Why I Write

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Why I Write

Study Guide by Course Hero

for writing" which are sheer egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm,

What's Inside historical impulse, and political purpose. The latter becomes
the most important. Orwell achieves his ultimate goal of
combining political and aesthetic aims in the allegorical novel
j Book Basics ................................................................................................. 1 Animal Farm (1945). Orwell's essay remains the most enduring
of its type and is marked by frankness and a sense of
a Main Ideas .................................................................................................... 1
humanistic purpose.
d In Context .................................................................................................... 2
a Author Biography ..................................................................................... 3 "Why I Write" is written in first person and the narrator is the
author himself. George Orwell references his childhood
h Key Figures ................................................................................................. 4 aspirations and adult motivations and allows the reader access
to his interior thoughts throughout.
k Plot Summary ............................................................................................. 5
g Quotes ........................................................................................................... 7
"Why I Write" is an essay that readers can take at face value.
George Orwell offers his candid motivations and inspirations
m Glossary ........................................................................................................ 8
from a lifetime of writing. The editors of the now-defunct
literary magazine Gangrel in which Orwell's essay was
originally published asked many authors to write on this theme.

j Book Basics Celebrated American writer Joan Didion (b. 1934) published an
essay of the same name in the New York Times. However,
Orwell's remains the gold standard for this type of essay.
George Orwell

1946 a Main Ideas
Memoir, Philosophy
"Why I Write" first appeared in the London literary magazine When discussing his four motivations for writing, George
Gangrel in the summer of 1946 less than four years prior to Orwell writes, "Above the level of a railway guide, no book is
George Orwell's death. Orwell's essay focuses on his quite free from aesthetic considerations." He describes his
development of style and interest in writing during childhood earlier and less-developed works to be motivated by both
and his maturation as a writer with political aims. Young Orwell aestheticism and ego or a desire to write things beautifully and
was interested in the natural world and looked to personal a desire to be recognized as a writer. Orwell posits that
heroes and idolized writers for inspiration. Orwell's ambition literature should not only be beautifully composed or have an
increased as he matured. He delineates his "four great motives important message but that a writer's job is to marry these two
Why I Write Study Guide In Context 2

aims. He describes being enamored with the beauty of two

lines from John Milton's (1608–74) Paradise Lost (1667) and The Spanish Civil War and
writes, "The 'story' must, I suppose, have reflected the styles of
the various writers I admired at different ages, but so far as I World War II
remember it always had the same meticulous descriptive
quality." Orwell describes reveling in "the joy of words" and George Orwell lived during a particularly tumultuous period of

their sounds, the pleasing quality they achieve on the page, and time which shaped his political and social views significantly.

the necessity of this beauty in good writing. His life spanned the course of three European wars including
World War I (1914–18), the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), and
World War II (1939–45). These influences shaped his writing

Egoism and political position. He states in "Why I Write" that he is a

proponent of social democracy. Social democracy is a
government system that asserts that the production,
Sheer egoism is the first of the four motivations Orwell lists,
distribution, and exchange of goods and services should be
and it focuses on the writer's self-interest. Orwell describes
owned by the community as a whole. However, it also
egoism in unflattering terms related to the desire to be talked
promotes the development and well-being of the individual.
about and written about as well as in positive terms. Orwell
Orwell was an enemy of fascism. Fascism is a form of
writes that although many people live lives of drudgery or toil
government led by a one-party dictatorship. His feelings
chiefly focused on others, "there is also the minority of gifted,
toward these government systems are clearly reflected in his
willful people who are determined to live their own lives to the
work. The context of global conflict as well as Orwell's
end, and writers belong in this class." Egoism isn't only vanity.
personal struggle with illness shaped the Orwell who wrote this
Orwell claims it is also morality that dictates an independent
spirit and willingness to put art first.

Orwell repeatedly cited the Spanish Civil War as a chief

influence on his politics and the direction of his writing. The
Political Purpose Spanish Civil war has been called "the dress rehearsal" for
World War II. "Why I Write" was published in 1946 a few years
Orwell's work ultimately has a political purpose, and he after the war ended, and Orwell's experience as a soldier for
garnered fame and fortune by being an outspoken critic of the Spanish Republican army remained an influence. His full
totalitarianism. He educated himself by being a voracious account of being a soldier is chronicled in Homage to Catalonia
reader and writer as well as experiencing life as a civil servant, (1938).
soldier, teacher, and newspaper editor. In these positions
Orwell honed his political views and wrote extensively about Orwell's experiences with the Marxist party and Marxism
the evils of fascism and practical problems of communism. influenced his view of communism as a political theory.
Both of his chief works Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named
Eighty-Four (1949) are concerned primarily with political after Karl Marx (1818–83). It favors capitalism on labor,
purpose. Orwell concludes that this is for him the most productivity, and economic development and asserts that
compelling motivation to answer the central question regarding workers should overturn democracy in favor of communism.
"Why I Write." He goes so far as to claim that "looking back Communism is the belief that individual people should not own
through my work, I see that it is invariably where I lacked a land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or
political purpose that I wrote lifeless books." community should own these things. In a communist society,
everyone is supposed to share the wealth they create. While a
communist system may ideally care about people, it is a theory

d In Context that can prove corrupt in practice. This view is expressed in

Animal Farm (1945).

Orwell's work as a police officer in British India influenced his

thoughts on imperialism and control. Imperialism is a way of

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Why I Write Study Guide Author Biography 3

governing in which powerful countries seek to extend their write "Why I Write" as an essay reflecting on his life as a writer.
authority beyond their own borders. Orwell's beliefs regarding
these issues are most evident in Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
and Burmese Days (1934). Reception of Animal Farm
Europe was in serious turmoil at the time the essay was
Animal Farm was published in August of 1945 in the United
published, and Orwell emphasizes that the political influences
Kingdom and was met with mixed critical reception. While
motivated him to write it. World War II had just concluded and
some newspapers dismissed it as dull or overly contrived for
devastated much of Western Europe. These facts are of chief
its allegorical nature, others including The Guardian hailed it as
importance to contextualizing "Why I Write" because Orwell
the triumph it is now regarded today and called it "a delightfully
cites his drive to be a source of political influence. In "Why I
humorous and caustic satire on the rule of the many by the
Write," Orwell cites "political purpose" as one of the four
few." Commercial success followed and established Orwell as
motivations of writers, and his writing suggests that it is the
one of the most famous writers of his time. Once his position
most important motivation of his career. He describes the
as a literary great was solidified, many literary journals and
"desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other
publications sought him out. His essay was a major success for
people's idea of the kind of society that they should strive
Gangrel, the short-lived journal that originally published "Why I
after." Orwell claims that "no book is genuinely free from
political bias."
Since the end of the Cold War, which was the extended
geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and democratic
Grief and Convalescence forces of the West including the United States and United
Kingdom, and the fall of the Berlin Wall nearly 40 years after
George Orwell suffered from ill health during much of his life. In Orwell's death, the global tide has firmly turned against
addition to his own health problems, Orwell's life was marked communism. Animal Farm's evergreen popularity has boomed.
by personal tragedy and grief particularly at the time of writing The book has now sold over nine million copies.
his essay. His wife Eileen Blair (1905–45) died in 1945 while
under anesthesia for a hysterectomy, and Orwell suffered a
serious tubercular hemorrhage in early 1946. His sister
a Author Biography
Marjorie Frances Dakin (1898–1946) died of kidney disease
that spring.

After the tragedies Orwell sought solace and escape. He left Early Life
the literary life of London, England, and relocated to the Isle of
Jura in the Inner Hebrides of Western Scotland. Orwell stayed George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair in Motihari, India, on
in Barnhill which was a remote farmhouse and an outpost on a June 25, 1903. George Orwell's early life was marked by
melancholic and rough-hewn landscape. Orwell described it as movement between Britain and British India and fracture within
"in an extremely un-get-atable place." Orwell continued to pen his family. Orwell's father worked as a civil servant in British
frequent essays and articles for literary journals that were India. In 1904 Orwell's mother took Orwell and his sister to live
largely political in nature. He also began work on the novel in Oxfordshire, England. He did not have a close relationship
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) which would become his final with his father and barely saw him before he was eight years
work. old. He began writing very early and dictated his first poem to
his mother at age four or five. In his essay Orwell indicates that
The move to Jura was particularly welcome to Orwell after the his stories and conversations with imaginary friends grew from
chaos of World War II (1939–45) and the Blitz or the bombing loneliness. These were the beginnings of his literary ambition.
campaign of London in 1940 and 1941. By contrast Jura was
remote, quiet, untamed, and beyond the reach of the Orwell matriculated at the prestigious boarding school Eton
devastation of World War II. Orwell was faced with his own College which he claimed to deeply dislike in his writing. After
mortality and the deaths of his wife and sister and set out to finishing school Orwell followed in his father's footsteps by

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Why I Write Study Guide Key Figures 4

working for the Indian Imperial Police. This period of time made
him more socially and politically aware particularly of socio-
Death and Legacy
economic class.
Orwell died of tuberculosis in London on January 21, 1950,
after finishing the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The book
cemented his fame and brought his new vocabulary terms
Writing Life and War including "Thought Police" and "Big Brother" into common
usage. The term "Orwellian" also became a common term. It
George Orwell changed his name from Eric Arthur Blair shortly
indicates a dystopian police state like the one Orwell wrote
before the publication of his memoir Down and Out in Paris and
about. Dystopian refers to the opposite of an ideal future.
London in 1933. He followed this book with his first novel
Orwell has posthumously become one of the most famous and
Burmese Days (1934) which is based on his earlier life and
influential writers of the 20th century.
influences. Orwell shifted from writing about the natural world
around him and his direct experiences to focusing on more
political aims. Orwell lived through significant formative
conflicts including World War I (1914–18) as a child and the h Key Figures
Spanish Civil War (1936–39) and World War II (1939–45) as an
adult. Orwell served as a soldier in the Spanish Civil War with
the intention of fighting fascism as a part of the Nationalist
movement. Orwell was wounded in the throat by a sniper and
George Orwell
ultimately returned to England. These wartime experiences
George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair in Bihar, India.
shaped Orwell to be a democratic socialist and a vocal actor in
Orwell's father was a minor official in the Indian Civil Service
the movements against fascism and totalitarianism which are
but his early life was marked by financial hardship. Orwell's
political ideologies defined by extremism and suppression of
mother relocated with her children to Oxfordshire, England, in
any opposition.
1904. Orwell was bright and ambitious and eventually
matriculated at the prestigious boarding school Eton. Since
boyhood, Orwell had writing ambitions and writes of his habit
Notable Works of making up stories and conversations with imaginary
persons. As an adult Orwell went on to distinguish himself as a
In "Why I Write" Orwell states, "Every line of serious work that I
talented novelist and essayist, with a goal "to fuse political
have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly,
purpose and artistic purpose into one whole." Orwell writes
against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism." Orwell
that he achieved this goal with Animal Farm (1945), his pinnacle
worked as a journalist and a teacher, and his ultimate aim was
novel and a satire that warns of the dangers of fascism. Animal
to express his political thoughts and feelings through the
Farm was published in 1945, the year World War II (1939–45)
aesthetic lens of literature. He achieved his goal in his two
ended. World War II was a conflict that hugely affected and
pinnacle novels Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four
inspired Orwell's writing. Orwell briefly followed in his father's
(1949). Animal Farm functions as an allegory or extended
footsteps and worked for the Indian Imperial Police as a young
metaphor that warns of the dangers of power. Orwell uses the
man but because of his experience, he became highly critical
Russian Revolution (1917) as a vehicle to demonstrate how
of imperialism. As he aged Orwell became more vocally critical
well-intentioned political ideologies such as communism can
of fascism and totalitarianism. He married twice and died of
become corrupted. Orwell composed his final novel Nineteen
tuberculosis at age 46.
Eighty-Four in a farmhouse on the remote Scottish island of
Jura in 1949. This work depicts an oppressive dystopia where
the "Thought Police" regulate the ideas of the people. Orwell
suffered from lifelong poor health, and he raced against his
own mortal clock to complete the novel.

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Why I Write Study Guide Plot Summary 5

Full Key Figure List Earl Horatio Herbert Kitchener

(1850–1916) was a famous British Field
Marshall who drowned in 1916 when
the HMS Hampshire sank after striking
Key Figure Description Kitchener
a German mine. As a child George
Orwell wrote a eulogy to Kitchener for
George Orwell (1903–50) is the the local paper.
narrator of "Why I Write" and was a
significant 20th-​century writer and
John Milton (1608–74) was a 17th-
advocate of social democracy. His
century English poet and writer most
George Orwell books Animal Farm (1945) and
John Milton famous for his epic blank verse poem
Nineteen Eighty-​Four (1949) have Paradise Lost which was published in
become iconic examples of politically- 1667.
driven literature, and both warn of the
dangers of totalitarianism.

Aristophanes (c. 446 BCE–c. 386

BCE) was an ancient Greek playwright k Plot Summary
Aristophanes famous for his comedies. He is known
for his rhyming which George Orwell
imitated at a young age.
The Young Writer
English poet William Blake (1757–1827)
wrote and illustrated "The Tyger" and George Orwell states that "from an early age, I knew that when
published it in his collection Songs Of I grew up, I should be a writer." He writes of being unpopular,
Experience in 1794. George Orwell
references the poem as "Tiger, Tiger." having disagreeable mannerisms, and feeling lonely. His
William Blake Blake is considered one of the first loneliness and his active imagination contribute to his pursuit
Romantic poets and his work shaped of writing. He describes his early work with self-deprecating
the style thereafter considered
Romanticism, an artistic and humor and the unsentimental distance that comes with
intellectual movement that originated maturity. He wrote poems as a child and acknowledges his
in the late 18th century. theft of ideas and style from the early Romantic poet William
Blake (1757–1827) and the ancient Greek poet Aristophanes (c.
Francisco Franco (1892–1975) was a 446 BCE–c. 386 BCE). Orwell describes his writing as self-
Spanish general who led the
indulgent and over-stylized. He explains, "I wanted to write
Nationalist forces to win the Spanish
Francisco Civil War (1936–39). Afterwards, he enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy endings, full of
Franco became Caudillo of Spain and detailed descriptions and arresting similes, and also full of
thousands of his political opponents purple passages in which words were used partly for the sake
were killed under his brutal
dictatorship. of their sound." By "purple passages" Orwell means
overwrought or self-indulgent writing. He cites his first novel
Robin Hood was a legendary heroic Burmese Days (1934) as one in which he utilizes this manner of
outlaw in English folklore. During the prose.
Robin Hood reign of Richard the Lionheart
(1157–99), Robin Hood was said to
steal from the rich to give to the poor.
The Four Motivations
Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) was the
leader of the German Nazi Party and Orwell names four motivations for writers he has identified in
chancellor of Germany from 1933 to himself and others. He explains that childhood has an indelible
1945. Hitler was notoriously anti- and necessary link to an artist's output. Childhood has an
Adolf Hitler
Semitic and his administration oversaw
the Holocaust, the genocide of impact on the four motivations that inspire writers. The four
approximately 6 million Jewish people distinct motivations for writers according to Orwell are sheer
during World War II (1939–45). egoism, aesthetic enthusiasm, historical impulse, and political

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Why I Write Study Guide Plot Summary 6

purpose. fascism and anti-totalitarianism message of the time.

Ultimately, he tries to and critically succeeds at his effort in his
In regards to sheer egoism, Orwell writes that while "the great celebrated allegorical novel Animal Farm (1945) which
mass of human beings," live for others, "there is also a minority fictionalizes the Russian Revolution. The Russian Revolution
of gifted, willful people who are determined to live their own was a period of social and political upheaval that resulted in
lives to the end." This is the motivation that Orwell terms "vain" the overthrow of the Russian royal family in 1917. Animal Farm
and spends the most time discussing. He argues that being is Orwell's latest novel and was published one year in the past
driven by this motivation is required for artistic output but not at the writing of the essay, but he expresses a desire to
necessarily noble. This means that writers are motivated by produce more work soon. At this point he only appears to see
their egos. Orwell describes the aesthetic motive as "words in value in writing with a message. Orwell concludes, "And looking
their right arrangement." It is a motivation more directly related back through my work, I see that it is invariably where I lacked
to visual art or the need to create something beautiful. The a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books." He would go on
historic desire is to store up facts and use them like an to produce his most politically powerful book Nineteen Eighty-
archivist. It is an impulse to make sense of things. The political Four (1949) which would define the genre of political dystopia
desire is to "push the world in a certain direction." Writers have and solidify the descriptor "Orwellian."
a desire to shape the events of the world. The latter has risen
to primary importance in Orwell's work, but all of these
qualities come together to motivate writers in Orwell's

The Happy Vicar

Orwell entertains the idea of the road not taken or the path he
chose to abandon. He discusses his time as a soldier and civil
servant, neither of which was a proper fit. He writes in a short
poem, "A happy vicar I might have been / two hundred years
ago." Orwell acknowledges that the volatile and revolutionary
nature of the time in which he was destined to live necessarily
influenced his path. He writes that he was born in "an evil time"
and thus his socio-political drive is impassioned and fused with
the turmoil of his time. Word War I (1914–18), the Spanish Civil
War (1936–39), and World War II (1939–45) indelibly marked
his work. He writes, "Every line of serious work that I have
written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly,
against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism."
Totalitarianism and democratic socialism are very different
ideologies. Totalitarianism is a government led by a dictator
while democratic socialism follows the will of the people.
Orwell maintains the drive to create beautiful prose which was
the marker of his childhood but that drive is combined with the
desire for effective political messaging.

The Political and the Aesthetic

Orwell states that the drive to compose beautiful prose and
create art is wedded to the necessity of his political anti-

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Why I Write Study Guide Quotes 7

issues of politics and war which he suggests were issues of

g Quotes circumstance.

"I had the lonely child's habit of "The great mass of human beings
making up stories ... holding ... almost abandon the sense of
conversations with imaginary being individuals at all."
— George Orwell
— George Orwell
Orwell suggests that writers distinguish themselves by their
Orwell asserts a view that writers are intrinsically different selfishness and independence. He does not glorify a life that is
from other people. They are more selfish and independent, selfless and finds it to be quite common. However,
strange and isolated, and live in their own little worlds. These extraordinary people such as writers choose to pursue their
early distinctions in his nature influenced him to begin making own dreams and ambitions. Orwell writes, "Writers share this
up stories for entertainment, attention, and company. characteristic with scientists, artists, politicians, lawyers,
soldiers, successful business men." By this he means these
people do not glorify selflessness.

"My 'story' ceased to be

narcissistic in a crude way." "The opinion that art should have

— George Orwell
nothing to do with politics is ... a
political attitude."
Orwell relates that he is evolving from utter self-involvement
that features his own heroic tales. As an adult he is able to — George Orwell
make the turn from fantasy that is solely self-serving to the
more skilled practice of narrating less glamorous daily life.
Orwell demonstrates that politics are embedded in nearly
everything including art and especially in the age of global
turmoil in which he was living. Orwell proves this by noting that
"At least this is true in tumultuous, people who claim that art and politics are completely separate
are asserting their own political attitude. He suggests that the
revolutionary ages like our own."
person asserting this must be absolutist and overly concerned
with a separation of state and art.
— George Orwell

Orwell reflects upon how writers are shaped by their "This increased my natural hatred
environments socially, politically, and historically. The
"tumultuous, revolutionary ages" that he references are the era
of authority and made me ... aware
of modern European wars including World War I (1914–18), the ... of the working classes."
Spanish Civil War (1936–39), and World War II (1939–45).
Orwell posits that these experiences and traumas shape
— George Orwell
writers in a way that influences their prose, and they cannot
entirely escape it. Orwell's writing ultimately focused on these

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Why I Write Study Guide Glossary 8

Orwell found that working as a police officer in Burma was a clear that a political message can only satisfyingly be regarded
mismatch to his nature and interests. The job influenced his as literature if it also maintains "aesthetic and intellectual
attitude of dislike of the class system, imperialism, Great integrity." If the writing is crude or overzealous, a person can
Britain's expansionist policy, and how oppression affects native become a sort of "pamphleteer."
populations. While his experience as a police officer did not
provide a full political orientation, it firmly encouraged his
tendency toward being anti-authority and anti-authoritarian as "It is bound to be a failure, every
well as being an advocate of the people and social democracy.
book is a failure."

"Between the priest and the — George Orwell

commissar I walk like Eugene

Orwell looks ahead to his next novel which would be the book
Aram." Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). This book was objectively a huge
success. Orwell describes every book he has written as a
— George Orwell failure because he claims that the writing process is tortuous
and no book measures up to the expectations of the imagined
book the writer has devised in their mind.
In his poem "A Happy Vicar," Orwell muses on the path his life
might have taken had he not been born in a time of political
unrest. He ideates that he could have been happy as a vicar or
priest tending his walnut grove. The statement, "Between the
"It is invariably where I lacked a
priest and the commissar, I walk like Eugene Aram" places political purpose that I wrote
Orwell between a holy man and a communist official. He writes
that he is caught between a spiritual and political impulse as lifeless books."
well as between lifestyles. One lifestyle is more bucolic and
relaxed while the other is regimented and driven. Eugene Aram — George Orwell
(1704–59) was an English philosopher who was executed for
the murder of another man who reportedly had an affair with
Orwell comes to the conclusion that motivations such as
his wife. The poet Thomas Hood (1799–1845) wrote a ballad
egoism, aesthetics, and history have a place in literature and
about Aram. Orwell is likely referring to being a man doomed to
for writers. However, for him none of them have quite the same
his path in a time of violence and truncated by sickness as well
importance as political purpose. The lack of this political drive
as being a sort of philosophical anti-hero caught between two
is where in his view books lose their power, overwritten and
ornate "purple passages" appear, and his work lacks weight
and meaning. In describing this style of uninspired writing as
"humbug, generally," Orwell means that not only is it less
"The more one is conscious ... the successful but it is also deceptive and untrue because it lacks

more chance ... of acting politically a message.

without sacrificing ... integrity."

— George Orwell m Glossary

dictation (n) the act of a speaker giving words to be typed,
Orwell encourages self-awareness in order to not appear to be
written, or otherwise recorded by a scribe
bloviating, or speaking in an exaggerated or inflated manner, or
naïve in writing. He asserts his own political will, but he makes it
plagiarism (n) the act of copying another person or entity's

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Why I Write Study Guide Glossary 9

writing and/or ideas and not including due credit

vers d'occasion (n) a French phrase meaning rhyming poetry

often inspired by or outrightly copying other writers. It literally
means secondhand or used poetry.

naturalistic novels (n) novels that embrace realism and are

grounded in the natural world. They are a 19th-century
response to Romanticism as defined by French writer and
theorist Emile Zola (1840–1902)

purple passages (n) writing often referred to as "purple prose"

that is overly ornate and draws attention to itself

egoism (n) a theory that ethics are necessarily grounded in


aesthetic enthusiasm (n) investment in and excitement for

things that are beautiful or visually pleasing

typography (n) the art of arranging type or typed text in a way

that is functional and visually appealing

imperialism (n) the act of extending a nation's power and

control via political, economic, or militaristic means beyond its
own borders

vicar (n) a pastor or priest

humbug (n) a person who behaves deceptively

Orwellian (adj) a description for a situation or state of a

society that has oppressive characteristics in which those in
power can impede a free democratic society

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