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Er.SATISH (Asst.Professor)

Unit 1
data communication

Communication is done only by transferring information from one location to another. Yes. Harlequin is a
simple definition, but when we think about how substances can communicate, it is much more complex.
There are different types of communication and there can be more than one at any given time. Where are
the Harlequins? There would be different contexts and contexts. Yes, there are many deconstructions of
this word.

Communication - Data communication, data transfer between two devices through a transmission medium. Exchange (O and 1

are in K form. The physical connection cable between a computing device and a networking device. There is a need to establish

permanent career through the medium of medium-sized medium.

The best example of computer networks is the Internet.

The use of computers is necessary to generate information. The information generated is not useful
in itself. This information should be given to the right person at the right time. Often information
machines are required to transmit information to an unknown location. this processData
Communication havoc IsData communication is the active process of transporting data from one
point to another. Communication systems are designed to send information from an origination
point to a transmission point.

Types of data communication

Data communication generally requires two triplets.

1) Local – In the form of local area networks, which cover a small area and have limited,
Yajusayak is Sankhya.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

2) Global – It covers long distances and contains uncountable number of Jews.

Characteristics For Effectiveness Of Data Communication:

Determining the effectiveness of a digital communication system depends on three characteristics. r does

1) Delivery:

Kasim should distribute the dater on the correct decantation. This deterrent should appear only on the intended device or

device itself.

2) Accuracy:

Kasim should deliver the data in the right way. If the deterrent is changed to transmission then it is

3) Timelessness:

Kasim must deliver the dater on time. On-time delivery means the data is exactly what
the data producers require.
कडस्तब्यतू in र, and कबनर देरी के.

Components Of Data Communication

When data is transmitted from one place to another, it has five main components –


The transmitter is the device that sends messages. This could be a computer, a desktop, a telephone handset, a video camera, or

anything else.

2) Receiver:

Receiver receives the messages sent by the transmitter. It is also a computer, workplace, telephone handset,

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Teledivision, anything else is possible.

3) Message:

Message is a transmission (data) which is a means of communication. It includes text, message and , image, surround, year

Videos can be anything.

4) Medium:

Transmission medium is the physical medium through which messages travel from sender to receiver.

These may include rigid pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, laser and radio waves (terrestrial
and satellite microwave).

5) Protocol:

Protocol rules are a set of rules that control data communication. This communication card represents an
agreement between them. Under the protocol, two cards can express this connection, but neither can
communicate, as it is difficult to understand. The person will not understand much of what is said.

Communication Media

1) Wired Media:
i) Wire Pairs:

Wire carriers are typically used for local telephone communications and short distance digital digital

And are generally made of copper. In Varier Pieces Deter Transmission Speed Typically:100 meter distance
But9600 bits per second

2) Twisted pair:

Twisted pair wire is the most widely used wire mesh for telecommunication.

Twisted pair cable length has copper layers which are twisted into pairs. two in the telephone line The
kiddie pair consists of insulated copper wire.

Computer networking cable length (Wireless Ethernet (as defined by IEEE 802.3) consists of 4 pairs of
copper cabling, Which can be used for both surround and dirt transmission. Bridging the two wires
helps reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Transmission speed range2 million bits per second is 10 billion bits per second.

iii) Coaxial cable:

Coaxial cable to cable telecommunications, office building and other locale array networks
There is a need for widely used care.

The insulating layer in this cable consists of copper and aluminum layers. Insulating
interference helps in reducing
and dust

speed of transmissionRanging from 200 million bits to 500 million bits per second.

iv) Optical fiber:

Optical fiber cables contain multiple glass fiber filaments, which are coated with a protective layer.
They transmit to the detector through pulses of light. And they transmit light, which can travel long

Fiber optic cables are not affected by electromagnetic radiation. Their transmission
speeds can be billions per kilobit.Hundreds of thousands of twisted-pair cables Ganur is

Wireless Technologies:

i) Terrestrial microwave:

Terrestrial microwaves use Earth's transmitters and receivers. This equipment is designed for satellite

Samaran is dangerous.Terrestrial microwaves low intensity range tax.

Distance between rail trains is approx.There may be 48 km (30 mi).

Microwave antennas are commonly installed on buildings, towers, terraces, and buildings. These are on the points.

ii) Communications satellites:

Satellites use microwave radio signals as their telecommunication medium.

Satellites are in space, usually35,400 km (22,000 mi) above the Mediterranean Sea. This surround, dter,
And are capable of receiving and transmitting TV signals.

Types Of Communication

Bandwidth is a term used to describe the deterministic capacity of a communications system.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Istameral career is necessary.

Bandwidth is the range of frequencies that are available for data transmission.

i) Narrowband:

Narrowband bands handle low data volumes. Data transmission ratesRanging from 45 baud to 300 baud.
Narrowband communication requires the use of low speed wireless devices.


voicebandHandles medium data transmission volumes between 300 and 9600 baud. The main Use
Carriers are required for telephone voice communication, hence this is called voiceband.

iii) Broadband:

Broadband handles very large data volumes. These data transmission rates1 Kamkalyan Border Year Iss There are

many more. High-speed data networks and satellite communications are examples of broadband communications.

Data Transmission Modes

There are three ways of transmitting the following data from one point to another:

1) Simplex:

In Simplex mode communication can take place in one direction only. The receiver receives the signal from the transmitting device. is


2) Half-duplex:

In half-duplex mode, communication occurs in both directions, but not in only one direction at a time.

3) Full-duplex:

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

In full-duplex mode, communication must occur in both directions at the same time.

For example, telephone lines are in this mode.

transmission media

types of transmission media

There are two types of transmission media: Taxes are:

, wired
, wireless


HeTransmission media is a physical method of connection between two devices, such as a cable or wire. that
happensIt is called wired transmission media. It is also called guided media.

These are of the following types:

(a) coaxial cable

(b) fiber-optic cable

(c) twisted pair

(a) coaxial cable in hindi:-

In this, one cylinder has a hollow tube and the other cylinder has its axis inside the hollow tube.axis) on A

symmetrically placed conductor is required. The interface between these layers (dielectric) is solid or gaseous

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

in open waterAt sizes greater than 100MHz, emission by radiation is negligible. to doIn a coaxial cable,
the inner coil is required to be surrounded by an outer cylindrical hollow coil. The main principle of
coaxial cable is that the magnetic field electric field is created within the outer coil itself. There is a leak-
free layer in the space due to which radiation must be completely eliminated. In addition, the outer layer
is the outer layer.Electromagnetic signals also produce magnetic flux.

Coax cables are required for use in the range up to 1GHz but are suitable for models above 1GHz.
Those that do not last are more valuable. In these, the parametallic loss also increases along with
the signal shape. The loss at 1GHz becomes very high, making them unusable.

of two typescoaxial cable is commonly used. A 50 ohm cable is required for digital transmission.
There is a need for experiment.75 ohm cable, which is used for analog transmission.

(b):- fiber-optic cable:-

itThe cable glass is made of plastic called optical fiber. These cables are a destination for communication. The Sun

moves through the Sun's space radiation.Cables need to be designed for long distances.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

When a radiation mass enters a given region from one end of a circular rod, the radiation mass causes
no internal changes on the surfaces of the rod. There is no solid matter - the mass remains inside the rod.

In this way the commodity changes The light beam is increasing when the other end of the rod is outside the center.

intensify the outbreakThere is no loss. This type of rod is called fiber.

(c):-Twisted pair in hindi:-

It is a copper wire in which two insulated wires are wound between each other and there is
no interruption in the signals of both the wires. itcable old telephone lines I need to


Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

HeTransmission media in which no physical contact is required i.e. ta kajsam

communication connectorWireless transmission media consists of wires. This is also called unguided media. It is

said that they are of the following types:

(a) Radio waves

(b) microwaves
(c) infrared waves

(a) Radio waves:-

their shapeThey range from 3KHz to 1GHz. They can be easily installed and their attenuation can be
more stable. also gets higher.Radio waves get biggeris omnidirectional. When an antenna transmits
radio waves If used, it spreads in all directions. Radio waves are used for television, mobile and
radio. They contain a radio tuner which receives radio waves continuously. These waves in the
speakerIt is converted into mechanical vibration which gives us speaker surround sound.


In this, shunting and transmission electromagnetic waves are required whichwavelength in centimeters
Their shape is necessary on the die.Transmitters of fixed or similar nature exceed 1GHz it happens

Use it in microwaves, food processor, mobile etc. If necessary, use it in wifi also. is necessary

(c):-Infrared waves:-

This is a special wavelength of paramagnetic radiation which we callcalled infrared. These waves can be seen by

humans It is not visible but it is worseIt can definitely be felt as heat in the skin.

experiment withFeatures like TV remote control, wireless LAN, CCTV and missile guidance system etc. are available

in Hanson 1800. first sirWilliam Herschel developed the infrared constant.

Network Component :

of any kindBefore creating an N/W, a LAN interface is most likely required. increaseBy making n/
w the basis is only LAN. Due to this the computer can be used in n/w as a simple device. avan
The component LAN needs to be checked properly. Mainly the following Network components
are required to build a n/w.

NIC (network interface card):

LAN is increasingly used in communication between computers as all types of media signals.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

transfer data. All these signals are analog. Whereas computers process varlerDatayer
is jaran
digital. Therefore, in making computers n/w, the first necessary device is to convert
si such
digital signal into analog signal and analog signal into digital signal. change
Could do it. one suchThe device is called NIC.

MainlyNIC is a type of modem. tThere are modulator and demodulator.

WhenSignal is sent through computer on n/w
then thisConversion of device digital bits into analog wave she does
Similarly whenComputer receives signal through networking then
thisdevice converts them into digital bits I do it.
like thisNIC is the most important device required for any n/w.
To perform secure n/w, each NIC needs to be assigned a unique identification number called
make ID.
Due to this, it spread throughout the world.Can identify multiple computers connected to NIC on the Internet Is

NIC can also be given the following various criteria.

, Ethernet card
, LAN card

in dying timeThe most suitable topology for building a LAN is Star topology. Karan
vatay Co-mariners are needed.

SIn Star topology, we can maximize the utilization by using multiple hubs. This place is needed.hub one

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

There are electronic switching devices in which ports are provided to make connections. Point to
point connection barriers are required between all these ports. To make this connection, a digital
multiplexer is used in the hub. Here is the need.

ThisHub due to multiplexer I will never dieport is a connection made to another digital
Sankhyar2n( 2,4,8,16,32 ……… )
Through multiplexer, a single connection line is created. Due
to this, Jaran Varalhub also 4 port, 8 port, 16 port What are these?cable from port to port
by theComputers need to be connected to a hub. The internal circuit through the hub Allinterconnect ports
connect is maintained. This automatically points to point connection between all computers of n/w.
You are my need.According to working, hubs are of following 3 types.

Active Hub –

of this typeElectronic circuits are used in the hub. WhoWhere is

the signal obtained due to point to point connection? कजससIn n/The capacity is also increasing
w, data is always transferred at a constant speed. as the career is going on.

Intelligent hub –

of this typeHub is also called programming hub because work can also be done by filtering the data.
Zar Shaktar tk in n/w CIf you cannot transfer data from computers, then that is a special Here is
block by instruction the need.

Passive hub –

There is no special electronic circuit of any kind in passive hub.

Because of thisIn the hub, work is required only by transferring data through connection.

क्तस्वाचHub is a simple form of hub which works by creating point to point connection in LAN. Does a
nature?Only an active hub needs a switch. The main difference between a hub and a switch is that What
is happening?It is necessary to use a signal multiplexer in the hub.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

whileWires are required to make connections using electronic switching elements in switches. say
instead of thisIn switches, simple components are also used to increase the signal strength. die
increasing in timecomponent is also required in use, divinity in dying timeswitch to hub location
Where is it used?

in a large areaTo make computers n/w working at different locations, they can connect to each other through a simple LAN. In

connect There is a corner for this need.Bridge is a device Here is the need.Bridge is such a

electron used and full It works in 'duplex mode' when two LANs are connected to each other.

If there is a need, then it is not necessary that both of themWorking at LAN scanning speed and only
BothThe n/w technology of LAN can also be different. In such a situation, C is such adevice
Use is necessary, in which differentHarmonization between n/w If possible. so and so
a similar oneIf two n/w are working at different speeds then the bridge captures and
transfers data between both of them without syncronous signal. Bridges use MAN such as
budnetwork Career is required in making it.


network When there is a very large geographical area, such as a boundary between two cities and
special regions, then such Device is required which supports various functions like network.
also among themselvesconnect can do. For this purpose:There is a need to use bridge tax.
parantBridge does not have the ability to scatter complex n/w. Therefore, smart device is
invented in place of bridge.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Router is one such device, router is mainly a combination of both hardware and software. more
than one cousinHas the ability to make connections. A router is typically a programmable
device, which is needed to control the data transfer protocols in use between different
networks. A router is a device with two different Taxes remain n/w at locations when data
transfer is required.
then thisData is transferred between many types of n/w media. Therefore, this data can be transferred to a night

Path runner is necessary. It is the responsibility of the router to decode the path of data sent
from any computer. The protocol used in n/w is also synchronized by the router. Care is
necessary. This is why differentBy using protocol, you can also transfer data between n/w. can

when more than oncen/w cables need to be connected to each other, then one of the universal
signals is used for transfer. Very large distances are required to be sent to Mars. In such a situation
theseThe signal strength becomes weak. कजससThere remains a possibility of data loss. To overcome
this problem, it is necessary to use repeaters between the networks. Repeaters amplify the weak
signals received from them. it's happeningThe signal can be recovered even by sending a signal
without data loss to very large distances through this type of repeater. Saktar is

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821


Router alone is not capable of creating unlimited n/w like WAN Bare Internet. heeGateways are
also H/W and combinations of which are required to transfer data between different types of
networks. Gateways mainly use two different data formats. Karan VaralThere are data transfer
carriers between n/w. Like if internet is used in a n/w The gear is gear and thisOn window os,
when you add the variable n/w, then Gateway changes the data format of both the n/w
separately. Are working hard. Along with thisAll such s/w programs in Gateway
Develop agents that control data transfer over an infinite n/w such as – apart
Transferring data between speeds of n/w. Control data transfer traffic on N/W Karner.
unnecessaryFilter the data. Keep n/w safe from any unauthorized user.

NOS (Network Operating System):

WheneverComputers n/w need to be developed, then its first priority is the required CS OS
which uses multi-processing along with multi-user capability, because all n/w have one. more
thanThe user also has a status. To fulfill this requirement, a special operating system needs to
be developed. The n/w based operating system called NOS is the best in this OS. The main
all hereprograms
sources are that How to develop LAN easily and components are available with which
क्यार जर सक्तर हैNOS must have the following properties:
Multi user –

In N/W there is always more than one user working at the same time, hence Multi user option is given in NOS.
including oneDetermining different data setting operating functions for multiple users on a computer system
There is a need for relief.

User management –

NOS provides the option of creating multiple users and a separate login name and password is
required for each user.
Multitasking –

In NOS, more than one job can be executed simultaneously with different users.
Data Sharing –

Working on n/w in NOS gives the opportunity to share data between different users and computers. is


Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

NOS allows the H/W device of one computer system to be used by another computer system. Saktar

For Internet connection, it is necessary to use telephone line or cable connection. Both of these Madhyamom Bhaje

Jaran VarlarThe signal is analog in its form, which can be processed manually by the computer. No, I am afraid of all

this.Transformation of the signal into a digital signal before it is input into the computer. Takraner

It is happening.

Similarly whenWhen signals need to be sent through a computer, they are in digital form whereas these
signals are To solve this problem, we cannot understand only these by using the Varler medium.It is
necessary to use a device like modem. It is necessary to use modem because of its simple and
tdigital to analog conversion It works like thisBy using a modem
demodulate meaning.
The computer can be connected to the Internet through telephone lines or any other means.

according to useThere are following two types of modem.

Internet modem –

ThisUsing a modem, it is necessary to connect it to the CPU of the computer.

The modem needs to be connected to the motherboard in the cabinet of the

CPU. of this typeThe speed of modem is maximum up to 56 KBPS.

External modem –

itThe modem is directly connected to any CPU. ThisThe modem

needs to be connected to a serial or parallel port.
ThisThe speed of the modem is as high as 512KBPS as per Red.
Transmission mode

The direction on which data transmission is transmitted from one place to another.transmission mode

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

It is called schooner's.It indicates the direction of flow. This is also called communication mode.
These are of three types:
, simplex
, half-duplex
, full-duplex


Simplex means that communication takes place in only one direction. Atharya tsender send only to dater
Saktar Ha ParantCan't recieve

Example:-Rakedayo,TV transmission, remote, monitor, keyboard , etc.


In half-duplex we can send and receive data in both directions but only one at a time. Only in
Kadshar. Atharyat in this at the same timeBoth send and receive cannot be done. In this mode
SometimesAlso called semi-duplex

Example:-Only one person can use a walkie-talkie at a time.


In this we tell Deter at the same timeYou can send as well as receive. This is the latest
Directionalmode is

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Example:- Through telephone communication, for example, two people can talk to each other at the
same time.

Types of network (Types of Network)

LAN (local area network)Local Area Network)

Local Array NetworkLAN) is a network that connects your home, Career needed in school computers
Yes, this is the protocol used in local area networking, this is called Ethernet, local array network(
LAN) is required to connect two or more computers, called Local Array. Natevakay (LAN) is a very
simple and convenient network, in today's time Local Area Network (LAN) In1000 computers can be
connected through 100 cables.

Maine - Metropolitan Area Network-Metropolitan Area Network

Two years or more Local Area Network (LAN)In order to connect LANs, it is necessary to use the American
Metapocalton Array Network (MAN), it is spread over an area of several kilometers, the Metapocalton Array
Network (MAN) is organized through many routers, switches and hubs. SpeedFiber is optical transmission, it is
a small network called LAN (LAN) and wired network (WAN), which can travel up to a distance of about 75 km to
a router with 200 MB/PS speed.

Wan-Wide Area Network-Wide Area Network in Hindi

To connect very large cities with networks (75 Kms or more Wide Array Network (WAN) This
requires a wired connection to connect to this network.Leased Line Connection Leased lines
are direct telephone lines that connect your computer to an Internet server. S
ProvReader (ISP) adds juice

OSI Model – OSI Model

The OSI model is based on the Soft Open Systems Interconnection developed in 1978 by ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) and this model consists of 7 layers. For
communication between two users in the network, aThe reference model is Kanbhay on
layer The distance does not remain as the transmission takes place from one layer to another.OSI model it

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Describes how data is sent and received across a network. All layers of the OSI model have
different functions that allow data to be easily accessed from one end to another end. Could.

7 Layers of OSI Model – Layers of OSI Model


The physical layer is the lowest layer in the OSI model. This layer is for physical and electrical connections. The

responsible person is like- Voltage, Deter Rates etc. In this layer, digital signals need to be converted into electrical

signals. Networking in this layertopology atharaya tDo the same for the layout of the network.
layer. Physical layer alsoDescribes whether communication can be wireless or wired.
This layer also needs havoc.

Itsfunctions (kayak,

The physical layer defines how two-to-one devices are physically connected to each other.

Due to this, it is necessary to define two in the networkWhich transmission mode is between the devices?

Which would be simplex, half-duplex, and full-duplex?

Data link layer

The bit blur layer is the lowest numbered layer in the OSI MODEL. This layer has two sub-layers:

, MAC (Macier Access Control), etc.

, LLC(Logic Blur Control)

Data packets sent through the network layer are stored in this layer.decode layer encode layer required layer
This alsoEnsure that the packets of the deterrent are unbroken. This layer also needs a frame unit.

ThisTwo protocols are used for data transmission in this layer.

, high-level data link control (HDLC)

, PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)

its kayaks
This layer,Translates the physical raw bit stream into packets. We call these packets frames. And
thisLayer adds header and trailer to these frames.
its main taxIt is a flow control controller in which both the receiver and sender maintain a fixed data rate.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Care is required so that no data gets corrupted.

Network layer

NatevakyalyarThis is the third layer of OSI model. In this layer, switching and routing techniques are
used. It is necessary to do this logically tIP address is also available which is detailed in the network layer.

They are in the form of packets (groups of data) and these packetsfrom source to destination This is
done by the network layer. This layer also requires packet loss. its kayaks

chief responsibility of network operatorInter-networking is done. It provides logical connection

between different devices.
itAdds the source and destination addresses to the header of the frame. The addresses are used
to identify devices on the Internet.

Transport layer Layer)

transport layerIt is the fourth layer of the OSI model. This layer is used to properly locate data in the middle of a network.

Transfer cables are required. This layer also provides carriers for communication between two computers. These segment

units are also required.


The main function of transport layer is to transmit data from one computer to another.
when thislayer receives the message from the upper layers, then it divides the message into very
small segments. and everyEach segment has a sequence number that corresponds to each
segment. असरनी सCan be identified.
It is of two typesThe service performs:- connection oriented and connection less.

Session layer

sashen layerThe fifth layer of the OSI model that governs connections between multiple computers.
The channel provides a channel for communication between two devices. Wonder
Also open Website Takshenkar Kanmary in the middle of the yearnoother

In simple words, let us show what type of connectionsEstablish, maintain and terminate
careers are required.
its kayaks(function)

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

The session layer represents the dialog controller. It creates the dialog between two
itIt also fulfills the requirements of synchronization. wheneverIf any error occurs in transmission
Transmission needs to be deburred.

Presentation layer

The presentation layer encapsulates the OSI model. Uses of this layer determine encryption and decryption. Care is

necessary for this deterrentLayer is also required in the experiment for compression. This layer is the operating limit. Is

related to.


ThisEncryption is done by layering. It is necessary to use it for privacy.

main action of thisCompression is also done. Compression is very important because we compress the data.
after doing itcan reduce the size

Application layer

application layerThe OSI model is at the top (highest) level. Between real applications
and other layersThe interface is the driver. The application layer is the end user's is
close. Under this layer tProtocols include HTTP, FTP, SMTP and NFS etc.
functions (kayak

Through the application layer, files can be accessed and retrieved from remote computers.
can do
itIt also gives the ability to forward and delete emails.
Through this we are determinedCan access the directory.

The benefits are as follows-

1:- This is a generic model rather than the standard model required.
2:- The layers of OSI model are very specific for services, interfaces, fixed protocols. 3:- It
is a very flexible model because any protocol can be implemented in it.
The losses are as follows-

1;- It does not define any particular protocol.

2:- Sometimes it is difficult to implement new protocols because this model does not support these protocols.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

OfEven before the invention, the work was done.

3:- In this, duplication of services is necessary as is error at both transport and data link layer
the control method.


Give this modelIt is divided into layers. One is upper layers and the other is lower layers.

hisThe upper layer handles most of the application related issues and works only on software. There are
fragrances.The application layer is closest to the end user.

TCP/IP Model

The two types of TCP/IP are Transmission control protocol (TCP) and internet protocol (IP).
Widespread uses a protocol called Internet.TCP/IP model end-to-end communication available It is
better to do thisBetween the 1970s and 1980s the US department of defense(DOD) developed Kair
Thaar. itmodel this kandharay
it's more interesting singularlyHow does a computer connect to the internet? This

between each and every one of themdata transmission happens when many peoplecomputer networks interconnected

If this model is connected then weHelps in creating virtual networks. The main purpose of TCP/IP model is remote

Butcommunication performer meaning located very far from itnetwork all communicate
Can do.
There are 4 layers in TCP/IP model which are as follows-

Network access layer

this layerThe lowest layer of the TCP/IP model.

NETWKYX LAYER ITDescribes what type of data is sent over the network.
This layer,There is a combination of data link layer and physical layer as defined in the OSI model. itlayer
is responsible for the transmission of simple data between two devices in the same network.

What is viral communication?What is Wireless Communication?

This is a very useful technology in the field of communication. Through this, a conductor of a series
of cables is sent from one conductor to another conductor. This conductor is available in the form of
dust, which is sent through magnetic waves. It consists of a device sender which sends the data and
a device receiver which receives the data. For example, mobile phone, GPS receiver, remote control,
Bluetooth audio and wireless etc.
, Television and Radio Broadcasting

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

, satellite communication

, Radar
, Mobile Telephone System (Cellular Communication)

, Global Positioning System (Global Positioning System)GPS)

, infrared communication

, WLAN (Wi-Fi)
, bluetooth

, panaging

, Kadak
lace phones

, Radio Frequency Identification (RFIDI)RFID)


Firewalls are wireless device boundaries that protect a network.unauthorized yajusyathar dangerous
elements in networksWhich is better to access? 2:-Firewall hard Both hardware and software types

Any type of firewallActs like a barrier to attack.


OneComputer threat is a virtual threat that can break the security by exploiting any
vulnerability and can reach a very large extent. In this, data can be stolen from our
system. सकतर हैर कफरBy attacking, viruses can reach our computer system.

What are Hankags?What is Hacking?

Simply put, it is a technique of charlatan (A technology threat.

When someone comes to you for some purposeSystem Function (Computer, Network, Weakness in cash
Find out againBy modifying the system as per your wish, you destroy it, destroy it and then
This process is called hacking.

The person by whom this technique is required to perform the function is called a person.

There are various types of attempts to break into your computer network. these hacking techniques


In spite of any technology present in the network, the generators


collect data through similar base bricks of different types.

Destroys your computer's junk and dust by turning into useful and useful
software. Keep an eye on the words spoken, this deedIt is called Key Logging.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Hank is a negative word. And by doing some wrong deed one can attain enlightenment. This is also true because most of the

times the wrong objective is needed for the right one. But there is another initiative also.

In front of whom we are behaving badly.

Different types of Hank's fungi –Types of Hacking

, Ethical Hacking
, Malicious Hacking
, Ethical Hacking
Ethical Hacking,She is a hanky pang who unknowingly C is needed for the right purpose. This hank G
ToWhite Hat and Network Penetration Tester etc. soft tools are also required.

In this type of hangout, people network,र and सर्वायSince signaling systems, data center etc. infrastructure and
Finds out the existing deficiencies. When any deficiency is found in the Kairondwarrior, then that deficiency isBugs are wreaking havoc. There is no

need for any kind of dirt carrier in a unicycle hanging gear. They only need to be destroyed and they only need to be replaced.

Ethical hacking is completely legal and is required to protect people from potential threats. thathar Any deficiency

exists (Bug) If we can go through that distance.

Malicious Hacking

That power, which is necessary for some wrong purpose and thus is unethical, isMalicious Hacking She


Cracking is required no matter how many viruses it is hacking. There are many different
types of viruses to crack which can easily be cracked. This includes both dictionary
attacks and runbot attacks. The need for experimentation.

Unit 2

By following the computer, there is an alternative computer network called the Internet, in which all computers are


Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

If we understand the meaning of Internet in simple words, it means an international network, which is the biggest network

in the world and it connects all the computers of the world as a router.Router) and web service through r
are connected to each other

The Internet was first launched in the Defense Department of America's Defense Secretary Pentagon. Easy In 1969,

ARPANet (Advanced Research Project Agency) was shortened to Networking Project and launched. Kear gear stable.

Which was used during times of war to send secret messengers to the clansmen and to protect the
communication system. After some time, researchers saw this coming together. , scientist, talent
People and constituencies started using it.

Gradually its popularity continued to increase. And today this network has the entire world under its

First of allThe Internet was invented in 1970 by two men, Vinton Gray Cerf and Bob Kahn. The beginning
was made. Therefore, there is a need to internetize them. This is not simple.Pehler Imle Bhajer in 1972.

Easy to use internet for the first time in British LibraryCareer as a new technology in 1979. Its Soon there was
rapid development in computer technology.
Nashensilsferundshan nahi simple by adding a few high speed computersNSFNet was created in 1980.
CareerLaid the foundation of Internet). At the same time, Microsoft, the company behind this simple
cable, Your operator Kasim decided to log in to IBM's computer.
EasyIn 1984, more than 1000 computers were added to the network, and gradually it developed
rapidly. And today it has emerged as the world's largest network.
simple for common peopleIn 1989, the Internet was opened, which was used by people on a large scale.
Career journer for communication and research.
Simplify your internet search for driversA new constitution was given in 1990. After this more in this area The
tree started growing rapidly.
SARAL aims to develop high speed network to facilitate education and science related services
1991 “National Research and Education Network” (NREN) was established.
then simpleIn 1993, the first global web browser and MOSAIC software was launched. Search
accelerated the growth of the Internet.
New inventions started happening in the world of internet, and with this it started developing rapidly, and today the networks of

all the states of the world are connected with each other, due to which communication, worship, research, poetry sharing as well

as such things have started taking place in the centers. , without which nothing could ever have been imagined.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Basic Internet terms

1) Internet:

It is the biggest network by connecting internet, which includes private, government, service etc. scholar, academic

etc. and are connected by cable, optical fiber, satellites and wireless technology and hence
the Internet is necessary to connect all other networks.
Internet Wired Web (WWW), e-mail, games, documents, audio and video etc. It operates in a very
large number of information resources resources.
internet nowComcast, AT&T, and big internet services like BSNL, MTNL in India Is a provider?

2) WWW wide web):

Many people think that the Internet and the Internet are the same thing, but they are not! Whatever
you are browsing in your browser right now is a wired web.WWW) This is an information technology
system. Documents and other web resourcesURLs are identified by hypertext stigma and Se xse

What is Client?

in kadakjtal dakunyarclient means that computer application which And I will manage to make sure that everything is done.

A client is a computer that The reason for the demonstration was Saqwaay. Seas are capable of absorbing rainfall
And use them

It is a computer which outperforms other computers. It is aLocal area network (LAN) on the

internetA SIM can perform better over a wide area network (WAN) ... For example, habituated
rApache HTTP Serverr yerMicrosoft IIS running efficiently, providing optimal access performance on both Internet
Do it.

modem a network card Wired cables are what connect a computer to a telephone line, line line, cable line, satellite
It is free to send and receive data over the connection, which is why digital data converters are required
to convert the analog signals used on them.


Webpage step by step – What is a Webpage

A web page is an HTML document available on the Internet that can be read by a web
browser. A web page is a special web page that anyone can access. A web page contains
dynamic text as well as graphics, video, audio, hyperlinks and other content.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

to vabepajeHTML Document is also called where the page mainly needs to be written in HTML
only. HTML Apart from this, there is also a need for efforts in other upcoming programming
topics. It is used frequently. And Hamsher Internets

Therefore, the information available in24×7 access may be required.

All the topics present on a topic are considered the same. Let's keep it at Rs.

And in this wayThe body needs a soft heart which is commonly called webberite in rainy season.
Download and Upload

both of theseTechnical terms are often used. Downloading means receiving data from the Internet and
then uploading it to your computer. Uploading means sending a file from your computer to anywhere on
the Internet.

After hearing the word downloading, we are worried about movies, songs download.
maturkabak new garan andLet's download films. As soon as we hear the word uploading, we
get confused about uploading documents in our email or uploading pictures in Facebook.


Being online means when a machine is in an active state and is not connected to any other
devices. Sarath Jadur has happened. For example, when aWhen the network printer is online,
then the computers which are connected to that network can also print. Other devices, such as
scanners, video cameras, audio interfaces, and other things, being online can wreak havoc even
when they are running and still connected.

when oneIf the computer or any other device is turned off or if any other device or network is
not connected So in this ““Offline” is necessary. The exact opposite is “online,” when one device
can easily communicate with other devices. For example, when you try to print something from
your computer, you may see an error “The specified printer could not be found,” which means
your printer may be offline. In this case, check the printer and You can start from scratch.

Doing it offline then means not being connected to the Internet. when you disconnect YourThe ISP
pulls the Ethernet cable from your computer, causing the computer to go offline. something is
neededprograms, such as Web browsers and e-mail programs, you also have an option to "Ha"Do
“Work Offline”.
thisThe option disables the program's network connection, meaning no data is transmitted.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

it happens

Application Of Internet In Hindi

There are many important applications of the Internet. Various services available through the Internet the best, the best, the three best

महत्पन्यूयी-मले, वेब ब्रूक्जांग और पीर-टेपीरेसक्व Are ready. E-mail, which is also electronic, is wreaking havoc.

Internet applications are the most widely used and successful. The Internet of Things is the application that
dramatically expanded the Internet andThe biggest influence on its use during the 1990s was Stable. Peer-to-
peer networking is the youngest of these three Internet applications, and it is also the most popular. Where its
uses have created problems related to the access and use of copyrighted content.

1) Email

Regardless of volume, popularity, and impact of events, e-mail remains the dominant Internet application. This is despite

the fact that internal say technological termsHas not changed significantly since the early 1980s
Over the last few years, the usage of e-mail and internet has grown exponentially due to two factors. First of
all A growing number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are offering this service, and secondly, the number of
physical devices capable of supporting e-mail includes highly portable devices such as Personal Digital
Assistants (PDAs) and cellular telephones.
There is also a need for growth in the e-mail world where there are more Jews, and where the Jews now have
different types of Ability to attach documents to e-mail messages. While this has been possible for a long time,
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and software developers
This microprocessor has made it very easy to send and receive attachments of all types, including documents,

spreadsheets and graphics.

As a result, the congestion matrix generated by e-mail, which has declined in the context of the number of data packets running

across the network, has increased dramatically over the years, making a significant contribution to network congestion.

E-mail payment for hundreds of millions of people Pipes have become an important part of office communication,
Many of which have been changed for this letter or telephone call.

Since then, e-fairs have become an important advertising medium, especially in those markets where the
demand for special products and events is time sensitive. For example, tickets for upcoming open events are
being made available to the administrators and the market is being cut off by sending e-fairs with information
about prices. In addition, e-mail, less obviously, serves as the basis for some important collaboration
applications, notably Outlook Express.

2) Communication

The Internet is undoubtedly the most effective and remote communication tool we have. Communication on the Internet is

free and easy. We are all connected to each other on different computers andConnected to IP. script, chat messenger,

social mediar pasay Common for tap and professional purposes.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Actually we are also using standard communication protocol but not internet.By using
artificial intelligence and machine learning, we are constantly developing so that we can
layer that By using how we communicate, we can break down barriers and have better
experiences in the shortest possible time.
3) Web Browsing

Web browsers are another important application of the Internet. Unlike e-mail, which developed as a whole and

then became standard in the early, non-commercial days of the Internet, Eased Cure Gear Ther, Web Browser

In a highly competitive environment developed by corporations such as Microsoft and Netscape, and the
Internet of Things Consortium, Surfshark-influenced technology (W3C). While Microsoft and Netscape The
most obvious bug in the web browser's kernel is Kharskar Sarvai. From which perspectiveW3C's excessive

Influential climate change can be the most important

in the long run. Say
- Lee DwarrrFounded in 1994, the W3C aims to develop interoperable technology standards.

Developers who are committed to achieving its full potential as a platform for selling, communicating,
To develop
collaborating and commerce.W3C successful new, open standards for web documents and
able to promote
These standard web-based documents are designed to make them more expressive (cascading release
sheets), as well as to handle standard back-end display so that the content of the user's document is readable.
Have a more clear understanding of PICS and prepare the basis for more interactive design (Extensible
Markup Language, Yr.XML) can be created. FIRE W3C makes those capabilities a major goal are the developers
who become Say
- Lee's philosophy is that the Web will be a highly collaborative information system.

Honar Charkha.

4) Job search

Nowadays, many people search their jobs online where it is fresh and there is a huge
variety of job vacancies. People search online for potential jobs.
Some basic features to, etc.
5) Online Shopping

Shopping has now become a hassle free and almost any other retailer can order the product online
after comparing the product on it. कर कर सकता है ओलनरीन शुक्पॉंग कब जब हैं है और देखें
The resulting competition is obvious. Shopping sites are more interesting due to more discounts various companies are

offering to the customers.

people and their aspirations are happening and it is our frugal expenditure especially for Indian buyers.

This is good news. Customers can pay cash for a product to be delivered to their home
within a few hours and return the product if they are not satisfied.
Shopping on the Internet is cheap, convenient and time-saving. For online,
Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821
Uses like,, etc. are common. In this way internet can be used
in life. Are influencing our shopping habits.
6) Stock Market Updates

You can buy shares while sitting at your computer on the Internet.Many like Sharekhan, fundsindia Websitters
perform a jarring action against the canvas.

7) Travel

mycorrhizaOne can use the internet to collect garbage at the landfill site. This can be used
to collect garbage from hotels, hotels, trains, buses, flights and cabs. performance to

Karan Varli some,,

8) Research And Development

The pace of work towards innovation and research skills requires development through internet tools. It
is not difficult to do research on the internet. From small businessmen to big poets, everyone is getting
access to the internet for resources and development. , Deter Aunty, Deter Research , Deter Management

Ityarkad's Marang is very strong.

A person who is both precise and detailed is really important to take innovative decisions. In
fact, the importance of Microsoft Excel is still felt by the people. Similarly,CRM and Google
analytics help businesses analyze consumer behavior on websites and advertising agencies. I
am helping to do this.
Decision makers of all kinds and from whom Narration tax is an important part. Success and failure
Rely on our decisionOnline businessmen and high competition on the internet to do business
After the rise of Narijshen should not be a burden. This is what happened today

You can visualize, analyze, and monitor your customers' data in real time using Data Analytics.
This helps us to remain competitive in the market through better data analysis. Whatever
information we need about health, money, politics, RTI etc., it comes to us within a few seconds.
Therefore, it is really important that We harness the power of the Internet for commercial gain.

9) Video Conferencing:

It enables direct face-to-face communication over a network through webcams, microphones, and other
communication tools. Video conferencing can enable individuals in remote locations to participate in meetings
over short-term communication, saving time and money. आ
Careers are also required for telecommunication using technology, in which there is a shortage. Charari works from home. When

There is a need for interactive communication between teachers, teacher to class, teacher to
class and class to class in different places by using video conferencing.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

10) E-Commerce

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services over electronic networks.

Mainly on the internet, funds are transferred by data transmission. From one to another, from one to another, from

one to another, from one to another, from one to another, from one to another. India's largest e-commerce company

Flipkart , Snapdeal, Amgen India, Paytm.

11) Online payments

The growing boom of online payments in India has given rise to many new entrants in the industry such as Paytm,

Mobikwik, etc. which are mainly wallet enabled payment companies. broadband,Through 3G broadband Smarty

This deterioration is becoming more rapid due to increased access to phones, tablets and the Internet.

12) Social networking

Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media programs to build relationships with friends, family,

coworkers, clients, and clients. Social networking can be used for both recreational purposes, business purposes,

and careers. The programs allow connections between individuals. are and Carefully demonstrate the acquisition of

new contacts. Examples of social networking include Facebook, LinkedIn.

13) Hobbies:

Those who have some hobbies and read many aspects of their hobbies can try this lesson.
14) Studying:

It is a free platform for students to learn throughout their life.People in the age group 18 to 35 The most
popular users of the Internet today There are seven among them and these people are mostly students from all over the world. and new

Using internet for skill learning and degree pursuit in professional online courses. Similarly, our
teachers like Dakunyar are using the internet to read and share their knowledge and
experiences. There are many websites that can help you find your printed disability status and
decide which profession is best for you. It would not have been possible before the advent of
the Internet to significantly expand this speed. That is why the Internet has become an
important factor in our education. It is now possible to get study material and resources for all
15) Business Promotion And Innovation

We also use the internet to enhance our environment. We can sell our products by using various e-
commerce platforms on the internet. E-commerce is growing rapidly on the internet and we are
introducing new activities every The and most creative entrepreneurs can be seen, who in turn create jobs.
and thus reduce unemployment.
I feel that if our entrepreneurs in India and other countries learn the internet and take internet taxes more seriously

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

If you use it then you can get hundreds of options for your career on the internet.
16) International uses of Internet by working remotely and providing
business services

It is clear that the presence of the Internet has become more convenient for not this high
, the requirements of quality content etc. can be met by meeting the challenges that remain with you as well. no knowledge power

And anyone can do business and job after growing up.

What is Email Protocol? How does it work and their types?

Email Protocol (Email Protocol) A method by which a communication channel is established between two computers. Queries are

required and between them there is a need to transfer emails between them. When an email is required to transfer a queue, then

one Another two computers are involved. One computer sends it and the other receives
The server
it. encrypts the file and allows the receiving device to access it and download
it when needed. There are different file protocols. These protocols vary in the way they
establish connections and allow user access to email.
Email protocols vary by function: some receive emails and some send and transport emails. For
example, Post Office Protocol3 (POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) emails
allow receiving and sending, while Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Email only Is
responsible for singing.

How do email protocols work?

Compare the email with the physical email to understand the role of the email protocol.
a sender (sender) A letter is added to the mailbox and then transferred to this local delivery center. The letters are

delivered. After all security checks and sorting, the letters are delivered to another distribution center located in the

recipient's area. When the letters are again screened and sorted, a carrier is delivered to the recipient's home address.

Now let us understand that an email or user at Emails are consistent
The message is being sent. See that across senders and recipients and the email protocol is defined as email.
The burden of transport is constant, as are the mediums, e-mails, and letters in the form of posters, air mails, etc.

For example, Thunderbirds can send emails from email clients.SMTP sends that message to Gmail Imle Savay

r - reaches a distribution center. After that,SMTP Saves emails from this recipient R-on yahoo
It is necessary in the end, SandeshRecipients' inboxes need to be accessed via POP3 or IMAP transport.

Types of Email Protocols:

, SMTP (Simple Message Transfer Protocol)
, POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)
, IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821
Email Client (Windows Mail, Thunderbird etc.) and email displays R (Gmail, Outlook,
The Simple Message Transfer Protocol is responsible for email transfer between Yahoo!

Companies Email Marketing (Email Marketing) and send automated marketing emails
smtp service Other uses - such as updates, service changes, comments and shares Nah, yer buy


By defaultThe SMTP protocol operates on 3 ports: Port 25 –

This is the default SMTP non-confined port.
Port 2525 - This port supports all security devices. र परखोलर जरतार हैकड पॉट्यFilters are required on 25 (e.g.
for yourvia ISP) and you want to send non-encrypted emails with SMTP;
Port 465 - Use this port if you want to send messages securely using SMTP. Care is
email clientemail serviceApophis protocol for resource retrieval3 (Post Office Protocol 3)
Let's use. Email clients that run on a user's computerPOP3 is used by other messages, they Imle
Savay R and S are in danger.After downloading and using email clients with POP3 habituated
There is also an option to host your emails on the web. This

email protocol is designed for those users Designed for those with no ready access to the internet
They are able to read, draft and delete emails.With POP3, as users access the Internet Since they are connected, the

emails need to be distributed.

By defaultThe POP3 protocol operates on 2 ports: Port 110

– This is the default POP3 non-encrypted port.
Port 995 - This is the port you should use if you are using POP3 securely. They want to do
internet message access protocolPOP3 is supported, but unlike IMAP, many users Onko
There are free email sending days in Akbar. This is a helpful feature for business professionals who perform
communications with clients as well as different team members – especially when they need access to one
email address at a time.

Introduction to the Wide Web (World Wide Web: Introduction)

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Web means more and more, so many computers on the www internet have one such problem. There is an unlimited

server. Some Internet userswww is considered as internet whereas here is internet But this is one of the various

surveys available. In this, it is necessary to connect the indexes of all the computers among themselves in such a way

that we automatically move from one computer to another in search of the index. Here are the computers that have

computers. R (web server) and the form in which it is displayed is called web page.
Are . These web pages are required to be viewed in addition to the specific programs in that web browser (web

browser) say Are . On a website, you can buy articles, magazines, movies, pictures, etc., just about anything else. In

addition to these, a new page on another website may also be a driller's letter, which can lead to hyper-stigmatism.

(hyperlink) says.

History of WWW in Hindi

Tim Berners-lee Who needs to be called the inventor of the World Wide Web. Who needs to be called the
inventor of the web is necessaryBerners-Lee was the director of W3C. Berners-Lee monitored the development
of W3. theseHypertext was also developed. The technique of communication through web was developed.
what a thHe invented the technique of linking web pages together.

With the concept of Hypertext, they changed the perception of Internet. 1989 Berners-Lee introduces the
world wide web server. This server is set to soft “httpd”. In Saruvarat WWW something like this kind of
tharWYSIWYG Hypertext Browser/editor which runs in the NextStep Environment. By 1991 the world wide
web had reached its maximum extent.


1. Internet was invented in 1960. 1989 Tim Berners-lee invented it.

2.Hardware is available.Software is available.

3.Internet uses hardware like server, router, bridge, tower, satellite. WWW uses
program, hypertext, protocol, webpage, text, images.

4.First internet was called ARPANET and in later days WWW was called NFSNET.

5.Internet uses IP Address or HTTP.

6. Internet scanners can also run on WWW. Internet scanners on WWW do not exist.

7.Internet is a superset of WWW.WWW is a subset of internet.

8. Computers in the internet need to be searched by IP address. Information is located by URL. h

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Web Server

Web server is a program. Whenever a user sends a request to a website or a web page through
HTTP, the server requests and returns the response also through HTTP and that response is nothing
else onePages are made of HTML. Just like if you search something in Google, then the web server of
Google website shows you the result very quickly. This is what the web server does. example is oneA
computer is essentially required to host a website. Every website has a web server. h

Hyper Text Markup Language is similar to HTML. This is a language which can be used One
The website needs a designer. Every webpage also needs an HTML document. On this page
The virus is visible in the world when aIf a web page is linked to another web page, it is
called a hyperlink. Every web page you see on the Internet is an HTML document. To run an
HTML document, an application is required, which is called a web browser. There is a need
in whose face we will fight.


This is also a page which requires aLanguage is required to be used which requires a speaker to use
HTML which means Hyper Text Markup Language. Or it is a small part of website writing. It can also
speak. webseriteThere is a collection of webpages. To access these webpages, use the URL address. What
is needed?The page you are reading now is also an example of a web page.

Web Browser

Without a web browser, the World Wide Web will never work. Web browser is a software program
and can also be called an application. Through which we access our website Are. Generally, the
browser is called a website and the web page is called the Internet.Use a browser to access Care is
needed.Web Browser translates HTML Document into Human readable form. some examples are
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

How does the browser work? - What is the system?

Location (common computer) or address (common computer) to access content on the Internet
soft) is required.

This location and adsUniform Resource Location of URL. Full form of URL is Uniform Resource Location.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

a si alsoThere are two types of URLs. The first type is Protocols (to perform information exchange between computers).

Maranak) and Dusurur BharagDomain name is

Through the browser we are inThere is an accessibility layer on URLs. The content present on these URLs is in the form of

HTML Document or Webpage.

thisDocuments are written using special HTML commands. Browsers read these special
commands (HTML Tags) and interpret them and then display them in the text file. I do.

In this way we can say that first the browser goes to the website. Then it reads and understands the content

present on that website. After this the users reach it.

All browser charges- The system is similar where the raster rendering engines present in browsers use certain
They allocate resources only on the basis of deaths. Therefore, a form remains in the universe.
Therefore, Your mobile phone and our mobile phone look the same.

Some main web browsers –Best Internet Browsers Name

1. Google Chrome

google chrome browser fixChrome has all the necessary threads. Chrome is the first choice of Internet Jews.

The popular web browser is Google.

Google launched the Chrome browser in November 2008. It is a Fast and Simple Browser. Chrome
browser for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and mobile platforms like Android, Windows Phone and iPhone. is

Chrome Browser supports almost 50 major browsers.

2. Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Browser is the most popular browser among desktop users. Mozilla Firefox Browser to we
A better version of Firefox is needed.

to this browserMozilla Foundation and its subsidiary Mozilla Corporation are jointly founded.
Firefox is an Open Source Web Browser and is also User Friendly.

Firefox is developed for Windows, Linux, Android OS. Mobile version is also available in
Firefox, but the popularity of Firefox is less on mobile.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

3. Internet Explorer

Kankamay by Microsoftt web browserDefault browser is the default browser using Windows OS.
Yes, even the soft version of IE is required.

IE Browser needs a Secure & Fast Browser browser. It was launched in 1995 for Windows users. Kear gear

stable. This is one of the earliest web browsers.

Internet Explorer Tax Advance VijayMicrosoft Edge is also about to be launched but for now
There are two Microsoft browsers available.

4. Safari Browser

to the traveling browseriPhone Banaran Worli Company Apple Inc. This browser is available for
Mac OS and Windows OS. It is not very popular. However, it is popular among Mac Jews. Popular

5. Opera Browser

Operator browser is also a very advanced browser. This browser isOpera Software SunLaunched carrier gear
stabilizer in 1995. The Opera browser is available in approximately 40 popular formats.

it's brrurzerkoThere is development gear for Windows, Linux, Mac OS. Also for Opera Mobile iOS.
Available now, among mobile usersMini Version Because Opera Mini Browser is more popular.

Types of Search Engine

1. General Search Engine

of this typeSearch Engine is also called Crawler Based Search Engine. What are the types of Search
Engines? कवशेषAre useful for search. Through these search engines it is easy to query any soft specialty.
The search is limited and we get almost the desired results.Google in General Search Engines thathar
Bing Search Engine is very popular.

2. Meta Search Engine

Meta Search Engine is a program which presents the searched query to many search engines
I do thisSearch Engine duplicate फैरेलोंको
simultaneously. and display the results sequentially.
hutter givesSearch Engines are time-saving and give users access to multiple search
engines from one place.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

3. Specialized Search Engine

thisSearch Engines are thematic. Therefore, on these Search Engines only information related to a particular
subject is found. Only Sachunar can find out whySearch engines are subjective, hence their search results are
also The limit is closer to discovery.

internet explorer

Internet Explorer (IE) is a wireless web browser that runs on the Microsoft Windows operating system
(OS). Sarath is coming.This browser has been deprecated in Windows 10 in favor of Microsoft's new Edge
browser. This operating system has almost become a part of the browser, even if it is not the default
browser.IE Year MSIE abbreviated as,Microsoft Internet Explorer is an Internet browser sold to Jews on
the Internet. Pages are free to view. You can use Internet Explorer to listen to and view on-demand
content, access online banking, make Internet purchases, and more.

web publishing document

Web Publishing happens. Steps of Web Publishing: Web Publishing means creating a
web page or website. in rUploader. ... then upload images, videos or different files
Karner tooThere is a difference in web publishing. When you create a website on rIf you upload it then people will like your

You can view the website in your browser.

interchange standard

EDI is a simple electronic data interchange. It is one such communication. It is a process

in which data is transferred electronically from one computer to another.

To transfer dataPaperwork is not required, hence there is no human intervention involved. It is not
necessary these daysUse of EDI is the most sought after career in B2B e-commerce. Due to which a
lot of data transfer is required due to which the data isin bidirectional format The individual is in
need of care.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821


advantage of EDI in hindi:-

Its benefits are as follows-

1:- It takes very less time to transfer the documents in electronic form. Transfer takes

2:-Where data entry is done in computer, hence the chances of mistakes in it are very less.

3:- In this, the data can be easily exchanged with other means. t in thisTechnical complexity is reduced.

4:- In this, the debit tax transfer needs to be done at low cost.

5:-There is no need to do paperwork in this.

6:- By doing this, the performance is better and the accuracy is more.

EDI working in hindi(its meaningSystem):-

its revenueThe system consists of the following parts:

1:-First of all we prepare the document which is to be transferred to the dater i.e. To Deter
Well-located and well-located workers are required.

2:-Then these documents need to be translated into EDI format through translator software.

3:-Once we translate the documents into EDI format, the documents are ready to be
exchanged. When we need it, weConnect with business partners and exchange documents.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Documents Tax TransferHTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols are required for communication methods.

4:-These documents remain in the recipient mailbox until he views the documents from the mailbox. It's
not processing.

Domain name

Domain name is the name of your website. Domain name name is the layer of poison that can reach your
website via the internet. Searching and identifying websites on the Internet requires the use of domain
identifiers. ComputerUse an IP address, which is a series of numbers.

overview of internet

The Internet is a series of computers connected to each other using routers and any part of the sun through the sun

Computers are connected together. In other words, to show respect to computers.The connection established
between two computers through TCP/IP Protocol is called internet. Internet Kavikar Subsubscriber

Application Of Internet

There are many important applications of the Internet. Various services available through the Internet the best, the best, the three best

महत्पन्यूयी-मले, वेब ब्रूक्जांग और पीर-टेपीरेसक्व Are ready. E-mail, which is also electronic, is wreaking havoc.

Internet applications are the most widely used and successful.

Unit 4
HTML is a markup language developed for creating web documents. this fungusIt
happened in the 90's. It is based on creating a website and creating a website. It is based
onHTML uses 'Tags' to create web documents

designed tools

you do thisYou can use Notepad... Notepad is a perfect tool for writing HTML Code.
Therefore, you must use Notepad to create HTML Document. Html

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Always avoid using Rich Text Editor like MS Word for coding.

HTML Editor

A website page is actually a text file, which contains a hypertext file that contains unsafe
codes for encoding HTML. This code is required to be converted into a web page by the
average browser. Yes, HTML editor (html editor) Havoc is inevitable.

Issue in Web Design Creation & Maintenance

Web designing is a process to create a website. There are many things involved in it such as
webpage layout, content production, and graphic design.

often people or bothWhile the terms web design and web development are used interchangeably, In
factWeb design is technically a subset of its broader category web development.

Websites must be created using a markup language called HTML. Whereas web
designers build webpages using HTML tags that guide the content of each page. And
defines metadata

thereEverything from webpage layout to element appearance is typically defined with the use of CSS
(cascading style sheets). Therefore, we can say that most of the websites require a combination of
HTML and CSS as the basis which defines How does each page appear in the browser?

Some?Web designers prefer to hand code pages (in which they type in HTML and CSS
from scratch), while others use a “WYSIWYG” editor such as Adobe Dreamweaver.

do it like thisThe editor displays a visual interface when designing a webpage layout and the
software automatically generates the corresponding HTML and CSS code.

The full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol (ftp – file transfer protocol).

what is atp

Explanation – FTP is a one-way network protocol used to send files back and forth. If we
want to send a file from one computer to another computer, we also use the Internet.

What are HTML Elements?

OneA website is made up of many simple web pages and a web page is made up of many simple elements of HTML.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

It becomes a lotus flower.There are many types of elements present in HTML file and all the elements have different

functions and meanings.

OneHTML element start tag (opening tag) <tagname>, end tag (closing tag) </tagname>, content
(WhereasThere is a gap between opening and closing that means start and end tag and Attributes S
Kamalkar becomes.Attributes are used to add extra properties to any elements. Necessary as you
were crushedCan be seen in the example.

HTML Elements example

ThisIn the example there is an h1 tag in which id is the attribute of that h1 tag and abc is the value of that attribute.

Between the opening and closing tag is the content which will be displayed on the web page. For H1 tag heading Use cases

are required.

We will read about attributes in the next post.

Note: End tag is not required to represent some elements like <hr>, <img..>, <br> hence
void element or empty element is required.

OneThere are many small elements present in HTML page and many small elements are
available inside one element which are in tree structure. All the elements come in different
types. of <Show paragraph on web page by creating p>this is paragraph</p> element and
similarly show heading by creating <h1>This is first heading</h1>.

nested element

when oneIf other elements are present inside the element, then those elements need to be called nested
elements. As you can see in the example, there is a <b>...</b> element inside a paragraph. How can you
do it?To bold a particular word or a particular sentence in the middle of a paragraph It is happening

Barhar VaralAn element is also required to be a parent element while the inner elements are also
required to be a child element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Elements example</title> </
<p>We are here to show you <b>the importance of time</b>. Let's start.</p>

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HTML tags vs Elements – What is the difference between tags and elements?

The combination of start tag, end tag, content, attributes and value is required as HTML element.
whileTo represent the elements, we need to put the word tag inside the angle brackets. Whereas
Used at the beginning and end of elements.

Both HTML elements and tags are case insensitive that means you can type both elements and tags
heeCan be written in upper case or lower case or combination of both. However, we would suggest
you to write tags and attributes generally in lower case only. Some values of HTML attributes are
case sensitive.

Categories of HTML elements – Categories of Elements

Elements are divided into two categories.

, Block-level element
, inline element

Block-level element

Block-level element starts from the new line on the webpage and runs from left to right on the
webpage. Parurwidth is letter. This element is used to divide the webpage into different parts. It
is necessary as <Table>....</table> is required to create a table using tax.

Block-level element can be used as both block-level and inline element. Some?Block-level
elements have been modified.

<address>, <article>, <aside>, <blockquote>, <canvas>, <dd>, <div>, <dl>, <dt>, <fieldset>,
<figcaption>, <figure>, <footer >, <form>, <h1>-<h6>, <header>, <hr>, <li>, <main>, <nav>,
<noscript>, <ol>, <output>, <p>, <pre>, <section>, <table>, <tfoot>, <ul> and <video>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Block level element</title> </
<h1 style="background: red;">This is first heading</h1> <p
style="background: green;">This is paragraph</p> <div
style="background: brown;">This is third heading</div>

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

of aboveIn HTML I use a heading, a paragraph and a div (division) tag. yer and
do all threeThe background color is different so that the block can move smoothly. you see in the output is possible that

The entire space from heading left to right is taken up with exactly the same paragraph and div width. What is happening

is that only letters are running.The block-level element always starts from the next line.

inline elements

Inline elements are elements that define the function of a particular text that means a
particular word in a sentence defines the properties of that particular sentence in a different
thisElements do not start on a new line and their width depends on your requirement. y element
Jyardartar DasurElements are required to be used. Some inline elements have been softened. <a>,
<abbr>, <acronym>, <b>, <bdo>, <big>, <br>, <button>, <cite>, <code>, <dfn>, <em>, <i >, <img>,
<input>, <kbd>, <label>, <map>, <object>, <q>, <samp>, <script>, <select>, <small>, <span>,
<strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <textarea>, <time>, <tt>, <var>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inline level element</title> </
<h1>We are going to <span style="background: brown;color: white;">market</span> to buy
ThisIn the example I have changed the background color to “Market” inside a heading which is inline.
The gear is passed through the element <span>..</span>.


It is very important to understand the structure of HTML. This is where the HTML code starts. You
have to understand HTML structure from beginning to end. To make any kind of clothes The first
step towardsOnly the picture of the document has to be defined. This would be the best way right
from the beginningUnderstand the structure and follow it.
SarradharanIn Hindi language, HTML is the structure through which you manage web pages.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Are .

if youThis is a best practice if you want to understand the structure of HTML.

We also call HTML structure as HTML document structure. HTML Document Structure Understanding is
very important so that no matter what happens to you,You can create the page. HTML Document
Structure is called HTML Document Structure in Hindi.
ChuckleLet us understand HTML Document Structure as an example.
HTML Document Structure | HTML in Hindi
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Web title is here</title> </
Main content is here -(Container) </
1 <!DOCTYPE,,DOCTYPE> कुडक्लरेशन टैगर वेब ब्रॉजर ब्रॉजर ब्रॉकेट के िलए हैं doneCare is required
to understand the version of HTML. Understand in HindiSymbols appear at the beginning of
an HTML page. <!DOCTYPE> About HTML
Neither are they worse than others.Using <!DOCTYPE> in HTML5
But this initiativeIn version HTML4.01, it becomes very difficult to write and interpret the doctype.
HTML 4.01 DOCTYPE कुछ आस कलखर जरातर थर - <!DOCTYPE
Fixing this bug in HTML 5 brings <!DOCTYPE html> to the right gear
Kalkhanar has become very dependent.
Read about all versions of HTML -

2. <head>,You need to see lotus on all the websites. in the potCSS,JS,etc are tarnished Are in need. Whatever
content is contained in the page is not on the page but is strictly dated.

3.<title>,To define the title of the page <title> tagging is required. There is a need
for dust in the surface of the title. For example, we understand that a title is -
When you are on GoogleIf you search, results pop up very quickly. Those results are in blue color. The texts
that are displayed are those written by Google after the title tag of the page.fetches. itHTML structure is an
important factor.
Title text can be seen in the tab of the browser. If you understand in Hindi language then write it like Google. titleThe name

is Google and the domain is

4. <body>- Display body page content They do it. The page also contains content (text, images)

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

, video) etc. are seen, they are all written inside the body tag.
In HTML structure, the tags which are open are also closed tags.
Introduction to HTML Font Tag
Through HTML font tag, you can define different font attributes on the text. By configuring the
fonts of your website, you can make it more attractive, readable and structured.
By default the font family of your website can be anything. However, you can kahsarb sYou
can also create another font family by configuring it. Apart from this, you can also change
the color by changing the font. HTML <font> tag is provided to configure the fonts. ThisYou
can apply the tag on any paragraph and if you want, you can also apply it on particular text
in any paragraph. <font> tag has 3 attributes.
size – With this attribute you can change the size of the font. Font size is given in numbers. face –
Through this attribute the font family needs to be changed. You define the font family you want in
inverted commas. Is
color – You need to use this attribute to change the color of the font. You write the hex code for the color. can
hear againCan also be softened by coloring.

Setting Font Size

You define the size of the font with the size attribute.

<title>Font size demo </title> </
<font size="10" > HTML in Hindi</font> </
Setting Font Family

To set the font family you use the face attribute.


<title>font family demo</title> </

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

<font size="10" face="Verdana">Learn HTML In Hindi</font> </

Setting Font Color

You change the font color from the color attribute.


<title>Font color demo </title> </
<font color="red">ANKITIIT</font> </
Commenting in HTML

There are many times when aOther developers also use the script written by the developer. Therefore
thatIt is necessary to explain the script so that other developers can understand your script. someone in
karanProblems are male.
You can add comments to explain the script. Defining comments in HTML It's very easy.
Comments are not interpreted. HTML interpreter is required to skip comments. yarkanAny
text written in comments has no effect on your webpage. It is your script. writing time
Commenting is a very professional habit. Comments in HTML are also done through tags.
What is needed for thisHTML provides you a unique tag.
<!-- your comment here -->


<title>commenting demo</title> </
<p> Hello </p> <!-- A paragraph --> </
Introduction to HTML Text Formatting

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

HTML formatting is the process of formatting text to make it look and feel better. HTML UsA cursor
performs the ability to format text using CSS. HTML has many formatting functions. Are tugged. use
these tagsIt is necessary to make the text bold, italicized and underline. There are about 14 options
available to show how the text appears in HTML and XHTML.
Formatting tags in HTML are divided into two categories:

Physical tag: These tags are used to give visual appearance to the text. Logical tag: These tags
are used to add some logical and semantic value to the text. here, weStill learning 14 HTML
formatting tags. The following is a list of HTML formatting text.


<b>this oneThere are physical tags which are used to bold the text written between them. Is

,strong>this oneare logical tags that tell the browser that the text is important.

<i>this oneThese are the physical tags that are required to make text italic.

<em>this onelogical tags that display content in italic Use required for replication.

<mark>use this tagCare is required to highlight text.

,u>By using this tag, the layer that has become scorched in between isCare is required to underline.

<tt>use this tagKeys are required to display a text in teletype (equivalent in HTML5 t)o

,strike>use this tagDraw strikethrough on a section of text Careers are necessary for women.

(Equivalent in HTML5t)o

<sup>Keep this dignity a little higherdisplay content I am doing it.

,sub>Keep this modesty a little lowerdisplay content I am doing it.

,del>use this tagDisplay deleted content Careers are necessary for replication.

,ins>This tag displays that content Do whatever is necessary

<big>this tuga oneRequires use of conventional unit to increase font size.

<small>Care is required to use this tag to reduce the base font size and font size

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

1) Bold Text

HTML <b> and <strong> formatting elements

An HTML <b> element is a physical tag that displays text in bold, with some logical significance. t
Do it if you <b>…………</b>If anything is written within the element, it must be written in bold letters.

Look at this example:

<p> <b>Write Your First Paragraph in bold text.</b></p>


Write Your First Paragraph in bold text

The HTML <strong> tag is a logical tag that allows content to be displayed in a keyboard font. and the browser
ItsCollapses in order of logical significance. If you <strong>??????? Anything in between is written in writing. </

strong>, important text is required.

Look at this example:

<p><strong>This is an important content</strong>, and this is normal content</p>


This is an important content, and this is normal content


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>formatting elements</title> </
<h1>Explanation of formatting element</h1>
<p><strong>This is an important content</strong>, and this is normal content</p> </
Explanation of formatting element
This is an important content, and this is normal content
2) Italic text

HTML <i> and <em> formatting elements

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

The HTML <i> element is a physical element that displays content in a bold, italic font. retina
If you <i> ………… </ i> If anything is written inside that, then it should be written in italic letters. It is absolutely


Look at this example:

<p><i>Write Your First Paragraph in italic text.</i></p>


Write Your First Paragraph in italic text.

HTML <em> tag is a logical element that displays content in italic font with semantics importance.
retinaThat will work.

Look at this example:

<p><em>This is an important content</em>, which displayed in italic font.</p>


This is an important content, which displayed in italic font.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>formatting elements</title> </
<h1>Explanation of italic formatting element</h1>
<p><em>This is an important content</em>, which displayed in italic font.</p> </
Explanation of italic formatting element
This is an important content, which displayed in italic font.
3) HTML Marked formatting

If youIf you want to mark or highlight the text, you should enter <mark> ……… </ mark> inside Prepare all
the ingredients.

Look at this example:

<h2> I want to put a <mark> Mark</mark> on your face</h2>

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821


I want to put a Mark on your face

4) Underlined Text

If you <u> ……… </u> If anything is written inside the element, it is recorded in underlined text.

Look at this example:

<p><u>Write Your First Paragraph in underlined text.</u></p>


Write Your First Paragraph in underlined text.

5) Strike Text

<strike> ………………….. </ strike> Anything written within the element is subject to strikethrough.
retinaIt is needed. It is a thin sheet whichcorrects the statement

Look at this example:

<p><strike>Write Your First Paragraph with strikethrough</strike>.</p>


Write Your First Paragraph with strikethrough.

6) Monospaced Font

If you want each character to be fully supported, you should use <tt>…………. </tt> Write content
within the element.

Note: We are sure that most of the photos to आWhere different characters are needed as variable-width fonts
There are different chaudrai (for example: „w‟ is much wider than „i‟. Monospaced Font Every Letter Samaran

Sthanam performs between

Look at this example:

<p>Hello <tt>Write Your First Paragraph in monospaced font.</tt></p>


Hello Write Your First Paragraph in monospaced font.

7) Superscript Text

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

If yousup> ………….. </sup> element, then it is required to be written in superscript; This
means that this otherDisplay half the height of a character above characters I am doing it.

Look at this example:

<p>Hello <sup>Write Your First Paragraph in superscript.</sup></p>


Hello Write Your First Paragraph in superscript.

8) Subscript Text

If the mutualsub> ……….. </sub> element, then it is necessary to mention it in this subscript; This means
that this otherDisplay the height of a character at the bottom of the characters I am doing it.

What is javascript?What is JavaScript in Hindi)

JavaScript is much needed as JS in programming language. It is used along with object oriented
capabilities. doneIt is an interpreted programming language. This dynamic computer programming
language also wreaks havoc. Its programs are neededScript is called. By using it you can do different
types of things in web pages. Can relate to thisScripts can be provided and executed as plain text.

JavaScript is one of the three main technologies of the Internet of Things (WWW) after HTML
and CSS. all existing mainWebsites use it because it enables interactive web pages. IsikalayIt
is widely used in creating web applications. It is very lightweight due to which Nowadays
JavaScript needs to be used as a large part of a web page.

soft in the beginningNot JavaScript but LiveScript. But after this, Netscape, which is a web services company,
changed it and today we have created this universal software. Many to the peopleJava and JavaScript seem to
be the same language but neither is completely different from the other. The reason why they become soft
and uniform is that at that timeJava was very popular due to which even its soft Kamaltar Jalutar was kept as
the same and people considered it to be the same.

Today after growing upJavaScript has become an independent library with its own ECMAScript. Today it is not onlyIt is

possible to execute the job not only in the browser but also in the server. If you are a server If the journey is going on then

this poem will be read.

Some Important Points to Understand JavaScript Definition

1. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language whose source code is written in the client's web browser. gravel

Care is required by the server process.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

2. Using it you can add HTML to any web page and also change the existing content. can
andYou can also modify the page style.

3. It was originally developed to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. Gyr thar.

4. It is an open and cross-platform which aims to provide better experience to the user.

5. Like PHP and ASP, JavaScript code can be executed anywhere within the HTML of a web page.
Saktar is

6. With the help of JavaScript, cookies can be obtained and set. UseCare is also required
for visitors' service and massage show.

in history (History of JavaScript)

JavaScript was invented in 1995 by Netscape communications corporation programmer

Brendan Eich. It took only 10 days to create this scripting language. That time It starts soft
Mocha keep gear stable then change this to LiveScript and add JAR at the end Kadayr gair.

Haralanka is officially soft.Even when ECMAScript was not implemented, people still called it
JavaScript. give this priorityUsed in Netscape browser version 2.0B3 in Dec 1995. after 1998 In
ECMAScript 2 and 3 were released, which are today's modern JavaScript.

Nowadays almost all bigWebsites are widely used even by Google and Facebook. At that time
Netscape had a very strong presence in the web. Netscape Communicator became popular as the
first browser to do NCSA. In luckless times, when Microsoft created Internet Explorer, Its popularity
decreased significantly.

some of javascriptbasics

JavaScript Syntax

Reference to a set of JS Syntax rules What does this Kanadaray do?I am crying, why not?by programmer
How will the language be written and how will it be interpreted by the browser? JavaScript is required to
be used in a web page using a JavaScript statement placed within the <script> html tag.

our ownThe recommended way is to not place the script tag anywhere inside the web
page. You this <Keep it inside head> tag and use it for its purpose. inUsedbrowser
all gone hereAlternative to start interpreting text as script
Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821
is doing

JavaScript Variables

many othersLike programming language, JavaScript has variables. These are loosely typed.
Which means that for the sake of this declaredData type is not required. You can use any type.
ofConvert literal values to variables can destroyVariables in JavaScript program
You must declare this before using it. to theseDeclaring a controller against Var Keyword Care is

JavaScript Operators

inconvert values using operators To clarify, to compare values, to perform arithmetic operations and also

Care is required to do many things, for example,2+3 = 5. Here operands 2 and 3 are required. har
andThe expression „+‟ requires an operator.

JavaScript supports the following types of operatorsdoesn't

, arithmetic operators
, comparison operators
, Assignment Operators
, conditional operators
, JavaScript Functions

itA code is a block of code that is designed to accomplish a particular task. A code is The need to
write it down piece by piece is eliminated.Helps the programmer in writing module code. K C
Before using functions, we have to define this. To define a function in JavaScript, we write the
keyword before the function, after that, after writing the function name and parameters list, we
wrap the statement in curly brackets. .ai

so this was somethingJavaScript basics There are many more subtle things in this, which are difficult to
complete here. Since these pokers will be long, we will explain to you how you can learn them.

what is the use of javascript

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used to
add automations, animations and interactivity to web pages. Making web pages complex for
Web developers use JavaScript in these. By using JavaScript, you can do the following – Can
do it, it is needed.

Web Development is one such field where JavaScript is used the most. Where is it?

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

It is a client scripting language, so it is required to be used in creating web pages. Most
of the websites use it for verification.

JavaScript is also used very well in creating web applications. Initially, many programming languages
were used for the development of technology browser and personal computer. but this side lajran kar
karam in levelNo JavaScript. Thanks to this, such applications were developed which I would hardly be
thinking anything.

To create a Web Server, it is necessary to use Node JS. There are many variations of Node JS through which
WentThe servers are very fast and do not use buffering. Apart from this, it also prevents event looping. Sarath
Single threaded which is required to be used in non blocking manner.

It is also necessary to use JavaScript in mobile application development. The most important thing
that only JavaScript can do is to create applications in web contexts. With its help both Android and
iOS applications can be created.

These are such areas, JahraanIt is used extensively in JavaScript. Apart from this, it is also required to be used
in making Games and Server Applications. There are many other tasks which it can do but This is the
important area.

javascript how see

What are the worst people saying?JavaScript is very difficult to learn, this is fine to some extent, but
if If you do not hurry in this learning but try to understand it first, then you will not have any
problem in this learning.Instructions are given which will help you in learning JavaScript.

Essential tools for JavaScript scene

code editor,first and most importanttool is code editor in which you can do Notepad++ or
Atom Can use it absolutelyis a free tool

Web browser –all of youIf there is a browser in PC or laptop then why should we create it with its
help? WentWill be able to access web pages. If you use Chrome, Mozilla or Firefox then The better it
is, the better it is.Be sure to update the latest version of the browser..

fire bug tool,this oneThere is a web browser extension with the help of which you can do live
debugging of HTML, CSS, DOM, XHR and JavaScript of any web page or website. If you use
Firefox then you will have to install this sample scanner from Google and if If you use Chrome
browser, this feature is already available in it.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

To use it in Chrome, you will have to right click with the mouse. After which you will inspect and see an option
and as soon as you click on it, the complete coding of the page will be visible to you. Kadkhan will be planted.

JavaScript Scene Tubes Resource

ThisTo learn programming language, you should read some resources. असरनी सBefore you start
learning JavaScript, you can try many paid resources to learn it. You can also use this, but you
will get something like thisSearch for online website which is absolutely free and on them youA
complete guide to JavaScript is required. Below are the guidelines for such websites, You can
learn this lesson easily

, W3Schools
, Tutorial point
, Codeacademy
, freecodecamp

Apart from this youYou can also learn JavaScript through YouTube videos.

some of javascriptadvantage

By now you must have understood"What is JavaScript and when is it necessary to use it?
you get some of thisThere are many advantages due to which you should follow this tutorial.

Some of the main points of discussion are:Advantage is

1) JavaScript is a very fast programming language, it can run instantly in the client side browser.
Unless there is a need for external resources,There is no need to use JavaScript during network calls
on the backend server. There is no need to compile it on the client side, this is Karan, the lotus
blooms in this direction.Due to being client side, the load on the server is reduced due to which the
server loads quickly.
2) Its use is necessary everywhere. There are many free websites and tools to learn JavaScript. The
available lessons will help you in learning andThere is no problem in implementing.
3) It can be used with Html, CSS, PHP, C++ or any other language. File extension is not taken
care of because the browser can drill JavaScript into any web page.
4) It supports all browsers and gives the same result in all. JavaScript syntax Asaran and
is flexible
5) Due to it being an event based language, JavaScript executes many code blocks when a specific event occurs.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

What is needed? At least one understanding in Asaran Bharsar.Code section execute is required when user clicks button.

clicking hereIt is necessary to focus on the object.

Unit 5
What is cyber crime?What is Cyber Crime in?

Cybercrime is an illegal activity in which digital technologies (Computer, Internet) are used to
commit crimes. These cybercrimes can be a threat to the security and financial health of any
individual or nation. Cyber crimes include various types of criminal activity. It is happening, it is
happeningIdentity fraud, data theft, viruses attack, online fraud, child pornography etc. are

inThe criminals who commit crimes are called Cybercriminals by using computing devices. what kind of
personTries to access personal information, secret business information and government information. A
common person can also commit cybercrime on the internet in some way or the other. Saktar is

Classification of cyber crimes –Classification of Cyber Crime

Cybercrimes need to be classified based on the subject of the crime. On this basis, cyber crime The three main
categories include:

, Crimes against Individuals

, Crimes against Organizations
, Crimes against society are included

Cyber Crime Against Individuals

like thisCrime is committed against a person or his properties. Taan Varalmain

Examples of crimes are as follows:

Unauthorized Access,when someoneIf a person tries to gain access to a computer system, network
or any other person's online resources in an unauthorized manner, then that unauthorized Need to reach
outUnauthorized access is often used to obtain other personal data for personal gain. Care is required
around that narrow reach.

online fraud,thisThe most useful technology for fraudsters is the use of computers and the internet.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

OneUsed as a weapon. There are thousands of ways to commit online fraud and these are increasing
continuously. is following thisReason also for processing your personal information and for that
complaint is used only

Cyberstalking:The use of internet services to harass any person is called Cyber

Stalking. Under this tCybercriminals follow and harass victims
There is a lot of threat involved in emails and social media.

Hacking:This means thatBy erasing or changing the information/data present in the computer device
Daner.Hacking is the most common form of cybercrime today. It can take different forms. kajsam
Everything from virus attack to password hacking is included.

Plastic Card Fraud,Many times in one day youMust be doing online transactions Yes, no, no, no, no
in ignoranceYou can face trouble by revealing your credit card or debit card information on the
internet. I can fall in if youIf you do not secure electronic transactions, your card details can be
stolen by hackers.

Spoofing:This is the way in whichThe hacker‟s pose as a genuine user and use spoofing
to gain access to the computer and spread malware through infected links. Care is
necessary for

Identity theft:WhenIf scammers use your personal and financial information ThatIt is called
identity theft. If you publish such information on social sites, then your supporters will The
danger has increased.

Cyber Crime Against Organizations

Nowadays almost all bigCompanies and organizations are more focused on their online growth. As such, they
also have to deal with cybercrime. Some of the main cyber crimes that institutions face are: Kavaruddha Kya
Jaarat is his example.

Data breach:this one acerCyberattack is a cyberattack in which a business's private and sensitive
information is released into an unsecured environment. Data breaches can harm businesses and
Consumers may have to deal with that issue in a variety of ways.

cyber terrorism,like thisThe crime is directed against the Government, military installation, power
plants, banks, telecommunication network etc. of any state. Their method is more dangerous in
comparison to a traditional terrorism. These are cyberattacks, not only at the domestic but also at the
international level. What is needed?

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Warez distribution:K CBy using the copyright properties of the organization and creating a duplicate
version. ThatReleased under warez distribution It is so frequentwarez material commercial software tax

Might be a pirated version.

Denial of service (DoS) attack,this one acerCyber-attack is a situation in which an organization's

computer resources and servers require so much request and traffic to be sent that they cannot handle it. And

It is necessary that the resources crash and the authorized user will not be able to access that service. Due to

this the company has to face huge losses.

Cyber Crime Against Society

aceBelow are examples of cybercrimes that affect the entire society.

Child pornography: including tDescribe child sexual acts and show them through films,
pornographic websites,beyond thischild pornographic material to computer and internet OfDownloading
and transmitting the same is also included under this. Today, sexual exploitation of children is taking place all over

the world. To do and misuse themInternet usage continues to increase.

Online gambling:any kind of speculationbetting via internet via computer or mobile By learning the use of
It is called online gambling. Nowadays, business through online gambling is very popular. It is increasingly

clear that there are many types ofproblem has arisen

Selling illegal articles,TodayThere are many such auction websites on the internet which are selling banned
and illegal products to the people. Such crimes are also done through emails in which you are asked to sell such

products for which no warranty has been received.

Forgery:in front of peopleWith the intention of committing fraud, fraudsters make

counterfeit copies of documents, stamps, legal certificate, contract, currency notes etc. can
also be used to identify a personis forgery

Spamming:today's timeIt is possible to spam people through commercial advertisements. You

may also receive such messages or mails at times. oh in whichbumper offers and new types
schemes will be required. For example, in Mahanagar Maral Saast and Apne Paasir Double Kikkajay.
truth is not nonsenseScammers are trying to trick you.

Categories of Cyber Criminals

Cybercriminals wreak havoc by using technology to carry out malicious activities. Karan's
Intention to profit from the personal data/information of any person or company.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Generate threats. By understanding the types of cybercriminals and their techniques, you can save yourself from

them. Can be of cyber extravagancesCommon types include:

Hackers and Crackers

Hacking is the act of everyone committed to breaking the security of computers and networks.
This type of to implementHackers attack the targeted system by developing a computer
program. Crackers steal and modify the data present in a computer system and damage the
system. to doAlso inserts viruses and worms.


most of the timeTricks you through emails and messages. Profitable and attractive approach
WorliPeople often fall into the trap of fraudulent schemes. Scammers first collect thousands of
emails and then they need to send such spam emails.

Types of Cyber Crime

when someoneCrime happens on the Internet, that crime is called cyber crime. If you look at it that way then The

very beginning of Scriber Crimetypes but I have given the lowdown on some common types:


of this typeIn crime, hackers often enter restricted areas and access the personal and sensitive
information of others without their permission. How to do restricted area personal computer maybe
someone is hereonline account.

Hacking or Cracking is very different from Ethical Hacking. German organization Ethical Hackers.
ToAppoint them to check the security of their website. Whereas in hacking, these criminals enter
into anyone's computer using various types of software without prior authorization and even in
thisThe computer owner does not care that all his information is being accessed remotely by a


thisCrime occurs when a person violates copyright laws and downloads music, movies,
games and software. There are many peer sharing websites which encourage software
piracy and distribute all premium things freely only with the permission of the owner. ownIn
websites. Doing so is illegal and requires illegal downloads. There are many laws outlawing
such illegal downloads.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

Cyber Stalking

this kind of taxThere is cyber crime in which the victim is harassed online and needs to be taken care of
by a stalker. Dwarrrr. this loveIt is increasingly common to see stalkers harassing victims through online
messages and emails. In this, these stalkers often make small children their victims. whose cousinsThey
do not understand the importance of internet and then blackmail them by getting their physical address,
photos, personal information. This makes life very difficult for its victims. It is necessary to become

Identity Theft

itCrime has become the most common crime in today's time. It mostly targets those people who use
the Internet. do use yourPerform cash transactions and banking services. In this cyber crime, a
criminal accesses all the data of a person like his bank account number, credit cards details, Internet
Banking details, personal information, debit card and any other sensitive information. do it and then
the sameBy collecting details and using victim's identity, they purchase things online. Are. in Ace
Victims suffer greater financial losses.

Malicious Software

so manyInternet-based software are wireless programs that can hack any network. If
such software is installed in a network, then hackers can easily access all the information
located in that network. And at the same time, the earth in it is also damaged. Can do.

Child Ponography and Abuse

of this typeIn crime, criminals increasingly use chat rooms and hide the identity of people. after
splashingInteract with minors. Young children and minors do not understand so much. Due to
which these childrenabuse, threaten and even force them into pornography Also do. By
following this religion, children do not lose their dignity and thisAbusers become criminals
Are. of many conditionsThe government is working in this direction and has been successful to some extent.

of cyber crimeWhat are the Categories?

Cyber crimes are broadly divided into three categories, which are crimes against



Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

3. Government

of eachMany different types of methods are required to be used in this category and these methods are
different from one criminal to another.

Individual:of this typeCybercrime can take many forms such as cyber stalking, distributing
pornography, trafficking and “grooming”. As of now, many law enforcement agencies are taking
this category of cyber crime very seriously and by joining with many different institutions, they
are becoming successful in arresting such criminals internationally.

Property:as if we areIn the real world, criminals can steal all our things and property, similarly in the virtual
world also, cyber criminals can steal the victim's bank details, login details, credit card and debit card details.
They are fragile and can be misused. कजसस आपThere may be financial difficulties. Sarath some people in
Scammy sites are created and people are cheated. Some send offers and malicious software through emails,
which when opened puts your computer under the control of those hackers.

Government:haralrank ya jyardarNot common but mild if the crime is against a government

then thisCyber Terrorism is wreaking havoc. If it is implemented properly then it can hack even
government websites, military websites, official websites. what kind of situation Akathaay
Kahler describes the situation as Darlan.

virus attacks

Hackers use various methods for hacking, such as techniques such as viruses, malware,
spyware, and spyware that block computers and networks. It is presented in the form
that it is aTrusted source


internet yearWhatever crimes are committed in cyberspace, they need to be called cyber crime. There is a huge

contribution in connecting the people and many people are supporting it.Users are becoming criminals by committing

cybercrimes like hacking, theft, identity theft and malicious software.

Software Piracy (Software Piracy)

By copying someone's software, a businessman in a scam is also accused of cyber crime. That's the difference.

Because this software companies have to face huge losses.

what is cyber crime

Cybercrime is a type of crime in which computer is an object of crime (hacking,

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821
phishing, spamming) and make full use of this single tool to commit any offense or
crime, such as information theft, identity theft, online fraud, child pornography, hate
crimes, etc.

Email bomb

Connected to: EmailDenial-of-service attackSmoke screen

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In Internet usage, an email bomb is a form of net abuse consisting of sending large volumes of email to
an address in an attempt to overflow the mailbox,[1] [2] overwhelm the server where the email address is
hosted in a denial- of-service attack (DoS attack)[3] or as a smoke screen to distract the attention from
important email messages indicating a security breach.


There are three methods of perpetrating an email bomb: mass mailing, list linking and zip

Mass mailing

Mass mailing consists of sending numerous duplicate mails to the same email address. These
types of mail bombs are simple to design but their extreme simplicity means they can be easily
detected by spam filters. Email-bombing using mass mailing is also commonly performed as a
DDoS attack by employing the use of botnets; hierarchical networks of computers compromised
by malware and under the attacker's control. Similar to their use in spamming, the attacker
instructs the botnet to send out millions or even billions of emails, but unlike normal botnet
spamming, the emails are all addressed to only one or a few addresses the attacker wishes to
flood. This form of email bombing is similar in purpose to other DDoS flooding attacks. As the
targets are frequently the dedicated hosts handling website and email accounts of a business,

This type of attack is more difficult to defend against than a simple mass-mailing bomb because of the
multiple source addresses and the possibility of each zombie computer sending a different message or
employing stealth techniques to defeat spam filters.

List linking

List linking, also known as "email cluster bomb", means signing a particular email address up to several
email list subscriptions.[6] The victim then has to unsubscribe from these unwanted services.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

manually. The attack can be carried out automatically with simple scripts: this is easy, almost
impossible to trace back to the perpetrator, and potentially very destructive.[7] A massive attack of
this kind targeting .gov email addresses was observed in August 2016.[8]

In order to prevent this type of bombing, most email subscription services send a confirmation email to a
person's inbox when that email is used to register for a subscription. However, even the confirmation
emails contribute to the attack. A better defense would prevent Web sites from being exploited without
abandoning subscription forms.[7] After a subscription form is filled out, the Web site would dynamically
create a mailto link to itself. A legitimate user would then send a message to validate the request without
receiving any email from the Web site. While the sender's email could be spoofed, the sender's SMTP IP
address cannot. The list manager can therefore verify that the email in the form request matches the
originating SMTP server in the validation message.

A large amount of confirmation emails initiated by registration bots signing up a specific email address to
a multitude of services can be used to distract the view from important emails indicating that a security
breach has happened elsewhere. If for example an Amazon account has been hacked, the hacker may
contrive to have a flood of confirmation emails sent to the email address associated with the account to
mask the fact that the Amazon shipment address has been changed and purchases have been made by
the hacker. .

Zip bombing

A ZIP bomb is a variant of mail-bombing. After most commercial mail servers began checking mail with
anti-virus software and filtering certain malicious file types, EXE, RAR, Zip, 7-Zip, mail server software was
then configured to unpack archives and check their contents as well. A new idea to combat this solution
was composing a "bomb" consisting of an enormous text file, containing, for example, only the letter z
repeating millions of times. Such a file compresses into a relatively small archive, but its unpacking
(especially by early versions of mail servers) would use a greater amount of processing, which could
result in a Denial of Service. A ZIP or .tar.gz file can even contain a copy of itself, causing infinite recursion
if the server checks nested archive files.

Ninxing Emails

The RBI, government agencies and banks have been urging the ban on such emails for years, yet
this remains a major problem.

tax fraud

Hacking, data breach or phishing emails can ruin your career. In this case, if their

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

If you have a PAN number and some important information, they can also file your soft fuzzy tax

public wifi

Anyone can access your data over a public wireless network. So never file taxes while
sitting in a coffee shop. Nor do any work related to the bank. To avoid these you can use
a VPN.

Companions Gel for Deter

Since banks have many tools for theft or any other kind of fraud, criminal agencies are now becoming
consignees for the companies. Like a company's HR needs a letter from the CEO, in which the tax related
details of all the employees are asked. In reality, this email is not sent by a cyber criminal. He hacks the
CEO's account and sends the email. It is not sent.

Er.Satish (Asst.Professor) E-mail: Mobile:- 9461320821/9799920821

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