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Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with "each other" or "one another".

1. We should always be kind to one another.

2. The two dogs were licking each other / one another.
3. The students helped one another to understand the lesson.
4. The two teams congratulated each other / one another after the game.
5. The couple often gives each other / one another gifts on special occasions.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. The two neighbors always greet each other/one another with a smile.
2. The three sisters often borrow clothes from one another.
3. The five football teams shook hands and congratulated one another after the match.
4. The two artists always inspire and support each other/one another in their work.
5. The three chefs shared recipes and tips with one another during the cooking

Here are some grammar exercises on mixed tenses in English:

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.

1. I (will be/have been) studying English for five years next month.
2. By the time you arrive, we (will have finished/will finish) dinner.
3. She (has been/was) working on this project since last month.
4. They (had been/were) discussing the problem when I entered the room.
5. I (am/was) watching TV when the phone rang.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.

1. They (have been/were) living in New York for five years before they moved to California.
2. By the time I finish this course, I (will have learned/will learn) a lot about grammar.
3. She (had been/was) studying for the exam all week before she finally passed.
4. They (were/had been?) planning the trip for months before they finally decided to go.
5. I (am/was) going to the gym every day until I injured my knee.

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