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AUICO KUWAIT ea "ALICO KUWAIT ‘Quantitative Risk Assessment Project Ne iProject Name: Hessah Al -Mubarak plot Number-161 Ref: No AL/RA/CR/0026 Assessment Location: Hessah 161 site ‘Assessor Nam Maju Thomas /Rasheed/Afsal Description of work: Cradle Erection &Usage for Peripheral Clading Work Ttem | Activty/ | Hazard/eondiion hat | Consequence safety Precautions Needed to control the Rsk tO ALARP] Residual Wesporsiole Equipment | could develop Hazards Person Manual Handling s up top 15 KG only Proper access and egress for the bracket fixing Area + Use rated & approved brackets and anchor| bots capable for for load withstanding as per lapproved design. + bracket must be fix on concrete wall or floor aya competent person. + Use retroactive lifeline and Full body harness for personal protection for rated cradte | Falling of material, rope fixing on Bracket. and edge work, i Site 1 | cretion | Falingof personal, | 4 c + Cradle shall be fix as per manufacturer Supervisor Property Damage instruction, /setary tier + Ensure competent supervision |+Rope shall be protected from the edges to lavoid deterioration. Use crippling eye wire rope or minimum 3 bul dog clamp for suspended load. suse buddy system, /sBarricade the underneath area while Jerecting and use signage's Alico Kuwait QRA 8/5/2021, ‘ALICO KUWAIT Defective Cradle All the cradles shall be third party inspected and certified. Obtain permit from Main contractor. /*Conduct Pre use inspection by using icheckIst. |*Conduct Pre Use TBT. + Opeartor shall be Trained and Authorized. + D0 not use in adverse weather condition + Make sure of Cradle service sticker site Supervisor/S afety Officer Alico Kuwait QRA } i > Erected by @ Competent Authorized perosn. +Visual Inspection Before use. + Dedicated separate electrical power. + concuct Trail lift by checking primary break Jand secondary emergency break. + Barricade the usage zone with signage's. Do not stand under the force of gravity. |+Suspended ropes shall be protected from [sharp edges. isplay of SWL. Load shall evenly distributed inside the platform. » All electrical swltiches emergency switches manual system must be inspected before use, Must not be Over loaded. site Supervisor SOP | /satety officer 8/5/2021, ~ ALICO KUWAIT |Full body harness connected to a Separate Life line from a Seperate Bracket and fall Jarrestor grab for each worker for Harness. Snchoage. 5 | Satandared Safety net shall be fixed above: : or rd s Maer shall be socured inside the cade, as 3 febardanioahtrstosaaw undeenont eee] _ ste 4 a ° Proper acer and agrees Aesop} Enaneer/ 2 |*Platform always clean and free of debries. 58 Supervisor £ Scour at must ot be removed and act. . 3 se proper glows, las suléng machine g = |for handling Glasses and materials. 2 g a z /-weather forecast must be io 5 communicated to the work force. 5 + work shall not be conducted during a . 2 Z extreme weather condition i co g strom strong wind, thick fog Safety officer ¢ 2 a Folew proper menus handing procedure el saved pinch points = 6 ui c superse ig Ale S0P safety Officer 3 pA ico Kuwait Tasca wanemae j alo Fae Maja Thomas Alico Kuwait QRA HSE - Deparlment 8/5/2021 Project No: Project Name : Hessah Al Mubrak Distric Plot Quantitative Risk assessment Ref: No: AL/RA/HM/026 Location: Hessah Al- Mubrak Plot no-161 Safety Risk Evaluation matrix Risk category Very Unlikely (A) Unlikely Frequent Control regime a [The activity shall not be carried out as the Risk is intolerable/unacceptable. Adequate Icontrol measures shall be be established to bring the risk levels to at least 'Medium’ lbefore the activity can be performed. Such additional control measures must be in place| before the activity can commence. |The Risk is tolerable. The activity shall be further analyzed to determine if any ladditional control measures are required. If required, such ad [shall be established before the activity can be performed. jonal control measures IThe Risk is acceptable. No additional control measures will be required. > Maju Thomas HSE - Department

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