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Granby Colleges of Science and Technology

Physical Education 4
1st Lesson: Definition of Dance and Dances from the Past
1. To learn the definition of dance.
2. To learn the:
a. The Dance from Prehistoric Period
b. Dance during the ancient civilization
c. Dance during the Middle Ages and renaissance

Dance is an activity which can take many forms and fill many different
needs. It can be recreation, entertainment, education, therapy, and religion.
In its purest and most basic form, dance is art, the art of body movement.
Dance can also be considered recreational activity that can develop our physical,
mental, social, and emotional health.
Dance teaches the importance of movement and fitness in a variety of ways
through a variety of disciplines. As well, dancers learn to coordinate muscles to
move through proper positions. Dancing is a great activity to pursue at almost
any age provided you are in proper health to handle the rigors of
dancing for life. Health-related fitness assessment helps make the link between
physical activity and fitness.
The true meaning of dance from different perspective as well as learn the
history of dance to fully understand its significance to a person. Self-assessment of
health-related fitness (HRF) status will be conducted in order to determine barriers
to participation in dance-related activities.
What is Dance?
Dance comes from the German word damson, which means “to stretch or “to drag”.
It developed as a natural expression of united feeling and action. Dance is
considered the mirror of the society because it responds to historical and religious
events as well as social and political statements.
Although there have been immense comparative differences in period and culture,
people still dance mainly for four reasons: (a) to please gods; (b) to please others;
(c) to please themselves; and (d) to build community within an ethnic group or
social interaction.
History and Development of Dance from the Different Periods

 Dance During the Prehistoric Period

 It had been a major form of religious ritual and social expression within
primitive culture.
 It was used as a way of expression and reinforcing tribal unity and
 It is based on superstition and infused with magic. Shamans as lead
dancers acted as physicians and religious leaders and kept tribes
healthy, prosperous and safe.

 Dance During the Ancient Civilization

 Ancient Egypt.
 3,300 BCE (First Dancing). It is believed that the first people to
dance were the Egyptians. Archaeologists discovered paintings of
dancing figures in rock shelters and caves.
 As a way of expressing religious service and teaching ancient
myth, three (3) major dancers were evolved:
(1) the king;
(2) the priests who performed magical dances;
(3) virgin dancers who were trained to perform during
ceremonies led by the priests.
 Ancient Crete.
 The Cretan civilization (3000-1400 BC) was a cultural link in the
ancient world between Egyptians and Greeks.
 Cretans used dance to perfect their military training which made
 Ancient Greece.
 Dance was not just for religious and military training but also a
form of entertainment and display.
 Plato immensely gave importance to dance in education as stated in
the education on the Laws. He highlighted the two kinds of dance
and music: the noble (fin and honorable) and the ignoble (imitating
what is mean or ugly).
 Ancient Rome.
 Gave less importance to dancing which eventually became an
integral part of the corruption in the latter days of the Roman
Empire resulting in the condemnation of dance by early

Dance was primarily performed for religious, social and entertainment.

However, theatrical entertainment was prohibited but still existed and was
performed within church during religious ceremonies.
 Dance During the Middle Ages and The Renaissance
 1400 (Ballet Comes into Play). Ballet started in this year in Italy, but
didn’t really become popular until around the year 1500. Ballet
gained its popularity when a lady of the arts, Catherine de Medici,
married King Henry 11 and threw festivals where they would perform
ballet dances. Ballet is believed to be the main core of every single
dance style.
 A vast dance movement occurred throughout the courts of Europe
in the 15th and 16th centuries. During these times, new court
dances performed by the nobility came about as well as the rise of
the art of ballet in Italy and France.

Several other dance forms continued to sprout and spread across several

Activity 1
Direction: Answer the following questions.

1) What is Dance?
2) What are the four reasons why people dance?
3) Who are the first people to dance?
4) Who discovered paintings of dancing figures in rock shelters and
5) List down the three major dancers that evolved:
6) What was a cultural link in the ancient world between Egyptians and
7) In what for do Cretans used dance?
8) In Ancient Greece, what is dance?
9) What are the two kinds of dance and music that Plato highlighted?
10) It started in year (1400) in Italy, but didn’t really become popular until
around the year 1500.
11) Who is Catherine de Medici?
12) What movement occurred throughout the courts of Europe in the
15th and 16th centuries?

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