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1. Central processing unit (CPU)

The CPU is the primary control centre of
the computer, and it facilitates
communication and collaboration between
different hardware and software computer
components. It is also usually the most
complex and valuable part of the entire
system because of its complicated design
and utility. Without the CPU, the other parts
of a computer serve no function. The power
supply gives the CPU the necessary energy to process different operations. CPUs
require regular maintenance, like cleaning, dust removal, checking the fan and ensuring
that all circuits are connected. The CPU contains the circuit boards, memory and RAM
of a computer.

2. Motherboard
The motherboard acts as the central electrical circuit
by connecting different parts, distributing power as per
energy requirement and delivering information and
instructions across the computer system. The
motherboard processes the actual exchange of
information and data in a computer system and
comprises the CPU, memory and secondary storage
devices. Motherboards are very sensitive and may
malfunction if exposed to high temperatures, pressure
or humidity. They require maintenance to check for
corrosion and electrical connections.

3. Random access memory (RAM)

RAM is the memory space that houses temporary
data, processes, information and commands.
When you launch a program or use an
application, it uses the RAM to stay active and
work optimally. Different types of computers may
use different RAMs. The higher the RAM in your
computer, the more is its processing power and
ability to run various applications simultaneously.
In many personal computers and laptops, people
increase the RAM to complement an update in
the operating system or other software.

4. Video graphics array port

A video graphic array (VGA)
port is a connector usually
present in desktops and other
display devices. It is typically
present on the side or back of
a monitor or display screen and
helps share the screen or
visuals with another machine. Special VGA cables may be required to facilitate this
sharing. You may also require the VGA port to connect a computer or laptop to a
projector. The quality of visuals often depends on the number of connectors in the port.
Newer video cards may not have a VGA output port, and smaller laptops may also omit
them due to their compact design. In such a case, a signal converter may be necessary
to connect them to a projector.
5. Power supply
The power supply port provides electricity
that activates the entire computer system.
Usually, the power chord is present at the
back of the CPU or the PC tower and goes
directly into the electricity socket. Places
with variable power supplies may use a
UPS or uninterrupted power supply unit to
ensure that fluctuations do not impact the
computer's performance. Many modern
personal computers have in-built UPS units. Laptops operate on removable batteries
that require charging periodically. The life cycle of laptop batteries is finite, and their
performance decreases after a few years.

6. Cooling fan
A computer system or laptop uses electricity to
operate and produces heat in the process. All CPUs
and laptops have a cooling fan to circulate air in the
internal system and prevent overheating. High-end
computers may also have more than one cooling
fan to ensure that the user can use heavy-duty
applications that require high performance from the
system. Usually, gaming computers and computers
for professional purposes, like video editing and
sound mixing, have more than one cooling fan. If
your computer is frequently overheating, make sure
you check the fan and clean it to remove any debris.

7. Hard drive
Hard drives are the storage devices that save
the file, information and programs. They are
usually magnetically coated discs that store all
this data digitally. Hard drives with high
storage can naturally save more data. You
can also purchase external removable storage
devices to manage data more efficiently.
Alternatively, you can also move your data to
cloud-based storage services and save
storage memory on your system. Hard drives are susceptible to failure, and backing up
your drives regularly is a good practice.

8. Display monitor
The display monitor of a computer is the screen
where you can view different programs and operate
the system. The resolution and pixel density of a
monitor determines its sharpness and quality. The
performance of a monitor is usually a top priority for
all computer and laptop users. Laptop and
computer screens emit artificial light that can be
detrimental to your eyes if exposed for long
durations without any break. You can affix an anti-
glare film on your monitor or wear glasses.
9. Keyboard
The computer keyword is an important
piece of hardware used to input text,
characters and other important commands.
The keyboard contains keys for alphabets,
numerals and symbols, alongside having
special keys for specific purposes and
commands. In many tablets and virtual
PCs, the keyboard may also be virtual.
Different types of keyboards are available
in the market, but most of them have the same set and arrangement of keys. A
keyboard can be wireless or wired. Most keyboards also have a backlight to illuminate
the keys and enable users to use the computer at night or in low-light conditions.

10. Printer
The printer generates a copy of virtual text or images
on paper using ink. For example, if you make a text-
based report on your computer, you can print several
copies of this document. Inkjet and laser printers are
the two most commonly used printers. Most leading
computer companies also offer printers. Printers
require maintenance, which includes regularly
replacing ink cartridges and toner, removing jammed
papers and cleaning connectors. 3D printers are also
available, and you can produce 3D objects using the
right code and raw materials.

11. Computer mouse

The mouse in a computer is a small device
that controls the cursor and gives input to
the system. A mouse can be wired or
wireless, has left and right click-buttons and
usually has a small scrolling wheel to help
users navigate a long page. Mouses come
in different shapes and sizes and can also
be suitable for left or right-handed
individuals. They usually require a flat
surface to work optimally. Smaller-sized mouse devices are also available for users who
want to travel with their computers or laptops.
Buhi st. joseph’s Academy inc.
Bu hi, Camarines Sur
S/Y 2023 – 2024

Submitted by:

Manuel C. Sarto Jr.

Grade 7 – Everlasting

Submitted to:

Maricel Y. Nadal

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