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(a) work in process - molding department $ 23,000

work in process - firing department $ 8,000
raw materials $ 31,000
(b) work in process - molding department $ 12,000
work in process - firing department $ 7,000
salary and wages payable $ 19,000
(c) work in process - molding department $ 25,000
work in process - firing department $ 37,000
manufacturing overhead $ 62,000
(d) work in process - firing department $ 57,000
work in process - molding department $ 57,000
(e) finished goods $ 103,000
work in process - firing department $ 103,000
(f) cost of goods sold $ 101,000
finished goods $ 101,000

materials conversion total
equivalent units in ending work in process in 2,000 800
cost per equivalent unit $ 13.86 $ 4.43
(1) cost of ending work in process inventory $ 27,720 $ 3,544 $ 31,264
units completed and transferred out 20,100 20,100
(2) cost of the units completed and transferred o $ 278,586 $ 89,043 $ 367,629

(1) number of tons of pulp completed and transferred out = begining WIP inventory + units started into productio
= 20,000 + 190,000 - 30,000 = 180,000

(2) percentage completed

tons of tulips materials labor and overhead
work in process, June 30 30,000 60% 40%
equivalent units in ending WIP inventory 18,000 12,000
units transferred out 180,000 180,000
equivalent units of production 198,000 192,000

E4-11 units pulping conversion

Work in process, March 1 5,000 100% 20%
Equivalent units, March 1 5,000 1,000
Work in process, March 31 8,000 100% 25%
Equivalent units, March 31 8,000 2,000
(1) pulping conversion total
Equivanlent units in ending WIP inventory 8,000 2,000
Units transferred to the next department 157,000 157,000
Equivalent units of production 165,000 159,000 324,000

(2) Cost per equivalent units = (cost of beginning WIP inventory + cost added in production) / equivalent units o
Cost per equivalent units for pulping = ($4,800 + $102,450) / 165,000 = $0.65
Cost per equivalent units for conversion = ($500 + $31,300) / 159,000 = $0.2

(3) units pulping conversion

Work in process, March 31 8,000 100% 25%
Equivalent units, March 31 8,000 2,000
Cost per equivalent units $ 0.65 $ 0.20
Cost of ending WIP inventory $ 5,200 $ 400.00

(4) pulping conversion total

Cost per equivalent units $ 0.65 $ 0.20
Units transferred out to the next production 157,000 157,000
Cost of units transferred out to the next pro $ 102,050 $ 31,400 $ 133,450

(5) Drying Department

Cost Reconciliation
Cost to be accounted for:
Cost of beginning WIP inventory $ 5,300
Cost added to production $ 133,750
Total cost to be accounted for $ 139,050
Cost accounted for as follow
Cost of ending WIP inventory $ 5,600
Cost of units transferred out $ 133,450
Total cost accounted for $ 139,050
+ units started into production - ending WIP inventory

nd overhead
oduction) / equivalent units of production


$ 5,600

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