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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2958495, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Dynamic Model of the DC Fault Clearing Process of

a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter Considering
Commutations of the Fault Current
Shukai Xu, Senior Member, IEEE , Qiang Song, Senior Member, IEEE, Yuebin Zhou, Jingwei Meng, Wenbo Yang,
Biao Zhao Member, IEEE, Rong Zeng, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract– Hybrid modular multilevel converter that consists of an inherent dc fault blocking capability but also have the
a combination of half-bridge submodules and full-bridge unique advantage of utilizing the negative voltage states of
submodules (FBSMs) can block dc fault current. However, in the FBSMs to extend the ac-side output voltage range and obtain
case of distant bulk power transmission, the large excess energy an adjustable dc link voltage [9]–[11]. A hybrid MMC that
that stored in the long-distance line will greatly affect the fault
consists of a combination of FBSMs and HBSMs uses fewer
clearing time and FBSM capacitor overvoltage. During the fault
clearing process, several commutations of the fault current from semiconductor devices and entails a lower power loss [12]–
one arm to another may occur during the fault clearing process. [13]. In the Wudongde ±800 kV HVDC project, hybrid
A dynamic model, in which the commutations of the fault MMCs have been chosen as the receiving-end converters to
current are considered, is proposed to describe the fault clearing ensure the dc fault clearing capability.
process after converter blocking in precise detail. The fault The dc fault handling of hybrid MMCs is usually
clearing time and FBSM overvoltage can be exactly estimated. implemented by the converter blocking approach [12]–[13].
The analytical analysis model is verified by the simulation and However, the impacts of long-distance lines on the dc fault
experimental results. clearing process are still not well explored. The FBSM
Index Terms—voltage-sourced converter-based high-voltage
capacitor overvoltage caused by the large excess energy that
DC (VSC-HVDC), hybrid modular multilevel converter, dc
short-circuit fault, dc fault clearing. stored in the long-distance line is revealed and estimated in
[14], where the worst-case FBSM overvoltage is estimated by
I. INTRODUCTION assuming that the energy needs to be absorbed by two arms.
However, because the large line inductance results in a long
THE voltage-sourced converter-based high-voltage direct
current (HVDC) transmission system has been
fault-clearing time, several commutations of the fault current
from one arm to another may occur during the fault clearing
increasingly applied in recent years [1]–[3]. Modular process. This greatly complicate the dynamics of the fault
multilevel converters (MMCs) have become an attractive current clearing process. In order to guide the design of the
solution to receiving-end converters in long-distance bulk- converter parameters and fault-clearing strategy, a more exact
power HVDC transmission systems because MMCs are not at dynamic model of the fault-clearing process is needed.
risk for commutation failures. For example, an ±800 kV In this study, a dynamic model of the fault-clearing process
HVDC project in China is set to be commissioned in 2020 to after converter blocking is proposed. In the proposed model,
transmit bulk power from the Wudongde Hydropower Station the commutations of the fault current are considered to
to the Pearl River Delta region through 1500 km overhead describe the fault-clearing process in detail. The impacts of
lines. As a solution to instability problems in the receiving- line distance and the number of FBSMs in each arm on the
end grid resulting from commutation failures, ±800 kV/5000 fault-clearing time and the FBSM overvoltage are
MW and ±800 kV/3000 MW MMCs are employed in the two comprehensively analyzed and can be exactly estimated.
The half-bridge submodule (HBSMs)-based MMC cannot II. DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE DC FAULT CLEARING
clear the dc fault by itself. Various new submodule (SM) PROCESS THROUGH CONVERTER BLOCKING
topologies based on clamp circuits, such as clamp-double The total number of submodules in each arm is N. Each arm
SMs [4], cross-connected SMs [5]–[6], diode clamp SMs [7] , comprises Nfb FBSMs, and the other submodules are HBSMs
and unipolar-voltage full-bridge SMs [8] have been proposed. to provide a dc fault blocking capability. The proportion of
Full-bridge submodule (FBSM)-based MMCs not only have FBSMs in an arm is defined as follows:
Manuscript received September 26, 2019; revised November 7, 2019; fb = fb . (1)
accepted December 3, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National N
Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2016YFB0901002 and in part by Fig. 1(a) shows an example of the fault current loop after
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51577101.
(Corresponding author: Qiang Song.)
converter blocking. The capacitor voltages of the FBSMs
S. Xu and Y. Zhou are with the Electric Power Research Institute of China generate reverse voltages to block the fault current. In Fig. 1,
Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China (e-mail:; x and y are used to denote the phase legs of the upper and lower arms in the fault current loop, respectively, where x=a,
Q. Song, J. Meng, W. Yang, B. Zhao and R. Zeng are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-
b, c, y=a, b, c, and x≠y; and ufb_x_p and ufb_y_p denote the sum
mail:;; ywb9375@126. of all the FBSM capacitor voltages in the upper and lower
com;; arms, respectively. The equivalent inductance in this circuit

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2958495, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Fig. 1. Fault current loop during DC fault clearance: (a) fault current loop,
(b) equivalent circuit.
can be expressed as follows:
Leq = 2 Lc + Lline , (2) Fig. 2. Diagram of the fault clearing process.

where Lc is the arm inductance and Lline is the equivalent with simulation results will show that it is still accurate
lumped inductance of the dc line from the MMC to the short- enough to estimate the fault clearing time and the worst-case
circuit point. The equivalent resistance can be expressed as capacitor overvoltage in engineering practice.
follows: The state variables ufb_x_p and ufb_y_n in (4), which denote the
Req = Rsc + Rline , (3) total FBSM capacitor voltages of the inserted arms, are
discontinuous when commutation occurs and a new arm is
where Rsc is the short-circuit resistance and Rline is the
inserted. To solve the discontinuity problem, this study
equivalent lumped resistance of the dc line.
proposes a dynamic model by dividing the dynamic process
As illustrated in Fig. 1(b), before the current decreases to
into several stages according to the cross-points of the three-
zero, the equivalent circuit is a second-order RLC circuit.
phase ac voltages. At the beginning of each stage, one of the
The dynamics of this circuit is described as follows:
two arms in the fault current loop is replaced by a newly

 Leq dt + Req idc (t ) = − ( ufb_x_p (t ) + ufb_y_n (t ) − (us_x − us_y ) )
didc (t )
inserted arm. The summed FBSM capacitor voltage of the
 , (4) newly inserted arm in each stage is denoted by ufb(k)(t), where
C dufb_x _ p (t ) = C dufb_y_n (t ) = i (t ) k denotes the stage number. The summed FBSM capacitor
 eq dt
voltage of the already inserted arm is ∆U(k) higher than that of
where the newly inserted arm because it has been charged by the
Csm fault current in the previous stage. In each stage, the voltage
,Ceq = (5) increase speeds of the two inserted arms are identical.
N fb
Therefore, using ufb(k)(t) and idc(k)(t) as the state variables, the
where Csm is the submodule capacitance. The diodes in the dynamics in the k-th stage can be expressed as follows:
fault current loop prevent the current flow in the reverse
 didc(k ) (t )
direction. Thus, the dc fault current is cleared as soon as the  Leq + Req idc(k ) (t ) = − ( 2ufb(k ) (t ) + U (k ) − 1.35U s )
fault current decreases to zero. dt
 , (6)
The three-phase ac voltages play a dominant role in  C dufb(k ) (t ) = i (t )
eq dc(k )
determining which arms will be inserted in the fault current dt
loop. A practical way is to assume that the fault current will where 0≤t<T1/6 and T1 is the line frequency period. us_x−us_y
flow through the upper arm in the phase leg with the highest in (4) is the three-phase uncontrolled rectifier voltage, as
instantaneous ac voltage and through the lower arm in the indicated in Fig. 2. It is approximated using the ideal no-load
phase leg with the lowest instantaneous ac voltage. As dc voltage of the six-pulse rectifier as expressed as follows:
illustrated in Fig. 2, at each cross-point of the instantaneous
3 2
three-phase ac voltages, the fault current commutates from us_x − us_y  U s  1.35U s , (7)
one arm to another. It should be noted that the commutation π
cannot be completed instantaneously in real system because where Us is the root mean square value of the line–line grid
of the arm inductance. The commutation overlap angle is voltages.
determined by the arm inductance, the fault current and the Equation (6) is the differential equation of a typical second-
capacitor voltages. However, owing to the complexity of the order RLC circuit. The attenuation coefficient and the
exact modeling of the commutation overlap effects, the attenuated oscillation angular frequency can be calculated as:
commutation overlap is not considered in Fig. 2. Comparison

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2958495, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Req / 2 Req
2( Leq / 2) 2 Leq Parameters Value
Rated capacity (PN) 2500 MW
1 Rated DC link voltage (UdcN) 800 kV
d = − 2 . (9) Rated DC link current (IdcN) 3125 A
1 Rated AC side voltage (UacN) 488 kV
Leq Ceq Arm inductance (Lc) 80 mH
Number of SMs in one arm (N) 400
The solution of (6) in the k-th stage can be expressed as: Rated DC voltage of SM (Uc) 2000 V
 − t
1.35U s − U (k ) SM capacitance (Csm) 18 mF
ufb(k ) (t ) = Ae sin(d t +  ) + Distance of the overhead linesc (D) 1500 km
 2 . (10) Line inductance 1 mH/ km
 idc(k ) (t ) = −Ceq A e− t sin(d t +  ) + Ceqd Ae− t cos(d t +  ) Line Resistance 0.004 Ω/ km
 Short-circuit Resistance (Rsc) 0Ω
The coefficients in (10) can be calculated as follows:
illustrated in Fig. 2. The duration that each arm can be
1.35U s − U (k ) 
 inserted into the fault current loop is up to two stages, and the
 U 0(k ) (0) −  fault current decreases stage by stage. Fig. 2 shows an
 2 
A= 2
, (11) example of the worst scenario of FBSM overvoltage. In this
 RC  1.35U s − U (k )   L scenario, converter blocking occurs at a cross-point of the
+  I 0(k ) +  U 0(k ) (0) −  
2L  2   2C three-phase ac voltage. Consequently, one of the arms is

charged during the entire first two stages, and the FBSM
1.35U s − U (k ) overvoltage of this arm is the highest. Therefore, if the fault
U 0(k ) (0) −
 = arcsin( 2 ). (12) clearing time is less than T1, the maximum FBSM voltage can
A be estimated as follows:
The fault current is continuous, and its initial value in each  ufb(1) (Tclear ) , when Tclear  T1 / 6
stage is the end value of the previous stage: 
U fb_max =  U (2) + ufb(2) (Tclear ) , when T1 / 6  Tclear  T1 / 3 (18)
 I 0(1) (0) = I peak U + u (T / 6) , when T / 3  T  T
 . (13)  (2)
 I 0(k ) (0) = idc(k −1) (T1 / 6) , when k  1
fb(2) 1 1 clear 1

If the fault clearing time is greater than T1, the FBSM

If an arm is inserted into the fault current loop for the first capacitor in each arm is charged again when t> T1. In this
time, the initial value of the summed FBSM capacitor voltage case, the overvoltage should be accumulated.
of this arm is its rated value, which is expressed as follows:
U 0(k ) (0) = NfbU c = fbU dcN , (14) III. SIMULATION
where Uc is the rated SM capacitor voltage. The voltage The current ±800 kV MMC-HVDC project in China is used
difference, ∆U(k), in the k-th stage is the voltage rise of the as the case study. Two 400 kV/1250 MW hybrid MMCs are
already inserted arm in the previous stage and can be series connected to form an 800 kV/2500 MW MMC, which
calculated as follows: is used as the pole of a receiving-end converter. For simplicity,
 U (1) = 0 the two series-connected 400 kV/1250 MW converters are

 T1 . (15) considered one 800 kV/2500 MW converter in this case study,
U (k ) = ufb(k −1) ( 6 ) − N fbU c , when1  k  6 and the main parameters are illustrated in Table I. The
Equations (10)–(15) provide practical time domain solutions simulation model of the 800 kV/2500 MW hybrid MMC was
for each stage of the fault clearing process. The dc fault built and simulated using PSCAD/EMTDC The hybrid MMC
current and the FBSM voltage can be solved stage by stage was operated in the constant dc link voltage control mode
using these equations, and then the fault-clearing time and the before the fault occurred and was transmitting an active power
FBSM overvoltage can also be estimated. of 800 MW.
According to (10), if the next commutation is ignored, the Fig. 3 illustrates the simulated waveforms of the fault
time that the current decreases to zero relative to the clearing process of the blocking approach when the FBSM
beginning of each stage can be calculated as follows: proportion was ηfb=0.5. A dc fault occurred at t0, and the fault
location was 1500 km away from the MMC. Then, the fault
arctan (d /  ) − 
Tzero(k ) = . (16) current increased, and the overcurrent protection was
d triggered to block the converter when the dc current exceeded
If Tzero(k) is less than T1/6 for a certain stage, then the dynamic the threshold (i.e., 4 kA) at time t1, as depicted in Fig. 3(a). In
process can be finished in this stage, and the fault current accordance with the analysis in Section II. A, the fault current
clearing time can be estimated as follows: commutated from one arm to another at each cross-point of
T arctan (d /  ) −  the instantaneous three-phase ac voltages, as illustrated in
Tclear = (k − 1) 1 + . (17) Figs. 3(b) and (c). The commutation overlap, which is not
6 d considered in the analytical model, can be observed in Figs.
During the fault current clearing process, the six arms are 3(b) and (c). As depicted in Fig. 3(d), the FBSM capacitors in
inserted into the fault current loop alternately with the the six arms were charged alternately with the commutation
variations of the three-phase ac voltages, and the FBSM from one arm to another. As illustrated in Fig. 3, converter
capacitors in the inserted arms are charged alternately, as blocking occurred at the cross-point instant of usc and usb.

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2958495, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Parameters Value
Rated dc link voltage (UdcN) 200 V
Rated dc link current (IdcN) 6.7 A
Rated ac side voltage (UacN) 100 V
Arm inductance (Lc) 5 mH
Number of SMs in one arm (N) 4
Rated dc voltage of SM (Uc) 50 V
SM capacitance (Csm) 1.0 mF
Line inductance 315 mH
Line Resistance 1.2 Ω
Short-circuit Resistance (Rsc) 0Ω

Fig. 5. Experimental waveforms of the fault clearing process.

process and estimate the fault clearing time and the worst-case
FBSM capacitor voltages in engineering practice.

Fig. 3. Simulated waveforms of the fault clearing process when ηfb=0.5 IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
and D=1500 km.
Experiments were performed on an MMC prototype to
verify the proposed dynamic model. The main parameters of
the experimental system are listed in Table II. All the SMs in
the experimental prototype are FBSMs. Prior to the
occurrence of the dc fault, the MMC prototype operated as a
rectifier and the dc output voltage was 180 V. A 30 Ω resistor
was connected to the dc-side of the MMC to simulate the
normal dc load. Then, the dc lines were short-circuited and
the dc inductance between the MMC and the short-circuit
point was 315 mH. The overcurrent protection was triggered
Fig. 4. Curves of fault clearing time and the FBSM capacitor
overvoltage of the converter blocking approach. to block the converter when the dc current exceeded 13.3 A.
Because of the limitation of the number of channels of the
Therefore, the FBSM capacitors in the lower arm of phase C
scope, four FBSM voltages in different arms and the dc fault
were charged during the entire first two stages. Consequently,
current were selected to be recorded. As illustrated in Fig. 5,
the FBSMs in this arm had the largest overvoltages during the
after converter blocking, the dc fault current decreased and
fault clearing process. The simulated result of the fault
the FBSM capacitors in the six arms were charged alternately
clearing process illustrated in Fig. 3 is consistent with the
with the fault current commutated from one arm to another.
dynamic model presented in Section II.
This phenomenon is fairly correspondent with the theoretical
To verify the proposed model for estimating the fault
analysis and simulation results. As depicted in Fig. 5, the
clearing time and FBSM overvoltages, numerous simulations
fault clearing time and FBSM overvoltages are 9.2 ms and
on various cases of FBSM proportion and fault distance were
70%, respectively, which are all correspondent with the
conducted. The simulated fault clearing times for various
theoretically calculated results.
FBSM proportions under the fault distance of 1500 km are
illustrated in Fig. 4(a). The obtained FBSM overvoltages are
illustrated in Fig. 4(b). The simulation results are consistent
with the analytically calculated values using the proposed In long-distance overhead line applications, the impact of
models. Although the commutation overlap effects are not line inductance on fault clearing time and FBSM overvoltage
included in the analytical model, the comparison between the must be considered. In this study, a detailed dynamic model
analytically calculated and simulated results shows that the of the dc fault current clearing process of hybrid MMCs after
accuracy is acceptable to understand the fault current clearing converter blocking is proposed. The fault clearing process can

0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2958495, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

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0885-8993 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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