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Received: 18 April 2020 | Revised: 27 May 2020 | Accepted: 3 June 2020

DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.14674


Effect of three drying methods on the drying kinetics and

quality of acerola cherry

Bei Song1 | Haisheng Tan2 | Jinsong Yang1

College of Food Science and Engineering,
Hainan University, Haikou, China Abstract
School of Materials Science and The effects of hot air drying (HAD), vacuum drying (VD), and microwave drying (MD)
Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou,
on the drying kinetics of acerola cherry were investigated and the quality attributes
of acerola cherry powder obtained by vacuum freeze-drying (VFD), HAD, and VD
were compared and analyzed, as well as the effects of four antioxidants on the ascor-
Jinsong Yang, College of Food Science and
Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou, bic acid (AA) content. Results showed that the drying time shortened with the in-
Hainan 570228, China.
crease in temperature, which required by MD was the shortest. The Logaritmic model
Email:, hnyangjinsong@ and Two Term model accurately described the drying kinetics of acerola cherry. The
phytic acid was more effective in protecting the AA of cherry powder obtained by
Funding information
National Natural Science Foundation of VFD, which had excellent rehydration and solubility, and its reducing sugar and total
China, Grant/Award Number: 31960678;
sugar contents were significantly different from that of HAD and VD. However, the
Natural Science Foundation of Hainan
Province, Grant/Award Number: total acid content of acerola cherry powder dried by VD was the highest. These find-
ings provide a theoretical basis for the drying of acerola cherry.
Practical applications
As one of the veritable “king of natural vitamin C”, acerola cherry has rich nutritional
value. Drying has become an important trend in the processing of acerola cherry
due to its high moisture content, as well as perishable and unpreservability. The re-
sults provide a choice for the drying technique of acerola cherry and show that the
Logarithmic and Two Term models accurately described the drying kinetics, and the
best preservation of AA, reducing sugar, and total sugar in acerola cherry powder
obtained by VFD.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N maturation period mainly from May to November, which is in the

high temperature and rainy season. Fresh acerola cherries have high
Acerola cherry is native to the Caribbean region of the west Indian, metabolism after harvest and they are not stable in storage and are
also known as Malpighia glabra. The cultivation of acerola cherry is prone to corruption, resulting in economic losses, and environmental
restricted to a few regions in China, such as Hainan province and problems, which restrict the development of the acerola cherry in-
Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region for it is heavily influenced by dustry (Colgecen & Adayauthor, 2015). Therefore, the deep process-
climate. Acerola cherry is a popular fruit, which is rich in vitamin ing of acerola cherries can not only reduce the loss but also improve
C, vitamin B1, dietary fiber, and the unique anti-decrepitude fac- their added value.
tor—superoxide dismutase (Johnson, 2003). These physiochemical Fresh acerola cherries have a high moisture content and will
compounds are important components that cannot be deficient ferment quickly at room temperature to produce wine flavor that
in maintaining human life, which can prevent scurvy, antitumor, affects their quality. Drying is an effective way to process acerola
and have certain effects on beauty and cancer (Sun, Shen, Liu, & cherries, which can limit the degradation of enzymes and the
Ye, 2015). Different from other fruits, acerola cherry has a long growth of microorganisms to prolong the shelf life and increase the

J Food Process Preserv. 2020;00:e14674. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC. | 1 of 10
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variety of products (Deng et al., 2018). Several drying techniques provide an important reference for better preserving the physico-
are widely used in the fruit and vegetable processing industry, such chemical properties of dried acerola cherry.
as HAD, VD, MD, and VFD. The HAD uses hot air as the drying
medium to exchange moisture and heat with food by the convec-
tion circulation. The HAD is a common dehydration way with low 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
cost in fruit and vegetable processing, such as blueberry (Zielinska
& Michalska, 2016), pumpkin slices (Seremet, Botez, Nistor, 2.1 | Materials
Andronoiu, & Mocanu, 2016), and pear (Tang et al., 2016), but the
high drying temperature is easy to cause the change in material Acerola cherries were collected from the acerola cherry base
quality (Talens, Arboleya, Castro-Giraldez, & Fito, 2017). The VD (Dingan, Hainan Province, China) and transported back to the labo-
can induce the evaporation of water through low pressure and the ratory in foam boxes containing ice bags. Skin damaged and decayed
low oxygen partial pressure is conducive to the reduction of the acerola cherries were removed, and acerola cherries with similar
material oxidation, but the drying process is characterized by high shape and size and the same maturity were selected as the experi-
humidity and long drying time (Tang et al., 2016). The MD, which mental samples. The initial moisture content of acerola cherry was
reduces drying time by heating and evaporating the moisture inside 86.84% ± 0.4% (wet basis), which was determined according to GB/T
the material by microwave, has been used in citrus peel (Ghanem, 5009.3-2016 (2016b). Sodium sulfite, potassium sorbate, phytic
Mihoubi, Kechaou, & Mihoubi, 2012), carrot (Liu et al., 2019), and acid, and tea polyphenols were purchased from Shanghai Yuanye
chrysanthemum (Wang et al., 2018). Scholars have studied the dry- Biological Technology Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China).
ing characteristics and drying models of a variety of fruits and veg-
etables under different drying techniques and summarized several
commonly used empirical or semi-empirical mathematical models, 2.2 | Drying equipment and processes
such as Newton (Lewis, 1921; Mujumdar, 1987), Henderson and
Pabis (Henderson & Pabis, 1961), Logaritmic (Wang et al., 2018), 2.2.1 | Hot air drying
and Two Term (Wang et al., 2018), to describe the drying behav-
ior of fruits and vegetables. In addition, the processing of acerola The drying temperatures of hot air drying equipment were 60, 70,
cherry has been widely concerned due to its strong antioxidant ef- and 80°C, and the drying temperature referred to the temperature
fects. Fresh acerola cherries are rich in AA, which is unstable and of the heating medium. The flow rate of hot air was 1 m/s and the
easily oxidized by light, temperature, and oxygen during processing. sample was weighed every 1 hr until the mass change of dry materi-
The effects of different antioxidant treatments before drying on als was less than 0.02 g. The weighing time was controlled within
AA levels in a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as okra (Gao, the 20 s to minimize the error. The test dosage of each group was
Zhang, Zhou, Wu, & Bi, 2015) and haw fruits (Gao et al., 2006), have 300 ± 6g. All tests were carried out in triplicate.
been studied, except for acerola cherry. So far, HAD, VD, and VFD
have been used to dry acerola cherry before studying the quality
of acerola cherry powder, and VFD can effectively maintain the 2.2.2 | Microwave drying
original flavor and nutrition of fruits due to the appropriate drying
temperature and time (Liu et al., 2020). However, there is no liter- The powers of microwave drying equipment were 280, 420, and
ature available about the effects of different drying techniques on 560 W. At the set power, the sample was weighed every 60 s until the
the drying kinetics of acerola cherry, and the effects of different mass change of dry materials was less than 0.02 g. The weighing time
antioxidant treatments on the AA content in acerola cherry have was controlled within 20 s to minimize the error. The test dosage of
not been reported. each group was 300 ± 6g. All tests were carried out in triplicate.
Therefore, this study explored the effects of HAD, VD, and MD
on the drying kinetics of acerola cherry under several temperatures
(60, 70, and 80°C) or power (280, 420, and 560 W), and adopted 2.2.3 | Vacuum drying
four commonly used drying models of fruits and vegetables to fit
the experimental data, to select the most suitable model to describe The drying temperatures of vacuum drying equipment were 60, 70,
the drying behavior of acerola cherry. From this work, the effects and 80°C, and the drying temperature referred to the temperature
of four antioxidant treatments on the AA content in acerola cherry of the material tray. The vacuum of the equipment was 3,500 Pa.
were also accessed. To evaluate the quality of dried samples under The sample was weighed every 1 hr and the vacuum was stopped
three drying conditions (HAD and VD: 70°C, 18 hr; VFD: pre-frozen and the pressure was released during sampling. When the drying
at −50°C for 5 hr and dried for 48 hr at 50°C), the physicochemi- room reached normal pressure, the material was quickly taken out
cal properties were investigated. The value of this work is not only and weighed. The test dosage of each group was 300 ± 6 g. All tests
to provide a theoretical basis for acerola cherry drying but also to were carried out in triplicate.
SONG et al. | 3 of 10

2.3 | Analysis of the drying characteristic TA B L E 1 Common mathematical models for drying fruits and

2.3.1 | Moisture ratio Model name Model expression

Newton MR = exp(−kt)
The moisture content (Mt) at any time of acerola cherry (g water per
Henderson and Pabis MR = a exp(−kt)
g dried matter (DM)) was calculated according to Equation (1) (Li
Logaritmic MR = a exp(−kt)+ b
et al., 2019):
Two Term MR = a1 exp(−k1t) + a2 exp(−k2t)

Wt − Wd Note: t was the drying time; k, k1, k2, a, a1, a2 were the constant
Mt = (1)
Wd coefficients of models.

where Wt is the mass of materials at any time (g) and Wd is the DM

mass of the material (g). ∑N � �2
MRexp,i− MRpre,i
The moisture ratio (MR) was calculated according to Equation (2) R2 = 1 − ∑
N � �2
(Li et al., 2019): i=1 MRexp,i −−MRpre,i

Mt − Me
MR = (2) ∑N � �2
M0 − Me 2 i=1 MRexp,i − MRpre,i (7)
𝜒 =
N− Z

where Mt, M 0, and Me are the moisture content at any time (%), ini-
tial moisture content (%), and equilibrium moisture content (%), re-
� ∑N � �2 � 12
MRexp,i− MRpre,i
i=1 (8)
spectively. Since M0 and Mt are much larger than Me, Equation (2) (Li N
et al., 2019) can be simplified to Equation (3):

Mt where MRexp,i, MRpre,i, N, and Z are the experimental MR, predicted

MR = (3)
M0 MR, number of data, and number of constants, respectively.

The drying rate (DR) was calculated by Equation (4) (Li et al., 2019):
2.3.3 | Effective moisture diffusivity (Deff )
Mt∕Δt − Mt
DR = (4)
Δt In general, the transfer of moisture in the drying process is con-
trolled by internal diffusion and the Deff can be used to explain dry-
where Δt refers to the drying time intervals under different drying ing behavior (Bai, Sun, Xiao, Mujumdar, & Gao, 2013). Fick's second
conditions (t). law of diffusion (Equation 9) can be used as a mass-diffusion equa-
tion to describe the drying of acerola cherry when the drying pro-
cess occurs during the falling rate period (Bai et al., 2013; Xiao,
2.3.2 | Mathematical modeling of drying Pang, et al., 2010).

The five kinds of common mathematical models were used to fit the 𝜕M (9)
= Deff ∇2 M
drying curve of experimental data to describe the moisture changes
in materials under different drying conditions. Model types and for- The solution of the diffusion equation can be expressed as
mulas are shown in Table 1. Equation (10) with the assumption that uniform initial moisture
The fitting degree of each model to the experimental curves distribution, constant temperature, constant diffusivity, negligible
was determined by the determination coefficient (R2), reduced chi- shrinkage, and external resistance (Bai et al., 2013; Xiao, Gao, Lin, &
square (χ 2), sum of squares for error (SSE), and root mean square Yang, 2010; Xiao et al., 2012).
error (RMSE). R was positively correlated with the fitting degree,
while RMSE, χ 2, and SSE were negatively correlated with it (Zheng,

D t
( )
6 ∑ 1
MR = exp −n2 2 eff
𝜋 (10)
2012). These parameters are shown in Equations (5)–(8) (Wang et al., 𝜋 2 n = 1 n2 r2
where Deff is the effective moisture diffusivity, m2/s; r is the volume
(5) equivalent radius of the material, m; t is the drying time, s; n is the
∑ ( )2
SSE = MRexp,i − MRpre,i
i=1 number of groups considered.
4 of 10 | SONG et al.

For materials with long drying time, the above equation can be 2.5.2 | Solubility
simplified to Equation (11):
) ( 2 ) The solubility of acerola cherry powder was determined by the
𝜋 Deff
6 method of Gong, Zhang, Mujumdar, and Sun (2008), with minor
lnMR = ln − t (11)
𝜋2 r2
modifications. One gram acerola cherry powder was dissolved in
100 ml of distilled water and stirred evenly. After the rehydrated
There, the slope (k) can be obtained from the linear regres- sample was centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for 5 min, 25 ml of supernatant
sion of lnMR versus time curves and the Deff can be obtained from was transferred to a dry glass container and then baked at 105°C for
Equation (12): 5 hr. The solubility of the powder was determined by the differential
weight method.
𝜋 2 Deff
k= (12)
2.6 | Determination of the nutrient composition
2.4 | Effects of antioxidants on the ascorbic
acid content 2.6.1 | Reducing sugar content

The effects of sodium sulfite, potassium sorbate, phytic acid, and The reducing sugar content in acerola cherry powder was deter-
polyphenols on the AA in acerola cherry were studied. The 0.02% mined according to the method described by AOAC (2006). Glucose
concentration of different antioxidants was applied to acerola was used to establish the standard curve and the absorption value
cherry, and then the treated samples were dried by three drying of the experimental sample was measured at 540 nm. The content of
techniques. The sample obtained from HAD was acerola cherry reducing sugar could be obtained by comparing it with the standard
dried at 70°C for 18 hr in a blast air oven. The sample obtained from curve.
VD was acerola cherry dried at 70°C for 18 hr in a vacuum drying
oven with a vacuum degree of 3,500 Pa. The sample obtained from
VFD was acerola cherry pre-frozen for 5 hr at −50°C and dried for 2.6.2 | Total sugar content
48 hr at 50°C in a vacuum freeze dryer. The dried samples obtained
from three drying techniques were put into a high-speed universal The total sugar content in acerola cherry powder was determined
pulverizer to make a powder (Liu et al., 2020). The AA content in according to the method described by AOAC (2006). Glucose was
acerola cherries was determined according to GB 5009.86-2016 used to establish the standard curve and the absorption value of the
(2016a). experimental sample was measured at 620 nm. The content of total
sugar could be obtained by comparing it with the standard curve.

2.5 | Physical characteristics

2.6.3 | Total acid content
2.5.1 | Rehydration capacity
The total acid content of acerola cherry powder was evaluated ac-
The powder of acerola cherry obtained from three drying techniques cording to GB/T 12456-2008 (2008), with minor modifications.
(HAD, VD, and VFD) was used to determine its rehydration capacity. About 25 g of acerola cherry powder was weighed to 0.001 g accu-
The rehydration of acerola cherry powder was determined by Chen racy, put into a 100 ml beaker. The boiled water at 80 °C was added
et al. (2017), with minor modifications. One gram acerola cherry and transferred to a 250 ml volumetric flask, followed by boiling
powder was placed in a 50 ml centrifuge tube and 20 ml of distilled (30 min), returned to room temperature. The boiled water was used
water was added, and then allowed to stand for 1 hr at room temper- to replenish up to 250 ml and then the filtrate was obtained by fil-
ature. The precipitate was obtained by centrifugation (4,000 rpm, tration. Twenty-five milliliters of the filtrate was weighed, put into a
25 min) and the mass of the precipitate was the mass of rehydration 250 ml conical flask. Fifty milliliters of boiled water and 0.2 ml of 1%
powder. The rehydration capacity (RC) of acerola cherry powder was phenolphthalein indicator were added. The sample was titrated with
calculated by the following formula: 0.1 mol/L of standard titration solution of sodium hydroxide to red-
dish color, maintaining fadeless for 30 s, and the volume (V1) of stand-
m − m1 ard titration solution of sodium hydroxide consumed was recorded.
RC (%) = 2 × 100 (13)
m2 The total acid content (X) was calculated using the following formula:

where m1 and m2 are the mass of acerola cherry powder before and
( )
C × V1 − V2 × K × F
X= × 1000 (14)
after rehydration, respectively. m
SONG et al. | 5 of 10

where c is the concentration of the standard titration solution of 0.0035 to 0.1397), χ2(from 0.00001 to 0.01812), SSE (0.00033
sodium hydroxide; V1 and V2 are the volumes of the standard titra- to 0.2537), and the constant coefficients of all models are shown
tion solution of sodium hydroxide consumed by the titration test and in Table 2. The Logaritmic model was the optimal model to de-
blank test, respectively; K is the conversion factor of the acid; F is scribe the drying behavior of HAD1, HAD3, VD1, MD2, and MD3.
the dilution factor of the test solution; m is the mass of the sample. The Two-term model was used to reasonably fit the experimental
data of HAD2, VD2, VD3, and MD1. The Logaritmic model was
previously used to predict the drying curves of sugarcane straw
2.7 | Statistical analysis (Rueda-Ordóñez, 2018), chrysanthemum (Wang et al., 2018).
The Two-term model has better representation for pear (Tang
The SPSS 22.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used to et al., 2016).
analyze the data systematically, then the multivariate nonlinear re- The internal moisture migration of acerola cherry during the
gression fitting was performed using Origin 8.0 software. One-way drying process can be explained by the Fick's second law. The Deff
ANOVA was performed to determine significant differences by the values of hot air drying were 1.74 × 10–10, 4.97 × 10–10, and 8.7 ×
Duncan's multiple range test. Comparisons among multiple groups 10–10 m2/s, vacuum drying were 4.6 × 10–10, 4.5 × 10–10, 1.02 ×
were made with two-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey's test. 10–9 m2/s and that of microwave drying were 2.93 × 10–8, 3.5 × 10–8,
p < .05 indicated a statistically significant difference. and 4.56 × 10–8 m2/s respectively. Some of these values did not
exist in the general range of 10–11 to 10–9 m2/s for a variety of foods
(Zielinska & Michalska, 2016), and the result was similar to those re-
3 | R E S U LT S A N D D I S CU S S I O N ported in carrot (Liu et al., 2019). The Deff increased with the increase
in temperature in the same drying method, and the Deff of vacuum
3.1 | Drying characteristics drying was higher than that of hot air drying at the same drying tem-
perature. The highest Deff of microwave drying was caused by the
The effects of three drying techniques on drying curves of acerola fact that microwaves had certain penetrability to the material and
cherry are shown in Figure 1a–c. The drying time shortened with heated the internal material, which was more conducive to the mois-
the increasing of drying temperature, and the high temperature, as ture diffusion.
an important factor in drying kinetics, can generate sufficient ther-
mal driving force and effectively promote the water diffusion (Deng
et al., 2018). Among them, the vacuum drying time of acerola cherry 3.3 | Effects of antioxidants on the ascorbic
to reach a constant weight at all temperatures was obviously shorter acid content
than that of hot air drying and the drying time of microwave drying
was the shortest under all power. The acerola cherries have abundant ascorbic acid but easily de-
The effects of three drying techniques on drying rate curves of stroyed by adverse factors such as high temperature or pressure in
acerola cherry are shown in Figure 1d–f. The rate of hot air drying the drying process. The effect of antioxidant on the AA content of
raised with an increase in the drying temperature and decreased with acerola cherries dried by the different drying methods is shown in
the extension of drying time. And the results were similar to those re- Figure 2. Two-way ANOVA was used to determine factors affecting
ported in blueberry (Zielinska & Michalska, 2016) and pumpkin slices the AA content including drying techniques and antioxidants. Three
(Seremet et al., 2016). The initial drying rate of vacuum drying reached drying techniques, different antioxidant treatments, and their inter-
the maximum at 80°C and then decreased rapidly to the constant actions had significant effects on AA levels (p < .001). The AA con-
speed stage with the increase in the temperature. In the initial stage, tent of acerola cherry powder obtained from vacuum drying and that
the drying rate of microwave drying rapidly increased to the peak and of vacuum freeze-drying was significantly different from that of hot
then directly entered the slow drying stage, without an obvious con- air drying. This was since AA was sensitive to oxidation and unstable
stant drying stage. Finally, the drying rate gradually flattened out to at high temperature for a long time (Deng et al., 2020), while the
zero. As shown in Figure 1, the drying rate of samples dried by micro- conditions of vacuum and low temperature could effectively protect
wave drying was faster than that of samples dried by vacuum drying the easily oxidized components and prevent their decomposition.
or hot air drying. The results also showed that phytic acid and tea polyphenols had
no significant effect on AA content and their antioxidant effect was
superior to other antioxidants under the three drying conditions.
3.2 | Mathematical model and Deff Among them, the AA content of acerola cherries powder without an-
tioxidant treatment in hot air drying and vacuum drying was higher
The four common mathematical models (Table 1) of fruit and vege- than that with antioxidant protection, which might be caused by the
tables were used to describe the drying kinetics of acerola cherry. dissolution of ascorbic in the water when acerola cherries were im-
The values of R 2 (varied from 0.8588 to 0.99986), RMSE (from mersed in the antioxidants.
6 of 10 | SONG et al.

(a) 1.0 (d) 0.015

0.8 0.012

/g water g dried matter-1 min-1

Moisture ratio
0.6 0.009

Drying rate
0.4 0.006

0.2 0.003

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
t (min) t(min)

(b) 1.0
(e) 0.020

0.8 0.016

/g water g dried matter-1 min-1

Moisture ratio

0.6 0.012

Drying rate
0.4 0.008

0.2 0.004

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
t (min) t (min)

(c) 1.0 (f) 1.0

560W 280W
420W 420W
0.8 280W 0.8
/g water g dried matter-1 min-1
Moisture ratio

0.6 0.6
Drying rate

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
t (min) t (min)

F I G U R E 1 Drying curves and drying rate curves of acerola cherry in different drying methods. (a) and (d) were drying curves and drying
rate curves of the hot air drying; (b) and (e) were drying curves and drying rate curves of the vacuum drying; (c) and (f) were drying curves
and drying rate curves of the microwave drying

3.4 | Rehydration and solubility In this study, the solubility of acerola cherry powder obtained from
vacuum freeze-drying was the best, while the solubility of acerola
The rehydration capacity is an important characteristic to measure cherry powder obtained by vacuum drying and hot air drying was
the quality of dried products, which can reflect the physical char- not significantly different. The long drying time of hot air might
acteristics of dried products, and the rehydration ability mainly de- damage the cell structure, resulting in the lower rehydration of ace-
pends on the drying methods and the material properties (Aral & rola cherry powder dried by hot air drying. The conditions such as
Beşe, 2016). The effects of different drying methods on the rehydra- vacuum and low temperature accelerated the moisture diffusion of
tion and solubility of acerola cherry powder are shown in Figure 3. the materials, which contributed to maintaining the porous structure
SONG et al. | 7 of 10

TA B L E 2 Regression results of drying models for acerola cherry under different drying conditions

Model No. R2 RMSE χ2 SSE k(k1) k2 b a(a1) a2

Newton HAD1 0.9477 0.06830 0.00484 0.12597 0.00121

HAD2 0.97289 0.05101 0.00272 0.05985 0.00225
HAD3 0.97079 0.05557 0.00328 0.05249 0.00358
VD1 0.93203 0.08739 0.00794 0.19855 0.00169
VD2 0.96514 0.05648 0.00334 0.07018 0.00212
VD3 0.93772 0.08396 0.00752 0.1128 0.00354
MD1 0.93443 0.08821 0.00815 0.17117 0.12579
MD2 0.93671 0.08662 0.00786 0.16505 0.13089
MD3 0.91695 0.09966 0.01048 0.18872 0.1226
Logaritmic HAD1 0.99986 0.00350 0.00001 0.00033 0.00035 −1.38785 2.38509
HAD2 0.99606 0.01944 0.0004 0.00869 0.00158 −0.18899 1.1964
HAD3 0.99117 0.03055 0.00113 0.01587 0.0029 −0.11403 1.15992
VD1 0.98645 0.03901 0.00172 0.03957 0.0010 −0.41409 1.4663
VD2 0.99438 0.02267 0.00060 0.01131 0.0012 −0.32852 1.29759
VD3 0.96832 0.05989 0.00441 0.05738 0.0026 −0.18733 1.22193
MD1 0.98681 0.03956 0.00181 0.03443 0.08379 −0.30397 1.3897
MD2 0.98575 0.04110 0.00196 0.03717 0.09147 −0.2625 1.35038
MD3 0.98819 0.03758 0.00168 0.02683 0.0571 −0.69603 1.76755
Henderson HAD1 0.9588 0.06301 0.00397 0.09924 0.00133 1.08561
and Pabis HAD2 0.97673 0.04946 0.00245 0.05137 0.00237 1.05884
HAD3 0.97718 0.05229 0.00273 0.04101 0.00383 1.07991
VD1 0.94857 0.07912 0.00626 0.1502 0.00189 1.12677
VD2 0.96647 0.0581 0.00338 0.06751 0.00219 1.03235
VD3 0.94402 0.0851 0.00724 0.1014 0.00379 1.079
MD1 0.95613 0.07567 0.00573 0.1145 0.14272 1.14924
MD2 0.9574 0.07453 0.00555 0.1111 0.14808 1.1474
MD3 0.94229 0.08783 0.00771 0.1311 0.14029 1.15108
Two Term HAD1 0.9384 0.08624 0.00797 0.1834 0.00018 0.00018 0.5438 0
HAD2 0.9963 0.01939 0.00038 0.00715 0.00097 0.00097 1,297 −1296
HAD3 0.8588 0.1397 0.01812 0.2537 0.00626 0.00626 0 1.248
VD1 0.9286 0.09734 0.00948 0.2085 0.00227 0.0027 1.213 0
VD2 0.9947 0.02429 0.00059 0.01062 0.0007 0.0007 −245.4 246.3
VD3 0.9699 0.0674 0.00454 0.05452 1.981 1.981 683.7 −683.5
MD1 0.9946 0.02811 0.00079 0.01422 0.2806 0.2806 0.00002 −0.00002
MD2 0.9295 0.1011 0.01022 0.1839 0.1844 0.1844 1.249 0
MD3 0.9421 0.09365 0.00877 0.1316 0.1427 0.1427 1.159 0

Note: HAD1, HAD2, and HAD3: 60, 70, and 80°C hot air drying; VD1, VD2, and VD3: 60, 70, and 80°C vacuum drying; MD1, MD2, and MD3: 280,
420, and 560 W microwave drying. The parameters of the optimal models were given in bold type.

of the sample, and thus improved the rehydration (Wang, Zhang, & reducing sugar and total sugar in both hot air drying and vacuum
Mujumdar, 2014). drying were lower than that of vacuum freeze-drying. Because of
the high temperature and long drying time of hot air drying, as well
as low temperature of vacuum drying and long drying time, the
3.5 | Nutrient composition Maillard reaction of acerola cherry was so serious that the sugar in
acerola cherry was lost. However, as vacuum freeze-drying is a kind
The effects of different drying methods on the nutrient contents of low-temperature drying, the Maillard reaction was not serious.
of acerola cherry powder are shown in Figure 4. The contents of Therefore, the saccharides were well preserved, and the total sugar
8 of 10 | SONG et al.

No antioxidants Reducing sugar

8000 Potassium sorbate Total sugar
a a 80
Total acid
Sodium sulfite
Polyphenols ab ab ab ab
Phytic acid b b 70 c

Total sugar and Total acid (mg/g)

Ascorbic Acid (mg/100g)

6000 ab
c c

Reducing sugar
50 b
4000 c
a 40
a a b
ab 30
b a

F I G U R E 2 Effects of the four antioxidants on the AA content of
acerola cherry dried by different drying methods (two-way ANOVA F I G U R E 4 The reducing sugar, total sugar, and total acid content
followed by the Tukey's test; drying method F(2,30) = 1,062.103, of acerola cherry powder prepared by different drying methods.
p < .001; antioxidant F(4,30) = 19.556, p < .001; interaction F(8,30) HAD: hot air drying; VD: vacuum drying; VFD: vacuum freeze-
= 7.754, p < .001; n = 3 for each group). HAD: hot air drying; VD: drying. Analysis of variance followed by the Duncan's multiple
vacuum drying; VFD: vacuum freeze-drying. Values with different range test. Values with different letters at the different drying
letters at the different drying methods are significantly different methods are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Solubility 4 | CO N C LU S I O N
250 b
In this study, the effects of three drying methods (HAD, VD, MD) on
200 the drying characteristics and kinetics of acerola cherry were evalu-
ated. The MD method required less drying time than HAD and VD.
Rehydration %
Solubility %

150 a The moisture diffusion was accelerated with the increase in tem-
perature, which improved the drying speed and shortened the dry-
100 ing time. Acerola cherry powder obtained from VD and VFD was
a a significantly different from that of HAD in terms of AA content, and
50 phytic acid and tea polyphenols had a better protective effect on AA
than other antioxidants under three drying conditions. The rehydra-
0 tion and solubility of acerola cherry powder prepared by VFD were
significantly different from that by HAD and VD. The reducing sugar
F I G U R E 3 Rehydration and solubility of acerola cherry powder and total sugar of acerola cherry powder were higher than that of
prepared by different drying methods. HAD: hot air drying; VD: other drying methods, and the acerola cherry powder obtained by
vacuum drying; VFD: vacuum freeze-drying. Analysis of variance VD had the highest total acid content. The results of this study pro-
followed by the Duncan's multiple range test. Values with different vide a theoretical basis for the drying technology of acerola cherry
letters at the different drying methods are significantly different
and the development of dried products of acerola cherry.
(p < 0.05)

The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
content was high (Zhou et al., 2014). The total acid content of ace- of China (No. 31960678) and the Natural Science Foundation of
rola cherry powder dried by vacuum freeze-drying and hot air dry- Hainan Province (ZDYF2019077).
ing was significantly lower than that of vacuum drying, indicating
that vacuum drying was beneficial to the preservation of acids in C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
acerola cherry powder. Similar results had been reported in jujube The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.
powder (Zhou et al., 2014). In addition, as an acid, the loss of ascorbic
acid also affected the total acid content of acerola cherry powder. AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
Compared with that dried by hot air drying, the acerola cherry pow- Bei Song, Haisheng Tan, and Jinsong Yang contributed to the concep-
der dried by vacuum drying and vacuum freeze-drying has higher tion of this research; Bei Song performed the experiments; Bei Song
ascorbic acid, so that the total acid content was also higher. and Haisheng Tan made important contributions to the analysis and
SONG et al. | 9 of 10

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