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IBM Proposal to support the launch of

WhizBot 2.0 Driverless Car in Dubai

Developed for:

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 1 IBM Proprietary

Table of Contents
Current Situation .......................................................................................................................................3

Value Proposition ......................................................................................................................................4

IBM Capabilities ....................................................................................................................................4

Our Approach ............................................................................................................................................5

IBM Project Team..................................................................................................................................5

Solution Costs and Deliverables ...............................................................................................................6

Solution Costs .......................................................................................................................................6

Change Control Procedure ....................................................................................................................6

Delivery Timeline...................................................................................................................................6

Project Timeline:................................................................................................................................7

Deliverable Materials ................................................................................................................................7

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 2 IBM Proprietary

Current Situation
Whiz Dynamics wants to be the first autonomous car manufacturer
to take their vehicle to market for general public use. To achieve this
goal, Whiz Dynamics worked on a viable prototype for the past three
years and recently held its first launch event.

Given that the driverless car's space has not seen a leader yet, and
Whiz Dynamics is the first to get to the point of running their car
among real users, the revenue opportunity for Whiz Dynamics is
huge. If Whiz Dynamics can have a smooth launch of WhizBot 2.0,
they stake claim to the $ 500M market in Dubai and upward of $ 60B

WhizBot 1.0 was demonstrated at the Dubai auto trade show. The objective of the event was to
promote the capabilities, functionality, and technical superiority of their autonomous car. In
addition, Whiz Dynamics wanted to prove to investors, competitors, and the public that they were
ahead of their competition and that their vehicle was safe, secure, and reality in the automotive
market, no longer a long-off dream.

Whiz Dynamics is committed to taking whatever actions are necessary to ensure the upcoming
relaunch is successful. A successful relaunch provides Whiz Dynamics the opportunity to become
the first brand to successfully launch a fully operational driverless, connected car. Whiz Dynamics
sees this relaunch as vital to their success in the autonomous automotive market and their ability to
be the leading, worldwide autonomous car provider. Also, they believe that immediate focus on a
solid recovery and a successful relaunch is critical to restoring both the investors’ and the general
public’s trust, to the point where investing in and or purchasing a WhizBot is preferred. Given that
the upcoming relaunch is approximately six months away, Whiz Dynamics is committed to acting
immediately to identify relevant issues and associated recommendations organized into a viable
action plan to enable the launch readiness of WhizBot 2.0.

IBM is pleased that Whiz Dynamics has selected our firm for the engagement focused on this

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 3 IBM Proprietary

Value Proposition
Several issues during the launch of WhizBot 1.0 impacted the success of the launch event and
marginalized the perception of the brand and investor support post-launch. Whiz Dynamics
executives and managers agree that WhizBot 2.0 must be an unfettered success; they also agree
that additional support, an objective perspective, and the addition of automotive and technical
subject matter experts are necessary to identify the root causes, associated recommendations, and
a prioritized plan for ensuring launch readiness.

IBM Global Services will be able to provide Whiz Dynamics with recommendations to help
successfully launch WhizBot 2.0. IBM believes that by overcoming the technical and business
challenges associated with the initial launch, it can seek to accelerate the timeline and repair the
brand image based on better quality of vehicles, security of vehicle software, and vehicle
components for better passenger experience. Lastly, IBM Global Services can cut the cost of data
storage for the WhizBot line by utilizing its IBM Cloud services. Based on the strength of the ultimate
recommendations, IBM feels Whiz Dynamics’ benefits would be increased revenue and reductions in
operational and infrastructure costs necessary to deploy the WhizBot, thus providing an ability to
launch the WhizBot at a lower price point than the competition.

IBM Capabilities
IBM has unequaled technology strategy and implementation experience.

Further, our deep industry expertise and an AI-enabled portfolio make us the leading force in solving
the most complex problems of customers in the automotive industry.

According to the Auto 2030 study from the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), 50 percent of
automotive executives believe that digitally reinventing their organization will be a requirement of
the future. In addition, 42 percent have a high sense of urgency for their organizations to digitally
reinvent. At IBM, we have built use cases around this, ranging from automotive software engineering
to vehicle operations.

Additionally, we have a team of associates with extensive experience and proven skills in the field of
business strategy and AI technology.

IBM will leverage its proven problem-solving framework to quickly move Whiz Dynamics along the
path toward achieving its final launch success.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 4 IBM Proprietary

Our Approach
IBM will apply its proven problem-solving framework to specifically identify the initiatives needed
to support the upcoming WhizBot launch.

IBM proposes to identify a prioritized plan of initiatives for Whiz Dynamics such that the problems
associated with the launch 1.0 do not recur at the upcoming launch.

To achieve launch readiness, IBM recommends a six-week consulting engagement where IBM and
Whiz Dynamics partner to identify root causes associated with the challenges with the initial launch,
focusing specifically on strategic and operational challenges. The final report will include a
prioritized list of recommendations supported by IBM’s technical and automotive experts for the
upcoming WhizBot 2.0 release in six months.

IBM anticipates that Whiz Dynamics will identify staff who will work as members of the project team
and make them available as required to complete the engagement in the specified timeframe. In
addition, Whiz Dynamics will provide access to requested information and software on time.

In this engagement, IBM will apply our proven Problem Solving Framework, which can be
summarized in the following steps:

− Validate objectives and scope

− Identify the area of investigation
− Plan out the tasks involved
− Collect Information
− Analyze data
− Identify next steps

IBM Project Team

The following IBMers are key team members and will kick off the project once the start date is

Name Credentials
Kevin Bennett IBM Account Partner

Rhythm Hope IBM Project Manager

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 5 IBM Proprietary

Solution Costs and Deliverables
Solution Costs
This six-week engagement will be conducted on a fixed price basis. IBM will provide you these
services for a fixed cost of $ 500,000, including any travel and living expenses and any applicable

This offer is valid for 30 days.

Change Control Procedure

− A Project Change Request (PCR) must describe the change, the rationale for the change, and the
effect the change will have on the project.
− The designated Project Manager of the requesting party will review the proposed change to
determine whether to submit the request to the other party.
− The Project Managers of both parties will review the proposed change and approve it for further
investigation or reject it. IBM will specify any charges for such investigation. If the investigation is
authorized, the Project Managers will sign the PCR, which will constitute approval for the
investigation charges. IBM will invoice Whiz Dynamics for any such charges. The investigation
will determine the effect that the implementation of the PCR will have on price, schedule, and
other terms and conditions of the Agreement.
− A written Change Authorization and/or PCR must be signed by both parties to authorize
implementation of the investigated changes.

Delivery Timeline
The IBM team will provide their recommendations within six weeks of the agreed-upon start date.

IBM shall have fulfilled its obligations when one of the following first occurs:
− IBM has delivered to Whiz Dynamics the materials listed in the section “Deliverable Materials".
− Whiz Dynamics or IBM terminates the Project under the provisions of the Agreement.
Additional services may be mutually determined and agreed upon through the Project Change
Control Procedure defined in this document.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 6 IBM Proprietary

Project Timeline:

Deliverable Materials
At the end of the six weeks, the final deliverable from IBM will be a Type II (*) written report.

This report, anticipated to be 10-15 pages, will identify relevant issues outlined below and
associated recommendations organized into a viable action plan to enable launch readiness of the
WhizBot 2.0.

The IBM engagement team will address the following areas associated with the upcoming WhizBot
− What functional challenges impacted the WhizBot 1.0 launch and can potentially impact Wiz
Dynamics' readiness for the relaunch?
• Functional readiness is defined as issues/opportunities related to how the car functions
and/or does not function.
− What business challenges impacted the WhizBot 1.0 launch and can potentially impact Whiz
Dynamics' readiness for the relaunch?
• Business readiness is defined as issues/opportunities related to internal processes within
Whiz Dynamics.
− What business, software, and technology changes are needed to ensure a smooth WhizBot

(*) Type II materials are those in which IBM is granted

ownership and the client is granted a broad license. Type
II materials are those, created during the Service
performance period or otherwise (such as those that pre-
exist the Service), in which IBM or third parties have all
the rights, title, and interest (including ownership of
copyright). IBM delivers one copy of the Materials to the
client. IBM grants the client an irrevocable, non-exclusive,
worldwide, paid-up license to use, execute, reproduce,
display, perform, distribute (internally only) copies of
Type II Materials. The client agrees to reproduce the
copyright notice and any other legend of ownership on
any copies that are made under the licenses granted.

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