Class Debate ID2 v2

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Moderator: Chin Vanna

Team (Speaking Ability)
Team (Listening Ability)
Team (Writing Ability)
Team I (Listening Ability)
1. Seng Panhareach (Team Leader)
2. Him Rathanka
3. Thue Matin
4. Pich Monyroth

Team II (Speaking Ability)

1. Him Kakrona (Team Leader)
2. Han Sing
3. Tery Sokheang

Team III (Writing Abilty)

1. Ensy (Team Leader)
2. Theit Sovann Niza
3. Seng Nita



Good evening students, good evening teachers.

MODERATOR: Welcome to tonight debate on the topic of ‘’Which is
the most important language skill, listening ability,
speaking ability or writing ability?

My name is Chin Vnna, and I will be your moderator

this evening.
Before we get started let me introduce our debate teams,
on the side of speaking ability, we have
1.Him Kakrona as the team leader and
2. Han Sing,
3.Tery Sokeang as his team members. On the side of
listening ability, we have
1. Seng Panhareach as the team leader,
2. Him Rothanak,
3. Thue Mathin and
4. Pich Monyroth as his team members.
While on the side of writing ability we have
1. Ensy as the team leader.
3. Seng Nita and
4. Thet Sovannisa as her team members.

All teams put in a great deal of effort to prepare for

tonight’s debate, and we can expect to see some
insightful thought, provoking arguments from all sides.
But first, let’s give all the teams a round of applause
(Stop and wait for the audience applause)

And with that, let’s begin the debate. I’ll turn the floor
over to the affirmative team who will be presenting their
opening arguments.

MODERATOR: First speaker, please welcome to Seng Panhareach

TEAM 1: (Stop and wait for the audience applause)

Seng Panhareach, you have 2 minutes to present your

opening remarks
Seng Panhareach
1st debater Introduction
Now for the next team Ensy, you have 2 minutes to
present your opening arguments.
MODERATOR: Introduction of Ensy

Now for the last team, Him Kakrona, you also have 2
minutes present your argument.
Introduction of Kakrona
Since, we are out of time, in one minute what is your
main message that you would like to audience to take
( S AY I T A F T E R E A C H T E A M Let us hear first form Ensy
I N F O R M AT I O N )
Conclusion (Read)
Panhareach, you may say as well your closing remark
Conclusion (Read)
Lastly, Kakrona your conclusion, please present it for

KAKRONA: Conclusion (Read)

Thank you, debaters, for your insightful and thought,

provoking arguments on the topic ‘’What is the most
MODERATOR: important language skill, listening ability, speaking
ability or writing ability? It has been a lively and
informative debate, and we appreciate your time and
effort preparing for tonight.

As we come to a close and before I give the result of this

MODERATOR: debate about what’s the most valuable/important
language skill I would like to briefly summarize the key
points that were made through out the debate.
1. Speaking with confidence will let you express
TEACHER MYRA your thoughts and communicate in conversations
(CONCLUSION) and presentations what makes it different to other
language skill it’s the phonetic side of language
- okay about

2. Writing – writing allows you to text or write, as

well as send e-mails, and prepare reports, which
are essential in the workplace and it even created a
history. What makes it different to other language
skill it’s the phonetic-cum -graphic side of a
3. Now the listening ability listening will help you
better understand what’s going around you.
Remember to be a good speaker you need to be a
good listener. So, the difference it makes to the
other language skill it is the linguistic side of the
language. We can say also that all this language
skill has mental, psychologies effects.
Ask the student/audience participation. By asking them
which team they voted for.
My conclusion to this the four-language skill of
listening, speaking, writing and reading are important in
order to improve everyday life communicative
interactions. Yes, you’ll need to improve all of these
skills, Because, that’s the real secret here. If you know
how to speak well but your listening skills are low you
won’t be able to have good conversation. Being a poor
writer or reader shuts you out of most online
communication and opportunities.

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