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1) Numerical

Q.2) Describe any three of the following with reference to magnetic compass.
1. Compass Bowl
It is a cylindrical brass bowl having a transparent glass top.This is a bowl-shaped
container of nonmagnetic material (brass) which serves to contain the magnetic
elements, a reference mark, and the fluid. Part of the bottom may be transparent
(glass) to permit light to shine upward against the compass card.

2. Compass card
This is an aluminum disc or sometimes rice paper, graduated in degrees
from 0° to 360° . It also shows cardinal and intercardinal points. North is
usually indicated by the fleur de lis figure in addition to the cardinal point.
Being attached to the magnets, the compass card provides a means of
reading direction.

There are two (2) basic types:

(a) The dry card Compass
• The dry card compass is too sensitive for steering purposes especially in bad
• Even small disturbances causes the dry card to oscillate.

(b) The wet card Compass

• Marine compasses are usually liquid-filled. The liquid has a damping (reducing)
effect on disturbances caused by the motion of the vessel in rough seas.
• The compass card is mounted above the magnetic needle mechanism.
• It is finely balanced on a needle point, floating and able to swing around to align
with magnetic north.
• The reading is taken from the fixed lubber line on the body of the compass.
• The lubber line is pointed in the direction of the head of the vessel for steering on a
given bearing. An example of a marine compass is shown in cross-section below.

3. Pivot Points
Pivot is a point in a magnetic compass, By pivoting the compass needle on a fixed pin, the friction
between the needle and the fixed pin is minimized and the compass needle can rotate freely in the
magnetic field.
The pivot point in a magnetic compass refers to the physical point around which the compass card
rotates. It is a crucial component in the design of a compass, allowing the card to move freely and align
itself with the Earth's magnetic field. The pivot point is typically located at the center of the compass

Q.3) a) Describe GYRO Compass errors.

 The errors to which a gyrocompass is subject are speed error, latitude error,
ballistic deflection error, ballistic damping error, quadrantal error, and gimballing
 Additional errors may be introduced by a malfunction or incorrect alignment with
the centerline of the vessel.

is caused by the fact that a gyrocompass only moves directly east or west when
it is stationary (on the rotating earth) or placed on a vessel moving exactly east
or west.
Any movement to the north or south will cause the compass to trace a path which
is actually a function of the speed of advance and the amount of northerly or
southerly heading.
This error is westerly if the vessel’s course is northerly, and easterly if the course
is southerly.
Its magnitude depends on the vessel’s speed, course, and latitude.
This error can be corrected internally by means of a cosine cam mounted on the
underside of the azimuth gear, which removes most of the error.
Any remaining error is minor in amount and can be disregarded.

latitude error
is a property only of gyros with mercury ballistics, and is easterly in north latitudes and
westerly in south latitudes.
This error is also corrected internally, by offsetting the lubber’s line or with a small
movable weight attached to the casing.

Ballistic deflection error

occurs when there is a marked change in the north-south component of the
East-west accelerations have no effect.
This occurs due to change in speed or course experienced by the gyrocompass
following a constant straight course
As latitude changes, the error becomes apparent, but can be minimized by
adjusting the offset.

Ballistic damping error

Is a temporary oscillation caused by changing in course and speed. During a
change in course and speed the mercury in the ballistic is subjected to
centrifugal and acceleration/ Deacceleration of forces.

Quandrantal Error
The first occurs if the center of gravity of the gyro is not exactly centered in the
phantom. This causes the gyro to tend to swing along its heavy axis as the vessel
rolls in the sea. It is minimized by adding a weight so that the mass is the same in
all directions from the center. Without a long axis of weight, there is no tendency
to swing in one particular direction.
The second source of quadrantal error is more difficult to eliminate. As a vessel
rolls in the sea, the apparent vertical axis is displaced, first to one side and then
the other. The vertical axis of the gyro tends to align itself with the apparent
On northerly or southerly courses, and on easterly or westerly courses, the
compass precesses equally to both sides and the resulting error is zero.
This error is corrected by use of a second gyroscope called a floating ballistic,
which stabilizes the mercury ballistic as the vessel rolls, eliminating the error.
Gimballing error
is caused by taking readings from the compass card when it is tilted from the horizontal
It applies to the compass itself and to all repeaters.
To minimize this error, the outer ring of the gimbal of each repeater should be installed in
alignment with the fore-and-aft line of the vessel.
Of course, the lubber’s line must be exactly centered as well.

Q3 LRIT who can receive LRIT data i What is operational concepts of LRIT
Long-range identification and tracking ( LRIT )
The shipborne equipment is required to automatically transmit the LRIT information at 6-hour
intervals to an LRIT Data Centre. LRIT Data Centres are set up nationally or regionally by
Governments and communicate through an International LRIT Data Exchange. Governments obtain
LRIT data from the Data Centres by request providing that they are so entitled according to an LRIT
Data Distribution Plan which is administered by the IMO.
LRIT enables a Contracting Government to obtain ship identity and location information in sufficient
time to evaluate the security risk posed by a ship off its coast and to respond, if necessary, to reduce
any risks.
The LRIT information transmitted from the ship travels across the communication path set up by the
CSP to the ASP. The ASP, after receiving the LRIT information from the ship, adds additional
information to the LRIT message and passes the expanded message to its associated DC.

who can receive LRIT data

LRIT information is available to:
•Contracting Governments are entitled to receive information about ships navigating within a distance
up to 1,000 nautical miles off their coast, and
•about ships which have indicated an intention to enter a port irrespective of distance.
•Administrations are entitled to receive information about their own flagged ships irrespective of
where the ships are located.

Q.5) Precautions to be observed when swinging the VSL for deviation.

Q1 Draw & label the parts of a wet card magnetic compass bowl.

Q.3) a) Explain the Course, Latitude & speed error of a GYRO Compass.
LCS (Latitude, speed, course) error (or speed error)
This error is due to earth’s rotation and the apparent tilting effect it produces, which is
responded by the gyro’s gravity control system.
The gyro tries to align itself at right angle to its motion through space.
When the vessel is moving across the earth, the spin axis tries (Seeks) to align itself at
right angle to the resultant motion of the earth and the ship

 the error is directly proportional to the speed of the ship. For example if the speed
is doubled, the error also will be doubled.
 The error is directly proportional to the cosine of the course. Maximum on zero and
180°, Zero when steering 90° and 270°.
 On all northerly courses the error is westerly, and on all southerly courses the error
is easterly.
 it is inversely proportional to the cosine of the latitude.
It means that any error on equator will become twice when in latitude 60° and would
become larger at higher latitudes. At latitudes near to 90° the cosine will be very small and
therefore the error is very high and gyro is useless.
Error directly proportional to cosine of course

Error is directly proportional to speed

As speed increases by 2x error increases by 2x

On Northerly courses, Error is Westerly; On Southerly courses Error is easterly

As Error is inversely proportional to cosine of latitude

Error is minimum at the Equator and increases as we move towards the poles. Error is
Maximum at the poles.

b) LRIT - what does the system consist of. LRIT - what is the operation
The Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system provides for the global
identification and tracking of ships to enhance security of shipping and for the purposes of
safety and marine environment protection.

The LRIT system consists of:

 the shipborne LRIT information transmitting equipment;

 the Communication Service Provider(s) (CPS);

 the Application Service Provider(s) (ASP);

 the LRIT Data Centre(s) (DC), including any related Vessel Monitoring System(s) (VMS);

 the LRIT Data Distribution Plan (DDP); and

 the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE).

The LRIT information transmitted from the ship travels across the communication path set up by the
CSP to the ASP. The ASP, after receiving the LRIT information from the ship, adds additional
information to the LRIT message and passes the expanded message to its associated DC.

LRIT enables a Contracting Government to obtain ship identity and location information in sufficient
time to evaluate the security risk posed by a ship off its coast and to respond, if necessary, to reduce
any risks.
The shipborne equipment is required to automatically transmit the LRIT information at 6-hour
intervals to an LRIT Data Centre. LRIT Data Centres are set up nationally or regionally by
Governments and communicate through an International LRIT Data Exchange

b) Precautions to be observed when swinging the vessel for deviation
(15 Marks)

Q.1) a) Draw deviation curve diagram with all Cardinal, Inter-Cardinal points &
deviation curve.
Describe Co-efficient 'D'.
Coefficient D is a bit different from earlier discussed coefficients.

Coefficient D is the maximum amount of quadrantal deviation, which changes with the
“sine” of twice the compass course.

While the induced B and induced C were caused because of the vertical soft irons.

The coefficient D is caused by the horizontal field at the compass position because of the
induced magnetism in the horizontal soft iron, which are situated symmetrically on the fwd
and aft line.
Mostly ships have +D at the compass position because of the ship structure and the position
of beams and girders.

+D is corrected by generating equal amount of -D.

So the -D is generated by the Soft iron spheres, which you can always see situated on both
sides of the compass.

The amount of -D is changed by shifting the spheres closer or away from the compass.

Coefficient D causes deviations of one name over continuous opposite quarters

of the ship's heading and of the other name over the other two continuous
opposite quarters of the ship's heading. The deviation due to D will
be nil on the cardinal headings and maximum on the inter cardinal headings.
Since sin θ is nil when 8 is 0° or 180° and maximum when θ is 90° or
270°, it can be stated that deviation due to D varies as the sine of twice
the compass course.



0.2) Numerical

Q.3) Write short notes on any three of the following-

1. Magnetic Poles
The points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic field is perpendicular
to the surface are known as the magnetic poles of the Earth. There are
two such points - the N and S magnetic poles.This can be determined by measuring the
inclination. The inclination of the Earth's field is 90° (upwards) at the North Magnetic
Pole and -90°(downwards) at the South Magnetic Pole.
2. Principal causes of heeling error
Heeling Error is the difference in deviation between that when the ship
is upright and that when heeled on the same course. Thus if the deviation
was 5° E when upright and 7° E when heeled, the heeling error is 2° E.
When a ship heels, the compass being gymbaled remains horizontal. A
magnetic field acting vertically at the compass position will cause no deviation
when ship is upright. But when the ship heels this field acts at an
oblique angle. The horizontal component of this oblique field will cause
a deviation (called Heeling Error).
Permanent H/E due to force R, the vertical component of the ship's
permanent magnetic field at the compass position.


3. How to remove AIR bubbles from the bowl, i.e. Co-efficients

Air bubbles often appear in a compass bowl. If the bubble is quite small it is preferred
that it be left alone. However if the bubble is too large then the frictionless movement
of the card would be affected, thus the need to remove the air bubble or at least to
reduce it to quite a small one.To remove the air bubble, first the gimbals are locked
with the swivel plates provided. Next the bowl is inverted and the filling hole is
unscrewed. A syringe is filled with distilled water and slowly the water is injected into
the bowl. An estimate of the bubble size would give an indication of the extra fluid
that has to be injected, if the same is not possible then the bowl has to be tilted in the
inverted condition such that the highest point is the filling hole, this would drive the air
space (bubble to the filling hole. Once the water is injected to satisfaction the filling
hole is screwed back, and the bowl returned to normal position, and the gimbals

Q.4) a) Regulatory farms work of IMO

in January 2022, IMO refers to the International Maritime Organization, a specialized agency of the
United Nations responsible for regulating shipping. The regulatory framework of IMO is primarily
centered around the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). These conventions
establish international standards for the safety, security, and environmental performance of
international shipping.
SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea):
MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships):
Other Conventions and Codes:
These include the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW), the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), and the International
Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)
Amendments and Updates:
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).
i) Main Components of LRIT

the shipborne LRIT information transmitting equipment;

the Communication Service Provider(s) (CPS);

the Application Service Provider(s) (ASP);

the LRIT Data Centre(s) (DC), including any related Vessel Monitoring System(s) (VMS);

the LRIT Data Distribution Plan (DDP); and

the International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE).

ii) Introduction to LRIT under Solas Chapter V

Long-range identification and tracking is also not a GMDSS communications system but it may use
GMDSS equipment, particularly Inmarsat C terminals. LRIT is the subject of a new regulation
included in chapter V of SOLAS which applies to ships constructed after 31 December 2008 with a
phased-in implementation schedule for existing ships. The new regulation does not apply to ships
which operate exclusively within sea area A1 and are fitted with AIS

Q.5) Precautions to be observed when swinging the VSL for Deviation.

(15 Marks)

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