Ernesto - 23-24 G9 Summative 3 Term 3

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Name: Class: G9 IMA Teacher: Mr. Lukas A.

Topic title: Social Media Research Criteria B and D

Analyzing Grade 9 Students Social Media Dynamics

A. Project Aim

This project seeks to provide a rigorous

examination of the social media habits
among grade 9 students. Through the
implementation of a meticulously crafted
survey, we will engage in the systematic
collection and analysis of data pertaining
to usage patterns, platform preferences,
and content spread. By adhering to
statistical methodologies, we aim to
uncover underlying trends and draw meaningful conclusions about the digital behaviors
of our grade 9 demographic. So, let us commence this empirical journey, combining the
intrigue of social media with the precision of statistical analysis.

B. Project Guides
1. Survey Design
Create a survey to gather data on social media usage to compare the usage between
boy friends and girl friends. You can use google form or any survey tools for this purpose.
Questions to Include:
How often do you use social media in a week?
Which social media platform do you use the most?
How many hours do you spend on social media daily?
What types of content do you most frequently post/share?
Do you follow any influencers or celebrities on social media?
How many people do you follow on social media? Generally what kind of content?
How many people follow you on social media?
How many likes on average have you had on social media for a single content?
2. Data Collection
Collect the responses from your classmates.

Male Ernesto 75 - 95 h Youtube 6 - 11 h Images Yes 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100

i never post
in social I never
Male Darren 25 - 49 h Tik tok 1-5h media Yes 315 post.. 200 - 300

Short -
Female Viktoriia 25 - 49 h Instagram 1-5h form videos Yes 100 - 200 0 - 100

Female Kimberlee 50 - 74 h Tik tok 6 - 11 h Images Yes 900 - 1000 100 - 200 900 - 1000

Male Victor 25 - 49 h Instagram 6 - 11 h None Yes 200 - 300 None 200 - 300
Short -
Female Mutiara 50 - 74 h Tik tok 6 - 11 h form videos Yes 400 - 500 200 - 300 800 - 900
Short -
Male Jonathan 0 - 24 h Tik tok 1-5h form videos Yes 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100

Male nicolas not sure Instagram 1-3hrs i don't 0 - 100 100 - 200 0 - 100
Short - posted
Female Rachel 25 - 49 h Instagram 1-5h form videos Yes 301 - 400 anything 301 - 400

Female Nadhira 25 - 49 h Instagram 6 - 11 h Images Yes 301 - 400 I don't post 401- 500

Female Katherine 50 - 74 h Instagram 6 - 11 h Images Yes 501 - 600 0 - 100 101 - 200

Female Jasmine 25 - 49 h Tik tok 1-5h Images Yes 201 - 300 100 - 200 401- 500
Short -
Male Beryl 0 - 24 h Tik tok 1-5h form videos Yes 301 - 400 100 - 200 501 - 600

Male Reynaldo 0 - 24 h Tik tok 1-5h Yes 0 - 100 0 - 100 0 - 100

3. Organizing Data
Organize collected data using tables and charts.
a. Table displaying raw data.

Gender name How Which social How What types Do you How many How much
often do media many of content follow any people do followers
you use platform do hours do do you influencers you follow do you
social you use the you most or on social have in
media in most? spend on frequently celebrities media? social
a week social post/share? on social media
media media?

Male Ernesto 75 - Youtube 1-5h images


Male Darren 25 - Tiktok 1-5h none


Male Victor 25 - Instagra 6 - 11 h none

49h m

Male Jonathan 0- Tiktok 1-5h Short -

24h form

Male Nicolas Not Instagra 1-3h

sure m

Male Baryl 0- Tiktok 1-5h


Male Reynaldo 0- Tiktok 1-5h


Female Viktoriia 25 - Instagra 1-5h

49 m

Female Kimberlee 50 - Tiktok 6 - 11 h


Female Mutiara 50 - Tiktok 6 - 11 h


Female Rachel 25 - Instagra 1-5

49h m

Female Nadhira 25 - Instagra 6 - 11 h

49h m

Female Katharine 50 - Instagra 6 - 11 h

74h m

Female Jasmine 25 - Tiktok 1-5h


b. Stem-and-leaf diagram for one variable (e.g., hours spent on social media).
4. Describing the Distribution
Analyze and describe patterns in social media habits.
a. Written analysis of distribution patterns.
b. Visual representation of distribution.
5. Visual Representations
Create visual representations using charts.
a. Vertical bar chart comparing social media platforms.
b. Interpretation of the charts.
6. Discrete and Continuous Data
Differentiate between discrete and continuous data in the context of social media. Which
data do you find is discrete? Which data is continuous? Explain why.
Explanation of discrete and continuous data with examples from the survey.
7. Measures of Center
Calculate and compare mean and median of the survey content below:
a. hours spent on social media.
b. How many people you follow.
c. How many followers you have.
d. How many likes on average.
8. Measures of Spread
Analyze the quartiles and interquartile range for the hours spent on social media.
Calculation of quartiles and interquartile range.
Interpretation of spread.
9. Cumulative Frequency and Percentiles
For your data related to hours spent on social media, provide the data into cumulative
frequency and percentiles between two different groups of students (boys and girls).
Calculation of cumulative frequency. Choose one representative data from your survey.
10. Conclusion and Reflection
Summarize the findings and reflect on the significance of the data.
a. Personal Discoveries: What surprised you the most about your own social media
habits revealed in the data? Were there any patterns or trends that align with your
expectations, or did you discover unexpected behaviors?
b. Comparison Insights: What insights did you gain from comparing social media
habits across different platforms? Were there significant differences or
similarities between the two data sets, and what might explain them?
c. Impact on Well-being: Reflect on the potential impact of your social media habits
on your overall well-being. Did the data reveal any correlations between usage
patterns and feelings of happiness, stress, or other emotions?
d. Responsibility and Awareness:How has this project influenced your perspective
on responsible social media use? In what ways can you apply your findings to
promote a healthier digital lifestyle for yourself and others?
e. Data Interpretation: Were there challenges in interpreting the statistical
measures, and how did you address them? What did you learn about the
significance of measures of center, spread, and percentiles in the context of
social media data?
f. Future Considerations: What questions or areas would you like to explore further
in future studies of teen social media habits? How might the insights gained from
this project inform your approach to social media in the future?
g. Project Reflection: Reflect on the overall process of conducting this project.
What aspects did you find most challenging or rewarding? How did the
combination of social media and statistical analysis enhance your understanding
of both subjects?

C. Report.
Communicate findings through a report or presentation.
a. Introduction and background.
b. Methodology and survey details.
c. Visual representations.
d. Analysis and conclusions.
e. Recommendations for responsible social media use.
f. Reflection

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