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Law is a whole system or set of rules. Rules are
statement that tells you what is or is not allowed in a
particular game, situation, etc.
Divine Law or
Eternal Law
God is the author of
the laws governing
the universe. He
designed all the laws
of the universe in his
own infinite mind.
Physical law Natural law

Biological law Mathematical law

The more I study science the more I
believe in God……
Natural Law
The term “natural law” refers to moral insights people are
capable of knowing by means of their reason, and independently
of the verbal revelation of God.
Natural law is

Its primary principles are self-evident such that it is for all
individuals with fully developed reason to have an invincible
ignorance of them.
Natural law is

All classes of people possess equal moral
dignity as persons, hence they possess equal
basic rights.
Natural law is

This means that there cannot be any change in
whatever is fundamentally good or evil.
Moral Law
governs man’s/woman’s
behavior. It contains truths
and ethical principles
which guide people’s
conduct on matters of
right and wrong.
Human Law
The treatise of human law
deals with the juridical
order of society, be it of the
state or of the religion
insofar as this order is
determined by laws
enacted for the common
good. It may consist of
unwritten, legal traditions
and customs, especially in
the primitive societies.
Kinds of Human Law

Church law Civil law

Human law is
concerned with external
Human law is
limited to a particular group of people
Human law is
historically conditioned
Divine Law
Natural Law END
Human Law
Human law has
presumptive obligatory force

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