or beacon points, the
the red circle is for SN2. If the AN is equipped with directional

Fig. 3 Two dimensional local coordinate system with four

quadrants formed by directional antennas of AN. Fig. 5 Localization with single AN and one beacon point.
5600 S.B. Altaf Khattak et al.

10n ¼ ð7Þ
solving for d,
d ¼ d0 :10ð
10n ð8Þ
The MAN sorts the distances and selects the nearest sensor
node for localizing. The nearest node is less prone to error
because the far -away nodes will have more errors in distance
calculation due to noise and attenuation. It is crucial to local-
ize SN1 with the highest possible accuracy, as SN1 will be used
as a virtual AN for other SNs and will directly influence their
localization. Now that the MAN knows about the SN it needs
to localize, the directional antenna that was able to connect to
SN1 gives the information about the quadrant of SN1, and
RSS-based distance calculations show the distance between
Fig. 6 Trilateration: Three ANs based localization method. the MAN and SN1. There can be different points satisfying
this distance and directional information, as shown in Fig. 5.
This information is not enough for LBS and CR services.
We divide the axis adjacent to the SN1 into one-unit steps
distance information of the three ANs from the SN, using
and move the MAN step by step on any one axis. As we dis-
Euclidean distance formula it can be written as:
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cussed in previous section, the initial position of MAN is con-
> f1 ¼ ðxa  xÞ2 þ ðya  yÞ2 sidered as the origin of the local coordinate system and name it
> as ð0; 0Þ. Lets move it one step on the positive y-axis to the
< qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
f2 ¼ ðxb  xÞ2 þ ðyb  yÞ2 ð4Þ point ð0; 1Þ. MAN again transmits a message to the SN1 and
> q ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> calculates the RSS based distance from this new position,
w ¼ ðxc  xÞ2 þ ðyc  yÞ2 and also the direction information is noted. This new position
acts as a new Anchor node and we call it as AN2, now the
here, ðxa ; ya Þ , ðxb ; yb Þ and ðxc ; yc Þ are the coordinates of these position of the SN1 can be calculated based on the available
three beacon points. We take ðx; yÞ be the unknown coordi- information first from the initial position of MAN (AN1)
nates of the sensor node. f1 f2 and w are the distances from and the new position of MAN after movement (AN2). This
the three beacon points to the sensor node, respectively. methodology can be explained using illustration, which can
be seen in Fig. 7.
4. Proposed technique Our objective is to propose the optimal trajectory for the
MAN where the distance travelled by the MAN and the axis
This section discusses the proposed single anchor node-based which the MAN chooses is finalized. After every movement
localization algorithm; it uses mobility and directional anten- of the MAN a triangle is formed, with the three points AN1,
nas for the localization process. The algorithm is divided into AN2 and SN1. Let the position coordinates of the MAN at
three parts, named as localization of the first node (SN1), sec- AN1 be ðx1 ; y1 Þ ¼ ½0; 0 and of MAN at position AN2 be
ond sensor node (SN2), and third sensor node (SN3). Only one ðx2 ; y2 Þ. It can move on either x-axis or y-axis, so if MAN
cluster is considered; the same method applies to all clusters. moves on the x-axis the AN2 coordinates will be
ðx2 ; y2 Þ ¼ ½x2 ; 0 and if moves on the y-axis, the coordinates
4.1. Localization of SN1

The MAN is equipped with four directional antennas, each

covering a quadrant, and the MAN can move within the clus-
ter. The communication range of MAN is equal to cluster size
so that every SN can receive and send messages with the
MAN. The MAN broadcasts a beacon message to every SN
in the cluster and receives a response from the SNs. It calcu-
lates the distance information from the RSS values of the
response from the SNs using the path loss model, as mentioned
in the previous section. The distance estimation can be mathe-
matically calculated using the following equations:
RSS ¼ P þ 10:n:log þX ð5Þ

10:n:log ¼ RSS  P  X ð6Þ
from the definition of logarithm, logb ðxÞ ¼ y can be written as
by ¼ x, so Fig. 7 Moving AN step by step ony-axis.
A novel single anchor localization method for wireless sensors 5601

will be ðx2 ; y2 Þ ¼ ½0; y2 . We call the distance between AN1 and our novel localization technique. The five potential candidates
SN1 as D1, the distance travelled by the MAN from point of are taken based on a criteria, first, we assume that SN1 was
AN1 to pt of AN2 as DX and the distance between pt AN2 localized in the 1st Quadrant (Q1) according to AN1.
and SN1 as D2. The optimal triangle obtained by moving
the MAN at a specific axis and a specific distance is purely 1. Case 1: second nearest node to AN1 in Q1 (because the
based on the location of SN1. If the position of SN1 is changed nearest node is already localized as SN1)
not only the value of D1 changes but also the final values of D2 2. Case 2: nearest node to AN1 in Q2
and DX. The positions with highest localization accuracy are 3. Case 3: nearest node to AN1 in Q3
finalized and the optimal values of the side lengths or triangle 4. Case 4: nearest node to AN1 in Q4
dimensions are noted. The distances D1 and D2 are calculated 5. Case 5: Second nearest to AN1 (irrespective of the Quad-
using Eq. (8). Mathematically this localization process is repre- rant); if any duplication exists, the next sensor is
sented as following equations: if AN2 moves on y-axes; considered.
ðD12 Þ þ ðy2 Þ2  ðD2Þ2
Y¼ ; ð9Þ Let us discuss the localization technique for the localization
2  ðy2 Þ of SN2. We can consider three points as our Anchors to local-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ize the SN2, but we limit our AN count to only two. That is
X¼ ðD12 Þ  ðYÞ2 ð10Þ AN1 (or AN2) and SN1. We believe that using more anchors
can increase the error of estimation as there will be three
if AN2 moves on x-axes; sources contributing to the localization process, each of which
ðD12 Þ þ ðx2 Þ2  ðD2Þ2 will cause some error in the distance estimation, which will
X¼ ; ð11Þ eventually be accumulated in location estimation. For ease
2  ðx2 Þ
of explanation, we assume that we include AN1 and SN1 for
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi localization of SN2 and consider SN2 from case 1 as shown
Y¼ ðD12 Þ  ðXÞ2 ð12Þ previously, i.e., SN1 and SN2 both belong to the same quad-
rant, SN1 is the nearest node, and SN2 is the second nearest
The SN1 is calculated using the above method, to check the
node to AN1 in Q1. The coordinates of AN1 are ð0; 0Þ, and
localization accuracy we use Euclidean distance formula,
the SN1 is localized, having an estimated position as
where the difference between the real location of SN1 ðxr ; yr Þ
ðx1; y1Þ. The ‘translation of axis’ is used, and the origin is
and the estimated location of SN1 ðX; YÞ is calculated as
shifted from AN1 to SN1. After translation of the axis, we
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi use another concept i.e., ‘rotation of axis’. The axis is rotated
at a certain angle so that AN1 comes on the x-axis. The posi-
Error ¼ ðX  xr Þ2 þ ðY  yr Þ2 ð13Þ
tion of AN1 is the negative x-axis in the considered scenario.
We analyze the overall results obtained after the simula- The rotation and translation of axis can be seen in Fig. 8.
tions to develop a general rule for scenarios like one considered The original axis is called Axis1, the axis achieved after
in our work. In our proposed method we try to analyze if the translation as Axis 2 and the axis achieved after rotation as
optimal triangle formed each time for localization of SN1 by Axis3. Upon close observation, at Axis3, it resembles the sys-
varying the position of AN2 through moving MAN step by tem which was used to localize SN1. As in Axis3 now it can be
step. The optimal triangle depends on the lengths of the three seen that SN1 is acting like AN1 with coordinates of ð0; 0Þ, and
sides, the distance from SN1 to AN2 depends on the move- it is named as AN10, AN1 acts like AN2 of the previous local-
ment of MAN on the axis which depends on the distance of ization system and is named as AN20 with coordinates
AN1 to SN1. For each SN1 the value of AN2 is different. ðD1; 0Þ, where D1 is the RSS based calculated distance
We analyze how the distance D1 between the AN1 and SN1 between AN1 and SN1, which is already available. Using the
influences the other two distances.

4.2. Localization of SN2

Once SN1 is localized, let us move towards the localization of

the next node. Let the next node be SN2. It is essential to find
an answer to the question, which sensor node is the most
appropriate to localize based on the already available informa-
tion. SN1 has already been localized, which can also act as a
virtual anchor node to localize the second SN. The geometry
of the anchor nodes is highly important in localization; the
localization methodology for SN1 also proved that the local-
ization accuracy varied for different triangle shapes. So when
it comes to localizing the next sensor, the overall geometry
has to be taken into account. Along with the geometrical shape
of the triangle, the distance between the SN2 from other MAN
is also essential. Both these parameters are considered while
localizing SN2. Five different sensor nodes are considered as
potential candidates for SN2 and perform localization using Fig. 8 Translation and Rotation of Axes.
5602 S.B. Altaf Khattak et al.

already known equaiton from SN1 localization, we find the approach used to localize the remaining SNs. Method 3 takes
coordinates of SN2. As only AN1 is equipped with directional the average of methods 1 and 2. We propose method 4 using
antennas and SN1 has an Omni-directional antenna, there are the concept of ‘translation of axis’ and ‘rotation of axis’
two coordinates points in Axis3 that satisfy the conditions of involving only two BPs in the localization process, which is
being the potential SN2 location. To take out the most suitable explained above. Method 5 is the fusion of methods 1 and 4,
candidate, AN2 filters out one of the candidate positions. AN2 while Method 6 is the fusion of Method 2 and 4. We test all
does not directly participate in the localization process but these techniques and analyze the localization performance.
only matches the distance estimates. The MAN calculates the
distance from the AN2 position and SN2 through RSS-based
4.3. Localization of SN3
distance estimation and then compares it with the two avail-
able candidate positions. The position showing close relation
to the RSS-based distance is considered as the final estimated After localizing SN1 and SN2, we now have 4 BPs available to
position of SN2. The two distances involved in this localization
process will be F1 and w, as shown in Fig. 9. The distance F2 is localize the next level of SNs (SN3). A common approach to
used to verify the estimated node and is not directly involved in localize the remaining nodes would be to use multilateration,
the localization process. where the 4 BPs are involved in the localization process.
The obtained coordinates of SN2 are according to the coor- Instead, we use an alternate approach, where Geometric Dilu-
dinate system of axis3; it is required to transform these coordi- tion of Precision (GDOP) selects the best set of BPs to localize
nates to the coordinate system of Axis2 using the following the next SN. Minimum GDOP indicates the appropriate
formulas. To get the angle of rotation, the formula of slope geometry of involved BPs [63,64]; this concept is widely used
is used; in satellite positioning. In our case, two sets of ANs are
Y  y1 formed, i.e. set1=[AN1,AN2,SN1] and set2=[AN1,AN2,
m¼ ð14Þ
X  x1 SN2]. Two SNs are selected as the candidate positions for
SN3, as seen in Fig. 10. The GDOP of set1 will be calculated
a ¼ taninvðmÞ ð15Þ at SN2 and vice versa. If GDOP for set1 is lesser than set2, the
localization will be performed for the SN3, which is close to
After finding the angle, we need to find the coordinates of
SN2. Mathematically it can be calculated as follows:
SN2 in axes2 system by using the following formulas:
Xaxis2 cos a  sin a Xaxis3 Ri ¼ ðxi  xÞ2 þ ðyi  yÞ2 ð18Þ
¼ ð16Þ
Yaxis2 sin a cos a Yaxis3
2 x1 x y1 y 3
Finally we transform these Axes2 coordinates to Axes 1, R1 R1
which is our required coordinate system by using translation 6 : 7
A¼4 : 5 ð19Þ
of axis; x3 x y3 y
 R3 R3
Xaxis1 ¼ Xaxis2 þ SN1x
Yaxis1 ¼ Yaxis2 þ SN1y 1
H ¼ ðA:AT Þ ð20Þ
We test different methodologies for localizing SN2 using
the two BPs (AN1, AN2) and virtual AN (SN1). In method pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
GDOP ¼ TraceðHÞ ð21Þ
1, we use the same two BPs to localize SN2. AN2 was explicitly
placed for SN1, so the AN2 position was finalized based on the
Ri is the distance vector between the ith BP and point where
SN1 distance. In method 2, we use trilateration, with AN1,
GDOP is measured ðx; yÞ; n is the total number of BPs.
AN2, and SN1 as three BPs; this is the most common

Fig. 9 Involvement of AN2 for localization of SN2. Fig. 10 GDOP calculation for two sets of ANs.
A novel single anchor localization method for wireless sensors 5603

5. Simulations results

We develop a simulation environment using MATLAB R2018a

on a Dell Laptop (Windows 10, 64-bit operating system,
2.20 GHz Intel i7 Processor and 8 GB RAM). A single mobile
anchor-based localization algorithm is implemented, where
the simulation is divided into three parts. The 1st part discusses
the localization methodology and performance for the nearest
SN, the 2nd part for the next SN, and the 3rd for the remaining
SNs. The localization algorithm exploits the RSS values, which
are predicted using a path loss model and geometrical proper-
ties. The localization methodology is compared to techniques
from the recent literature. In literature, the most common
approach to describe the localization performance of a system
is by using the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), dis-
playing the distribution of the error between the actual and esti-
mation positions. The same evaluation metric has been used in
Fig. 12 Localization results for SN2.
this work for performance evaluation.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed technique, we
consider a single two-dimensional cluster with dimensions of
40 meters by 40 meters, having a single MAN and 50 SNs.
Table 1 Parameters used in simulation.
The location of MAN is assumed at the origin, and it can move
on the y-axis. We analyze the results obtained after the optimal Parameter Value
triangle formed each time for localization of SN1 by varying the Path loss exponent n 3
position of AN2 through moving MAN step by step. We try to Number of SNs ‘Input’
come up with a general rule which can be used in similar scenar- Reference Distance d0 1
ios. Our analysis shows that the best localization results can be Power at d0 Pðd0 Þ 55
obtained by keeping the distance between AN1 and AN2 equal No of Samples collected at RP samp 20
to that of AN1 and SN1. So if the calculated distance between Dimensions 40*40
AN1 and SN1 is ðD1Þ, the best position for the 2nd BP would
be by moving the same ðD1Þ distance on the y-axis, making an
isosceles triangle, with two sides (D1 and DX) equal. To validate
this, we compare our technique with the most common single
AN and moving AN techniques. We make comparisons with method 5 has the best localization accuracy, and the SN2
an angle of arrival-based technique, having an error of 10°. located in the same quadrant as SN1 is localized with the high-
The work in [65] uses a non-ranging technique named perpen- est accuracy. Method 5 combines methods 1 and 4, both pro-
dicular intersection, and the work in [47,57,58] uses the concept posed in this letter, and uses two BPs instead of three. Fig. 12
of three BPs making an equilateral triangle. The localization shows the CDF plot of the error, and the detailed results for
results can be seen in Fig. 11. one iteration can be seen in Table 1.
For SN2, we analyze the different methodologies and for all The simulation results for SN3 are conducted, and our
candidates for SN2. According to the simulation results, GDOP based approach is compared with the multilateration

Fig. 11 Localization results for SN1. Fig. 13 Localization results for SN3.
5604 S.B. Altaf Khattak et al.

Table 2 Mean localization error (meters) analysis for SN2.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 NN2nd
Method 1 2.1237 1.1452 5.6664 2.4477 4.8327
Method 2 2.0997 4.1203 3.2391 2.7796 6.1066
Method 3 1.842 2.3402 4.2367 2.5751 3.6217
Method 4 1.2438 4.7404 3.9197 1.1424 8.0822
Method 5 0.4563 2.8831 4.2545 1.545 3.5793
Method 6 0.806 4.1884 2.4725 1.8305 6.9816

approach (4 BPs) and the approach using just AN1 and AN2. of Prince Sultan University for Article Processing Charges
The GDOP based approach outperforms, and its performance (APC) of this publication. This work is also supported by
can be seen in Fig. 13. It can be concluded that using more the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
ANs can increase the error as more sources contribute to the Grants 61771163, the Natural Science Foundation for Out-
localization process, each of which will bring some error in standing Young Scholars of Heilongjiang Province under
the distance estimation, eventually be accumulated in location Grant YQ2020F001, the Science and Technology on Commu-
estimation. Also, the far-away ANs, when used in localization, nication Networks Laboratory under Grants SXX19641X072
will add more error because of the attenuation and noise (see and SXX18641X028.
Table 2).
6. Conclusion and future recommendations
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