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(Credits: Theory-04)
Theory: 60 Lectures

This course introduces modern development in Physics. Starting from Planck’s law, it develops
the idea of probability interpretation and then discusses the formulation of Schrodinger equation.
It also introduces basic concepts of nuclear physics.

Lecture 1-2
Planck‟s quantum, Planck‟s constant and light as a collection of photons;
Lecture 3-4
Blackbody Radiation: Quantum theory of Light
Lecture 5-6
Photo-electric effect and Compton scattering.
Lecture 7-8
De Broglie wavelength and matter waves; Davisson-Germer experiment.
Lecture 9-10
Wave description of particles by wave packets. Group and Phase velocities and relation between
Lecture 11-12
Two Slit experiment with electrons. Probability. Wave amplitude and wave functions. (12
Lecture 13-14
Position measurement- gamma ray microscope thought experiment; Wave-particle duality,
Lecture 15-16
Heisenberg uncertainty principle (Uncertainty relations involving Canonical pair of variables):
Derivation from Wave Packets;
Lecture 17-18
Impossibility of a particle following a trajectory; Estimating minimum energy of a confined
particle using uncertainty principle;
Lecture 19
Energy-time uncertainty principle- application to carrier particles and range of an interaction.
Lecture 20-21
Two slit interference experiment with photons, atoms and particles; linear superposition principle
as a consequence;
Lecture 22-23
Schrodinger equation for non-relativistic particles;
Lecture 24-25
Momentum and Energy operators; stationary states;
Lecture 26-27
physical interpretation of a wave function, probabilities and normalization;
Lecture 28-29
Probability and probability current densities in one dimension.
Lecture 30-33
One dimensional infinitely rigid box- energy eigenvalues and eigen functions, normalization;
Quantum dot as example;
Lecture 34-39
Quantum mechanical scattering and tunnelling in one dimension-across a step potential &
rectangular potential barrier.
Lecture 40-41
Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with atomic weight; Impossibility of an
electron being in the nucleus as a consequence of the uncertainty principle.
Lecture 42-43
Nature of nuclear force, NZ graph,
Lecture 44-45
Liquid Drop model: semi-empirical mass formula and binding energy.
Lecture 46-47
Radioactivity: stability of the nucleus; Law of radioactive decay; Mean life and half-life; Alpha
Lecture 48-49
Beta decay- energy released, spectrum and Pauli's prediction of neutrino;
Lecture 50-53
Gamma ray emission, energy-momentum conservation: electron-positron pair creation by
gamma photons in the vicinity of a nucleus.
Lecture 54
Fission and fusion- mass deficit, relativity and generation of energy;
Lecture 55
Fission- nature of fragments and emission of neutrons.
Lecture 56
Fusion and thermonuclear reactions driving stellar energy (brief qualitative discussions).
Lecture 57-58
Lasers: Metastable states. Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions.
Lecture 59-60
Optical Pumping and Population Inversion.

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