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The good life is to be earned with hard work and sacrifice.

Good work habits bring success

Employees with good work habits are more successful in their careers, and
they are more productive and attentive to quality than employees with poor
work habits.
For some, good work habits come naturally. Others, however, easily slip into
poor work habits and need a manager or team leader’s intervention.
These discussions are rarely easy; however with careful planning, they can go
smoothly and yield a positive outcome.
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Work life balance is a broad concept including proper prioritizing between
“work” (career and ambition) on one hand and “life” (Health, pleasure,
leisure, family and spiritual development) on the other.
Through a broad lens, we simply define work-life balance as the healthy
blend of an employee’s professional and personal responsibilities.
 It’s about being able to make the two work together over the long term, understanding
that on any given day, employees may not fully “balanced” one way or the other.
 Rather, positive work-life balance means employees have the control and
flexibility to be successful on both fronts.
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Work-Life Balance: A state of equilibrium in which the demands of both a person’s
job & personal life are equal.
“Juggling competing demands is tiring if not stressful & brings lower productivity,
sickness, and absenteeism, so work/life balance is an issue for all employees & all
Work–life balance can be defined as “good functioning both at work and at home
with minimum of role conflicts”.
Work–life balance is about getting the right balance between one’s job and one’s
personal life.
It is feeling comfortable with the work & non–work commitments.
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Organizations have observed that a worker’s personal life has a direct
bearing/behavior on productivity & quality of work; and therefore, there
seems to be a strong business case to promote a culture of work-life balance .

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When pressure at work becomes unmanageable, & challenges a worker’s
ability to cope, it leads to stress.
While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere
with a worker’s productivity & performance,
• impacting physical & emotional health, & affecting relationships &
work-life balance.
Work-related stress has been associated with increased rates of heart
attack, hypertension and burnout.
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: is a state of emotional, mental, & physical exhaustion caused by excessive
& prolonged work-related stress.
 The negative effects of burnout manifest in all aspects of life, including your
home, work & social life.

• Feeling tired & drained • Self-doubt • Withdrawing from

•Lowered immunity • Feelings of responsibilities
•Frequent headaches detachment •Isolating yourself from
•Change in appetite • Lack of motivation others
•Change in sleep habits • Feeling overwhelmed •Procrastination
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There are warning signs which help indicate if your balance is tipping in wrong direction. You are:

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• Global Economy
• Longer working hours
• International business
• Competition
• Individual career ambitions.

• Prioritize ruthlessly
• Learn how to say NO
• Organize
• Use technology
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Balancing work and life is a comfortable state of equilibrium achieved between an
employee's primary priorities of their employment position & their private lifestyle.
Positive work-life balance is the product of greater flexibility employees want
greater control of their work and their schedules.
As with most things in life, moderation is the key. People who are constantly tied to
their jobs deal with the symptoms of stress and burnout.
Overworked employees are more likely to suffer health problems, more like to be
absent and/or sick, less efficient, less sociable, and overall more difficult to work
It is in the best interest of both the employee and employer to avoid these pitfalls
through smart human resource management.
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Balancing work and personal priorities refers to the act of managing one's time
and resources effectively to meet the demands of both work and personal life.
It involves setting clear boundaries, prioritizing tasks, & finding ways to integrate
work & personal activities in a way that promotes overall well-being & satisfaction.
There are several strategies that can help individuals achieve a healthy balance
between work and personal life:

• Establish specific work hours and stick to them as much as possible.

• Communicate your boundaries to colleagues & clients to avoid work-related
interruptions during personal time.
• Learn to say no to additional work commitments when your plate is already full.
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• Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on
urgency and importance.
• Focus on high-priority tasks that contribute to your long-term goals.
• Delegate or outsource tasks that can be handled by others.

• Create a daily or weekly schedule that allocates time for both work &
personal activities.
• Use tools like calendars, planners, or productivity apps to stay organized.
• Avoid multitasking and focus on one task at a time to improve efficiency.
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• Regular breaks can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
• Step away from work for short periods throughout the day to recharge.
• Take longer breaks, such as vacations, to fully disconnect from work & relax.

• Find ways to combine work and personal activities when possible.

• For example, take a walk during your lunch break or listen to a podcast while
• This can help reduce the feeling of separation between work & personal life.
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• Talk to your employer or HR department about flexible work arrangements
that can accommodate your personal needs.
• Seek support from family, friends, or a therapist if you're struggling to
balance work and personal life.
Remember, achieving a perfect balance between work and personal life is
not always possible, and
• there will be times when one aspect may require more attention than the
The key is to find a balance that works for you and allows you to
thrive/increase in both areas of your life.
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 Successfully attaining a healthy work-life balance will require the ability to
manage time effectively and efficiently.
 Monitoring how you spend your time over a set period will provide a good
indication of where any inequities may lie.
 Keep an activities time log/register for one week.
 This log should include all work-related, personal & rest/relax activities, &
• will help in the understanding of how you are striking the balance between
work and personal life.
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Even for people who love their job, work can be exhausting & all-consuming.
When you bring work home, it can quickly eat into your family & relaxation
IfIf you constantly bring work home, try to develop an off mode when leaving the
Mentally acknowledge that you have left work for the evening or weekend,
that you have worked hard all day & that you now need some personal time.
There may be times when bringing work home is a necessity, in these instances try
•to confine work to one area of your home so you can physically walk away from it.
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When you are asked to take on additional tasks, don’t simply say yes &

Take some time before you give your answer, to think about the impact
• the additional tasks will have on you & whether you should say yes or no.
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Take care of your health
 Both your work life and your personal life can suffer if you are
not in good physical & emotional health.

 It’s hard to make time for exercise in an already busy schedule,

• but exercise is key to staying in peak condition & keeping energy

and concentration levels high.

 Aim to be active for at least 30 minutes every day with these

practical tips:

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• Try cycling, jogging or walking part of the journey to work

• Always take the stairs or walk up the escalator

• Get active at lunchtime – try walking or jogging with a colleague

• Allocate some time every evening for exercise – it’s good for body & mind

In addition, try to ensure that you eat a healthy balanced diet.

 A main meal should consist of three-quarters vegetables, beans or grains

and one-quarter meat,

• fish or protein, try to choose water over other beverages.

 Reduce salt intake and try to avoid too many sugar rich & processed foods.
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Give yourself a break
There are always lots more jobs to do when we get home from work each
Yes, these tasks must be completed, but it’s ok to give yourself a break
The laundry can wait a few days, the house doesn’t really need to be
vacuumed and the grass can be mowed at the weekend.
Learn to let less important things go so you can relax & enjoy some free
Taking time to rest when we need it is crucial to striking a healthy
work-life balance.
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Time management is the ability to use your time wisely and appropriately.
Personal time management skills include:
• Setting goals and planning
• Prioritizing what you need to do in a day, week, month, etc.
• Making decisions about important choices
• Scheduling what you need to do
 These skills can be applied in your personal life and at work.
 There are many benefits of good time management skills.
 At work, there may be improved job performance & possible promotions as a result.
 In your personal life, you may have a better marriage, more family time, more time with
friends, less debt and less stress.
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Certain personal qualities will help you to become a better time manager:
 Good organization skills
 Self discipline
 Motivation
 Being focused on accomplishing tasks and not getting distracted
There are many things that can get a person off track in managing time:
 Postponing or delaying
 Inability to say no (taking on too many things at once)
 Disorganization
 Interruptions (e.g. wanting to chat in person or on phone)
 Distractions (noises, something going on around you, television, radio…)
Being aware of all these things will help you to become better at managing your time.
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Time management strategies are techniques & practices used to effectively allocate &
use time to achieve specific goals or tasks.

 These strategies help individuals or organizations optimize their productivity &

efficiency by prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, & minimizing distractions.

In the context of work duties, time mgt strategies become crucial for managing
multiple responsibilities, meeting deadlines, & balancing work-life commitments.

Some common time mgt strategies include:

 Prioritization: Identifying & prioritizing tasks based on their importance & urgency.

 This involves categorizing tasks into categories such as "urgent & important,"
"important but not urgent," "urgent but not important," & "neither urgent nor
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Setting Clear Goals: Defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time-bound (SMART) goals helps focus efforts and allocate time

Time Blocking: Allocating specific time slots for different tasks or activities
throughout the day. This helps prevent multitasking & allows for focused
work on each task.

To-Do Lists: Creating daily or weekly to-do lists helps keep track of tasks
and ensures that nothing is forgotten.

Minimizing Distractions: Identifying & eliminating distractions such as

social media, excessive emails, or multitasking to enhance concentration &
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 Time Tracking: Monitoring how time is spent on different tasks can help identify areas
where time can be saved or reallocated.

 Delegation: Delegating tasks to others when possible can free up time for higher-
priority activities.

 Taking Breaks: Regular breaks can help prevent burnout & maintain productivity
throughout the day.

 Continuous Improvement: Regularly reviewing & refining time management

strategies to adapt to changing circumstances and improve efficiency.

 Using Technology: Utilizing productivity tools, apps, and software can help manage
tasks, set reminders, and track progress.

 By implementing effective time mgt strategies, individuals & organizations can enhance
their productivity, reduce stress, & achieve their goals more efficiently.
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Appropriate Workplace Behaviors and Attitudes
Dress neatly and appropriately for the work: If wearing a uniform make sure
it is clean & neat;
• clothing should not get in the way or prevent you from doing your work;
clothing should not be distracting to you or others.
Be on time: Attendance and punctuality are essential to keep your job. Let your
supervisor know if you are going to be late.
Manage time well: Focus on doing your work during work hours; follow break
Speak to co‐ workers in a positive and respectful manner
Speak to supervisors in a positive and productive manner
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Be open to feedback and ask for feedback. Feedback can be very

Positive feedback helps you be proud of what you are doing well.

Constructive feedback helps you become aware of things that you can
improve at work.

Welcome feedback from supervisors and coworkers.

If they do not provide any feedback, you may ask them how they think
you are doing your job, what they think you do well & what you could
do better.
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 Be honest: Being honest will gain the respect of co‐ workers.

 Keep discussions and interactions related to work: Don’t bring your

personal problems to work or let them affect how you do your job or
interact with others.

 Avoid topics or making comments that might make others feel


 Stay positive: Don’t complain or be pulled into negative discussions

about work.

 Rather, approach problems positively and help to think about how to

improve the situation.
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 Be respectful of others and your environment:

 Take proper care of equipment, put things back where they belong,
keep the environment tidy.

 Be a team player: Participate proactively & respectfully & listen

to the ideas of others as well.

 Respect the roles of others

 Believe in yourself and what you do: Being positive about your
job & how you do it will help you to succeed & achieve your goals.
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Appropriate dress and behavior
 Professional dress should promote a positive image. To dress for success, shirttails should
be tucked in. Clothing should be clean and pressed.
– Your attire should be conservative in style. Clothes should fit appropriately; baggy clothes
are not professional. Bright colors, bright patterns, and faded clothing should be avoided.

For a professional look, men should wear clean,

black dress shoes. Women should wear low
• A minimal amount of jewelry can be worn, &
tattoos should be covered. Hairstyles should be
conservative and easy to manage.
• Fingernails should be neatly trimmed, & women
should use conservative nail polish colors.

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Appropriate dress and behavior cont…
 In addition to thinking & decision making ability, the other distinguishing
feature between humans and animals is the wearing of clothes.
 The initial judgment of a person can be made from the clothing of the person.
 One’s clothing choices, grooming, personality and body language play a crucial
role for successful work life.
 It is well documented that the way one is dressed plays a vital role for a
successful career in today’s workplace.
 Factors such as garment style, garment fit, nature of job and guidelines for dress
code are important considerations while selecting the appropriate outfit for a
particular job.
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 Grooming is essential for both men and women for a successful career.
 A suitable clothing selection for a particular job is influenced by the job
requirements, color, design, fit and comfort.
 Special clothing is needed for people working in healthcare, fire fighting,
defense & other similar areas to protect from various types of threats.
 Hence, selection of appropriate clothing is essential both for success,
personal safety and wellness.
 Employees represent their company.
 Therefore, the way you communicate, dress, & behave, both inside &
outside company, contribute to others’ perception of you & your company.

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Appropriate Dress and Behavior

 Appropriate dress & behavior refer to the socially acceptable standards of attire
& conduct in a particular setting or context.

 It encompasses choices individuals make regarding their clothing, appearance, &

actions to ensure they align with expectations & norms of the env’t they are in.

Key Elements:

 Social Context: Appropriate dress & behavior are highly influenced by social
context, which can include cultural, professional, religious, or situational factors.

• For example, what is considered appropriate in a formal business setting may

differ from casual social gatherings or religious ceremonies.

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Cultural Norms: Cultural norms play a significant role in shaping
appropriate dress & behavior.

• Different cultures have varying standards regarding modesty, formality,

and self-expression, which influence individuals' choices.

Professionalism: In professional settings, appropriate dress & behavior

are essential

• for maintaining a professional image & fostering a positive work env’t.

This may include adhering to dress codes, exhibiting respectful behavior

towards colleagues & clients, & maintaining a certain level of decorum.
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Social Etiquette: Appropriate behavior also extends to social
etiquette, which encompasses manners, communication style, &
social interactions.

This includes being polite, respectful, and considerate of others,

as well as following social norms and customs.

Adaptability: Understanding & adapting to the expectations of

different env’ts is crucial for appropriate dress and behavior.

Individuals should be mindful of the social context & adjust their

choices accordingly.
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 Social Acceptance: Appropriate dress & behavior contribute to
social acceptance & integration within a community or group.
 Professional Success: In professional settings, adhering to
appropriate dress and behavior
• can enhance career prospects and create a positive impression.
 Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting cultural norms & expectations
demonstrates sensitivity and
• understanding towards different backgrounds.
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 Personal Comfort: Dressing & behaving appropriately can provide
• a sense of comfort & confidence, as individuals feel aligned with their
 Building Relationships: Appropriate behavior fosters
• positive relationships & interactions with others, contributing to a
harmonious social env’t.
 In summary, appropriate dress & behavior involve making choices that
align with social expectations, cultural norms, & specific context.
 By being mindful of these factors, individuals can navigate various social
situations with confidence & respect for others.
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 Creating a balance between your working life & personal life is essential to
your productivity and your physical & mental health.

 Work–life balance programs recognize that employees have families,

responsibilities, interests and goals outside work.

• They provide employees with greater flexibility in the workplace.

 Time management means organizing the time you have available in a way
that allows you to get the most done.

 Managing time effectively requires self-discipline, and the ability to change

the way you do things.
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Summary cont…
 Dressing appropriately in the workplace helps project a
professional image
• at all times regardless of position and location.
 Acceptable behaviors are linked to the values, business
ethics and morals of an organization.
 Unacceptable behavior is often linked to bullying,
harassment & discrimination in the workplace.
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