Black Body

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Black Body Radiations
Such body which absorbs all
types of radiations falling on it ,
at all wavelengths, is called black
body . The radiations which are
emitted by black body are called
black body radiations.
 The sun
 Incandescent electric bulbs
 Perfect Absorber
 Perfect Emitter
 Rate of absorption = Rate of emission
 The higher the temperature of body, the greater amount of
radiations will be emitted.
 Black Body radiation spectrum
German physicists Lummer and Pringshiom studied problem of
distribution of energy among various wavelengths in black body
radiation spectrum.
 Emitted radiation is a continuous
function of wavelength
 At any wavelength the amount of
emitted radiation increases with
increasing temperature
 As temperature increases the
curve shift to the left ,to the
shorter wavelength region
 Stefan-Boltzmann Law
 The amount of energy of all wavelengths radiated per second
per unit area (radiant intensity) of a black body radiation is
directly proportional to the fourth power of absolute
E = σ x T4
Here, σ is called the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. It
has a value σ = 5.67×10−8 W⋅m−2K−4.
 Wein’s Law
The wavelength of maximum emission of body λm is inversely
proportional to temperature (T) and is called Wein’s Displacement
 As the temperature increases, the peak shifts toward the shorter
 Formula
𝟏 𝒃
λm ∝ , λm = ⇒ λm × T = b where:
 b is Wien's constant , b = 2.898x 10-3 mk.
 T is the absolute temperature in kelvin.
 Drawbacks of Wien Law

 This law fairly explains the energy distribution in shorter

wavelength region.
 This law fails to explain the energy distribution in longer
wavelength region.

Reason of failure
 For every high
wavelength, temperature
should be very low, At
very low temperature we
cannot obtain continuous
spectrum . So Wein's law
fails at long wavelength.
 Rayleigh-Jeans Law
Lord Rayleigh and James Jeans made an attempt to explain the Black
Body radiation spectrum curve. The formula given by Rayleigh and

Eλ = ( 4 )KT

 Drawbacks of Rayleigh-Jeans law:

It agrees with experimental
measurements for longer
For shorter wavelengths , it predicts
an energy output that diverges
towards infinity
This failure known as Ultraviolet
 Ultraviolet Catastrophe
 Also called the Rayleigh–Jeans
 Prediction of classical
electromagnetism that intensity of
the radiation emitted by an ideal
black body at thermal equilibrium
goes to infinity as wavelength

 Max.Plank Formula
According to this Formula , the energy is emitted from a body in the
forms of packets called Quanta . Each quanta having energy
proportional to the frequency of
E ∝ f , E = hf
 The surface of the black body contains oscillators.
 These oscillators absorb or emit energy in terms of integral
multiples of discrete packets called quanta or photons.The enegy
radiated is hf .
 As long as electron remain in one of its quantized states, it neither
emits nor absorb energy.
 Planks proposed the formula ,

8 π ℎ𝑓
Eλ = 4 ( ℎ𝑓 )
λ 𝑒 𝑘𝑇−1

 Drawbacks of Planks Law

The Curve represented by the equation fits well with the
experimental curves at all wavelength.
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